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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    Hi all, I’m home, safe, dry and so glad I’m not working the latest flooding nightmare in Houston. If I had been working, the task of coordinating, reviewing and letting contracts for Imelda would have landed in my lap. The damage to this highway over the river from a runaway barge would have been enough to stress me out. This is probably an easy 10 million in repairs, if it can even just be repaired. Ugh...


  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Yndorian, I love those wise words from your son (and at a young age). I’m happy to see you here again, and Santa, and Runor. It wouldn’t be the same without you

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Mae~I was thinking about the flooding there. I remembered that is what you did. Goodness gracious how can things cost sooooo much ? Wow destroyed damage! Glad you're safe and sound. Now relax and rest. There's no place like home.. ~M~ welcome home home

  • movingsoccermom
    movingsoccermom Member Posts: 164

    Finally resorted to Word to get caught up!!

    Gumdoctor—Spectacular picture of the praying mantis, and goodness we all need to be fierce dealing with this disease!! Candy—thank you for the well wishes, and good words on the thread. The new doctor is someone I will work well with so that is a huge relief! Sending hugs regarding your sister. Dorimak—So sorry for the rough path right now. Hugs to you! Yndorian—I have appreciated your insights and am hoping we have found a compromise. As I said earlier—just gobsmacked! Runor—I particularly enjoy your extraordinary way with words. You have a knack for describing feelings I had but could not figure out how to say. And I will happily point out that chocolate chip cookies have eggs….which I enjoy for breakfast..;). Hey to Tanya and Divine. Sandibeach—such a memory with turtle babies!! My DD spent 3 weeks in Costa Rica helping baby turtles into the ocean. Spectacular! Donnabelle—fingers crossed for your ANC. Stllivin—so sorry to hear about the progression. D@#$ this disease!!! Booboo—sending you a ghost hug. So sorry to hear about progression. Jensgotthis—thinking of you and your scan today. Hoping it is peaceful and stable. Fingers crossed! Rosie—thinking of you as well, and so happy to see the great news!! Santabarbarian—Thank you! Sylvie (the kitty) is a return for my DH who at age 13 had to give up his Siamese when his Mom developed asthma. We have had rescue cats since then, but all of us wanted this for DH as he retired. Micmel—Hang in there!! You have created an amazing space for many struggling women and I am so happy to have found it. Mae—welcome back home and so grateful that you don't have to deal with the bridge. Stunning how nature can undo what man has constructed!!

    Best wishes for great weekends all around!


  • Gumdoctor
    Gumdoctor Member Posts: 618

    Hello All -

    3 scans yesterday. Dr Angel called today with results...

    1. Bone scan - No change.

    2. Chest CT - No change on multiple ground glass nodules.

    3. Liver MRI - new blood clot formed while on blood thinner Eliquis. Numerous new lesions appeared since last MRI 2 mos ago. Lesions suggest infarcts (liver cell death). Radiologist unsure what he is looking at.

    Dr Angel very concerned. So am I.


    1. Stop Eliquis, start Lovenox injection 2x/day tomorrow morning.

    2. Liver ultrasound on Monday to look at liver differently from MRI and to determine what new lesions are.

    Has anyone had blood clots form while on blood thinner? Anyone have liver infarcts?

    Gumdoctor (Exhausted...)

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,549

    Gumdoctor I don’t know anything about liver. Grannax does and I think there’s a thread for it

    Get some rest for tomorrow’s fight.

    Welcome home Mae

    Movingsoccer take your time to settle.

    Congrats on good results Rosie

    Good night all


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    Just read on another thread that Cowgirl 13 who reported Lita as having passed away confirmed she was mistaken. Lita has NOT passed away, at least not now though I know other times she did mention looking into hospice.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Gum Doctor ~ Ask many many questions. Until you feel like you have the answers. I understand your concern. Maybe you’ll switch to another blood thinner immediately. This damn disease never really takes a break. It does its damage, it may lie dormant but the cellular assholes wait. I really hope the plans gets a moving. That has to be broken down. I hope Dr Angel has made you feel confident in how you’re moving forward. Please keep
    Us posted. Warfarin I know is an injection that can perhaps help quicker. I am sure they know best. But I just want it gone!!! Thinking of you so very much. 🥺

    Waving to Tanya! Hot? Still. Today was 75 and spectacular. Tonight into the low 60’s snuggle blanket time. ! Yay us!

