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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Goldens ~ my palliative doc left also. I had been with her for five years. Now I have to get used to a new one. Bugged me so much. We build confidence and trust for them , then they move to another facility just like that. I’m dealing with this , this month. I’m Just damn glad my second covid shot. It kicked my ass for four days. Didn’t eat for five. Horrible. My DH. Barely anything. He’s a hero. I was so glad for him. For me not so much. Have you gotten yours?

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 725

    Mei - we were able to get ours early. My husband believes he was the first doc at the hospital to get the vaccine, just because of timing. He had both in January and I had both in February. Somehow because we were a rural area, we got plenty of vaccine. Hubs had no problems other than a sore arm. The second vaccine caused me to have a couch day - just more fatigue than normal and more aches than normal. I’m sorry you had to go through hell to get protected. Seems to be no rhyme or reason why some sail through and others are struck by lightning.

    We are having brutal heat along with a lot of areas. I despise the heat even without humidity. I sweat buckets. Last year we kept our AC set at 73. I’m finding that is not keeping me comfortable. May need to turn down. I do keep all the blinds on the west side of the house down all the time, which does help keep the sun from blazing in. No doubt we are having climate change but I just can’t get on the bandwagon that we are solely responsible. How on earth do the “experts” explain the changing weather patterns from eons ago? I don’t mean for this to be political - but I tend to err on the side of common sense. Off my soapbox - LOL

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Oh man please Goldens, I puffy heart you but when you say "I tend to err on the side of commone sense" what is that saying about those of us who find the proof of human caused climate change as incontrovertible as that hiv causes AIDS and the coronavirus 19 is a novel respiratory virus which caused a pandemic... All 3 are common sense to me.

    Anyhooo. passing the bean dip.

    I had my 2nd Pfizer last night. It's 16h later & I really have nothing other than a bit of bruised feeling when I touch it. I hope that stay the same. I have chemo tomorrow.

    I have a longish to do list for today (probably totally unrealistic lol).

    Hey, yesterday at the hospital when getting labs and waiting for the MO appt, I was walking the hallways and came upon a group of students from my nursing program - but a few semesters behind me. I almost burst into tears seeing them in 'my' scrubs (the scrubs are embroidered with school name). My cohort is graduating in 2 months. Sigh. I'm going to try to keep busy today and not wallow.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    I am so sorry to hear about the poor girl. Hope justice is swift and harsh.

    Ugh, I have stomach pain since this morning. Hoping its lack of sleep. I also tried to walk to the cancer clinic. Way too hot. Hopped on the bus. Taking the bus home too. I will walk morning and inside til the heat subsides. Still have about a 10 minute walk for the bus but that is more manageable. I an cooling off with the neck fan.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 725

    Moth - my common sense just tells me that there weren’t humans driving around in automobiles and factories belching out smoke when the dinosaurs were around. No doubt we are contributing to the pollution of the earth and we need to clean up our act. I’m just a middle of the road thinker. I believe the earth itself is a living thing that has changed many ways through the span of time and will continue to do so beyond our carbon footprints. I didn’t intend to get on anybody’s nerves

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    What's Wrong With The Argument 'The Climate Is Always Changing'

    This argument is frequently used by people who want to stop any mitigation strategies to reduce GHG emissions so while it sounds reasonable on the surface, to me it has the same impact as anti maskers and anti vaxxers saying "well, we've lived with viruses befor so what is all this panic about covid".

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341

    Not to change the subject, but I just came from my first pedi after my surgical saga. My husband went to a local place and asked if they could handle someone in a wheelchair. (Still not ambulatory) They said sure, and it was today.

    Self care is a real thing. This brought my BP down more than a notch.

    Yay for taking care of ourselves.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Oh a pedi sounds lovely Bev! Glad you got some pampering!

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Bev - I did that a few weeks ago and I think I may keep it up every 6 weeks or so. Just having someone deal with the rough underside of my feet and how soft they were after! I could care less about the color when she gave such a marvelous foot massage too. But it IS nice to look down at feet in sandals and they look pretty and not all beat up and embarrassing. Besides, I can't reach that far to do my own toes!

    Glad it put a smile on your face :)

    Edit: Mel, I've been meaning to ask if you have heard/info on Philly and what sort of shenanigans she is getting up to these days?

