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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Mae- that all sucks, I’m so sorry you are having to go through all that! Glad you got the right meds.

    It’s 101 in San Antonio today. I could sure use a DQ Blizzard.Rain should come this evening and cool it down to mid eighties next week for a few days. So staying inside with the fans running. Looking at how I can make some crafts, possibly to sell if I ever get off my duff.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Mae~I’m so very sorry that’s awful!!! I’m glad they found the best combo. Keep feeling better.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mae- My thoughts are with you. Hugs.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    If you order a DQ blizzard, go to the place and eat there or in the car. Mine tasted good but for the cost of delivery, melted was unacceptable for sure.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    you had me wanting one. Blizzard. DH went and got us two heath bar . Damn that was good! Thanks Mara for the suggestion…. 🍨

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    sf-cakes, so glad for your MRI results. That’s so awesome.

    Mae, I’m so sorry for your rough road you’re on. I hope they get you feeling back to your old self soon.

    I was way far behind today. Please forgive me if I’ve missed you.

    Mara, sorry for your melted mess.

    Hugs to all.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Mel, glad you enjoyed it! At least the melted mess was good

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Mae, sending healing thoughts your way. Feel better soon.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    Mae - what a vicious pain cycle. So glad relief finally came. Hugs.

    SF-cakes - great news!

    Candy - so sorry the steroid injection did not help. Hugs.

    Mara - what a bummer to get a melted blizzard. Hope you get a refund! You would think the delivery folks would have a cooler on board.

    Hi to everyone! Have a great Sunday🤗🤗🤗☺️☺️

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Pocket duty list for this week--- May 22:

    Candy (me)- scans and results with MO Monday

    Dodgersgirl- Lymph node biopsy this week (day??)

    Mae- Starting Enhertu on Thursday

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Thank you for keeping track Candy.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Sondra, have fun! How great to have your mom come out for a while!

    Mae, I'm so sorry. That totally sucks. I hope you're feeling better and STAY feeling better. I had no idea that spinal fluid removal could have such nasty side effects.

    Mara, I haven't yet tried food delivery, but I see it being delivered to various neighbors. I'm assuming they're getting restaurant food, but who knows?

    Kokomoon, what weird weather, right? Beaautiful last weekend then cool and drizzly this weekend.

    I see a DQ Blizzard in my future – or maybe two? Mint Oreo or Heath Bar. I can't decide. Maybe one of each.

    Candy, as always, thank you for keeping track of our tests. Good luck with yours!

    Happy Sunday, everyone!


  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    Mae, sending you lots of healing energy and support, those are some awful side effects from the procedure.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Sunshine, restaurant delivery is hit or miss. It is actual restaurant food but and this is a big one, quality depends on what is ordered. If you get a meal that could be warmed up if need be for a few minutes in an oven, that would be fine and would be quite tasty. Cold items I do not recommend and would go through a drive thru or pickup your self to eat in the car or outside. Be mindful of fees, tips and delivery costs. The DQ blizzard I ordered was supposed to be 5.99 but it ballooned to 19.00. I will say again, it really did taste good but obviously a person wants to have it as intended. When it comes to ordering delivery, if coming from a restaurant, probably better to order more than needed and add your own ingredients to get more than one meal out of it.

    Our water was shut off unexpectedly again. Apparently another "leak", I shouted down the stairs to ask what was going on. Guy said he was a plumber, I am not convinced but unable to prove anything so will let it go. I have water bottles in the fridge in case water is shut off so I am fine that way, just an annoyance.

    My lunch was good. Decided to take english muffin, spread some garlic spread on it and toasted it in my Breville so the garlic would soak through. To add to the english muffin took about 1/8th of a cup of pinto beans, chopped up in regular chopper, heated for 20 secs in microwave. Added a tiny dot of ketchup, little tiny bit mayo and tiny bit of queso, would say no more than a tea spoon each and mixed up the beans to make a spread, spread that on top and it was really good. Think the whole thing is better than butter and peanut butter all the time, gives some variety. Another type of thing I may try is an egg mcmuffin with the bean mix spread on the muffin, who knows. Just trying to make my food work for less money and be changed enough to add variety to what are just a few core group of things I like. I also got a frozen beef stroganoff. I plan to heat it and keep it in the fridge so I can add the pasta as needed for flavour and do what I want or add beans or beans and eggs.

