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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Hello Mel!! Agreed about the wax in the cashier's ears. I think she is just so used to saying that, it is routine. I have also dealt with this store so I am aware they don't like my bag on the end to pack up. Not really what the difference is anyway, am I not putting germs on her belt from the groceries I had to pick up. What more germs are there on my bag if I put it there a second. She cleans it up anyway. Oh well, small potatoes.

    Dutchiris, hope you get your water back on quickly. It is a PIA. Mine was shut off due to a leak, they had to dig up the front stoop to get to the pipe. I filled every available glass I had with water and then had it all planned out if it took a long time to be turned back on. In reality, it was only off about an hour and a half.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Candy - sorry about your friend. I have run into people who know nothing about their medical situation and instead just leave it up to doctors, trusting that 'the system' somehow trumps their own intelligence. Or maybe they don't want the responsibility of knowing. Of deciding. Of having an opinion. Of asking for more or refusing something. With my breast cancer I wanted to KNOW. I have to admit with this possible uterine cancer I have been less motivated to know, because I'm pissed off and thinking what's the point of knowing, damn cancer is going to do what it's going to do. But still...I learned a few basic things about uteruses (uteri?) and the way this process works.  I shake my head at people who decide that uninformed and uninvolved is going to be their way to deal. I do not have a great opinion of such people, of that life approach. But maybe they know something I don't, and that is how to let go and not freak out. So maybe they are better off than I am after all. I just don't know. 

    Dutchiris - it always amazes me how many times a day I turn on a tap and this is most apparent when there is nothing in the tap!  Hope water is flowing soon!

    Micmel - girl, I just want to squeeze you in a big hug until POP! all the sadness flies away. 

    Mara - i have to imagine that this coivd thing has pushed the level of active global pollution off the scale. Gloves, masks, PPE, all the plastic grocery bags people are using. It's insane. I usually use my own bags but have not since this pandemic for the very reason you just mentioned.  

  • ilowen
    ilowen Member Posts: 78

    Candy, I know that you’ll support your friend as well as you can during this difficult time for her. Every person approaches life’s challenges in their own way.

    Dutchiris, waiting is the worst! When I had my first scans earlier this month, the doctor said they’d discuss the results at my next meeting ... a full month later. Luckily she was mistaken and my primary oncologist called with the results as soon as he saw them. Waiting that 1.5 weeks for the call and receiving the reports in my health portal was long enough!

    Mara, I know it can be frustrating working in the service industry but that rudeness was just uncalled for. What did she want you to do, steal the lunch bag?

    Micmel, I went through a similar struggle when we lost our beautiful dog and, a couple years later, our last kitty cat. I finally decided not to get a new pet, partially because we wanted more freedom to travel. At times I regret that decision and we have been throwing around the idea of getting a new cat. But, now that I have mbc, I find myself deferring to my DH on this and allowing him to make the decision since it’s likely that any new pet will be around longer than I will and I don’t want to saddle him with that responsibility unless he really wants it.

    After some beautiful spring weather, winter has decided to make a reappearance over here. Temperatures are super chilly and we even had snow 2 days this week. Luckily it didn’t stick around for long! It looks like we’ll see the sun today off and on but then the weekend is rain or snow ... brrr! I was hoping to get out in the backcountry Sat or Sun for some fun and relaxation but that doesn’t seem very likely. Spring in the mountains is always full of surprises

    Hoping everyone has a wonderful weekend.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Thanks guys, the cashier thing does not bother me now. I am debating going to the grocery store for a couple of treats and an extra walk before my soap comes on. I ordered a bagel from uber eats from a place I usually order from. Driver and delivery were fine, cost was terrible, over 10.00 in fees and tip to the driver. I also did not enjoy the bagel because I had spinach and feta cream cheese added and though those are flavours I like on pizza or in salads, it was too thick and gross to go with the rest. Could not finish it. Next time I want bagels, I will take the bus and pick them up myself. Cheaper for me.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    dutchiris - ugh sorry you have to wait so long for the results. & now watermains problems? last thing you need!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Well I had the liver ultrasound today. The IR said he is going to aim for the one closest to the surface of my liver--- measured 1.5cm-- for the biopsy.

    This IR is not at the same location as my normal cancer center. My normal center is a satellite site. And I had to go to the main campus for the ultrasound and for the biopsy procedure. Before I could even get home (2 hour drive) my normal center called me and had a date set for the biopsy. So the biopsy is next Wednesday the 28th. Boy, they move fast. Discussed the option of a biopsy with MO on April 19, had ultrasound on the 23rd to verify they could get to the lesion, and biopsy scheduled for the 28th. But, then the Tempus testing takes 3-4 weeks, per my MO.

