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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • RosieRed
    RosieRed Member Posts: 209

    imageFor the first time in a long time since being diagnosed with MBC I didn’t think once about cancer. And the reason for that is because we adopted this little guy yesterday. He’s very entertaining and full of spunk.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    I love the kitten. Enjoy your beautiful fur baby. Congrats. What’s the name ???

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044

    I am a library lover too-nothing like having a great stack of books to read. I do find with the internet, I spend a lot less time reading and too much time mindlessly surfing the web.

    BooBoo-So glad to hear you are feeling well and enjoying eating again.

    Rosie-Congrats on your kitten. I really miss having a cat-hope you have lots of joy with your new one.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend-I'm looking forward to a holiday potluck tonight and then an escape to the suburbs tomorrow. The fireworks are so bad in my local park-it's sounds like a war zone so I'm doing a very brief getaway.

  • jensgotthis
    jensgotthis Member Posts: 673

    For all the readers out there, I wanted to put a plug in for Audible books. I’ve found that I love being read to. Libraries in California have a free app to check out audible books for free. I use the Audible through Amazon and can share murder mysteries and all of Kristin Hannah’s books with readers here. I understand you can pass along a purchased Audible book to one friend.

    I’ve been reading and keeping up to date with everyone but not commenting. Lots going on right now for all and I’m sending support to you

  • buttonsmachine
    buttonsmachine Member Posts: 339

    Hi All, this is my first visit to Mel's living room - or in other words, my first post to this thread - although I have seen many of you around on other threads. It's been about one year since my MBC diagnosis and it's been wild.

    I can attest to the joys of having a stack of books by the bed. I had to fight with myself a little to bring books back into my life, because it is so easy to spend time reading things piecemeal on the internet. However, once I did it, it was so worth it and much more satisfying! As some of you have mentioned too, the ebook and audiobook options have really expanded in the last few years, which is wonderful. I get both through my local library, and my collection of physical books continues to grow. Books are an escape for me these days. I like being temporarily transported to some other mental landscape, where I can take a break from MBC and treatment and all the fears and worries these bring.

    Rosie, your little kitten is incredibly beautiful! Animals are such a joy to be around.

    And Booboo, I remember your posts from other threads, and I'm so glad that you're feeling better after stopping treatment.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    RosieRed- Oh my Gosh your baby is precious!!!!! I want to kiss his little face!!!!!! I love cats!!!! God's gift to us. What is his name??

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Good move, RosieRed!

    All the laughing!

  • RosieRed
    RosieRed Member Posts: 209

    The kitten doesn’t have a name quite yet. We want to see wha his personality is first. I will let you all know his name when we pick one.

  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Rosie - cute kitty! Not being a cat person (terrible allergies!) I see cuteness and years of shredded furniture, lol. Isn't it wonderful to not think about cancer and then you go, hey, I wasn't thinking about cancer! Damn! I just thought about it now!  It's like a kiss and a punch at the same time. 

    Jensgotthis - I have mulled over the idea of starting a Read Aloud book club for adults here in our little community. On the surface it sounds stupid. But there is something about being read to, something entrancing and captivating. When our daughter was growing up, even into her teens, we read aloud as a family. I read several Harry Potter books aloud (god help me!). Watching tv together IS NOT the same as entering a book together. So I can see where hearing a book is a whole other sensory experience. When I was taking a special education course we had a guest teacher show up one time and tell us the importance of reading to kids. She then proceeded for the next two hours to read a kid's book to us. we were enthralled, suspended. We adults sat in our chairs and no one wiggled or coughed or shuffled their feet. Of all the things I studied in that course, I remember that, the gentle book she read and her melodious and soothing voice. She read "Sarah, Plain and Tall." There is power in the shared experience of hearing a story, something the web will never, ever copy or replace.