    I am so relieved to hear that news about Lita. Jiminey crickets on the false alarm. I hope that we see her name here really soon. That’s the only way I’ll really feel better. I hope dearly she’s ok.
    Off to bed. It’s midnight. My sweet DH is here. We snuggled and watched Ozark. Pretty good show everyone! Goodnight !
    Mae~ did you have a good time ?
  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    Tanya, congrats on scans!

    Santa, I have a similar family member - that others view as such a loving, caring person, and so helpful, supportive and inspiring/life-changing to all of her yoga students and Facebook followers yet she lives 10 minutes from me and I only see her once or twice a year. We are on the opposite side of the country from most of our family and are the only two here in the city where I live. No interest in developing a relationship with my young son or even asking about him and no interest in asking or understanding how I am doing. Not a bad-intentioned person just very self-revolving. I am not even sure she realized I was wearing a wig for the last 1.5 years (which I only stopped wearing very recently).

  • jensgotthis
    jensgotthis Member Posts: 673

    happy for you Rosie!

    Thanks for being on pocket duty today. I don't have results yet but am glad it's over.

    I mentioned to the wonderful tech assigned to me that the barium drink always makes me very sick for a day or two. So, he popped out and came back with an alternative that he mixed with water and a berry powder - tasted like Kool aid. He said it's more expensive so not offered as a first choice. So, if you too struggle to choke down the two bottles of the thick barium drink, then ask about Gastroview or Breeza. (Sorry for the tmi, but does anyone else experience awful diarrhea after the CT with contrast and iodine? I'd love to know your tricksto avoid it

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    So glad you are home and safe. I didn’t even know that Houston was flooded until it was on the news. I saw some awful flooding...some are saying it’s worse than Harvey! I hope you and hubby are ok. Is he home yet

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    JEN~Lol at you. I get stomach cramps and yes I do have loose stools lmao. Too funny. It does make my stomach feel off at least for a day or two. I dont like drinking that stuff. At least they have berry and Choco flavors now that make it a lot easier. Before it was like drinking chalk ! Yuck ! Waiting for results with you! Hugs lovely !

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,747

    Thanks booboo, all good here. The hubs is currently on tour but he’ll be in town next month, then home in early November. We plan to take s little trip with the travel trailer, then get busy on packing up our house and finishing the cabin.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Good morning ladies !! Mae you’re the busiest person I know. BooBoo! 🥰 good morning my sweet ! It’s a lovely day here today. DH is here. Yay me!

    Hello JFL. And Jens got this ! Love to all

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    I finally got out of the loose stool cycle after CT drink by flooding myself with water. My instructions are not to drink anything 4 hours before so I don't eat but could not stand having to wear a diaper the whole time and I take the bus as well. Don't need to have an accident. I overheard a nurse tell someone that they did not need to finish it, just drink what they could. I used to drink 1L of the stuff but now only drink maybe a third of that, as well the water and clear fluids must help with abdominal and diarrhea side effects because I don't have them anymore. No one has complained about my scans since I started doing that and I feel much better off without the SE. If I had to spend the rest of my life wearing a diaper and worrying about leakage, I would probably refuse the scans. Just me.

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952

    Good Morning! Boy I was gone for a few days and there were so many posts to catch up on. Jen and Rosie, I hope your scans turn out positive. Sending good vibes your way.

    Micmel, what a cute kitten. It’s so small. How old is it?

    RE: non stage 4 posting on this thread. I post a lot in the ringworm thread and I have the same opinion here. To me it doesn’t matter what stage we are in. Some topics are specific to stage 4 but I’ve never seen non stage 4 person comment on those. There was only one incident I know of where a stage 3 person was out of line on your thread Micmel. But her comments were removed. There must have been a similar incident on another thread and someone complained

  • Moomala
    Moomala Member Posts: 397

    Hi Everyone! I just got caught up on the thread and I too am really surprised at the decisions made. I am not sure I understand the entire situation so when I have some time tomorrow I'll go back through and read it more carefully.

