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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420
    edited March 2023

    Hi everyone, well I've ended up in the emergency department because I had a seizure and fell and couldn't get up, it's so busy here being a Friday night I don't know how long I'll have to wait hopefully I won't have another one while I'm waiting.

  • denny10
    denny10 Member Posts: 421
    edited March 2023

    kittykat, my thoughts are with you . I ended up in the emergency department after a fall last year.. I was starving but they would only give me water until blood tests and xrays were comlpeted and reviewed by the head team (?). 7 hours later i was discharged , after a brief chat with a doctor and given a hand splint and a follow up appointment to see a hand specialist for possible fracture.

    I hope you get seen quickly and you can get home as soon as possible.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited March 2023

    oh Kitty~. I’ll be in your pocket. Hoping you won’t be there too long. Sending you hugs and best wishes. I hope that you’re ok and do not have another seizure. I know you must be exhausted!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited March 2023

    Kitty, I am in your pocket as well. Seizures are scary and then of course not being able to get up after is something else entirely. I hope you are seen soon, a cause for the seizure is found so you can be treated. In your pocket sending healing thoughts to you and hoping they don't take to long to see you.

    I am sad to hear about Bestbird, such a kind, knowledgeable soul who went above and beyond to help us with her book that could be downloaded. I still have my copy from long ago, got that almost 8 years ago and it helps a lot. My thoughts are with her family friends on this site and in real life. Though I am glad she has peace now, it is sad that she is gone.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited March 2023

    Not sure what I want to do today, pretty rainy so not in the mood to get soaked, should probably look into a raincoat of some kind so I can go with my cane etc. Umbrella will not be helpful whilst using a cane. I have also debated an umbrella hat but unsure what that might do for my balance.

    I will probably do some Leslie Sansone through the day, eat up more beef, beans and spinach. Chopping up with some wheat bran so it is not too gooey and go from there, might shrink my portion so I can have a poached egg with it, we will see. Laundry and housework will happen and that is about it.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited March 2023

    kittykat, I'm so sorry! Do you have anyone there with you? ERs can be scary places to be.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited March 2023

    I am also very sorry to hear about bestbird. She was always so helpful and kind. May she rest in peace and no longer have any pain or cancer to deal with. I hate this disease more every time we loose a sister. ❤️🩹 to her family and friends.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420
    edited March 2023

    I'm here by myself, I only have Beck near and we can't have Finn in the hospital this late at night, my other kids live on the east coast and I'm on the west. I still haven't seen the doctor but I'd rather be here than home alone, I'm going to stay at Beck's for a few days when I get out of here. Yes Mara it was scary not knowing how long I was out for and actually waking up on my bed and not knowing how I got there, I know I fell off the toilet and hit my head on the tile floor.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited March 2023

    omg kitty that’s scary hon. You take care and let them take care of you! Sending healing thoughts.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited March 2023

    SeeQ, happy to see that you have exciting plans ahead, enjoy and send pictures from the ship and ports of call as possible.

    My laundry is going. My cost cutting here is I take a sunlight laundry barr, put in a container and add a bit to the laundry and use less of the powder. It cleans well and I keep the container full with fresh hot water. I do a similar thing with dish soaking, take a normal bar soap, have it in a container and dump a bunch in the sink as a booster of the actual dish detergent.

    I am thinking that I will poach a couple of eggs and have them with a couple hashbrowns as well. Lunch will probably be some sort of snack and supper will involve the beans. In the tradition of adding some dry ingredients to the beans, beef and spinach, I am also going to add potato chips, only a few to impart flavour while drying it out somewhat. That is my favourite way to eat the beans, rice, spinach and whatever else I add to them, dry them out a bit in the chopper and then add whatever seasoning comes to mind after heating in the microwave.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688
    edited March 2023

    Hello to the living room! I am so sorry to hear you are back in the ER Kitty. I hope you can get some answers soon. Sunshine I love the little scrubbies. Those are great! I don't knit or crochet so I am always very impressed by things like that. Mae, I hope you enjoy time to yourself. Audible and an ice cream sounds like a good day and Mel, I'm glad that the symptoms are getting better. I think about that when I take my Norco. I do my best to use non-opioid pain relief but some days it just isn't enough.

    I don't think it's abnormal to wonder about the future. I read Candy's posts and I find myself wondering those things from time to time. I try not to give myself a projected end date. At my diagnosis I was given a very loose 10-15 years based on statistics. I don't know if that clock stops and restarts since I am considered in stable remission? I'm only 3 1/2 years in with my stage 4 diagnoses and so I try to live with the expectation that I have a lot of years in front of me and try to make living with stable mets as normal as possible. I get bummed out by the pain and the feeling that I have aged 20 years in only 3 years of treatment. That's the hardest thing for me. Someone mentioned the simple things and I agree with that. I love my days off. I was given some tulips recently and that just made my day. My best friend in Portland sent me a milk frother. I made coffee the other day with frothed milk and it felt so fancy. I love that!