    Micmel - I used to stay awake into the wee hours, 2, 3 reading a book. Now I drop off like an old fart. One minute I'm reading and the next the book hits me in the face and I jar awake. Or I read the same sentence 4 times and realize I am too asleep to comprehend anymore. I can't stay awake like I used to. This is why I had to quit reading in the bathtub. Fall alseep and drop a book in the water. Librarians frown on reading in the tub. I've had to pay to replace  a few soggy books!

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 725

    Rosie - what a sweet kitty. I hope you share many years of love together

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Morning all. Or evening. Here is my "pocket duty" list for the week. I will edit as needed. Also, remember all on here that are doing treatment, or not. Remember me, as I hope to hear something this week about what the tumor board recommends next for me. It is sobering to think that the cancer is slowly growing in me. I am still living my life, kind of, you know what I mean. But it is an ever present weight. Love you all.

    SeeQ- MO appt to discuss PET results Wednesday

    Grannax (Liver Met Thread)- Scan results Thursday

    Pots- CT Thursday

    HopeandGratitude (Liver Met Thread)- MRI Friday

    Quiet Holiday here. Well, last night (Saturday night) my neighbors were setting off fireworks. I live in town limits. So houses are close together. So not too quiet, haha. But, I am staying in the AC and just staying by myself.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    It is going to be hotter today here as well but not as bad as in the PNW. Only going to feel like 100 which is not bad in summer. Will take shorter walks, probably half an hour or so. The weather is beautiful and sunny here.

    In between times, I am thinking of opening up the back of my portable washer that has a broken washer side though the spin dryer works. It may be as simple as replacing the belt that wraps around the motor. If I cannot do it , I might ask older DB to help. If I can fix it, I can keep a machine from going to a landfill. We will see. If I cannot do it, I would try to sell as is for around 25.00 I think on facebook.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    love you too Candy! Holding your hand!

    Good to hear Grannax name. Been a while since I've seen her around. Hope she gets good results.

    Pocket duty tomorrow for anyone who needs it. Happy Fourth of July 🇺🇸. We're not doing anything either.

    Buttons~welcome to our living room. Good to see you. Hope you’re doing well

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Rosie red such a sweet kitty.

    Booboo I set the tent up in e living room for the grandkids it’s been raining buckets. Today’s the first day without rain this weekend. Glad to hear you’re feeling better. You leave this week right?

    Candy it’s like you’re in limbo but moving but not really all the way. Hopefully the board sorts it out soon and you get the most effective treatment ever.

    Mel good to see you post.

    I love reading and read aloud with my sister and mom several days a week. I look forward to it. Some of the novels have been duds but we enjoyed our time and talking about them. I use kindle now too many books and filled shelves.

    just trying to get pain relief my sciatica has been brutal for about a week.


  • RosieRed
    RosieRed Member Posts: 209

    We decided to name him Loki.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    love it!

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Rosie, Loki is adorable. Hope you have many years of love with him.

    Hi Tanya…yes, feeling a bit waterlogged these days. Rainy season is late this year, but I know all too soon we’ll be back to hot and humid. You are such a great grandma…I love hearing all of the fun things you do with them.

    Goldens, I have been wondering how your DH is making out. I hope he’s coming along ok. Heart stuff is scary, but hopefully he will start a steady heart rhythm and he will be good to go.

    Mel, so good to always see you. I love your living room.

    Candy, praying for a good outcome for you.

    Mara, stay cool. It’s too hot out there to push yourself too much. I hope things start cooling off soon for my Canadian peeps!

    Hi to Buttons, Mae, Jens, Chicagoan and all the rest. Happy Monday!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Laurie, I will shorten walks for sure and utilize the bus more when it is grossly hot. Thanks for thinking of me. I am also glad that you are feeling better from being off treatment. That's what I want for you.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 725

    booboo - thank you for asking about hubs. He has been in regular sinus rhythm since his cardio version on June 18th. Hoping it continues.
    Here for pocket duty. I’ll bring a fresh fruit salad - hope my pockets don’t get too messy😉

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Morning ladies. 8am here. Well my neighborhood was celebrating last night !!! Fireworks from 9pm (dark) till after midnight. And those loud BOOM ones. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much. Going to dollar store early today to beat the crowds, though most people should be in bed still after last night. Haha. Then a tree company is coming to tear down and haul off a dead tree in my yard. Yes, they are working today.