    I have not been feeling too well the last few days. It was my week off Ibrance which is usually accompanied by fatigue but this week was extra special. The fatigue was so bad. I had a weepy day on Thursday. Then yesterday I was so tired I nearly felt I was coming down with something. This morning woke up with a stuffy nose, runny nose, achy body. So I thought 'ok I'm getting a cold'. But now just the tiredness and it's bad It is a gorgeous day here and I'd love to be doing a workout, or taking a nice walk but it's all I can do to sit up in a chair. I have a party tonight that I was looking SO forward to but I'm thinking it may not be in the cards for me this time. I have never wished I was not on Ibrance 125 until this week. THIS week I started thinking hmmmm maybe 100 wouldn't be a bad idea.

    I checked my labs from Thursday and ANC was my usual 1.0. Thanks for the germs piano students. But then here I was already tired and weepy and my CEA was up 18 points from the previous month. Ok I did NOT need that. I know I should not put a whole lot of stock in one month's wobble in the wrong direction but it gets the anxiety machine started up. Waiting for the CA 27.29 and thankfully I have scans in two weeks.

    Jen I have all sorts of issues with scans being allergic to the contrast dye and having to premedicate. They don't do the barium at our imaging place. It's really more like water. But I always get a little bit of stomach being "off" for a few days afterward too. I can eat but I feel a little sick too. Luckily that doesn't last.

    Gumdoctor, disappointment about another blood clot while on the Eliquis is stating the obvious I guess but I'm just sharing that I'm feeling that alongside you. Big love.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    Moomala, sorry about you feeling so crappy. I can understand the weepy day when dealing with tiredness and just feeling miserable. Hugs to you on those issues for sure as it can be quite miserable.

    I had a decent week physically and emotionally myself. Didn't spend much time out, just working out and housework since no appointments. Went out today with my older brother, SIL and two adult nephews for coffee and birthday. I already walked in the heat to get him a birthday card before lunch. So sweaty and then they wanted to walk around outside and surprisingly, I did not pass out from the heat. I was happy about that. Then we stopped at little shops around my street, pet store to look at kitiies and a halloween store, lots of fun. Don't like being sweaty but nice to be able to survive being out and about since I generally am not a busy person.

    Good to know I can push myself more and not wimp out of things all the time. No way I could keep their schedule 7 days a week but nice to be included in what they were doing.

  • Moomala
    Moomala Member Posts: 397

    Thanks Mara. I keep thinking I should go and do a little workout, or just a walk but I have a bit of a runny nose and the tiredness is more than usual so i'm just laying low. I know what you mean about other people and the stuff they do. I had a few students over this morning for lessons and they were telling me about their activities and their pool parties and family dinners and I was just thinking omg who is doing all this running around and cooking and making sure there are snacks for the parties, your parents??? I know I'm 63 and I don't have that kind of run-around life anymore anyway but wow! These parents are going to be soooo tired when they finally slow down.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060


  • Moomala
    Moomala Member Posts: 397

    i am not a cat person Your kitties are cute but I live with the perfect dog who thinks she is a cat Most demanding picky moody dog ever but also most caring image

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Moomala~is very beautiful. I am a dog person also... I love all animals. Here is my Deeohgee as a puppers image

  • Moomala
    Moomala Member Posts: 397

    what a beautiful face Micmel! I’m allergic to cats. I am so sad about that.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    I am also pretty sad about being allergic to cats myself. We had three growing up and I got very very sick and we never knew why. Also molds. I lived with 3 cats 5 dogs and two horses. It was never a dull moment. I would love to get on one and ride away from my cancer. Fly with the wind in my hair again like when I was young and the invasion hasn't occurred yet.