    This is not fun.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    candy - things are moving forward though so that is good. But all these appointments are tiring and draining. I'm hoping the biopsy gives you valuable info!

    I've got a few more hours until I hear from the respirologist. I really feel I 'failed' my lung function test yesterday - I mean I know it's an assessment and not a test but it seemed like it was going badly & my results will be poor. I'm already steeling myself for some shitty news. I figure it's either an effusion or they'll want to restart steroids. Or both. ugh. I'm so tense I can't even relax to watch a tv show atm

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Candy and Moth, I am sorry you are both dealing with appointments and waiting for things. Moth, I hope your news is not as bad as you think. In both of your pockets.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    phew, the respirologist said he's not too worried right now & he doesn't want to restart steroids at this time. I'm SO relieved.

    It likely means I can restart immunotherapy on May 4th. I'll find out next week I guess when I have my MO appt prior to chemo.

    I also have a CT scan on May 1, and bone scan May 5th.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Moth, I am glad you got news that settles you a little. I know what you mean about not being able to watch tv. You're looking at the screen, but your mind is off somewhere else.  So you didn't fail your lung test after all. Does this mean you will revisit that fat cigar hobby you have?

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Moth, better news for you, hopefully you will be able to start back on your immunotherapy. Candy, in your pocket for next Wednesday, I know its a pain but things are moving along quickly now.

    It's supposed to be the start of a long weekend here but we've had 2 cases of community spread and we are in a 3 day lockdown to allow contact tracing to try and stop it early, truly you would think it was for a month the way people panic buy, the queue at the supermarket is ridiculous . At least everyone takes it seriously, the queue to get tested was even longer. With any luck 3 days will be enough and we can get back to our new normal in this awful covid world.

    Mara, its do disappointing when we pay extra for delivery and its not enjoyable, the same thing happened to me with Chinese delivery from menulog, having to pay extra for something inedible is the worst.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    runor, yup, back to thos those big fat west coast doooooooobies which I stocked up on 04/20 :P

    I failed enough that I have to have the longer lung function test but I think that's more to establish a baseline so we can monitor my lung? He seemed to think we should be guided by my symptoms which is sorta dangerous because I'm now not going to report any symptom ever again. (kidding ! sort of...but from now on I'm also channeling the The Black Knight. 'tis but a scratch! )

    Are you keeping busy?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    KittyKat, yeah, it was disappointing but not the end of the world. I would order again but pick up at the restaurant and save the extra 10.00 I paid in fees and tip. Also, no more cream cheese (yuck).

    I must say, you are handling the pandemic much better where you are located. Had we been that quick as cases showed up, we would not have had so much issue. A 3 day lockdown is much better than the 3 separate weeks long lockdowns we have had here.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    Moth, I hope the lung issues can be solved for you since I know you like to be pretty active. I totally missed 4/20 as well, did not see anything in my social media either which was unusual.

    Well, another lovely sunny day here. Just did some laundry which I enjoyed. I got a washing wand from Amazon for 30 bucks when I worked harder at surveys. I use it with my 5 gallon bucket and I must say, for clothes or cloths that are not overly dirty, it really agitates well, I feel it in my arms. Usually just agitate for a couple of minutes or until I get tired and then leave them for 5 minutes to soak then agitate and soak again. I dump the bucket, at softener and agitate, soak and finally rinse with plain water.

    I will probably go for an outdoor walk but doing some walking on the spot, up over 3000 steps already just by picking a song and walking. Figure this is a good way to hit my step goal while also being an easy thing to do without dressing or wigging up. Hoping older DB asks if I want to shop today. Would not mind getting more of my beefless ground. I love that stuff.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Moth - you savour that sweet herb! I am growing some right now, (this is legal everyone, which takes all the fun out of it). Do you prefer high THC or high CBD? I cannot now and neverr could tolerate that high THC stuff. It makes me absolutely frantic with paranoia and anxiety. I have never been able to understand how anyone finds that heart pounding, chest clutching fear to be fun. I dabbled in making tinctures made to go under the tongue for a few seconds then be spit out. Used the highest proof alcohol I could find, decarbed a bunch of bud, soaked it and ended up with stuff that tastes like you've licked the bottom of an ashtray that someone peed into  AND it just mostly gives me a blister under my tongue, that high proof vodka is like battery acid! Tincture fail. I have experimented with growing hemp, yes hemp, to blend with higher THC flower, the CBD of the hemp to counteract and modulate the uptake of the THC. But while cannabis is now bred to live in a grow tent, hemp is not. That stuff is insane! It grows like a weed (ha ha) like a hedge! It really needs to be outdoors so it can get its freak on. It is just not a happy camper in a tent and quickly crowds out everything around it. I have a plant coming now and hoping for some warm weather soon and that it is a female. Last massive hemp I grew turned out to be a male and I had to murder him in his prime. It was awful. 

