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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    elderberry— good luck bringing DH home.

    Don’t know if it would help you guys or not but I can’t just “get in” a car anymore. I have to sit on chair with legs still on the driveway. Then I use what’s called a leg lift. Think like a jump rope with a loop in the bottom. I slide my foot into the loop and pull on the rope to assist me lifting my left leg into the floorboard of the car. DH moves the loop to my right foot and I pull to lift my right foot inside the car. When I can’t do this pull part, he would be able to still get me in a car. I also use the leg lift to swing my leg onto a CT scan board, a bed, a wheelchair leg pedal. Really has given me some kind of sense of still being mobile. I bought a 2 pack on Amazon and use it wee

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    elderberry, very practical things to get and the walk in cutout makes an awful lot of sense. I also love my shower chair too. I am sorry your husband fell like that, I can empathize only to the extent of the fall but to have deal with MS symptoms that can just pop up are hard to deal with for sure. In both your pockets.

    Dodgersgirl, I am sorry for all you and your husband are dealing with. I can understand being worried, not just because you love him but that you both rely on each other. Perhaps a chair lift for the stairs may be in order for the pair of you. In your pockets and please don't say you are whining about all the stuff you are dealing with for yourself and now for him, they are quite serious. Hopefully some friends and family can help out with some of the day to day or a maid to clean stuff up once in a while if affordable. Again, perhaps friends and family to help.

    Mel, I hope you are feeling better as well after the awful nausea and vomiting you have dealt with, sending my love in your pocket.

    Not much going on for me so will limit my stuff. I put the earnings from the casino offer from my survey site and deleted the casino site as I only do stuff that makes money, not gambling my own money. That will help with extra bills too. I also ordered a mcdonalds egg mcmuffin breakfast as a treat. Not sure what I will have this afternoon. Planning to walk inside at some point after finishing a bleach wash of one of my white cloths with a stain. Cannot have that. Otherwise, I am doing well. Perhaps next week besides my brain MRI, will take the bus to the mall to go for a mall walk a couple of times once the snow is melted.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    DodgersGirl - The leg lifts are great. When I had the rod put in my right hip/femur I used one to lift my right leg in to bed and to get in the car until I was healed enough to start using it again. Like others have expressed here I wish I were closer to help you.

    Elderberry - also thinking of you as your husband heals.

    Just waving hello to everyone. Sounds like several of us are having a rough go of it. Hugs to all of you.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Elderberry - that is so tough to deal with spine and mobility issues. My father has a terrible lower spine and all sorts of hardware and its really hard to see him struggle by the end of the day as he doesn't have much nerve conduction anymore. I hope your husbands MRI is better than the doctors are expecting and things ease up for you guys soon.

    Dodgers - same for you! At least you found a good workaround to keep being mobile. I say do whatever it takes, but this leg lift thing I had never heard of before. Would have been really helpful three years ago! Ill keep it in mind, but I hope you feel better soon too.

    Still on the cane here but I think I finally FINALLY found the right muscle to strengthen and its the glute medius. I started the good ol' clam move two nights ago on a hunch and my butt woke up like Sleeping Beauty - the poor tensor faciatae at the top of the hip had been doing all the work for the most part. For the first time in months almost no top of illiac crest pain this morning and I was walking close to normal in the house. I poled over to the shopping center at noon to pick up some stuff and it was tiring but not painful pain, especially in the hamstrings the PTs little testing machine said are working close to not at all. Well they are now! Hoping this is it and I just needed super targeted strengthening.

    Woke up this morning to five cats and a fox in the yard, everyone eyeing up the other in some OK Corral type situation.

    Thanks for the well wishes from last week everyone!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Sondra ~ sounds like you're working it girl. I wish I could go shopping. I get there and then my back starts to wail. Can't do it for long. Makes me mad. Take your time and build up your strength, great work. And always good to see you.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Oh dodgers, I'm so sorry you and dh are struggling so. Elderberry , you're also in my thoughts, along with everyone else who's having a tough time lately.

    I've got a ct of my heart in the morning to see how the new meds are working and round 2 of gem carbo in the afternoon. Good to hear you're on the mend Candy, take great care everyone, love Cathie xxx.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    in your pocket kitty ! Sending good thoughts for your heart test. Hugs my friend

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Kitty, pocket duty for you.

    Mel, pocket and heart duty for you as well.

    I am going to make an effort NOT to be lazy on housework. Laundry is on. Decided I need to start using up my laundry soap bars but tired of grating. Keep them and regular soap in separate containers in hot water. Add a bit to laundry of the sunlight bars and regular soap as an extra soaking agent for dishes. Yes, my dishes are super well rinsed.

    Looking to start to try and organize my place to look both more cohesive but also nicer. I realized now that I do effectively live in a small studio and need to start buying stuff with extra storage so it does not look so crowded. On that task, went to TEMU and bought a couple of nice storage bins that I can use for anything. Later, I may decide to have someone come in and build me another shelf with doors. I also need to move stuff so I can pull the sofa out and access the shelves behind the sofa. I am utilizing my kitchen oven as storage as well. I don't use the oven itself so no problem there. I also have some marching indoors to do and garbage to take out, will presalt everything and use two separate bags depending how they feel. I also have some survey site offers to work on too and that eats up some time.

