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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Oh, I forgot to mention that the local shelter sent us advertisement bookmarks with our boys pics! Their 1st photos for the online listings, which is how I found monkey. Pig wasn’t available yet, so this photo was new to us. Such cute little fellas 😍


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,453

    Candy and Laurie, I do hope faith is a comfort for both of you. It is something that can help relax a person facing uncertain futures or just facing having to get something done in life.

    Emac, happy birthday!

    Mae, glad you are dry, hoping the same for kikomoon.

    I have not done much yet today. Finally made a fairly plain breakfast. Put 1/3 cup precooked rice and 1/2 cup black beans, added both to a frypan with olive oil. Heated on med low and added steak seasoning, italian seasoning, onion seasoning and wheat bran, salted a bit as well. Also added a small amount of sour cream and onion chips that were ground up in the spice grinder. Kept them in the pan for a few minutes. Took it all out and added a dollop of sour cream. Was a delicious flavour and mild flavour as well. I really enjoyed it I must say. In the end, the chips are not a bad idea to chop up and add a sprinkle here and there.

    Soaking my dish dishes as there is no dishwasher here, will leave a couple of hours. Always add my liquid oxyclean and little bit of dish soap. I love being able to have the stuff just melt off the dishes that way with little scrubbing. I also use the oxy clean spray I make to remove scale from my mugs.

    Last one I promise, I finally realized that I should keep all powder laundry in a big container and use that. I refill by scoop, put say 10 scoops of wash soda, 10 scoops of Oxiclean, 5 scoops of grated laundry bars and 5 scoops of Tide. Mix them in with my hands and now just add one small scoop of the mixture for laundry since my washer is tiny. Saves money and ingredients without sacrificing cleaning power. I get really happy when I discover a good way to save that is still effective.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Mae, those little furry babies are so precious. I am so glad you have them. You are a great doggie Mom. Also, I’m glad you are not getting slammed by the flooding. That is scary stuff. Stay well and enjoy those pups.

    Emac, a belated “Happy happy Birthday”. Hope it was good.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,453

    Editing to make a shorter post.

    Mae, glad you and your pups are all right, hopefully the rain subsides soon for you.

    Laurie, always good to see you here, in your pocket permanently.

    Well, my original silicone prosthetic got a scratch on the back, feels really sticky. When I get off Herceptin today, will try to sew the form in an old bra with pocket, cut out the area that was sewed together and see if it will work in my newer bras with pockets.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Good morning ladies. Showing up for any pocket duty. Treats in hand. Lending support if needed and love. Love to all who need it today or any day….

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Emac happy birthday 🎁 I love carrot cake with cream cheese frosting 🧁

    Mae a pond returning is amazing. I’m sure the ducks and other critters will find their way to it.

    Mel I did t realize your stomach was stilll bothering you. How long has it been already?

    Mara one day I’m gonna try your soap recipes they sound so efficient.

    I got the port dye study done and it’s working again. Grateful.


  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    stomach is healing nicely thank you. I’m relieved. I saw a gastrointestinal doctor and got the all clear. Just a bacterial intestinal infection. It was a doozy! Hugs to you and yum at carrot cake.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688


    My best friend in Portland sent me these flowers with a balloon and lemon cupcake. It made my day.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Happy Birthday 🎈🎁🎉.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Happy birthday Emac! I hope you have many many more! how nice of your best friend to send flowers.

    Mel, glad you are feeling better!

    Tanya - happy your port is working as it should. That's a relief!

    Mara and Mae, the weather is playing a cruel joke on us here in San Antonio. Predicted lots of rain and barely got a drop in our location. Looks like it might happen but then doesn't. When if finally does come, I'm sure the roads and the drivers will NOT be able to handle it.

    Mae, Pig and Monkey are just the cutest! you must be loving having them around.

    Mara, if I could eat queso all the time, I surely would.

    Booboo, I wish to be at your place of peace someday. I am definitely closer than when I started all this. Hoping you're PET results are better than you expect .In your pocket today.

    Candy, I hope your nausea subsides and your dad adapts quickly to his new place.

