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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Goldens that sounds like such a lovely memorial for your brother. It sounds like he had a full rich life. I agree these diseases take and take until there’s nothing left.

    Gearing up for pocket duty tomorrow. I’ll bring m&m’s and napkins for mels cannolis.

    I hope those dealing with fires and floods are ok.

    Waving to all


  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    I’m in pockets for kittyKat, Candy, and Mara.

    Goldens, I agree that your brother’s service sounds lovely. Upbeat music and a personal homily are as good as it gets in my book.

    50s Girl, I remember you clearly from when I arrived on these threads. Your posts give a warmth that I’m sure is even more evident in person. Thanks for being here! I hope things are good or manageable for you.

    Sondra, I saved your soup recipe too. I’m not much of a cook but it seems easy enough even for me. 😊

    Hi to everyone reading. I hope today is a good day

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Thank you for being in my pocket for Wednesday.

    Busy day at my house, new portable washer arriving that I saved up for, an apartment is being refinished, Amazon deliveries, grocery delivery since water is going to be shut off tomorrow apparently. I ordered a few groceries and a case of water in case I need it. If not, I can simply take on my walks. I am also waiting for a prescription as well. So ridiculous.

    Our driveway is being closed Wednesday so I will have to use the front door to get out which is dangerous right now because there is a steep drop from the bottom stair to the ground. Oh well, maybe should practice how I will do it before then today.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    mara, that's a lot going on for you! Stay safe!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Well, I am happy to say most deliveries have arrived. I will be setting up my washer after young and the restless. Then I will get all the packaging out to the recycling. The noise from the workers is done hopefully. My cats were quite nervous with all the noise. I have one more delivery but that will be sometime later in the week.

    Washer works nicely, nice to have a wee machine as back up. Old one with spinner goes in front closet. I can do two small loads at the same time and save time. This washer was only around 150 which was far cheaper than the old one and so far, seems almost the same, a little smaller. Just have to break down the box and insulation and take it out to the garbage before they do the parking lot.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168


    Had to cancel appointments for RO and liver surgeon consults for Tuesday. Insurance. Enough said, right. They need a referral letter (from my PCP no less) for any specialty doc. Then, takes 7-14 days to approve. I even need a referral letter for my MO -- that I am already established with !!!!! So, rescheduled for next Tuesday the 27th and have to call Monday the 26th to confirm that it was approved before I go to the appointments.

    Also, going to be late on Lupron injection this month, and late on Ibrance refills due to insurance wanting prior auth on file.

    This insurance is a joke.

    Any specialists need a referral--- Palliative Care too.

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    oh no candy, i'm sorry. I'm upset on your behalf. being jerked around like that because of insurance is just so annoying. I guess now that you know you can make sure it's done this way in the future but this is just sooo aggravating. I wanted you to get your answers & not have to wait longer :(

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 725

    Candy - that positively stinks! There ought to be a law against this for anyone with a history of stage 4 cancers

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,462

    Candy, really upset for you too. Enough stress dealing with cancer, covid and everyday life. Insurance piling on is just to much. I am very sorry this is going on.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044


    I am so sorry to hear this. That really stinks. Frankly, I blame your former employer. Their disability coverage seems utterly inadequate. If they had any compassion, their insurance would have covered you until you qualified for Medicare. Hang in there.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Was on the phone ALL afternoon. 4 calls to Insurance Company. Multiple calls to PCP. Calls to MO. Calls to the consults of RO and surgery. This is crazy. What if I was too sick to do all this? How do the ones that are really ill with cancer, or any disease, do all this. It was hard to keep it all straight.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Chicagoan- Maybe so. But this craziness is with the new insurance---- and it is the Healthcare Exchange for Illinois.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,044

    Candy-I understand but my outrage is that you had to get new insurance for 6 months before going on Medicare. I wish they had allowed you to continue on your old plan until Medicare kicked in. It is so stressful and inconvenient for you-it makes me mad.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Chicagoan- I agree. I thought my last insurance was weird. Now, I wish I had them back. Like you said, for just 6 months until I qualify for Medicare. Crazy. Thanks for getting mad for me. Hug.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168


  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    I've been traveling all weekend - looking at another potential property 4 states over. I'm disappointed to say it was too much of a project for us.

