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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Lee- So sorry to read of your progression. Hoping the Verzenio is easy on you and kicks those cancer cells.

    Mel- How is your mouth?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Lee, I am also sorry about your progression, sending my thoughts your way and my support.

    I am having another depressive day today. Guess the whole having to move eventually is bothering me more than I think. I do need to go to the cancer clinic for herceptin so that will involve walking which should dull the sad some. When I see the doctor next or I may mention it to nurses that I need a referral to someone who handles that kind of thing since I do not have a family doctor., I am hoping to get a referral to a social worker that deals with housing who can help me as I understand the one at the cancer clinic does not do that. Working hard not to cry as that is really pointless and an energy suck but I am so very exhausted. My body may be physically strong but my mental state leaves a lot to be desired. Been struggling since 2019 after Mom died with this, that or the other. Mostly mental. As I say, I need a social worker to talk to and help me with the forms I will need to fill out in the coming future. More talk from Chris and Kelly about wanting to move a couple hours away, no mention of me going with them. I will say if they go, I am about done with cancer treatment. Cross that bridge when it comes to it. Chris has to get a job there first, can't say I blame them for wanting a move, they can get a much bigger house. I just don't want to be totally alone here. Could not hack it. We will see, maybe I would ask to move there too, if not in a granny suite, something else, who knows.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    Lee - sorry about progression😥😥. Hope new drug is the answer.

    I want to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Despite this stinkin' disease, I'm grateful for family & friends, my wonderful dogs, a roof over my head and food to eat. I'm in 7th heaven being 7 minutes from our daughter, SIL and grandkids. Trying to get Christmas decor up but I'm so damn exhausted. Baby steps….

    Me with our pups 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾


  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Goldens- Great pic !!!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    Goldens: after everyone else's posts and feeling so bummed and unhappy for everyone your lovely smiling Goldens lifted my spirits.

    I am not ready for the holidays. I have always believed no store should play Christmas music until December 1. It should be a law. I cannot stand hearing "Holly Jolly" stuff in November. I don't do much decorating , a little greenery with mini lights on the fireplace mantel. The really beautiful cards that I have kept over the years -- I put them up along the wainscoting. I have a wreath for the front door. No tree. Lots of pillar candles in the fireplace. The chimney is too unsafe these days to have a fire. :-( .

    I consider myself to be celebrating Yule and the Turning of the Great Wheel. After the 21st it starts to get lighter.

    Happy Thanksgiving to my American sisters.

  • mocogram
    mocogram Member Posts: 94

    Goldens, your dogs are gorgeous. Throughout the years, we have had Shelties and several mixed breeds. Our last dog was a rescue Collie named Chance. Despite a very rough start to his life, he was the sweetest, most lovable boy. He died about a year ago, and I miss him every day. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and the pups.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    I deleted my last post as well since feeling down in the dumps. Loving the happy family picture of Goldens.

  • myshadow
    myshadow Member Posts: 40

    Mae- yes our signature lines do look similar. Mine is just a jumbled mess of all the treatments I've had. It's hard to make sense out of it. I have thought about deleting it and writing an organized timeline of my experiences over the last 13 years. Too lazy right now though.

    When I saw your picture with the metal cage fastened to your head, I just thought OUCH! You are tough and resilient and I love that you have kept your sense of humor through it all. I had SRS with the mesh mask. It wasn't too horrible until they bolted it down to the table so tightly I thought my skull cracked. I kept having visions of the fire alarm going off and all the rad technicians running out leaving me bolted to the table kicking and screaming 🔥😱!

    Happy Thanksgiving to the US residents! And to everyone - sending good vibes your way. Hoping we can all overcome our struggles. There's so much going on in this thread it's hard to keep up!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    elderberry, I agree on the Christmas music.

    Myshadow, I think about the fire alarm scenario every time, lol

    I’m super excited for tomorrow, thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. Friends and big plates of food, yay!

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063

    I am also super excited about Thanksgiving. It will be a family party of five and a small plate of food. But that small plate of food is huge because just a few weeks ago I was in bad shape with an almost-blocked colon, from a new ILC met. I had surgery, and am on an ultra-low fiber diet now as I recover. Thankfully, turkey, potatoes (no skins), and gravy are all low fiber! I get to take leftovers home so I can have several small plates. I'm even getting special homemade pudding to replace the pie I cannot eat.

    Goldens, that photo is definitely happiness-inducing. If I ever got a dog, it would be a Golden. What loves they are. But my cats say "Friends don't let friends get a dog."

    I let go of being ready for the holidays long ago. One by one I cut out the obligatory stuff until I was left with my favorites: Lights outside the house (get some young adults to put them up) and a fragrant Christmas tree inside. No cards, no baking, no shopping marathons. I got the extended family to do a name draw so we only shop/make for one person each, and everyone is happy about that. Gifts for DH and adult kid are casual, celebrations are flexible.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Golden- they are beautiful dogs . I love the picture. We had two Goldens before we rescued our sweet Abby from the shelter. Our one golden was very protective of our special son. The other one was a crazy character.

    To all our American family have a Thanksgiving that is full of family, friends and food. Good vibes only!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    I love dogs.

    My mouth is slightly improved thanks for whoever asked me. 💐

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,167

    Lee - sorry about the progression. No time is good, but right at the holidays really sucks.