    How am I doing? On a razor's edge waiting for a call. The faint hope that this is not uterine cancer is faint indeed. I am trying to brace for bad news but it's still going to wipe me out when I hear it.

  • dutchiris
    dutchiris Member Posts: 783

    Dang Runor! Who knew? That stuff ain't legal here. I just have your average backyard garden stuff. I have herbs (not that kind) tomatoes, peppers, and a variety of flowers. Will they call you with your results or will you have a appointment?

    I have an appointment Thursday for test results and treatment planning. I do know that I tested negative for the ESR1 mutation. So I am not a candidate for the ELAINE2 trial. That's one treatment option off the table.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Morning all.

    Ok, here we go with the ones I know of that have appointments this week---

    Karenfizedbo15- CT results Wednesday

    runor- path report results

    Tanya- PET Tuesday

    Dutchiris- test results and treatment plan Thursday

    mara- CT results Wednesday

    Moth- CT Saturday

    me (Candy)- Liver biopsy Wednesday

    Booboo- surgery Tuesday

    SondraF- MO Monday, preop Tuesday, surgery Friday.

    mae- Spine MRI Monday

    Sorry if I missed any.

    Prayers for all of you.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    I am having surgery on Tuesday to place a rod in my femur. Thanks.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Booboo- So sorry I missed you. I added you to the list. :) Hugs.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    You might have to add me to the list, my temp is 38 Celsius, I'm just trying to get the energy to drive myself to the hospital. Here we go again.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Kittykat - you must be feeling awful! I am worried at the thought of you driving yourself. Hope they get you straightened out.

    Booboo - going to offer up a prayer for you now and climb in a pocket and hope for super fast healing.

    Candy - yes, had scope and D&C on the 20th, waiting for phone call with patholgy results hopefully in this coming week. Not hopefully. I cannot feel hope. Hope is a rug waiting to be yanked out from under me at this point. My best chance is that it's a new, slow cancer, not an old aggressive cancer.

    Hoping everyone finds a sliver of peace and joy on this spring day, a break from the burdens that tend to crowd our minds. Hugs. 

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Oh Kittykat. So sorry you are troubled again with a fever. My prayers to you. Keep us updated.

    I updated the list to reflect Booboo and runor.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Ive got (its gonna be a super fun week!):

    MO - Monday

    Pre-op (bloods, Covid, MRSA tests) - Tuesday

    BSO surgery -Friday morning

    I see my MO has pulled the Zoladex from my treatment plan for this month,with just Xgeva to be given tomorrow. Im more nervous about neutrophil counts being too low, though I feel good and have good energy. I dunno, I just really really want to get the BSO over and done with.

    Oh - and CT scan on 17 May.

    Feel better soon Kittykat!

    And good luck to you boo on your femur surgery!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    SondraF- Pocket duty for your BUSY week. And I added you to the list. :)

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    the list is long this week. Mae we’ll need your sweater with all the pockets.

    I hate that we’re all going through this but glad we’re together.

    Kitty I’m sorry you have a high fever again.

    Booboo are you able to walk now?

    Runor that’s a long wait. Well one day is long.

    Hugs to all.


  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,720

    I've got the spine MRI tomorrow to confirm or rule out the lepto mets and I found the perfect jeans for pocket duty. Hop on in gals!


  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    mae- There ya go with those pockets. You are now on the list.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,463

    I love the pockets on those pants for all who need them this week including me. I keep forgetting myself but I should not do that I know.

    Did not get too much accomplished today, took out garbage, boxes from Amazon deliveries etc, did not feel like walking. Decided to order fish and chips for supper, getting tired of burgers and even beans. Already ate them this morning. Only have to wait til Wed to find out if lungs are OK and if it was just inflammation there.

  • Lee64
    Lee64 Member Posts: 113

    Wow, what a busy week! I'm in for pocket duty for everyone this week and sending good vibes to all for good results.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Yes, it’s a busy week coming up Wishing all who have appointments, scans, and surgeries all the best. Mae, the pockets look pretty roomy! You just may have a crowd with you. I’m in for pocket duty for everyone this week.