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Anyone getting ready to start Radiation in Fall 2016?



  • joanie84
    joanie84 Member Posts: 6

    My first radiation was today. It went well. It was very quick. 19 more to go. I'm thinking the week before Thanksgiving and the week of will probably be the toughest. My treatment center is closed for Thanksgiving and the day after so I will be going in on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. It will be 9 doses with only 1 day off but then I will get 4 days for Thanksgiving before I finish my final week.

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526

    The standard is 45-60 Units of radiation. Not sure how they decide who gets what. I was stage IIA, no node involvement, and got the full 60. Maybe because I'm triple negative.

  • joanie84
    joanie84 Member Posts: 6

    This is a link to some of the factors that determines how much radiation therapy they prescribe.

    I am getting over 4000 rads over 15 sessions and 1000 rad boost at the surgical site for the last 5.

  • Licata519
    Licata519 Member Posts: 30

    hello, all, I have followed this thread for a while, and now I'm getting ready to start, I'm going to join in the conversation. My dry run is on Tuesday, and I start on Wednesday, but they have given me no specifics except a parking pass which expires on December 29. With all of the talk of fatigue, how soon do I need to get my Christmas presents done and wrapped??

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    Welcome Licata :) I am 11/25 and not really feeling any major fatigue yet.

    I have a day off tomorrow while my machine has maintenance done, but still have to pop in to have my skin wrap checked. I've started cold cloth-ing as well, 3x day.

  • Babinka
    Babinka Member Posts: 1

    I'm with you and Joanie84, I will start radiation 11/16 for 4 weeks. Reading up to prepare myself for what's ahead.

  • Marlenelin
    Marlenelin Member Posts: 49

    I started proton radiation last Thursday. Had my third of 38 treatments last night. Treatment takes anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes depending on how fast they can do the positioning. I find I have a hard time swallowing being flat on my back for so long and have very little saliva. Causes me to feel like I am having a panic attack. I can handle the 30 minute session ok with drugs, but longer than that is really hard for me. Going to pick up some biotin stray and see if that helps. I have had a cold and that has dried me out even more. I've been so anxious since chemo. Taxol was very tough on me and onco stopped it at 2 out of 4 sessions because I developed neuropathy. Hope everyone does well. I am stage 3c. 14 out of 20 malignant lymph nodes that went through the walls. IDC Grade 2 ER PR positive Her2 neg. Take care Marlene

  • s1d1c1u1
    s1d1c1u1 Member Posts: 48

    thereisnode… I'm doing pretty darn good! Getting back to work has been wonderful, but does leave me really exhausted by 6pm. That's why I haven't been around much these last two weeks. I have fallen asleep in the middle of conversations! Skin has healed up well. I only had some peeling, but you can't even tell that I went through rads anymore. Amazing how quickly you bounce back.

    I go back to see my medical oncologist next friday. For some reason, I'm really excited about that lol

    Hope all is going well with everyone. So many new faces here. I wish you all the best. Rads ended up being much easier and faster than expected. Hope it works out that way for you guys.


  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526

    Licata, the fatigue from rads is not at all like hot fatigue from chemo. With rads, I just needed a nap in the afternoon and was otherwise fine. I still take one every few days, but not every day. I finished on 10/14. I still have a tan on the rad side.

  • Licata519
    Licata519 Member Posts: 30

    one more day until dry run. Lovemyvizsla, I'm hoping I will be as fortunate. I still wake up every night with heart palpitations.

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    I just finished 4 of 25... starting to take my aloe with me to put on right away, it started burning the 2nd day, but otherwise i could almost sleep through it..

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526

    Licata, Pretty soon you will wonder what you were so nervous about. Hang in there.

  • Miko
    Miko Member Posts: 198

    hope all goes for you Babinka. I like you will start rad in December following lumpectomy on 11/17. From what I can tell from posts here, it will be ok. Hang in ther

  • Dizzybee
    Dizzybee Member Posts: 115

    And I think I will be starting rads in December too, just waiting for the date for the planning session. I'll have 15 sessions, and I'm guessing may be finishing just in time for Christmas.

    This has been a long slow journey, the dodgy mammogram was early June. So I just want to get on with this and get it done, I'll be glad to have the support of this board as we go.

  • Michelle_in_cornland
    Michelle_in_cornland Member Posts: 1,233

    Insomnia anyone?

  • Terri17
    Terri17 Member Posts: 8

    Yes, I've had insomnia but I haven't been sleeping well since my diagnosis. At my radiation facility, they offer Reiki and Reflexology at no cost for patients. I've tried them both before or after treatment and they are amazing!! I'd encourage you all to see if this is something that is offered at your facility. Both of them relax you and bring a sense of calm over you that I can't explain. Last night I had reflexology before rads and slept the best I have in months.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Well, 2/35 rads now done. Had my sim and first treatment yesterday. Today was super quick and easy. There were several people in the waiting room who were very nice and we chatted before I was called. I tried a different deodorant on Monday, nothing since then, but have a rash under my left arm that I'm trying to get rig of. the room has a nice panel of a tropical island on the ceiling that's lighted and they also play music. I have the same two techs every day and they are just so nice. Will see RO each Monday. They don't have me holding my breath which surprised me. My RO said he'd rather control the placement with heart and lungs with the machines so it can be more precise. (I still find I hold my breath when the actual rads start.)

    I have a really early appt. which is hard to get up for, but really nice that then I have the whole day ahead. No SEs nor insomnia yet. I did also start Arimidex yesterday so I'll see if any SEs occur with that. I thought of waiting so I could tell what might give me SEs, but I also wanted the estrogen to be blocked as quickly as possible. Keeping fingers crossed!