    I also came across a video on youtube showing how you can take spaghetti noodles and cook by putting them in the pot of water with baking soda and that changes the taste and consistency so they come out like ramen noodles. I would have to research what goes in besides soy sauce. We will see.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Well last night I made chicken cacciatore for dinner. As soon as it was finished I got really nauseous and threw up what little snacks I ate :(. I am guessing this is due to the new Enhertu treatment. So I ate cream of wheat for dinner. I woke up with achy legs as well, but haven’t done anything to get those Took some ibuprofen for that. Not sure what is up with my body.

    Yesterday evening someone came to the door and we didn’t answer it. The neighbor called about an hour later and said we had stuff on the stoop. DH went out there and found two Dominos pizzas and a salad. Boy someone was surely upset they did not get their pizza. DH gave one to the neighbor and ate the other one for dinner. “Porch pizza” we are calling it. No receipt or name or anything on the food. Chicken cacciatore hopefully tonight.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mae- I do hope you feel better soon . Are you still in a hotel or were you able to go back to your cabin retreat.

    Kikomoon- I wish someone would drop off a couple of Domino pizzas at our door! (although we don't have delivery where we are). Hopefully you can eat your chicken dish tonight. Treatments can be brutal on one's body.

    Candy- thank you for keeping the weekly scans, treatments and doctors appointments. Sending you good vibes for your own tests.

    Um DQ does sound good. Just maybe I'll stop in when in the city this week!

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    kikomoon: I had a similar thing happen to me. One morning I opened the front door to find two large rubbermaid tubs on the front steps. It was winter so the stuff inside that was frozen was still frozen and also had ice packs etc inside. There were several packages of chicken breasts, ground lamb, a box of farro, seaweed chips, coconut milk, cookies, ---- too long ago to remember just how much STUFF was there. I had to move them inside to find that it was from SPUD organic food delivery and the sticker was for a person who also lived at 4116 -- just an entirely different street several blocks away. I called SPUD and they said "It was supposed to be delivered last night. We have already sent another delivery to him. Keep the food." They arranged to come back and pick up the tubs. Score!!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Kikomoon- I LOVE Dominos pizza!!! I live less than a mile from one and so when I order the pizza I drive to get it carryout. I did have a Dominos pizza delivery guy come to my door twice now lately and I told them it was not me ordering--- they had the wrong address both times. I did tell the delivery guy "not me, but I wish it was". He just smiled.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Illimae—- oh man, what a mess to have to endure. Hope the meds are continuing to be beneficial.

    Sending you best wishes.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    That is so awesome, bet you enjoyed what the extra food made as well. SCORE!!!!!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Mae~Thinking of you. Hoping wherever you are you’re comfortable and resting.

    The domino’s story made me smile. Like you were being punked and there woulD be a film crew waiting for your reaction.

    Mara~no water? Man those asshats are unreal. Hope that didn’t last long.

    Hello to Kikomoon and living Sfcakes, sunshine , Candy, Rosie. SeeQ, runor, dodgers, Chicagoan, 50’s girl, BooBoo, Tanya,

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Mae - I'm sorry you've had such an awful time of it. I'm hoping the latest meds combo has you in a better place.

    I like the stories about scoring free food via botched deliveries. Woohoo! I've always gone out to get my own, and I try to be careful with what I'm ordering if I'm taking it home to eat; some food just doesn't travel more than a few minutes very well. Food delivery is just not an option where I live now.

    Mara- what a disappointment about your Blizzard delivery - and at that price! At least it still tasted good. I think it must be a law in Texas that every small town is required to have a DQ (lol) - so that's one of the few restaurants we have in our little town.

    I'm still not sure when my scan results will post to the portal. I'm trying to be patient about it, since I'm having to really push the nurse to submit a request for prior authorization. It's not the insurance that's the problem. It's the lab telling the nurse that they'll bill the insurance and file an appeal if it's denied...and oh, by the way, i can always apply for financial assistance. That's all very nice, but that's not how my insurance works. How about if we just do it the right way in the first place, then the insurance will pay and everyone will be happy, and the financial assistance will go to someone who needs it. Grrr. Sooo, I'm hoping the scan results will post soon, and I won't have to ask.