    In anyone's pocket that needs it.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Mara~ hello sweet friend. Hope you get done what you planned to do. You’re farrrr from lazy my girl. Enjoy organizing. Sometimes that can feel good !

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Dodgers and Elderberry- I join everyone in your pockets for the struggles each of you are having with your husbands while trying to care for yourselves. Thinking of you!

    Kittykat - wishing you good luck in your heart CT

    Mara- I wouldn't exactly call you lazy! OMG girl! You are like the energizer bunny that keeps going and going. I wish I had your energy and motivation!

    Mel- take care of yourself girl

    Not much going on here. Yesterday went to town to take special son out. Today had to go for monthly blood work. Tomorrow we are expecting part of the nor eastern snow storm. Yuck!

    Waving hello to all our special sisters !

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Sondra, I'm glad you got some walking in. I'll be seeing a PT at the end of the month. I wonder what they'll say about my hamstrings. Glad the situation in the OK Corral didn't turn into a gunfight!

    Mel, isn't it frustrating? I watch my DH run, hike, surf, climb rocks… I can still walk to the store but I think my hiking days are gone.

    Kittykat, good luck with your heart CT this morning. When I had my brain CT last week, I kept having the Wizard of Oz song, "If I Only Had a Brain" going through my head. My brain was still there. Today, I'll be singing, "If I Only Had a Heart."

    Mara, I love organizing – to a point. Then I get tired and say, forget it. I do love looking at boxes and bins and stuff like that. With our crazy lives it's one thing we can control, right? Lazy??? You??? You inspire me (and sometimes motivate me to get moving).

    I'm off to see the neurosurgeon this morning. Just a consult for whatever is going on a C2. Oncology fellow called it a "lesion" but I think it's just the vertebrae sort of collapsing. We shall see.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Mel, I am more lazy about exercising because then I sit and do my mobile games for cash and get focused in on that or a cat will demand my lap and will be a pain until I relent. I am always full of ideas about organizing.

    Sunshine, I need to make my place look more cohesive, I don't have crap all over the floor but floorspace is limited, did order a couple of fabric storage bins that do up so I can put more stuff in there, want to reorganize closets because I did get extra hangers and these things that hangover the hanger allowing anotherthing too be hung in front. I use my dresser for food storage and will eventually buy another pantry. I did discover that I could get some beef extra by ordering the big mac I had for lunch and getting extra patties on it. Ordered a big mac sauce as weill. Figure the two patties can add some flavour to the beefless ground and beans or whatever else I have to eat. Should be good to boost another 4 meals. I will have to stop getting Mcdonalds as I have used up the percentage I allow for eating out.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    thanks to each of you who sent well wishes. Each message is appropriated.

    I think I am entering the better days of my 21 day regimen. Next week will be scans, multiple doctors appointments and treatment 4 (if scans allow)

    KittyKat- good luck with heart C

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    dodgers girl, glad you are into better days as well, enjoy them

    Wore boots to take garbage out so I did not really slide at all, took my phone out too in case there was a fall. I squatted with the garbage bag in both hands and tossed with both hands, felt better. I did not fall like last week and I consider that a win. Going to be warmer at the mid to end of week so snow should largely melt I think. I also could not be bothered putting any salt out, will let other people handle that if they want to, if DB asks if I want to shop, I will salt for myself.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    we're supposed to get a small snow storm tomorrow morning. Of. Course a week before spring we get snow. Ugh! I cannot shovel and my DH is out of town for two days. Hope it melts. Quickly. ! Be safe Mara!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi everyone. DH is home. He is happy. I am happy. I was exhausted going back and forth to visit and still doing all the house work stuff. He did help but then I had extra work. He is doing well. A PT is coming over tomorrow to work on exercises. He needed to get off his butt and I think the fall made him realize that he needs to be physically more fit to function with MS. I was so busy I nearly forgot I have my PET tomorrow, Yikes!!! What if I got a call from them tomorrow morning asking me where I was?

    Catch up later!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Elderberry~ glad DH is home. Glad you didn’t miss your appointment. I hope you get a chance to sit back and relax after this. You’ve been non stop. Sending good thoughts….

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Good evening room

    Pocket duty for those in need scans or otherwise.

    Elderberry so happy for you that DH is home!

    I hope that everyone stays warm the temps drop everywhere tomorrow.

    Waving hello to everyone.


  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721

    Elderberry - ditto to hubs being home! Going back and forth to the hospital is very tiring. Sometimes these places are like an airport - takes so long to get from parking lot to where you need to be. Pocket duty for PET.

    Mara - never, ever say you are lazy dear sister. This disease, which zaps our energy, tells our bodies when we need to rest. And never put off having a kitty in your lap either. Sorry - don’t mean to boss you around 😉😉😉😉

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Mel, staying safe here, no falls last night. Hopefully it melts to the point some ice melter can be put down to melt it quicker. Do you have any other friends or family to help get you shovelled? I do not shovel here and will put ice melter where needed when needing to travel. It will be interesting to see how much this snow melts by friday as out temperature is going up.

