My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    I’m doing pretty well, thanks. My MO took me off of Abraxane several weeks ago, so I am getting a nice break from all of it. I won’t see her again until July, and last CT scan showed stable. Can’t ask for more than that.

    When we fly up to see my family, we will probably fly into Allentown. I was thinking if we do, that I could swing by and see you and give you a BIG HUG! Seriously, hubby flew out of Clearwater to Allentown last time he went to see his Mom, so I’ll definitely let you know. Probably won’t be for awhile yet, but someday maybe this virus will be gone and we’ll be able to go places again.

    Take care and stay well. Oh yeah....and have a Yokos Hot dog for me. Love them!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    sounds like a plan I would be honored to meet you and it would make me extremely happy. A lot of people fly out of there. Hope it works out after covid. My doctor told me today she thinks we will be wearing masks for a longtime. I sat there thinking. I can barely breathe now. It was so hot. Summer and masks and ppe. Truly is front lines for these healthcare workers. Doctors etc. heroes !

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,546

    Hi ladies. thanks for the flowers-pansies.

    Thanks for the rant Mel.

    Moomala so grateful for ALL of your good news.

    Booboo I saw your wonderful news too. Hope you get to see Mel.

    Tired achy and the big D, but no insomnia for 2 days so it all evens out to crap 💩.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Tanya~I would love to be as lucky as BooBoo, to be able to meet someone like you guys did. I welcome any opportunity. Chelle and I. Talk about it weekly. It's what we want !!!! 4.5 years of friendship. It's a bonding sure when you meet someone who understands like ones another would, cannot be Broken. It's special.

    I hope that Mara and Candy are well also.

    Moomala. Hope you're feeling stronger each day.

    Cloudy here. But ehhh. The universities are starting to have the students come and get their items from the dorm rooms. So dh and dss has to pack up and head to Alabama within a weeks notice. So that is where they are. Driving. Farrrr farrrrr!!! Of course dh caught my shitty cold for the trip. I feel so bad for him. He took care of me. And now he's sick. Unreal. He never gets a break. But then again who does. No one I know. Have the best day you can ladies !

    Hello MJH!

    wanted to add I’m worried About Mae😕....

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,182


    Thanks Mel for thinking of me in your post.

    I wonder about Mae too.

    So today I went to Dollar store in high risk hour to do shopping. Got items on list--- except, of course, 1 TP (limit still), no Lysol, no disinfecting wipes. But that is just how it is now. I am doing some house cleaning and laundry today too. Our State is on track to reopen some things on May 29. I plan on going to get a hair cut as soon as I can get appointment (probably mid June). But other than that, I will continue to stay at home like I do now. The "new normal". Hate that term. The days meld into each other. But what can I do about it.

    My scans-- CT and bone scan-- are scheduled for this upcoming Wednesday May 20. Then MO appt the following week. Unsure if virtual visit or real visit.

    I miss Philly. I see she checks into BCO, but no posts. Wish she would say HI.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Hi Tanya,

    I miss you lady. Even though we’re close enough to see each other, we may as well be thousands of miles away. But I just know that things will turn around soon. Things are starting open up here....maybe too soon. We’ll see. It could also be because it’s so hot here....90 degrees today. But I’m still staying in and doing my best to stay away from crowds. Anyway, just wanted to say hello friend.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Candy, in your pocket on Weds.!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,590

    Tanya, hoping big D goes away and sleep continues.

    In your pocket Candy.

    I have walked 3 walks outside, each maybe 20 mins. One of the walks I trained with a mask, still using the mask from the cancer clinic. I have been washing it in the mesh bag in my washer a few times, even dried it and it is still holding together. I do not wear masks to protect myself, but others. I did one of the walks with the mask because when I walked around the grocery store yesterday, I felt faint and overheated. Though it is not has humid or hot, I still want to get more used to having it on so I can function at the cancer clinic. Cannot afford these masks to make me pass out which almost happened yesterday. Any mask does this, it is not this particular mask doing it.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,590

    Tanya, hoping big D goes away and sleep continues.

    In your pocket Candy.