    Yourea very lovely woman. Your picture is lovely. If you can look good from the side angle, you're lovely ! 🌹😁

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    I realized today my father has been gone four months. Seems longer for some reason. Death sucks !!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,182

    Hello all.

    movingsoccermom- Your Siamese cat is soooo pretty.

    illimae- glad you are home and safe.

    Gumdoctor- Praying for you. Saw your post on the liver thread also.

    So glad Lita is still with us. Hope she posts soon with an update.

    jensgotthis- Waiting for results is nerve wracking. Prayers for good results.

    moomala- take care of yourself. Rest and recover from the yucks.

    Mara- Your post reminds me of myself. I cannot tolerate the heat anymore. And the hot weather continues. Sigh. And YES I envy how my friends have such busy schedules and I cannot anymore.

    moomala- Your doggie is precious. I am a cat person, never owned a dog. But if I did, it would be a small breed like yours.

    Mel- Your pup is so cute also. Animals are sure precious to us.

    Funny story about cat allergies. I had a service man out to the house the other day to fix something. He was a nice, young man. He fixed the issue and then doublechecked the system. He was there for 30-45 minutes. Toward the end of the appt, I noticed he was sniffling. I said " You are not allergic to cats, are you". He said Yes. Bless his heart. He maintained his composure and did not get upset with my kitty walking around. I guess I need to tell service staff I have a cat when making appts.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,603

    Well, I definitely was tired out as after I typed out that post, was just watching some youtube videos and fell asleep for a couple of hours. So my body definitely knows it's limits. Will keep pushing though. Even before cancer, that day would have tired me out.

    Mel, beautiful dog.

    Partly I do walk so much as I have been gaining some weight. While weight loss is not my primary goal, I need to keep aware of it as well. I managed to use a dumbell in one hand on my treadmill. Can't walk on one without hanging on but went one handed to do some light arm work that has been lacking.

  • movingsoccermom
    movingsoccermom Member Posts: 164

    Good evening lovely ladies. I am also allergic to cats. Between year round allergy meds and massive filtration, I just keep sneezing, since that is my primary issue. Hubby is a true cat person which is why I persevere. Now that we are not moving so much we have added puppies as well....although they both belong to our kiddos. Meet Kiffin, DD cattle-dog mix (named for a WWI pilot) and Morpheus, DS Frenchie, who is also my nap buddy. As you puppy folk know, they have added enormous joy to our daily lives.


    Have a wonderful night!


    PS. Yes--death sucks hugely--my Dad died 7 years ago this month, so I am commiserating with you Micmel.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Candy~for some reason people seem to be allergic to cats more. My sons BFF is allergic to one of our dogs in the spring time. He can't even open his eyes it gets so bad. Allergies are weird. And scary. I'm allergic to bees as well so anytime I hear any buzzing I freak out. I carry an epi pen with me at all times just in case. When the kids were little I was moving the trash can and two swooped out from behind and stung me on my hand. I had to go immediately. I was flat on my back for two weeks with side effects. Scary stuff. I don't go into anaphylactic breathing issues. I just have issues with my blood pressure and heart rate dropping rapidly and I get very sleepy and unconscious. I avoid bees at all costs. Penicillin, boysenberries, no can do!

    Mara~It's getting nicer outside at night so I'm going to start my walking again. I have someone to go with me, so it makes me have to get off my tookus and move some more. I want to work out so badly. I miss the gym. Desperately!! Treadmill is also great. You go girl!

    Movingsoccermom~tw cutie patooties, how could anyone resist those faces ? My DD wants one so badly but it's. It not fair that they stay in the cage while people work all day long. I always felt horrible and would race home to see him. The kids were younger then but had school until around 3:00 ish. Taking care of animals is rewarding. But also a lot of work! At least they are like your grand children. Nap time, gotta love that. Speaking of which. It's bedtime. Goodnight ladies ! ~M~

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Well, today is a new day....time to embrace the good, and shake off the bad.

    My recent bloodwork came back, and my CA27-29 is119. Wow! But I am not going to freak out. Nope. I start radiation tomorrow to kick both lesions' ass. I know that number is super high, but I also know that I can handle it. We are strong woman, us MBC sisters!

    Love to all,