    Hello to everyone - 50sgirl, Elderberry, Living, Goldens, Sunshine - I'm super sorry for those I missed, I check in every day but haven't been posting. Not much going on here except mystery foot pain.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Emac, happy birthday, I hope you have a lovely day. In you pocket Laurrie, I, too, hope for better than expected scan results. Candy, I hope you're dad settles in to his new home soon so that you can focus on taking care of yourself again,it must be such a difficult time for you both, my thoughts are with you. Mel, I'm glad your tummy is finally starting to settle down. Tanya, my port has only returned blood about 3 times since it was placed but as long as the saline went in when flushing they were happy to keep using it. I haven't had the best week so far, yesterday was the first day I got dressed and left the house for 4 days, I slept most of the time when I wasn't on the loo or throwing up, I was too sick to get to the doctor, thank goodness I feel better today. Saying hi to anyone I've missed, take care everyone Nd stay safe all of you in flood areas.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,453

    Mel, glad your stomach is better finally, definitely sounded like a doozy.

    I had a pretty long day, took the bus to the cancer clinic for Herceptin, waited 2.5 hours for that though was having a good time with the lady next to me acting like we were disappointed even though neither of us were bored. I had youtube and music on the go. Was a hot walk home since I would have had to wait an hour for the bus.

    Had the talk with older DB and SIL re Christmas. Told them I would prefer to go to a restaurant with them, adv I don't feel safe on the stairs as there are no railings and they have a large dog. They agreed, SIL asked if I would be lonely but I said no, I would be good at home and that is true. I am glad that chat is out of the way.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Kitty! I’m sorry you’ve had a tough week and hope you feel your best soon. I rarely get out of the house these days, finally went for a 15 min. walk just a minute ago since the temp is down. My laundry has turned into just my house clothes.

    Mara, glad you got that talk out of the way and can spend holidays how YOU want this year.

  • anx789
    anx789 Member Posts: 241

    Happy Birthday emac!

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Reading along. I like to hear what is going on with all of you.

    I went to see my Dad yesterday. He was having a good day. He was confused, but seemed calm, at least for those 2 hours I was with him. He has been there almost 2 weeks now. The paperwork side of things is getting done. So, now, I need to get into a schedule of visits--- maybe 2-3 times a week, that is my goal. Who knows, he may outlive me- haha. So I need to get into some kind of schedule so I keep going and visiting him. If I don't I can see it petering out and I don't want a week going by without a visit. But, at least, if I am planning on going on a certain day and I feel icky I can postpone till the next day. So I have flexibility. We will see how it goes.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,453

    Candy, I am glad to hear the visit with your dad went well and I agree with you that a schedule really helps get something done. Your visits will be greatly appreciated by your dad as well.

    I am wiped out. Had Herceptin and it really does give me some good fatigue. Planning to stay around home today and take a rest day. I will say some progress has been made on the walking front as I did not die walking home in the warm weather. My face was red and I stopped in shady spots for around 30 seconds and sipped on water as well. Just going to do some laundry, soaking a white bra that got yellowed with sweat. Put hot water with some straight Tide and oxyclean white revive, soaking for 4 to 6 hours. We will see how it comes out.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    I know that many people here do not know Bigbhome (Claudia), but some of you have been in these boards long enough to remember her. A few years ago she and her husband sold their house in Florida and have been living their dream, traveling across the country with their horses, staying in campgrounds along the way. They bought some land to settle down in Arizona. Her health started to go downhilltwo weeks ago and sh is not expected to live beyond the end of the week. She has been a good friend to me for 7 years. She will be missed.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,041

    Thanks 50sgirl. I remember Claudia well. I always enjoyed her posts and her zest for life. I will pray that she has a peaceful transition.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,453

    I have read many of Claudia's posts and though I did not interact in person on the boards, I always enjoyed bumping into her here. In her and the family's pocket seeing her through this difficult time. 50s girl, I am also sorry for you as well losing someone after so long.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    I hate to hear about Bigbhome. I remember her screen name on here. Losing another sister. So sad.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Hello ladies~. I’m just back from the Regional Breast Center with my daughter. She found a lump in her right breast last month. We’ve gotten word back finally that it is only a cyst. I’m so thankful right now. I was a bag of worry. I hate cancer. But I am thankful. So VERY thankful.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    I remember Bigbhome. I remember her post that she had collapsed at the dog park. That was back in May. I thought it was her last . Has she been in hospice since then? Another loss.

    mel: you must be so relieved about your daughter. Your anxiety must have been through the roof.