    I have walked 3 walks outside, each maybe 20 mins. One of the walks I trained with a mask, still using the mask from the cancer clinic. I have been washing it in the mesh bag in my washer a few times, even dried it and it is still holding together. I do not wear masks to protect myself, but others. I did one of the walks with the mask because when I walked around the grocery store yesterday, I felt faint and overheated. Though it is not has humid or hot, I still want to get more used to having it on so I can function at the cancer clinic. Cannot afford these masks to make me pass out which almost happened yesterday. Any mask does this, it is not this particular mask doing it.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,182

    Thanks Rosie and all who want to do pocket duty for Wednesday. Even before COVID I went to appts alone. One of my sisters doesn't even know when my scans are scheduled. Oh well.

    Just checking Threads---quiet today it seems. I have laundry in washer and dryer. House vacuumed and mopped. And only 1pm. I got up early for the shopping trip and don't feel too tired yet. My house is small so housework doesn't take long. So the day is dragging. Texted/called a couple of friends with no response. People are busy with their own lives. Feeling lonely.

    Edited to say--- HI Mara. You are a go-getter with those walks, mask and all !!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Hello Ladies~ it's a lovely day here. Ran a few errands. Just soaked up some sun. I am with you on the masks making you pass out. I just. And breathe. I get so dizzy as well. I often have to move it to breathe.

    Hope this goes away soon. But my doc yesterday said we're going to be wearing masks for a long time to come. And she said years. Not one. Before it circulated throughout society. Hearing that , means nothing will be like it ever was again. Which is such a shame.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    oh...I cleaned three toilets. Made a bed, ran some errands. Now I’m Bushed. It’s another lovey day outside today. I’m trying to limit my napping. I don’t like sleeping all day. It makes late nights a thing for me. Insomnia, so I’m trying everything!! I had a burst of energy. Oh and I went to cvs. So I’m pretty glad with what I’ve gotten done. Now I rest.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,182

    Mel- sounds like you got a lot done too. Woohoo. Maybe better sleep tonight for ya.

    I am getting tired now. Will stay up since it is later in the day and I want to sleep tonight. Got so much done today, saved nothing for tomorrow. Hahaha.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,590

    Mel, good for you getting all that done. I also agree, daytime sleeping definitely screws with sleeping at night. My problem is randomly falling asleep. Trying to keep busy making pennies along with music in the background to stay awake when seated.

    Candy, I did 3 outdoor walks in total. About 20 mins each. Walking is the only thing I like doing. Need to keep doing outdoor walks to get ready for summer. I wore an evaporative hat liner to keep head cool under my wig. Works pretty well and I do have evaporative towels too. As far as the mask, it is only because yesterday I almost passed out in the store. Sitting on my butt tonight I think.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Mara~ I just forced myself up from a kitty kat nap just now. The dogs where whining anyway. Some days they are so easy. Other days I want to lock them away. But I shouldn’t sleep now especially! I wish I had more energy bursts on more days. It would be so nice to feel this good. When a few days back , I would have been miserable with my cold and not feeling well day. So today I’m thankful.

    Candy~Yup I was a rolling stone. I even kinda surprised myself how well I was feeling I wish it was everyday. Nothin close to what I. Used to do. (Clean a lot more at once and run 6 miles in an hour). I miss feeling powerful. Like a powerful woman

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,703

    Just checking in ladies -

    Nothing going on here like literally, nothing. The weather is supposed to warm up to the mid to upper 70s all this coming week, so THAT is exciting, but other than that, its the doldrums. I have to go into town next week for my injections + pills, but Other Half is going to come with me in order to pop into his (nearby) office to pick up some packages that have been stuck in the mail room for the last 8 weeks, and then we will stop at the good butcher after my appointment to pick up a few steaks to keep in the freezer for grilling this summer. Not too worried - a mask and hand sanitizer, the trains are pretty empty anyway and the R value for London is quite low compared to other parts of the country. Strawberries are coming in so I was thinking of making some shortcake today if I can find my kitchen scale. You can get pink gin cream in the stores here - I guess for strawberries and cream?

