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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    ilowen- Woohoo on your great scan results!!!! Celebrate!!!!!

    50'sgirl- You sound like me--- doc appts, scans, blood draws. We are really painting the town!!!!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Lynne and others who have had the vaccine, I am happy for you because you likely would not wind up in ICU if you got covid and that is the best news to my ears.

    Even when I finally get vaccinated, I don't see that as returning to normal for me personally. I have honestly enjoyed not having a cold or flu this season and I think I will keep masking up, even in the summer permanently.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    sunshine: no nightshade plants. No tomatoes!!???? I could not do that. I live on my homegrown tomatoes in the summer. I frequently have high potassium levels -- not hugely high, just a few points above the normal range. It is my fondness for bananas and avocados apparently.

    candy: thank you so much for keeping track of all of our tests!! I can barely keep track of my own.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Yes Candy, thanks for keeping track of all of us, I've got Timtams for pocket duty and me after fasting for this scan.

    Yay ilowen, great news. Candy, I hope everything goes well for you today and you get some definitive answers.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,720

    I’ve got a bag of cheese it snaps for pocket duty, forgive me if the crunching is too loud.

    We’re planning a quick trip to move items to s local storage place near the cabin, then spend a nice couple of days relaxing before heading back for more appointments. It’s progress at least.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Candy. Pocket duty for tomorrow’s appointment! I hope you get some good info and a plan of action that you feel comfortable with. Also hope the drive is easy.

    Ilowen, congrats on your great report.

    Pocket duty for anyone needing it this week. I’ll look back at Candy’s list on the previous page but it looked like a lot is going on for our ladies here. Bringing bite-sized brownies

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Showing up for pocket duty for all who want it or wish it. Will carry you all along with me when I go for procedure (scope, D&C) on Tuesday. I feel the crushing hand of fear squeezing the blood out of my heart. Worried about the procedure some, but the results in 2 weeks time, that is where the terror lies. I don't dare let myself hope for a good outcome. It feels like hope is a target just asking to be shot down. Blah. Not in a good place at all.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Rumor, I'll be right there alongside you on Tuesday in spirit, sending you strength and love.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Runor, we will all be there with you in spirit and doing pocket duty as well. As far as the timeframe, I have trouble believing that if it was cancerous causes that would wait 2 whole weeks. They usually want to get on top of anything brewing as quick as possible. If it does turn out to be two weeks as you were told to expect, we will be in your pocket all the way. I have always approached things with an expect the worst hope for the best to lessen the shock of bad news.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Runor, all,

    Reporting for pocket duty. I’ll be the one singing something stupid as I’m munch on Mae’s Cheese Its, so if I get too loud, just tap me on the head and I’ll quiet down.

    Hugs to all.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    reporting for pocket duty. Sorry if I’m not very chatty. I’m wearing a cloak of sadness for sure. My dogs death has me funked up. My DH had this made for me . image

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 725

    Mel - what a sweet memorial from your hubs ❤️. Now that is one great guy🥰. Cuddleup with the love of your dear fur kids 🐾🐾.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Mel, love the memorial from your DH and totally understandable that you don't have a ton of energy since you are still grieving. We all understand that.

    I had my CT scan on my chest. Will most likely get my results next Wed the 28th when I see my MO. I had to walk at 700am which was far more peaceful and fewer people to avoid. Was really quick there. Only annoyance was the CT person brought up the fact that I don't take any oral contrast and that if one gives diarrhea, I should take another one. Not sure what brought this up since I was not requiring a contrast. I told her that I was not interested in any oral contrast. Just bluntly said that I walk and I am not going to put up with side effects from any oral contrast. I said my MO was aware of my position on this matter and that is it. She did not pursue it again. I am the patient and I will not be forced into taking another contrast when I know that if I was to progress to my abdominal area, I would not continue treatment and just be kept comfortable for as long as possible. Geez, I think the techs should just stick to their job and just do the scan. Not her job to talk about contrast in an app't that is not even using it.

    I did enjoy the speediness of the appt and got 8500 steps out of the walks to and from the hospital and in the hospital itself. I was pretty hot when I got home but cooling off using neck fans. They are wonderful. Hope they last. Supposed to last a couple of hours per charge. Can also run plugged in.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Thank you to all my pocket pals.

    Mara, a two week wait for results is FAST for here. With my breast cancer it was over 3 weeks I waited, almost a month. A hellish, horrible month. As for the moralizing and tutt tutting of the x-ray person telling you you should take it your job to make their job easier? So many forget they are in a service industry. And once you have lost sight of that I think it's time to hang up the scrubs and change professions. 

    Mel, I know you're in a funk. Wish I could fix it. We all do. 

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Runor you are right and in the end, it is my body. I will not take anything oral when it comes to CT scans. They see enough as my MO does not complain.

    Well, ALL mobile networks are down at least where I am in Ontario. I thought it was my phone and was going through settings. I finally looked up downdetector and they ALL are down. That is not good at all. I am using a WIFI app to have the ability to call people or text but still, never heard of all networks being down at the same time.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    runor and mel, you are both in my thoughts and my heart hurts with the pain of the unknown and the pain of loss. I want to have a big cry party. A big ugly-cry party. I think it would be good for us.

    (((hugs))) and Kleenex (the ultra-soft)


  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Candy thank you for being so organized it helps us all.

    I’m in for pocket duty.

    Mara good job standing up for your contrast choice. I’m gals you’re so resolved but it’s still annoying. The person has no idea how many compromises alterations pain weakness and loss we go through. Misbehaving like kool aid is what’s being given out.

