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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Elderberry, both cats are Loki for sure. They like the new cover. It is not stylishly but on but looks good. They like the new scratching post and Tigger likes the chair. Glad your weather finally went down I think as time goes on, AC will be a necessity for homes.

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    Candy - I understand your concern about talking care of yourself after a local treatment. Might you also have the option of a home nurse to stop in? Will your insurance cover it? My mom had a nurse that came the times a week when she was taking care of my dad, and that was just for day-to-day care - that was covered by Medicare and/or insurance. It's good that you have time to make a considered decision.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Thank you Rosie24, Mel, emac, and SeeQ for your responses. I posted on the Liver Met Thread and didn't get any responses. ?! :(

    Mel- Liver resection sounds harsh. I don't know if I can do that.

    emac- I have church members that would bring by meals, and maybe sit and talk for a bit, but that would be it.

    SeeQ- I would have to check with insurance (individual, commercial, not Medicare).

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Candy~sweetheart it really sucked. I’m not going to lie. But once it was over. The first few days the worst. I had 20 staples and it was definitely major surgery. I wish I could help you!!!!!!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Thanks Mel. I will consult with the docs and see what they say for my case. My MO mentioned maybe laparoscopic liver resection. ??? Do they do it laparoscopically? Somehow I doubt it. If major surgery, then I do not want to do it. Easy for my MO to say "just cut out the tumors". Not her going thru it. The pain. The recovery. The risks.

    I will go to the consults to hear what they have to say. But..... to tweak my meds and take a pill at home sounds much better--- at least for now on my 2nd line of treatment. QOL and all that.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    removing that tumor is why I'm luckily in remission for 5 years now. It was worth it. Does your hospital have a social worker? Ours does and they have a compassion fund. They pay bills for you once a year. Up to 500$. Maybe you could see if they would help with a nurse. I'd hate to see a wasted opportunity, should they recommend this way to go. I can completely under The trepidation surrounding it. Hugs my friend.

  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175


    As Mel said, if a resection will give you the best option for a good outcome, I think you should seriously consider it. As far as your blood thinner, folks undergo surgery all the time who require blood thinners and this is how it is handled. You stop your medication before the surgery (how long is dependent on what you are taking). In the meantime, you are given an injectable anticoagulant. These have reversal agents so their actions can be reversed for the surgery then restarted the first post op day. Also, your insurance might allow a stay in a post surgical rehab for a week or two until you can safely be discharged to home. I honestly think your concerns can all be addressed.

    Be well,


  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Thanks jhl. I am to meet with a liver surgeon for a consult. No appointment date yet. They did call today for an appointment with a radiation oncologist. That RO appt is set for July 20. Hope to hear of a date for the surgeon consult. Then, to get my list of questions ready.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Tomorrow is the big day and I prepared for Jaws in the water at a lake by watching shows about shark attacks, lol. DH got the travel trailer ready while I prepped way too much food for a two day trip but oh well.

    I'll post some pics this weekend and hope you all have a good one too.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Enjoy your day Mae.

    I did not get much sleep and my emotional state shows it. Woke up this morning remember all the bullies that went to my elementary and high school and how they made me feel. We are talking almost 40 years ago. Woke up crying. Nothing has happened recently to cause this so I have to blame my sleep. Think I better stay busy and hope it goes away. Will do my best to walk it away. Who needs to remember a miserable school experience that cannot be changed now. Really dumb how my mind can latch on to something painful so long ago. This will be a challenge.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Waving hello to all.

    Have a great trip Mae. Looking forward to pictures.


  • runor
    runor Member Posts: 1,615

    Hi to all. We are heaving a sigh of relief as the temp drops to a reasonable and bearable 36 degrees during the day. I used to think that was too hot. No. 42 and 43 is too hot! Our forested mountain side is a dry, brown, bare fire hazard waiting to happen. Neighbours are mobilizing to secure a second way off this mountain. In case of fire there is only one exit and there is a good chance that fire could make that impassable. The only other cross country route out is through gated private property. Some neighbours have approached the land owner to ask that we could have access for escape in case of emergency. Seems he is open to this idea, thank god, because it could mean the difference between life and death. 

    I am in your pocket! Hi and hugs to all in the living room.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    runor: it is crazy hot. The last few days have been so enjoyable and I am dreading the warmer temperatures coming back in. Please don't let it hit 37+C again. We Wet Coasters just don't "do" hot weather. My sister in Kamloops said along with the heat, the air was so smoky from fires awfully close to town. I cannot imagine anyone denying you access to their property in order toe scape with your lives. Of course, he should be open to the idea. Millions of clams, mussels and star fish died on the rocks here. I cannot imagine the stench. Cherry growers say they lost about 75% of this year's crop. The fruit was literally cooked. A lot of people are contemplating AC - if this is our future. Fans could not be found anywhere. Luckily we already had several.


    candy: wishing the best with your consultation and I hope something like a re-section is possible and will bring you an excellent outcome.