    The big excitement Friday was that Five Guys reopened for delivery only, so of course we had to order. One of those jr. cheeseburgers tastes just like home - I think its the buns :)

    Boo and Tanya - we planned last year to be vacationing with my parents and aunt and uncle about this time down in your neck of the woods. To see its so hot already and the beaches open....I really hope we can make it down there next year.

    Mara - take care with that mask and passing out - better to be breathing without it than unconscious with!

    Mel - glad you had an up and at em day!

    And a big wave to everyone else!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Hello Sondra~That pink cream mention has me wanting some strawberry shortcake right. Now. Oh yummy yum. my dogs had me up at 545 I don't like that at all. They are going to have a sit down after breakfast. None of this shit 700 ok. Unless you're on fire don't wake me up. I need my precious sleep and I don't want to have to nap either. It's this cycle. Fatigue for endless days. One good day and you want them all to be that way. Cancer you suck bad

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,590

    Sondra, thanks for the advice. Since I have to wear masks at the cancer clinic, I just wanted to get prepared for Wednesday's infusion. I think as long as I keep my body cool enough, I should be OK. The walk with the mask was good to do, did not cause problems for me. Helps me get used to it. I do take the mask off at the cancer clinic so I can eat my granola and have my bottle of water as well .I do like the fact that even the paper mask the cancer clinic gave can be washed in my portable washing machine. I put it in a mesh bag and ran it through a regular wash and dry. I think due to the smaller size of the washer, it does not seem to tear it apart. Gets a better disinfection too. Saves me using my rubbing alcohol or peroxide. My steamer broke so can't sterilize it that way until I have saved up for a new one.

    Today I am just relaxing, watching TV and making my pennies from my get paid to sites. They help me a lot with my budget for groceries and some don't require any effort. Not too sure if I feel like walking, it is supposed to be rainy so not interested in that at all. Weather is improving next week, supposed to be quite warm and already have my AC on.

    Hope people have a decent weekend. For the people whose health is improving, I am so glad for you and if you are having difficulties, may they end sooner as opposed to later. Hugs to all who need one.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    if only today was like yesterday Sometimes when we feel good like that. We push too hard. Then it kicks our ass for the next day. I know my dogs had me uP early. I went back to bed. Then DD woke me up. So now I have that nap groggy headache thing going. Yuck. Hope everyone has a nice Sunday!!
  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,590

    Sorry to hear that Mel, definitely takes a lot out when you do so much the day before. I find that myself. No walking today, not indoor or outdoor. My DB and SIL asked if I wanted to go anywhere so we took a ride in the van to Mc D's. I had a coke and fudge sundae and we just chatted in the parking lot. We would have done some shopping but the lines to enter the store were LONG. I did not need anything that bad. Best part were the cookies he made me. Chocolate chip.

    I sat on my butt at home outside of the trip out and watched movies. Last night, watched the movie "Scoob" which was so good. Many callbacks to old Hanna Barbara cartoons and actually quite a heartwarming story. I made popcorn and rented even though it was 20.00. Well worth it, I would have gone to the theatre if possible anyway. The other movie was from Amazon primevideo about a kindergarten teacher and chaperone on a field trip with the cutest kids in the world who get caught up in a zombie apocalypse. Lots of horror, adult humour but such cuteness of the kids all around. It is called Little Monsters.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Mara~ it’s my own fault. I knew it. I seem to get more done when dh isn’t around. I guess I just know it has to happen. I want to see that movie and love Hannah Barbara comics as well. Blast from my childhood. I’m on a law and order binge. So I’m occupied, but do not like commercials anymore. Spoiled from Netflix. Finished ozark. My goodness that was fantastic!!! Hope all is well been quiet lately.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    I also wanted to post to you moms of boys out there. I have a question Was your son a slob ? I mean like doesn't want to clean his room at all don't care if the laundry is done.? Will step over things to get into bed. Will sleep on other shirts and pants etc and it doesn't phase him. I went into his room Friday and I almost had a faint. It was awful. I immediately started him to the cleaning efffort but it's slow going. Geeze. It's really frustrating...