    Judy, I can't believe your skin is burned after just two sessions! Curious what your RO said today. Maybe it's the stronger dose dense rad? I'm super fair skin and have psoriasis so my skin is pretty sensitive.

  • boobsBgone
    boobsBgone Member Posts: 34

    10/25 today and looking forward to the ending. no real SE yet, just being tired and depressed (apparently that is what happens with all the drugs they give us and mess up our insides).

    My lymphodema therapist was happy I am being proactive. She says once you get it, there is no cure and you just have to treat it from getting bad. I have seen a few people in the office that have it bad and I do not want that. So if you have not gone to see one yet, I recommend it. I am to get my sleeve soon to wear to help avoid lymphodema.

    My cancer center has a social worker to chat with to help give me resources for my emotions. She has been wonderful and I am glad I found her to talk to. Now if i could just get my filing done, things would be better (cannot see my desk at all) LOL

    Have a bright day full of butterflies and kittens!

  • bagsharon
    bagsharon Member Posts: 142

    I had my last chemo infusion today. My simulation is scheduled for the 22nd and actual radiation stars the following Monday, the 28th. Since I'm getting only 19 treatments, I calculate that I will be finished December the 22nd. Best Christmas present ever! And all on the same deductible/out-of-pocket.

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Dara, I see the RO on thursdays, so will see what he says after treatment.. I can't use the emu oil, it went bad, but they will give me something to replace it. I take the Aloe with me so I can put it on right away.. it helps

  • Terri17
    Terri17 Member Posts: 8

    Hello all,

    Does anyone have breast pain from radiation. Mine is getting pink now and is a bit sore/painful. Just curious. Thanks.

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    Hi Terri. I know you're farther ahead of me, but I just had my 3rd. I asked today if they ever do double dose rads as so many people on this thread have fewer numbers of tx. They said that they prefer to space them out so we don't have as many SEs as with the double dose. They remarked that Canada is doing the fewer tx, but I'm seeing so many here in the states. I am scheduled for 35 (28 reg and 8 boosts). They said I'm getting 200 (something each treatment. So far, no pain or redness.

  • boobsBgone
    boobsBgone Member Posts: 34

    Bagsharon: Yeah for ending chemo. and being done by Christmas even better.

    Terri: I just finished 10/25 rads and no real redness or soreness yet. Sometimes pain can be from the incision too - I have been talking to lymphodema therapist to make sure I have no additional problems and she mentioned that the pain sometimes can come from the scar tissue at the incision. Keep hydrated with lotion as well. and talk to the RO letting him know it is getting tender.

    Happy healing everyone.

  • amusingsoprano
    amusingsoprano Member Posts: 77

    Terri I am 13/25 and I have internal breast pain like stabbing needles, which I'm guessing is from scar tissue, but also have developed tenderness in that breast which I'm picking is from rads. No skin issues because I have the silicone skin wrap.

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    I've just finished 6 of 25 and i started feeling it burn on the 2nd treatment, putting aloe on everyday helps, but I get pain on that side, Thanks everyone for clarifying.. it's probably from the incision... saw my RO and he said it looked fine

  • Licata519
    Licata519 Member Posts: 30

    DaraB, I checked with my tech today, and he also said I was getting 200. I heard the Canadian study actually didn't do as well, so I didn't want it. Still feel as per usual, no SEs but a slightly warmer left side.

    I did get up from the table ready to go, and the tech was holding up my gown. "Um, I think you forgot something."

  • darab
    darab Member Posts: 894

    So out of curiosity, any of you who had some initial reactions to rads, what did you experience? I've really lost my appetite, and feel a bit tired, but that may be because of still recuperating from chemo.

    Licata, that's too funny. I finally just took the gown and held it in front since they need to take arms out anyway. I just change right there in the room with the machine so it's not like I have to walk anywhere. At this point, modesty is a long lost memory! lol

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408

    Licata, gotta have some humor in our situation... I only take one arm out, but couldn't find my sleeve today... lol

    Dara, I lose my appetite all the time, but have been nauseated and more tired then usual, it seems to have simmered down the last couple of days though.. grateful for that

  • joanie84
    joanie84 Member Posts: 6

    5/20 done. After my first week not too many side effects. My skin is a bit pink and I am tired but not terribly. It's not keeping me from my day-to-day activities. Some minor pain in the breast aching and swelling but really not bad at all.

    I hope everyone else is doing well and having a good weekend.

  • Seraphima
    Seraphima Member Posts: 52

    Hi again all. I haven't been on in a few weeks.

    My early symptoms were mild insomnia, mild nausea, more serious fatigue. I also had skin reactions early, but it seems I reacted to my sim appt (had a horrible rash and was in bed for several days sick with flu-like and migraine) so I doubt my experience has much to do with anyone else regarding skin.

    The fatigue got better. The insomnia did better with melatonin, which they often give with rads for other reasons - I let my doctors know and started taking it myself. It was up and down with fatigue through the middle of treatment.

    I'm two weeks finished, and I still have terrible fatigue, but my doctor says I'm also deficient on vitamin D and said that can be a cause. It's terrible - I've tried to go back to work but it totally wipes me out and I come home and fall into bed and sleep - sometimes 16 hours straight. Hopefully time will help, vitamin supplements, my thyroid hormones are almost normal levels now, and trying to increase exercise with a plan - I'm hoping with all of these it will get better. But I've also been fighting an infection all week and lost that fight a couple of days ago - I'm just sick and mostly resting yesterday and today - thankfully yesterday was a school holiday here.

    It seems fatigue is impossible to predict, but it understand it's very common to have it early on, have it improve, then come back. I'm hearing everything from a few weeks to a few months after the end of rads for that to resolve, and one person said a year.