    Goldens - love the picture!

    Holiday stuff - this year, it's just not happening. After a three day drive (with fifth wheel) to our new home, my husband will rest up a few days, then leave on Christmas Eve for a 20 hour drive with a uhaul trailer to move my dd fairly close to where we're moving -- one way truck rentals are ridiculously expensive where she is. My dd was feeling bad about him "missing Christmas". I told her not to worry a bit, we won't get to the house until the 21st, with almost nothing unpacked and no food in the house. I'm not decorating and I'm not planning a meal, so he's not missing anything. We may plan a nice family dinner for sometime in January, and that will do. I don't think I'll make the drive with him. Partly because I'd have to kennel the dog - again - and partly because of the long drive - again. And, I'm looking forward to a few days of peace and quiet to unpack without...hmm..."help". Now, I just have to convince people that I'm really okay with being alone on this one Christmas. I'll just be thrilled to be in our new home at last.

    And the best news before our move is that I'm still NED (my MO actually says "PET negative", but I'll take it). Now, I can live with the normal pace of getting set up with a new PCM and referred to a new MO without worrying about what's going on with the cancer.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all the American ladies

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 724

    SeeQ - going through same thing with setting up new docs. I’m going to see a new internist on Monday. Have a call into the medical college of wisconsin breast care center - waiting for call back. Glad to hear you’re NED!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Shetland, sorry about you having to have surgery but really glad that the Thanksgiving meal is so low in fiber. That is better for you to be able to eat in tiny meals. Enjoy the meals and the pudding.


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196


    What beautiful dogs….and you are too! You look great!

    Mara, I am sorry you are feeling down. I’m sending you hugs across the miles and some big love.

    Shetland, I am so glad surgery is behind you. Blessings for a quick recovery.

    Happy Thanksgiving to my American sisters. I am thankful for my family, especially my oldest sister whom I would not have been able to get through this MBC journey without her.

    Love to all.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Thank you Laurie, Happy Thanksgiving.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Good morning all,

    The turkey is in the oven and the appetizer is ready to enjoy. Have a great day!


  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    SeeQ: Yay on NEAD. Lt NED's conga line has another name. Happy dancing for you.

    mae: Cheese. Oh yes!!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Seeq, sorry I missed your results, congrats on NED 🎉

  • moth
    moth Member Posts: 3,293

    SeeQ , yay on the NED! The best present ever!!

    Chemo day for me. I'm thankful I can get it. My wbc and neutrophils are normal. Liver enzymes are high across the board so that's weird and new and worrying but nothing I can do about it. Scans in December. The liver values aren't high enough to stop chemo so that's good.

    Enjoy your day friends!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,460

    Well, that's just great. We all got a note yesterday that the new management needs to come in and test the fire alarm which the woman did. I knew her from when she worked for the last property managers. That was a total lie, they brought her in under the false pretense of testing the fire alarm in order to try and butter us up to agree to leave. I still find this deceptive and don't trust the building anymore.

  • katyblu
    katyblu Member Posts: 223

    Hello ladies! Happy Thanksgiving to all my US friends. And a happy Thursday to everyone else. I hope the weather, company, and food are great!

    SeeQ- congrats on the NED! That is so amazing!!!

    I got my scan results and my MO said that all my lesions have decreased activity! That is best news I’ve had in a while.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Happy thanksgiving to my American friends, hi to everyone else. Congrats to Seeq on NED and Katyyblu yay on great scan results. Mara, they are really being sneaky, but at least you know your rights and they can't make you leave, I'm so sorry this is happening to you..

    Well I think I'm about to join the bald brigade, my hair is coming out in chunks, time to shave it I think. Take care everyone ❤.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    Yay katyblu 🎉

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,168

    Katyblu and SeeQ- Woohoo !!!!

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,714

    And here’s a fluffy youngster for ya, so cute!


  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Katyblu and Seeq- Yay that is wonderful news!

    Kittykat- bald is beautiful but cancer is shit

    Mara- this person really is doing everything to make this matter ongoing. Stick to your guns girl!

    Everybody full on turkey yet? I watched the Macy's parade on TV. Now the football games. Did get some more lights on outside. (in the drizzle but I'm persistent)

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- so cute and staying by mama

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,052

    I hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving day.

    Mae~too freaking adorable. Love it when you're at the cabin doing live reports From the wild . Love it.

    SeeQ~ congrats on the Ned. Smiling ear to ear for that news.

    Katyblu~ you too! Way to go. Happy dancing going on for my sisters.

    Mara~ I'd love ten minutes with these people, I'll check the fire alarm, two millimeters away from their eardrums . Jerks. Don't be coming into your home under false pretenses, I'll kick their ass. People infuriate me. I've lost all patience with human kind at this point. It's all about the almighty dollar. Keep firm darling.

    Love to Tanya and BooBoo! Goldens. I loved your pic lovely lady.

    My DH looked at me yesterday and said hey do you want to get your nails done? It was so sweet. He knows how much I love having them done. It's been years. I always do them myself. He had this big smile. Because he knew. Sometimes I need to re think how I look at things and start living my life. Instead of waiting to die. I really need to work on this attitude shift in my mind. I guess sometimes the sadness of all I lost, is too heavy to carry. I can never put it down. I think you all can relate somehow.

    Living~ you said it bald is beautiful and cancer is shit.