    I don't know if I am cut out for MBC. The small, slow growth of my liver mets has me wound up. I post a lot about it on the Liver Met Thread. And, I know, that there are many on there that have it much worse. One poster even commented about my post --- that I have several treatments to choose from in my future, and that she has gone thru a lot of treatments and running out of options. I feel like I am a whinny baby. And I wonder how I will be when I progress thru more treatments if I am this whinny now. But.... I just feel so worried, sad, scared. The meds are still working some I guess. But slipping and letting the tumors slowly grow. Will they pick up speed soon? And scary that the meds are slipping and don't have a good grip on the tumors like they did at first. Is my MO being cautious about changing treatment too soon, or is she slacking off in my care? Am I saying "we gotta do something" too soon? Should I just let it ride for now? Should I be more calm about it?

    Thanks for letting me vent. Off to the store.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Candy, I do think we need to keep on top of what is going on in our bodies for sure and if it is growing, I can empathize with the need and worry to figure out what is best to get us back to at least stable. I don't think it should consume all thoughts as that is just too stressful for both your mind and body. Listen to some relaxing meditation on you tube if you are not or get lost in TV until you know more and what directions you want to take.

    I also hate the term whiny when it comes to MBC or comparing situations to other BC patients. Even if you had back pain as you main issue, it is helpful to talk about it for other cancer patients to read about an become knowledgeable about how to treat it or ask for help.

    In short, you are NOT whiny and you need more answers but need to also give your mind a break whether reading, watching TV, keeping track of us or zooming or meeting friends. Try to put the cancer on the back burner anyway you can. There is nothing wrong in what you feel and worry about either.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Thanks Mara. Posting here you all see 1 side of my life. But, I do read--- I am in the middle of a good book right now. And I have TV--- I watched a good TV movie last night. And getting this dead tree down has been an adventure--- it has been dead 2 summers now. Last summer I didn't have the funds to get it cut down. This summer I called 1 tree service, got a quote, and he never showed to do the job. So, on to the next tree service, and they are here now. So, I do have non-cancer things. But, I do worry a lot too. I admit that.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Of course you do, you sound busier than me to be honest. I am behind in the books I am supposed to be reading. In the middle of Ramses the Damned by Anne Rice and have its sequel waiting on me. I also got the Stephen King book Later which is just sitting there in the Kindle as well. I borrow online library books and they get returned before I even get to them, lol. I just keep finding other stuff to do. I also am enjoying Murder She Wrote on Amazon Prime. Did not watch it when I was younger but Mom loved the show.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Hello Everyone: I didn't realize my break from the forums/threads was so long. I had to go way back to catch up. I would love to make a personal response to each and everyone of you ladies.

    Booboo: in particular. I am sorry to find you where you are but I am also glad that you are comfortable and able to live your life in a manner of your own choosing.

    To the rest: good luck with scans etc. Candy, what would we do without you?!

    I found that I was suffering information overload. Our MBC sisters not doing well. The political news in the USA was making me crazy - and I am a Canadian. The Muslim family killed in London ON because of some little shit's hatred. All the unmarked graves of little First Nations kids on the grounds of old residential schools. Lytton bursting into flames after Death Valley temperatures. Over 100 wildfires burning in BC. And on an on.

    It was so damn hot last Monday. 25 people in my town died in a 24-hour period. I have an old thermometer/humidity gauge in the living room. It was 95F and the humidity was over 60%. We two fans in the living room, one in the bedroom, one in the kitchen. We West Coaster just aren't used to this kind of heat. My beans, tomatoes are doing well but my flowers in the window boxes are struggling. I took tepid showers in the morning, soaked my head in the afternoon and had a cold shower at night. It is finally a normal summer heat.