    Rainy here today which is great for a gardening break.

    I’ll bring peaches 🍑 for the pocket duty. My neighbor gave me some from her tree Friday I still have a lot.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Thank you Tanya, those peaches look really good. I also am in full agreement with you, don't bring up something that had nothing to do with today. No contrast was needed for this

    Well, I did manage to phone my prescription in to the pharmacy to have it delivered and gave my wifi app phone number. All of our mobile networks are down, at least where I am. All companies affected as well. Thankfully internet still holding so far.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    ilowen - Yay! We needed some good news. I am happy for you!

    Mara - I live alone also and maintain my home so I share your concerns there. Praying for good news.

    Candy - I know it's been stated, but thank you for the lists. That helps. Praying that you get some answers and confident direction for this new progression from the tumor board.

    Mel - Totally understandable to be down. Praying you find comfort.

    I'm glad we have this thread to keep connected with one another.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Well, just had some more crazy news. I am having surgery next Tuesday on my leg. The femur up through the ball of the right leg (that attaches to the hip) has cancer in half of the bone. I saw an orthopedic oncologist who said I am in danger of ending up in th ER if the bones break. He said it’s just a matter of time. So I’ll have surgery to insert a rod to strengthen the bone, and then will have radiation afterwards. Oh what fun...

    Tanya, not sure when we will ever have lunch!

    Mel, still thinking of you and praying for peace.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    wow booboo, that's sudden but glad it was found & is being properly treated.

    catching up on the thread. I'm fine, just out of sorts and cranky - so usual :P

    hugs everyone

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Booboo wow just wow. I think Bev Jen said she is having surgery on her femur bone too. When is the surgery date? Sending hugs and prayers.

    Moth I get that cranky thing going too. It’s not easy to shake off. Whatever it takes to make your mood better I hope it finds its way to you soon. Sometimes a good laugh gets me out of it but my humor is sometimes dark and sarcastic. Where’s our classy humorist Runor or Raddagas Rabbit when you need them?


  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    candy and all: PET scan-- all good to go! I can relax for awhile. Thanks for the pocket duty. I am now freed up for others. Dark chocolate salted caramels anyone?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Yes please. Progress along the vaccine front, apparently the Astra Zeneca will be available in Ontario at certain pharmacies for 40 plus people. I registered to be emailed about it as my Rogers mobile service is still down now. I hope they fix it, though I don't use the phone much, you really miss it when unavailable.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    mara, Ontario was giving out Pfizer to cancer pts of any age since a couple weeks ago? Is there a reason you wouldn't have qualified for it?

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    BooBoo - traveling along while you get all fixed up. Hugs and hope for a swift recovery.

    Elderberry - thank goodness that is out of the way for now! Breath a sigh of relief and eat that salted caramel.

    Tanya, my funny bone is going through a dry spell right now. With good luck I will get my ha ha back. I have missed it while it has been replaced by it's ugly sibling, anxiety.

    Moth, I doubt you are cranky but if you have some salted caramel it might help - or it might make you salty nyuk nyuk.

    Ilowen, awesome news!

    Waving hi to everyone else . I have to be sure to shave my legs before I head off to day surgery tomorrow and wear socks without holes. I even got the Nair out to neaten up my rather ungroomed appearance. Want to look presentable while I am unconscious, legs up, butt naked while my innards get sucked out. 

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Elderberry- Woohoo !!!!! We need good news!!!!

    Wow Booboo. What is up with femur/hip surgeries here? You and BevJen. Pocket duty for you with surgery and recovery and then radiation.

    runor- Hahaha about the shaved legs and non-holey socks. Pocket duty for your surgery.

    Well, I am home from my MO. Tired. Well I guess the liver tumor boards recommendation is to "watch and wait" per my MO. Guardant test was not helpful--- no mutations seen, not enough circulating tumor cells. So.... I asked about a tissue biopsy next. My MO said "Good idea". I feel I am having to suggest things to my MO--- I suggested the Guardant test last month and she said "Good idea" then too. She doesn't suggest this stuff, I do.

    Then on the way home (the 2 hour drive by myself) I was mulling over the appointment and when I got home I messaged my MO nurse. I asked if I am I getting ahead with suggesting these biopsies-- liquid and now tissue. I was off Ibrance a lot for the Covid vaccines and then the scan showed increases in sizes of the liver mets. Could it have been being off the Ibrance so much? And not mutation progression? The nurse messaged back the MO wants the liver biopsy now because it takes 3-4 weeks to get the results-- they use Tempest--and she does not want the delay later if we need to change treatments.

    IDK what to do. I hate to go thru a liver biopsy and get no information again like the Guardant test. Anyhow, I am tired and not thinking well tonight.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Moth no, not everybody was able to get the vaccine. I do qualify for the Astra Zeneca and I filled out an online form and got a code that I will need to bring with me. They will contact me via email to tell me when an app't time would be and I could get it at the pharmacy.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Oh runor, in your pocket tomorrow for you D&C. You are better than I, I don't shave my legs for anyone though on the plus side, my legs don't have much hair left due to my love of leggings and yoga pants. Rubs right off.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    runor: You gave me a good laugh. I was blessed with being hairless. I shaved my legs once a year whether they needed it or not. Armpits -- a few times a year. But I had eyebrows and hair on my head and losing them was a trauma. Holey socks -- I seem to have a lot of them. They go on intact but when I take them off there are holes. Wear some fun socks for when you go in. I have a pair of sock a friend gave me that says "F*ck this sh*t" (the socks are not edited) I used to wear them for chemo. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow. Hugs.