    I am having my very first social gathering since March 2020 on July 19. A small group of fully vaccinated people at an outdoor backyard BBQ. I have to admit, I am having some "not social distancing" anxiety but, Lord Luvaduck, I can hug someone other than my cat and DH.

    I am not candy so I will just wish everyone good luck on upcoming scans.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Good afternoon friends. We arrived at the RV park and had sandwiches I made this morning (turkey, provolone, red onion, avocado and sprouts on a seedy grain bread) and are nibbling on a snack platter. The lake area entry is 5pm with Jaws starting around 8:30. There’s a beach bar and food trucks on site for dinner and drinks. I love camping with all the comfort of home, it’s a beautiful day too!


  • jhl
    jhl Member Posts: 175


    Even your picnic style snack tray is beautiful! How do you do that? I'm looking forward to some pics of this event.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    sounds like so much fun Mae I hope you have a blast. Now i know the food will be delicious! Jaws is one of my favorite movies ever. I was born in 1970. So I was a scared little girl when it came out. I still enjoy it to this day. Jealous!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Hello all.

    Here is my list for this week---

    mara- CT Monday.

    NicoleRod (Liver Met Thread)-- Scans Tuesday.

    KBL- MRI Friday.

    We need to remember Bliss, has anyone heard from her? And someone posted on another thread about JFL is not doing good. Jaycee and Booboo stopping treatment. And Grannax posted she is holding treatment for the next 3 months, and her last scans shows worsening cancer.

    So many on here struggling.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,955

    Candy, I have a lumbar/pelvis MRI this Friday, the 16th. That’s one of the only ways to check to see if I’m stable. In pockets for anyone who needs it.

    So sad so many are going through rough times. I’m thinking of you all. Hugs.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    Morning, whew, late night but so much fun, definitely a cool and unique way to enjoy that particular movie, my absolute favorite. It ending with fireworks when chief Brody blew up the shark!


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    Mae~sounds like a lot of fun. Again one of my favorites, with shark week going on , National Geographic I felt like I was with you. Glad it was a good time.

    I haven’t seen bliss in I’d say a month. She popped in but that’s about it. I do hope she’s doing ok. I get discouraged with so many of us struggling daily. Just please know I, you , we are not alone. Physically maybe we are, but we know. We know what it’s like

    BooBoo~you’re on my mind my sweet friend.

    Candy~you’re a doll to keep track. If I haven’t said how much I appreciate it, please let me now again thank you. You’re a precious sister.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Mae, that is AWESOME!!! It's also one of my favorite movies. I can quote lines from that move. We have several wi-fi networks and one of them is, "We're gonna need a bigger boat". I think the actual line may be "YOU'RE gonna need..." but it still works. Love the fireworks when the shark blows up.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Candy, I am having my usual CT scan to check me from the neck down to abdomen tomorrow. Should get the results July 21st.

    I am glad Candy is keeping track of everyone and so sorry for exeryone struggling.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    pocket duty tomorrow! I have caramel. Drizzled brownies ! Hope all is well! Enjoying shark week!!!!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,561

    We're here too! xo

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    In your pocket tomorrow, Mara! Mel, your brownies sound delicious 😊

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    I find that as I get older I have developed a sweet tooth. Never had it before. But I honestly don’t know how it changed. I could eat an entire cake myself in one day I love it. Cupcake cookies, my daughter has this beautiful cake made for me for my birthday this year. She’s so sweet. imageIt was delicious. Had macaroons on it ferearochet chocolates icing flowers. It was a master piece. I forgot to show you ladies because I was so sick from the second covid shot. I did get to enjoy my cake. It’s about the only thing I would eat.

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,955

    Thank you, Candy! I’ll keep you posted.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    reporting for any pocket duty! Hope we can calm the anxiety beast!! Sitting with anyone waiting to scan, walking with someone who is going to infusion , watch tv with anyone who just wants to laugh , listening when someone needs to vent. I am here for you. You’re all so special to me. Because you all understand!

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,955

    And you are so special, Mel. I hope the lower dose of Ibrance is helping with the fatigue you were having. Some nights I can sleep through and other nights I’m up at 2 or 3 a.m. I totally get the insomnia.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    KBL~I notice a very little difference, I was hopeful that it would be more. But I suppose somethings better than nothing. I appreciate you asking and send you a warm hug! I am sorry about the sleep battles. I had some last night. It will drive you crazy.