    Goldens, I don't give up the kitties because they both choose me so I cannot say no. I can do other things for some money on my old phones I use for mobile games on the survey site. I will try not to say I am lazy anymore.

    Hello Tanya! Elderberry, glad DH is home.

    I decided to get an egg sandwich maker since I am quite addicted to egg mcmuffins and figured buying the eggs, english muffins, cheese slices and either sausage rounds or the round ham would be. I used to have one but somehow it did not make the move. I have little egg round holders but I have never had success keeping the egg from leaking out of the sides, use those if don't want to cook things like beans or stuff in the microwave. I can also use frozen pancakes or waffles to make a sweet egg sandwich. Just throwing some extra variety back in the diet.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Breakfast was a frozen sausage cooked up, 1/2 cup beans and wheat bran for fiber. I defrosted the sausage first and fried up in fry pan with oil, took out and added to the precooked beans. Just cut it up instead of grinding. Added the wheat bran, loaded fries seasoning, steak seasoning and small amount of may to bind. Took grease from the frypan and dumped into a container I keep it in until I can dispose of it in the garbage. Don't want to clog my drain. Getting ready to do my first 10 mins of exercise.

    I also paid off a couple bills in full, I had not realized how out of control I had been on some of the stuff being ordered so took money out of TFSA and paid the two biggest ones. Have to be careful, I don't make enough to pay lots in bills. Have to also stop buying the fast food, my own egg and cheese sandwich will be better and less expensive.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, have you tried making eggs in the small round Glad or Ziploc containers? The round size fits perfectly onto an English muffin. I haven't done it in a while, but as I recall, if I beat the egg up a bit and put into a greased (or sprayed) container, microwaved it and it worked really well. I seem to recall using the generic egg-beaters, too. I used the Morning Star Sausage Patties, since DH is mostly vegetarian. Egg, sausage, mayo, catsup (don't judge) and a slice of cheese = YUM. You're always giving me new ideas or reminding of things I like - like the hashbrown patties. :)


    Edited to add that I cooked the egg in the microwave.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721

    Great news! Shoulder bone biopsy showed no cancer! Once there is some healing of the fracture I will have a reverse shoulder replacement. Waiting to hear what the plan will be in terms of how long we watch and wait and having more imaging to confirm healing process.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 827

    Yaaaay goldensrbest, happy to hear good news!

    Sunshine99 I have a similar microwave process for quick egg on a english muffin. I spray my pyrex measuring cup and scramble egg pop it in the microwave for a minute, easy peasy!

    Elderberry, glad to hear DH is home, hope things are going ok. Fingers crossed for a good PET.

    Hi to everyone in the room, hope your having a good week so far. Luckily only snow flurries here but the winds are really whipping!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    yayyyyy Goldens!!!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hi. I totally had the wrong day. It is tomorrow (Wed) for my PET. Problem was I thought yesterday was Tuesday. Oh my. Not a recent problem, it pops up a lot since retirement. But I will say running all over the place, being distracted and such helped me get the dates wrong.

    So another morning without coffee, smoothie.


    Yay, Goldensrbest: We all love positive news.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535

    Goldensrbest great news

    Elderberry Pocket duty for your PET


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    Goldens, doing a massive happy dance for you!

    Sunshine, I have those egg things but I was never able to get the egg to stay in, even when scrambled. I have the sandwich maker on its way, used to use one like that but it got lost when I moved here. Only 40.00 so not too bad. I don't judge the ketchup, I used to have peanut butter and ketchup and something else that is really good tasting is peanut butter, bit of mayo on an english muffin, yummy.

    Ordered eggs, cheese and sausage rounds, planning to use it on the daily, even if I just want an egg sandwich. Looking forward to it. I did have a Big Mac in a bowl since I still had some of the extra mac sauce package, had to boost with little bit of mayo. When I ground up the leftover burger patties, added some beefless ground to dry it out a bit so instead of of mushy slop, it came out better, taste still came through and cheese helped. Overall, it is just made of some ground hamburger with wheatbran, 1/4 cup of beans, generous sprinkle of cheese. Put in a big bowl in the microwave for 90 seconds. After spread the mac sauce which was almost gone, added spoonful of mayo. A dash of salt and a little hit of onion and mixing together made a delicious meal. Did not miss the bun either. If I order a big mac again, will make it a double, hang on to the beef as well, we will see. Only reason I might do that is the beef is already seasoned for me.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447

    I wanted to order Mcdonalds again but decided it is better to skip it and use the big mac sauce I ordered with ground beef that I still have, will add beans and Bobs your uncle for a decent breakfast.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I love eggs. I need a good quiche Recipe and I haven’t had it in years. I want to try to make one. You’ve inspired me again with all of your creations Mara!!! pocket duty for anyone who needs it.
    hugs and love. To all. waving to jobur.
    Hello to:

    Cookie Tanya Goldens emac living sunshine Sondraf Elderberry , runor. Kitty ..The lurkers. And anyone I missed I’ll be back. Hope we can all sleep well. Another game we have to play. Will we or won’t we sleep tonight