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,590

    Mel, speaking from my mom's own experience, I was the slob. When clean clothes were brought in, I did not bother putting them away as a younger person. Tossed them on the floor. She used to fight with me to clean my room, I never did. She finally said forget it and let it stay that way. I eventually tired of the mess and cleaned up myself but that was when I was into my teens. The only rule she had was NO FOOD in the bedroom as she said she did not need rodents or cockroaches moving in. None of us ate in our bedrooms. Hopefully yours will come around to doing it without you having to tell them too. In hindsight, I can just imagine being frustrated when somebody will not pick up after themselves.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    It’s driving me crazy. I’ve had twenty talks with him. My dh has gotten upset. I speak to
    Him about it. He just shrugs his shoulders and agrees but nothing ever gets done. How long is this ok in his mind? I want it done. I’m not asking for the world. Just his own things. We asked him to mow the lawn. Never got done. When it did. It wasn’t correctly weed whacked. It was not done regularly so that annoyed the hell out of us. We had to hire someone to cut the grass weekly. I am just sick of feeling like I’m beating my head against the wall. It better be for a good reason.
  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,182

    Hi all. Good Sunday Evening.

    This morning I ordered Walmart groceries online--to pick up at curb tomorrow. I watched 2 church services, 1 on TV, 1 online. Walked on treadmill this afternoon. And texted a friend. That was my day.

    I too grew up on Hanna Barbara cartoons. Good times.

    Dreading my scans on Wednesday. Have to drink the CT contrast- yuck. Then I always feel like I am going to pee my pants on the scanner table--when I have to pee, I have to pee NOW. And I have to have a bone scan plus the CT. Just dreading it. You know what I mean? It seems like each time I am due for scans I dread them even more. Then the anxiety about the results. Ok, cannot think about it anymore right now. The heartrate is climbing.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Candy~can completely relate to the phases of ptsd. Scanxiety is real. I’ll be in your pocket wed... my day wasn’t exciting either. It was boring. Like usual. Dh will be back tomorrow at some point. I am used to him being here but worry about the quarantine again. He traveled. Yikes

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341


    I feel you on the scans on Wednesday -- I have my CT with contrast on Tuesday, and I am trying to put it out of my mind. I know exactly how you feel. Good luck on Wednesday. Fingers crossed for you.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,546

    Hi all!!!!

    Mel my sons were both a mess. My son did clean his own home when he was married. He’s in his 40’s now. He pays for a cleaning lady now that he’s divorced in a bachelor pad.

    BevJen in your pocket Tuesday.

    Candy in your pocket Wednesday.

    My son gave me these M&M’s so I’ll bring them and if we don’t like them we can leave them in the machine for the next guest.

    Hot here today. Neighbor decided to clean up dog poop while I was sitting in the sun in the backyard. His wife is ill so they don’t do walks with the dog as often as they used to. They’re nice. I didn’t budge. Lol. I’ve smelled it before and I just watered the garden swept 🧹 set myself up with water and my phone so...

    emotional day. You know. No rhyme or reason everything gets me choked up. Even reading what Candy said about her going to appt. alone. Me too candy. I have you guys in my pocket. Thanks for that.

    Hi Booboo dear friend. I’ve been isolated to mania. Seriously 😳 are you guys getting a little loony? Tanya

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    BevJen~We will be jumping in for some more pocket duty Tuesday for you! We all have to be there for each other so we don’t feel so alone. When I go in I think of each of yours words. I think you all know what it’s like. I’m not alone. You’re not alone either! For you we are all in the living room! Hugs to you too my friend 🌹

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,060

    Tanya~Yes a little looney for sure. I don’t even want to cross stitch because I’m bored of the sight of an x. I have my cry days. They certainly come without warning and can be triggered by anything or everything. We have two dogs also and I occasionally smell it as well. It’s worse in the summer in the heat of course. But we have the entire yard for them to access so the decomposition never stops. The lawn guy has never complained so I guess were ok. But geeze I wouldn’t want us to have that with our neighbors!!!! I like it when it rains a lot to wash things down! I used to do it all myself. I miss feeling powerful to take care of things myself. Now I’m a chair or bed occupier. That’s what I do. Makes me so mad. I used to be so strong.