    My cat didn't mind me rubbing him down with cold wet washcloths on a regular basis. He took to lying on a TV table, close to a fan with a wet wash cloth on his body. I think we need a new scratching pot!


    I won't wait over a month for my next post. I am back!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Elderberry- Glad to see you back.

    I don't know how you do it without air conditioning. It is always humid here, not dry heat. Today is 89 degrees with a dewpoint (humidity) of 68 degrees (oppressive humidity level). And today is not too bad. Usually the heat index (feels like temp) is 100 degrees or over. I cannot do without AC. The tree guy is here and I have went out to talk with him a couple of times, and just standing in the yard I am covered in sweat and almost feel dizzy. I don't know how he works in this.

    We have always had cats when I was growing up. And we did not have AC--- too poor. We would put washcloths on our cats and put them in front of a fan.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Elderberry, I am right there with you about the Muslim attack here in my city. So ashamed that someone could do that and be laughing as he was arrested. Karma will get him though and I am hopeful the boy has plenty of family to look after him. I hope it does cool down for BC soon. Your heat is much worse than ours in southern Ontario. I will say, I could never do without an air conditioner. I have a feeling that it is necessary to have one just in case it is needed as weather is getting hotter. Take care of yourself. If you can get AC, I would go ahead.

    I am treating myself to donuts. I got myself a new shredder from Amazon, it was going along fine til I got to an envelope that apparently had a 2 dollar coin in it. It got jammed up in the blades and I could not unscrew the top to get it out. It took a combo of crying from frustration, small pliers and a box cutter to pull the coin out. The shredder did not work right away but about 30 mins later it started working. Next time I will check envelopes in case from a survey site that puts coins in.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044

    I want to be the first to congratulate Micmel on the 4th anniversary of her thread tomorrow!!! Well done. You have really created a nice space for us to talk about all sorts of things. Thank you.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Chicagoan~ I am so touched that you would notice that. I remember thinking it would probably drop off in a few weeks. You ladies are the reasons it hasn't. Like a real family sitting. In their living rooms. thank you so much for taking the time to remember that. I appreciate the kind words. I honestly enjoy you all so much & want what's best for us all.

    My neighbor was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and she is 50 soon 51. I am interested in knowing about it. But google isn't always the best place to learn. Any of you ladies know anyone with this disease. I did learn it cannot be cured either. My. X father in law died from it. I know what it can do in advanced stage. I just don't know much about when it first shows up. She said her eye went blurry then black for a time period. That's how it came to be known. Apparently it can effect the vision nerves. I just want to be educated, so I don't sound like an idiot. I feel badly. Her son is my sons best friend. I could throw a stone to their house. I've grown up seeing her kids grow up. I just feel badly I guess.

    goodnight Chicagoan again 💐💐🇺🇸🇺🇸 Thank you!

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Mel, I know there are/were 2 main types of MS, the relapsing-remitting type which is more common and has symptom free plateaus, and the progressive type which is what it sounds like. My DH lost his first wife to the progressive type which left her bed-ridden for many years. His daughter has the relapsing-remitting type and leads a just about normal, active life. She does take meds and is also under the care of a functional doctor who advises on diet and supplements based on specific bloodwork and any symptoms. When I looked up MS there are now 4 types. I wish the best for your neighbor. I know you’ll be a good friend and support if she wants that.

    Congrats on the anniversary of this thread! I’m so happy to have it too.

    Candy, I get what you mean about worrying. I seem to focus on negative thoughts at night. I hope when you hear back from your MO with her recommendations it helps you look ahead knowing that the tumor board is part of the recommendation.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Micmel, my friend has MS, the remitting type as well. She took steroids for a long while which gave her diabetes. She was also looking after her husband with Alzheimers which seemed to cause flare ups for her. After he passed away, she decided to lose weight and with that and stopping other meds she was taking, she said she has been doing well for a few years without any flareups, just the diabetes left over which she thinks aided her weight loss since she has to go low on carbs.