Thin Slices of Joy



  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,442
    edited March 2023

    Lovely Jazzy - thanks.

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,909
    edited April 2023

    Serenity - Maybe the opposite of a Thin Slice of Joy, but I wanted to say that I just read about a huge ice storm up and over your way and I hope you are all OK. Read that there are major power outages and that Montreal in particular was hit pretty hard. Take car and stay safe!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,442
    edited April 2023

    Snippet for those who are seniors:

    The first 007 movie and the first Beatles single were released on the same day in 1962. "'s fascinating to track how the two brands, which presented competing visions of masculinity, sustained each other by intertwining. 'All things must pass, but Bond cannot die, and the Beatles' music still plays on'."

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,909
    edited April 2023

    That is interesting, Minus; and I like both the Beatles and Bond.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,442
    edited April 2023

    Serenity - yes - how are you? Weather wise and generally??

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Posts: 3,534
    edited April 2023

    ThreeTree, Minus - Thank you for checking on me. ☺️ We survived the ice storm with just some food loss after 76.5 hours of no power. 🥶 We had no cellular service for most of that time. 😱 I was going through serious tech withdrawal. Others had it much worse than us. Our house stayed between 59 and 65 without heat even when it was below freezing at night. Pup needed me to keep her warm. 🥰

    I've been busy at work. The guy who pretty much got me back to work resigned. Today was my first day without him, and it was frustrating to not have him as a go-between. I may like working on my own too much. It's only one guy who has been difficult, but today was a great day to work remotely! 🤓

    My husband is amazed how well I've been working after 4 years away. The guy who resigned had to do several knowledge transfers for different clients. It included some of my work that's still running. I've definitely forgotten how I did much of it. But I haven't forgotten how to figure things out. 🤓🤓

    Health wise cancer still sucks. I switched from Ibrance to Xeloda. I'm on my 2nd cycle. No weird side effects so far. Pup likes that I've chosen to eat a banana before the morning dose. She gets the last bit - always. Normally I just have coffee. She doesn't like that I've given up cream in my coffee. ☕️

    Hope everyone has something good happening. ❤️

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,442
    edited April 2023

    Serenity - thanks for checking in. Sounds like work will keep you super busy. Hope you find Xeloda has fewer side effects.

    Jazzy - less than a week!!! I know you'll have a wonderful time.

    Woke up on "easter eve" morning (I so know I made that up, but...) or actually in the middle of the night - with this song in my head. Yeah I know, OLD - but I aways liked the Drifters.

  • threetree
    threetree Posts: 1,909
    edited April 2023

    Serenity - So very glad to hear from you and that you are both OK from the storm and still enjoying and going strong with your return to work. It does sound too bad that the guy who brought you back has now resigned - kind of odd if you ask me. Gosh, below freezing outside but still fairly warm in the house; not bad at all. Wish I had a Pup like yours!

    Minus - Love the Drifters, love that song! So long ago and I was so young, but I've always remembered and enjoyed it. Some of the best smoothest voices and harmonies ever. Thanks for the memory.

  • The update screwed up my login! 🤬

    I don't know what username will appear in this post, but at least my original username is back to SerenitySTAT.

    Minus - Love the Drifters!

    ThreeTree - We worked together for many years before I stopped due to cancer. There's a lot of pressure from the boss, and he protected us. He's apologized to me for leaving, but I understand why. He also helped me get a much better hourly rate than the low-ball offer from the boss. Weird since they asked me to come back. He's a good guy.

    I haven't posted much lately, but I'm doing well considering. BCO is not what it was, and it's no longer good for me.

    Let's see how this link to the Cranberries Dream works. Preview is no longer an option. 😒