    We spent most of the afternoon building our new patio set. We still have a few pieces left that we'll work on tomorrow. The kids are coming next weekend, so it will be nice to have enough outside seating for everyone.

    Sign me up for pocket duty. Thanks for the list, Candy.

    Hi Mel, Booboo, LivingIVLife, Kikomoon, SF-Cakes, dodgersgirl, Sunshine and everyone else. 👋👋

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    No, the water thing did not last long, about an hour. I still was not very nice and my neighbour said it was shut off the day before, I missed that one. They keep saying there are leaks, I think they are full of crap as in the first couple years here and no water shut off except one. We will see.

    I did have a nice breakfast today. Hashbrown, 1 fried egg, precooked pinto beans and half an english muffin with butter. I am glad I bought eggs again, can do many different dishes with those.

    Weather is nice and I still have a lot of gift cards from when I used to order from the burger joint. I don't like the burger meals anymore but don't mind the beef patties so think I will order just the beef patties or also get the toppings and make new or stretch meals out with those. We will see. It is a lovely day here after the violent thunderstorm swept through here. Couple people were killed by falling trees, lots of fallen trees in London as well.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Lovely day so far, my DH and SIL came over, even before I was dressed. They asked if I wanted to go for a walk in a park. I put a wig on and changed clothes. Drove to a park and just walked around. I did have to sit for less than a minute a couple of times. I don't often go to the park. It was also weird walking without music going in my one ear but I felt that would be rude. We walked for about 35 minutes, just enough for my body to say, I want more.

    On the way home took a wee drive after they got Starbucks for themselves since I put an order in at the burger joint. Ordered the junior patty and loaded with toppings like tomato, lettuce, olives, onions, ranch dressing but no bun. Plan is to combine these ingredients to other meals I may eat. Also lets me use up my last 10.00 I still have in old gift cards. I don't like a burger meal anymore but don't mind the odd burger that way. Was only 2.69 as well which will stretch out over several meals.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    reporting for pocket duty! Hope everyone has a good day. I’m packed full of sweets. Carrot cake muffins ! Hugs to al

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    been working on my painting. I’m almost. Done my first one. Here’s my progress. I’m enjoying this a lot. image

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Mel- Nice picture!!!

    Mara- Glad you enjoyed your walk in the park. You said you drove there, so you cannot get there more often to have a walk? Seems you really enjoyed it and I wish you could do it more often.

    SeeQ- Pocket duty for your results.

    Well yesterday (Monday) was a long scan day (and MO appt, Lupron injection, Port Flush, and Labs). I left my house at 8:30am and got home at 6:15pm. And with going by myself I could not wind down or nap on the way home. I slept well last night!!!

    Scans show SHRINKAGE !!!! I cannot tell you what the measurements were, as they will not go to the Portal for 1 week (default at my cancer clinic for releasing of results), but my MO read off the measurements of all the lesions and the latest measurements were less than before. Maybe by a mm or 2, but still a decrease versus an increase. So 9 months into Lynparza I have had 2 stable scans and now a decrease scan.

    I was thinking on the way home--- I know some ladies on here have commented they really do not get too anxious before scans anymore (so many under their belt). But, think about it, we have Stage 4 cancer. We are going to the clinic to get CT's, or MRI's, or whatever, to monitor the cancer. Wouldn't most people get nervous? This is serious stuff. I know women are notorious for being strong and taking things in stride, but this is serious. Most people would be a little nervous about monitoring their cancer for progression. We should call it like it is--- serious shit.

    And I thank God that I am seeing stable/shrinkage, but it sure does not come without a cost. Fatigue. Nausea/decreased appetite. Low white counts, so I have to be careful-- not just of Covid, but of any infection. Yes, this is better than the alternative. But it sure is not easy. To get shrinkage/stable takes work.

    Thanks for the pocket duty. You all understand more than anyone else.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,051

    Shrinkage!!!!!!!!!!' 💐🌺🌻. Candy that is a sweet word. Congrats!……

  • kbl
    kbl Member Posts: 2,950

    So happy you have shrinkage, Candy. I totally get the roller coaster. I hope you can have some good days without fatigue and nausea

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 723

    What great news Candy! Time for a treat!

    Mel - who knew you were an artist! What a lovely painting. Can’t wait to see more…..