    Hugs to you Candy, I hope you can come to a decision that you are comfortable with. It's not one I would be able to make easily myself. I also know the challenges of living alone and would struggle to work out the rehab details too. Also, Mara, enjoy the Big Mac. I can't remember the last time I had one of those. I love to drive through and get McDonald's fries occasionally as a treat. Next time I'll have to order a Big Mac to go with them.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454
    edited March 2023

    Kittykat- I am so sorry this has happened to you. Yes the best place to be is in the hospital and hopefully they can find the reason behind this very quickly. In your pocket with thoughts and hugs.

  • lw422
    lw422 Member Posts: 1,414
    edited April 2023

    Hello all. I'll step out of my lurking mode to let you know that BestBird (Anne) is still very much alive and posted on her Transition thread today. Hope you all are doing well. Take care.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    that’s great news!!!! Thanks for setting the record straight. It was hard news to take. Thank you.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067
    edited April 2023

    kittykat: OMG! How frightening for you. I hope things will get sorted and you will have no other seizures.

    lw22: thanks for letting us know about Anne. I am still sad that she is leaving us.

    DH is getting better each day and I coach him on his PT exercises. He is still housebound and stuck with a walker so I am doing all my usual outside stuff plus the stuff he used to do, like getting down to the basement to do laundry and using the car for heavy duty shopping. My local high street shops are walkable for veggies, fruits, bread etc. We got the Clean Cut tub conversion. We should have done it ages ago. Without his falling -- we aren't getting younger or more spry. I don't mind the white with the bone. Safety over beauty.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    elderberry~ that looks so much safer. Good for you. Looks nice and I'm happy to hear DH is doing better. Make sure you pace yourself and get rest. You're pretty amazing. Picking up the slack. Not sure I'd be able to do that. Good to see you.

    I hadn't heard anything about bluebird , is she not doing well? I don't read other threads. But totally know who she is. I’m just glad to know she’s still with us.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    elderberry~ that looks so much safer. Good for you. Looks nice and I’m happy to hear DH is doing better. Make sure you pace yourself and get rest. You’re pretty amazing. Picking up the slack. Not sure I’d be able to do that. Good to see you.

    I hadn’t hear anything about bluebird , is she not doing well? I don’t read other threads. But totally know who she is.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,165
    edited April 2023

    Kitty - I'm so sorry. That had to be terribly frightening. I hope you get things sorted so that you can stay safe.

    Mae - your weekend alone sounds fun - it's not too long and gives you a little space. DH is driving 4 hours each way to buy a tractor. I'm not going, so I'll have a little me-time. I have some laundry and housework to do, too, but that's okay.

    Elderberry- the first improvement we made when we moved into this house was to have the tub replaced with a walk-in shower. It's much better than climbing over the tub. Unfortunately, the floor is too slick to suit me. I'm still searching for the perfect solution.

    I'm sorry. I think I caused the confusion about Bestbird. She announced she's going to start with Hospice, but she's still with us. Besides her book, her Patient-Centered Dosing Initiative was a huge contribution.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    Hospice is a big decision. May she find peace in her decision. The help she gave new women on here is unmatched with her MBC written piece. I hope her family is ok too. This disease stinks

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721
    edited April 2023

    kitty - what a frightening ordeal. Pocket duty for you! Please update us with the outcome of the er visit.

    I think of how much my life has changed since I started treatment for MBC 3.5 yrs ago. We had just moved to Wisconson and I was able to physically do so much in terms of getting settled after our move. Unpacking, repacking (we downsized from a 5000 sq ft home to a 1900 sq ft home - got rid of lots b4 moving), hauling stuff up and down from the basement. My MO and cancer center were 90 minutes away and I had the energy after scan days to even stop at store. Now I can't make it through a grocery store and end up going back to the car while my hubs finishes shopping. Going to the basement is an ordeal now and takes lots of advance planning - lol. I empty the dishwasher one rack at a time because I get too tired. My hubs of course has seen the decline but no one else really appreciates it. Except that you, my sisters, understand all too well. Does my age, 67, make it worse?

    And of course travel is out of the question. This week was really hard for me as I saw all these wonderful photos of our kids Aruba trip on Facebook. Our SIL's parents took our place and I was under the spell of the green eyed monster of jealousy. The other grandma is 6 yrs younger and full of energy. I fear my grandkids will only remember me as the can't do anything grandma.

    Thinking of all of you, especially those struggling in any way.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    Oh, I am so glad BestBird is still with us. I would rather be wrong and have a family member from this site still in the world. Thank you.

    Kitty, I am still thinking about you as well. Seizures on the toilet are no joke, had a couple myself before brain met was found but hitting your head too is awful. Sending warm healing thoughts your way staying in your pocket so you will not be alone.

    Today's weather was sunny but going to get some more rain today, some big thunderstorms passed through last night, was really something else. Laundry happening now. Will stay indoors for now, need to get a rain poncho or something like that as I don't have one and don't want to block my hand with an umbrella since it is best to have my hand free whilst using the cane.