    I've been reading along, sign me up for pocket duty, and sending calming thoughts for Candy. Bureaucracy is so frustrating.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    unreal. Just speechless. And that doesn’t happen often. I’m sorry Candy.

  • Lee64
    Lee64 Member Posts: 113

    Candy, so sorry for the insurance problems. It seems you should have been told of these requirements up front! Insurance companies have too much power over our care. I hope you get it all worked out.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    I'm so sorry this has happened to you, it's just wrong that insurance companies have so much say over what is necessary for your health, I really hope you can get this all sorted asap.

  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Member Posts: 580

    SeeQ- it must be a little fun looking at properties. I really hope we can relocate when I retire.

    Candy - so frustrating with the insurance. They should see the diagnosis and know this is not a whimsical visit to a specialist. I hope it all comes together very soon.

    I looked at private insurance and insurance on the exchange and couldn’t believe they didn’t cover my current meds. I finally called the company and asked if I was not looking at it correctly or if there was a different policy I could get that covered prescriptions. The guy said that even with the same insurance company, there’s a Huge difference between employer-sponsored insurance and private insurance.

  • trishyla
    trishyla Member Posts: 698

    It varies by state and how strong your insurance commissioner is. I live in the bluest of blue states and our governor committed to providing the best coverage for our citizens. They created Covered California. The cost of good insurance was quite often less than what you would pay through your employer.

    I know from experience what great coverage you could get. The production company that my husband and I both worked for closed it's doors with no warning a couple of weeks after I was diagnosed. I was on the phone scrambling to find a new policy while sitting in a chair getting chemo.

    I was able to get incredible coverage for less than half what we were paying through our employer. Plus it was far better coverage. I estimated that it saved us over a hundred thousand dollars in 2017 alone.

    I feel sorry for anyone living in a red state . They wanted the ACA to fail, so they screwed their citizens just to make a political point.

    The ACA, aka Obamacare, is a great program when implemented properly. And the new administration just added new subsidies to make it even more affordable.

    I hope you can get the treatment you need, Candy. There's no excuse for the grief they're giving you.


  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Trishyla, My experience too. I am freelance/independent contractor.

    I had a colonoscopy coming up when I decided to pick the "gold" plan... I thought "Murphy's law says that will give me a clean colonoscopy." It did.... My BC diagnosis was some months later. Boy was I glad I picked the gold plan.

    No hassles, no denials, everything covered, $7K max out of pocket.

    Obamacare has been very good to me.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Candy, the comment about the insurance commissioner made me remember a time when I was seeing a little boy for speech therapy. He needed it, but his insurance denied it. The mom either called or threatened to call the state Insurance Commissioner and guess what? The speech therapy was covered. Might be worth looking into, or having someone call for you if you just can't face another insurance phone call.

    I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this...


  • GoKale4320
    GoKale4320 Member Posts: 580

    Santabarbarbian - wow, that is amazing insurance. Almost makes moving to CA worthwhile. Oddly, the marketplace insurance in SC is almost as good, but marketplace in VA (longtime blue) is terrible. It would only work if I didn’t need care.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,717

    DH brought me flowers today, his reason was “I saw them and you love tulips", I so appreciate his thoughtfulness. (Already packed up my vases, so an old pickle jar will do).


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,561

    Beautiful flowers, illimae! It's always the small gestures that can really make your day!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    that man sure is a keeper !!

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    awww mae, i love that!

    my dh made me 'jump wings' last night for my agility jump. I've been doing more fine tuning with Olive and needed a winged jump so he made me one after dinner. They're the wooden side panels to make the border of the jump wide. I don't have a bar on purpose for this exercise but normally a bar goes across and then it's a jump :)

    & hey, I'm wearing my fake ponytail headband thingy. I don't go bald on my dog channel - it's a cancer free happy zone! I just got it a few weeks ago. It feels a bit snug so I might leave it on something to stretch overnight.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,053

    I’d like to see the pony tail headband thingy

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    It's this one

    I got 24H - Medium Blonde Highlights. I was thinking of doing a reel about it eventually but if you want photos of what is looks like on me right now, lmk and I can send. It's really super silly if you take your cap off but with the cap, it's super fun and I think it looks pretty natural from a distance. The little ear pieces are removable if you don't like them.