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Goldens~ I’m not real up to climate change statistics either. So don’t quote me. Our earth is dying slowly, we could perhaps slow it. But it’s too late for human kind to take back any damages done to the environment around us.

    Moth~ of course there are statements and some proof of climate change, but overall no corporations want to change their ways. Two way streets. They are part of the problem and solutions. Don’t think it’s gonna happen it may be too late already. It one of those we can’t control. Too many people on this earth. How many can she hold ? How. Much can she take ? Mother Earth? No one knows. Thanks for the article.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Sondra ~ yes I’ve heard from her she’s doing good. All finished with her mastectomy and healed up . She posts on Instagram frequently and is dancing or jumping or jogging around her apartment or town. She’s amazing. I adore her.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Mel- Didn't Philly have progression to her liver? I was thinking she was bone only and then had progression to her liver and was going to have to change treatments. I wish she would have kept posting on BCO. I hope we didn't upset her in any way. I hate when we lose someone to death, but it is also hard to lose someone here from them stopping visiting us.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    she did, does not mention that very often. I’m not sure why she stopped posting. I think she’s focusing on her business

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    mel- Well she must be doing pretty well, whatever treatment she is on. To be jogging or dancing. Well if you talk with her, let her know I asked about her. Let her know that others, SondraF, and others are asking about her. Would be nice to hear from her. What treatments she has had, etc. We can learn from each other on what our MO's are prescribing.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Micmel, to offer some hope. We live in a forest. We had to clear to build a house. We had to fight back the growth to gain even a small space to live and garden. I am here to tell you the forest wins. It comes back. It not only perseveres, but it triumphs. The tenacity of life to keep living is simply staggering. Humanity may well kill itself and whether it be global warming, a pandemic, an over-reaction to said pandemic, an under-reaction or BOTH, I cannot say. But I doubt very much that this planet is as doomed as we sometimes believe. Perhaps our version of it is doomed. But the strength and urge for life to keep going is evident around me year after year as the growth comes back and back and back. As plants come up under pavement and bust it up. As roots cover great distances to happily make a home in our septic lines and garden beds. Life is always looking for a place to set up shop and it does, over and over and over relentlessly. While this is bad news from an operating septic point of view, it is astonishingly hopeful news from a Life Will Go On point of view. Since the beginning of time this earth and everything on it has evolved or died. Earth has been tried before with great ice ages and great melts we are. We are both fragile and delicate and tough as hell all at the same time. While keeping the place clean is the only sane thing to do, I do not think dire warnings that all life will cease are truthful or even probable. The rejuvenation and regrowth and urge to exist that I have seen around me for the past 30 years have made it abundantly clear that nature is one ass-kicking mofo and will not give up without one hell of a fight. Hasn't given up yet! 

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Candy~ like jogging around her apt. Small videos. Next time I talk with her I’ll ask her to drop by. It can’t hurt. I miss her too.

    Runor~ let’s hope so. Or or kids children. Won’t have much to live with if they lived at all. I just wonder how resilient a planet can be with pollution chemicals , car emissions. Refinery’s, nuclear plants. Maybe they are good. Who knows. But it’s baffling.

    Two days in a row with thunderstorms, loving that. It’s been so hot. I think more on deck tomorrow as well. Nap time then. Sleep time soon. Last night sucked. Didn’t fall asleep until after midnight. Ick ick. Hate that. We’ll see how I do tonight. I was an idiot and started nail painting about 30 mins before bed. Now I have to wait for them to dry. Duh! I need my pre chemo brain back.

  • molliefish
    molliefish Member Posts: 650

    I know this may sound wackadoddle but here goes. I firmly agree with runor. We humans will likely be wiped out by some virus for sure. Not COVID perhaps but the viruses keep trying. Inevitably the planet will flourish without us. I thought a great deal before having children as I wondered what I would leave them and what they would leave theirs. And then I thought Well we don’t know what our children will accomplish now do we? And if we don’t have them, then they won’t accomplish anything. Do you think Barack Obama’s Mom knew he’d be the US president? My point is we don’t know what will be, but i we stop trying we know what won’t be. We have to keep trying and we have to have hope.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    My opinion of environmental issues is pretty unpopular and I don’t mind at all if others don’t agree, I totally get it but DH and decided early on to not have children at all in large part to spare them what looks to be a tough future and to rid ourselves from the planet. Live long and die out is our policy and I ultimately hope nature and animals can thrive with less of the problems we humans create.