    Not sure what to have for breakfast today. Next time I go out shopping, I'll look for some high fiber cereal to add to my spice grinder to not only dry out the chopped can beans a bit but also add some much needed fiber. Would not need a full serving but it would give a nice taste beneath the beans and what ever else I am combining, always binding with a bit of mayo. Peanut powder is also something I am thinking of to add in. I tend to like everything together in one meal, we'll see. Probably a poached egg later adding a bit of mustard and cheese before cooking up. Toast an english muffin and make a sandwich out of it, sounds good for a meal for later.

    I forget if I mentioned MRI results that I got Thursday so will mention now. For cancer, RO says still NED. We are watching an enhancement that has shown last couple of scans but do not concern my RO at this point so I am not concerned. I did ask for PT and we will see if anything is prescribed. PT is for making so I can get up when of if I fall. If I already mentioned the results, thank you for reading again.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    One thing that just popped into my head that I could do with recycling that must be put out as I am at the max of stuff to do with it is get more over the door hangers or use picture frame to hang up the blue bag within a pretty bag. It would clear out some storage and allow recycle as needed. May need smaller blue bags for this purpose but I will investigate it today. Also going to get some sort of tape to cover up a cardboard box that will hold folded boxes that will be more neatly gathered until time to recycle, trying to make my wee space more functional but not ugly with cardboard all over the place.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707
    edited April 2023

    kitty, thinking of you

    mara, congrats on NED still

    Hello to everyone. I didn’t find anything great at the flea market and the ice cream shop was closed but I had a delicious turkey sandwich from the local deli/market and picked up some fresh sourdough and local eggs. Now waiting on the mailman before heading up the mountain. It’s a nice day for a drink and music in the bar, so that’s the plan for today.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    Thinking of Kittykat today, hoping she is OK.

    I got the results of my C-spine X-ray. Impressions are as follows:

    1. Multilevel degenerative changes
    2. Trace anterolisthesis of C3 on (and?) C4 in the flexion position only
    3. Expansile lesion in C2, better characterized on recent MRI
    4. Sclerosis of C7 as seen on prior exams
    Prevertebral soft tissues are within normal limits. Multilevel facet arthropathy. The lung apices are unremarkable.

    Will have an MRI in a couple of weeks, and then see the neurosurgeon again.

    We had a single-jolt earthquake here yesterday. No damage - just a big jolt.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,447
    edited April 2023

    Sunshine, in your pocket sending support re the changes you have been told about and the future MRI as well.

    Mae, the sandwiches sound delicious for sure as well. Glad you enjoyed them. Enjoy your drinks as well.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420
    edited April 2023

    Thanks so much for your good wishes everyone, I'm going to be here for a few days while they work out a treatment plan, I don't mind I'd rather be here than home alone apart from the fact I've been put in a room with a poor lady with dementia that wanders around all night, sometimes being neutropenic can be a blessing because you get a private room. They did a ct scan of my head and there is some swelling, Sanju rang me last night and told me that possibly the chemo caused it and it can happen sometimes, I'm on dexamethasone iv and anti seizure meds.

    Goldens, I know exactly what you mean, I moved here 8yrs ago to help Beck with Finn, he was here 9hrs a day 4 days a week and we did so much, we went exploring almost everyday, now he comes one weekend a fortnight and a few hrs here and there, I'm just so glad this happened the day before he was due and not while here

    In all pockets good and not so good, big hugs 💖

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050
    edited April 2023

    thinking of everyone tonight. Hoping for speedy recovery kitty. Mara. Wonderful stable news. Atta girl. Way to go! I think of you all each day and hope that tomorrow is better than today. For us all. Hugs and always available for pocket duty.

    Mae~ sounds like a relaxing time. Sorry your shop was closed.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723
    edited April 2023

    Kitty, so glad to hear from you. My nurse wouldn't let them put another patient in my room when I was in the hospital. "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!! SHE'S NEUTROPENIC!!!" I would have kissed her, but I don't think she would have appreciated it. LOL I hope they get you stable ASAP.

    I don't know how to interpret all of the results. I kept going back and forth to Dr. Google to ask what those words meant. No one has called me in a state of panic, so I don't think there is anything urgent.

    Hoping everyone sleeps well tonight - especially Kitty in the hospital.


  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,535
    edited April 2023

    Kitty I hope you get good rest and everything is alright. That was scary thankfully Finn wasn’t there.

    Anniversary is tomorrow 44 years. You blink and the time is gone. No fancy plans to celebrate just content to be together.

    I’ll be going to NY April 5th to see my mom and start packing up her house. Well, I’ll be looking through pictures and telling people what to do. She has several months but thankfully she’s decided to sell at 90 years young. I think I’m physically the same age as she is physically.

    It was nice seeing so many posting. waving hello to emac sunshine Mel Mara kitty Mae elderberry Goldens and there are many I forgot.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 721
    edited April 2023

    Mara - woohoo for stable!

    Tanya - Happy Anniversary! We celebrate 45 in August. Am blessed to have my husband by my side.

    Pocket duty for sunshine, Mel and anyone else with scans/tests this month. Mine are on the 13th.

    Wishing all a peaceful Sunday