    Someone was having a scan yesterday. Booboo or Tanya? or? I need to have candy's notepad :-)

    Waving hi to everyone else.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I had heard she wasn’t doing well and I realized she had a broken leg and pelvis and was having a hard time all around. She is a sweet loving woman. It’s very upsetting to think we are on the brink of losing another sweet loving sister

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Kittykat, I'm so glad you were able to get out of the house after not leaving the house with your stomach troubles. That sounded brutal for you.

    Mel, Sharing your happiness on your daughter's cyst vs. cancer result. Yay!

    50s, yes, I remember BigBHome. Wishing her comfort and peace.

    Well, after thinking it would be the worst thing in the world, it really wasn't as traumatic as I thought to lose my hair.Having loose hair all over my face and clothes has been annoying for sure. I thought I'd be in shock but I developed more serious worries than my hair.

    I've been worried about my trouble walking. I've developed a limp,kind of like someone with a bad hip might have. And it hurts even to walk slow. My docs are blaming it on growing spinal lesions. I've had my pain meds upped and that's helped some but it also made me more brain fogged. I don't really want higher and higher pain meds but will see what I can tolerate. I asked whether the lesions (and then pain) might go down if I finally get a chemo drug to work. My doc said yes, but it would be a slow change. So nothing very hopeful right now.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Lynne—- thank you for the update on Bigbhome.


    I remember reading her posts after first joining BCO 5 years ago. You could feel the joy as she wrote about her horses.

    Prayers going out to her and her family. May she be as comfortable as possible. May she feel that we are wrapping her in our love.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Rosie~ I am sorry you're having trouble walking. Please take your time and be careful. Hopefully you find relief with some rest and minimal pain medicine. I also don't like pain medicines.

    I sat on pins and needles today during my daughters ultra sound. I thought I knew what I was looking at on the machine as the tech did her thing. I thought that she didn't take too many images and I could see there was no fiberous or any supply to the lump. It was black and hollow. Just an empty sack. Luckily. My first impression and my gut didn't let me down. I was driving myself batty with worry. It was very very small. I'm just so relieved it's not cancer.
    however , my sister sought a second opinion and this doctor said she in fact does have lymphoma and must start chemotherapy in the near future. So I am wrecked by that. She is struggling and her kids really suck out loud. They are a hindrance more than anything. She sounds horrible and really needs help with this chemo and treatment. I don't know what's going to happen. She lives too far me to get her and go to the clinic and wait hours for the infusion . I'll be on the floor. It's about a 45 min drive to her house. Then another 25 to the clinic. I don't want her to go through this alone. This is just shitty. Daily it seems the shit balls come from somewhere. I hope she's able to do this. She's strong like crazy but people have their limitations. I'm so worried.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,453

    Mel, I am so sorry about your sister having lymphoma and treatment coming. Is there anyone else who can be with her in this beginning of everything including all the chemo, doctor's visits, scans etc if you are unable? Friends or family that could go in shifts, maybe someone drop her off or be with her for the first half and change out during the second half of the visit?

    If I have misunderstood the fact of her going alone, forgive me. I will send the pair of you strength in your pocket.

  • dodgersgirl
    dodgersgirl Member Posts: 1,902

    Micmel— so sorry to read the update on your sister. In your pocket as you all work to find a solution to her chemo travels and needs.

    Is she in an area where rides from the American Cancer Society?

    Hugs to you as you deal with the stress of her situation

    And hugs and smiles to the cyst news ref your dd.... so happy it was not cancer.

    Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Pull up a comfy chair in your living room. We are all here for you.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    Mel - prayers for your sister and you🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. Thank God all your daughter had was a cyst. Good for her for checking her breasts! And despite the gut punch of your sister’s dx, it was a good thing she got a second opinion and can start treatment. What if she had just relied on the first opinion….and her disease would just get worse……. You will be able to help her through this in your own way. HUGS.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Thank you ladies. It’s been a whirlwind of emotions this month. I’m so sick of worrying. It’s all I seem to do. Days like this I wish the living room was real. I could sit and de compress ….. I’m filled with tension. Ugh! Almost Seven years of tension. I’ve had enough stress. I’m sure we all have. Thanks for caring. 🙂.