    On a lighter note, I’m excited for lunch tomorrow with a long time stage IV friend and two new girls our age. It’s margarita time for sure!

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Mel - that's good to hear. I think part of her reasoning to move off the boards was to focus on some of her advocacy in person. She did pop through briefly before the mastectomy and I think was last on tamoxifen, but if she is doing well to be dancing about then that is great.

    Its hot and humid here too - low 80s this weekend and cloudless skies. With no air conditioning it gets tough. Mae's margaritas sound like an amazing idea and we may need to do that this weekend. We have 3 lbs of ox cheek marinating in barbecoa spices to make pulled beef for tacos and the like (in the slow cooker!). That would go very nice with an icy beverage!

    Currently sitting in the living room waiting for Other Half to finish his conference call so I can get on mine at the top of the hour. Wonder if he put pants on for the call....Guess I better throw in some laundry while I wait!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    I do try to be environmental responsible with recycling and such. I don't have a car either. Planning to possibly switch to powder laundry detergents and dryer sheets for the cardboard that will break down. As far as climate change, I won't try to say we have not damaged anything but I also believe this is how the earth works and that areas that used to be warm will eventually become cold and so on and so forth. Who knows what will happen in the future and cannot be bothered worrying about it as I cannot change what will happen. One day at a time for me and deal with what is happening today.

    The weather is a little less humid though still hot. Doing very short walks, 15 to 20 mins. Got to build up stamina for walking in the heat to the bus stop but don't feel that I should be walking long distance outdoors. Just need to be more consistent. I know I need beyond 10000 steps to perhaps lose a little weight. I am not giving up the few things I like like beans, wheat bran, bran cereal even if they have carbs. The spinach and beefless ground are also nutritious but I can add more activity to a day in short bursts.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    but nobody in the climate change mitigation community denies that the earth has experienced wildly differing climate patterns in the past & will in the future. That is foundational information which informs climate science.. My husband is a geologist. He thinks on a very long time scale with tectonic shifts, ice ages, glaciers retreating, coming back etc. The issue is that it is happening waaaaay faster than in the past and biologists believe it is happening faster than species can adapt, it's going to wipe out coastal communities... and it's man made, and it can be reduced if we commit to a GHG reduction. fwiw, I don't actually think individual actions here matter as much as government and industry. The scales are just way off for our impacts vs the impact of large gov't initiatives or industry shifts.

    I counted up all my IV chemo treatments - today is #53 (not cycle, just individual infusion). I'm heading out the door soon.

    We're hoping to drive out to a local farm to get some June strawberries. They're usually much better than the everbearing ones later in the summer but I guess it varies from year to year. I have a few strawberry plants in the garden but Olive keeps eating them - and silly girl doesn't even wait to get them close to ripe.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    Oh forgot - I had my second Pfizer on Tuesday night and I've felt fine - it's about 40 hours later now. So either I'm a lucky one who didn't get the side effects or I'm not making any antibodies :P

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hello all.

    I had a haircut today--- feels good. Now to get the oil changed on my truck. I will just sit in the waiting area of the shop and read while they do the maintenance. Not much else today. Hot and humid here--- Southern Illinois summer. I want fall weather.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Moth~I was sick for four days. You're so lucky wow! Hit me the next morning Bam!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Just got back from lunch with 3 stage IV girlsand I'm 3 frozen margaritas in, looks like I'll either party hard tonight or fall asleep early, who knows, lol.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Hi everyone, well I'm home, still not 100% but the doctors thought I'd be better off finishing my recovery at home away from hospital bugs. I think I'll go pick my new car up to cheer me up.

  • RosieRed
    RosieRed Member Posts: 209

    Kittykat - glad you are out of the hospital. Enjoy your new ride!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    yay Kittykat, great news that they set you free!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    so glad you’re out of the hospital kitty. Get that ride.

    Hi Rosie red Mae~ sounds like you had a good time you’re a trip !

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Moth, I can only hope to be so lucky when I get my second jab.