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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    50s— My current treatment is Halaven/Eribulin. I’ve been on it since early August. It hasn’t been too bad but I don’t have any scans yet to know what it’s doing for me. I’ve tried to update my treatments with no luck. (Since Ibrance I’ve been on Verzenio for one week before a biopsy showed I was now triple negative in liver, still ER+ in spine. So mixed subtypes — not easy to treat my doc says. Gem/Carbo was next for about 2 months —easy to tolerate but results showed it wasn’t helping much in liver, not at all in spine. Went on a clinical trial for about 2 months—results showed it wasn’t helpful but it did leave me with sun sensitivity and a severe sunburn on my face and arms presumably from riding in the car. It was the first side effect listed and it definitely happened to me. Halaven was next after the clinical trial. I hope it shows some results but my track record hasn’t been too good once I flipped to triple negative.

    Elderberry— thanks for your Ensure recipe. It sounds pretty easy and nutritious too.

    Mara—Where do you buy peanut powder? I’d like to try it. The dietician also mentioned Mush which is cold oats but I haven’t been able to find it.😳. I like oatmeal but I usually eat it hot.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Well, I made a big oops today. DH asked if I wished my work husband a happy birthday today. I said no, then immediately realized that he and DH share the same birthday, I totally forgot the hubs too! I wished him a HBD several times and fortunately it’s not a big deal to him at all but still.

    Anyway, it’s pretty stormy right now, so I’m indoors cooking chicken soup to freeze for later and hanging out with puppies.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    I get it from Amazon, called PB and me. Comes in peanut powder as well as a chocolate flavour. On its own, it would not taste good but is really good as a seasoning if it is combined with something else like queso and sour cream or mayo, could go along with a salad dressing as well. It does get the texture of peanut butter but no real fat and low cal. When added with a sweet fat, it is quite good, could see it in yogurt even. I have blended it with peanut butter as well. Even add to ice cream and milk when blended as a milkshake, peanut dip for dishes, add to soup. So many ideas for me too. As I may have said, it does not taste good to me as a spread, not like peanut butter without the fat but it can be added to regular peanut butter to lower the calorie count and boost protein, I usually go 50/50. Here is the link on US Amazon.

  • tanya_djamila
    tanya_djamila Member Posts: 1,537

    Good afternoon ladies

    Just catching up on reading.

    KarenF I'm glad the new treatment is working. Is it called taxol for short?

    50's girl I have those pink NY Good Morning America memories. After that fall I think we got hit with COVID. Mel thanks for posting those pictures.

    Mae the beach scene is so uplifting I love it? I wrote down your sentence " obligation to tolerate unhappiness at this time in my life." Strong woman you know these people- boundaries- respect.

    Kitty I hope your biopsy went well and you're home and resting.

    Mara $80 cat food sounds about right. CAt food went up in the last 6 months.

    Candy I hope the doctors get that fever figured out soon. 10 days is a long time.

    Emac and Eldreberry fan weather is probably strange at this time of year for you guys. This weather is crazy.

    I am getting in the car (my intentions- Good Lord willing) with my daughter Saturday and going to see my granddaughter. She's due in November and she's having a boy.

    Waving hello to all


  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,040

    Mae-Your husbands sounds pretty wise. What a tactful way of reminding you that you had forgotten his birthday. Hope you can come up with a plan to make it special-especially since you like to celebrate both your birthday and half-birthday!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Tanya, you are right, planning to alternate their meals between the dental care and Purina they were eating before. Tigger does eat fast so I feed them small amounts throughout the day, this will be easier on the budget for me, one meal dental care, next meal will be the purina I think.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Wow tanya, a great grandson, congratulations, enjoy your trip.

  • kittykat9876
    kittykat9876 Member Posts: 420

    Hi all, I've had my biopsy and my surgery, I'm awake at 3.55am due to the painkillers in the anaesthetic wearing off and I'm pretty uncomfortable, I'm waiting, hopefully, for the oxycodin I just took to kick in so I can get back to sleep. Hopefully 3rd time is the charm and the stent will stay in the right place and do its job properly. I don't have the biopsy results yet, hopefully they'll be back by next Thursday when I see Sanju, my oncologist. Still haven't heard when my mri will be, with any luck it will be before I see Sanju. Rosie, I hope the Halaven, eribulin combo will get on top of things for you. Tanya, I hope you have a lovely visit with your daughter and grand daughter, drive safely. Candy, I really hope they get to the cause of those fevers for you, it must be so frustrating to deal with on top of all your other side effects. Karen, yay for happy news, well, the pain meds are starting to kick in , so I might try to sleep. Night all. :-)

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Kitty, in your pocket for the oxycodin to kick in and sleep take you away from it all for a while, also in your pocket for upcoming MRI as well.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Kitty~ hope your pain has lessened and sleep found you. I do know how hard that is.

    Hello Tanya~ congratulations great grand child. Wow!

    BooBoo~ hi sweet woman.

    Mara~ my sister is loosing her hair but is a fighter. I was a basket case, shes strong willed. Hasn’t complained once. Amazes me.

    I’m doing ok. Fatigue is still a bear. And my mouth is relentless with pain. I had my bloodwork done and everything was very good. Tumor markers lowest ever. My body is just damaged from the heavy 13 rounds of heavy chemo did to me. I feel lucky to have such good response to the medicine. But wish so much I could feel alive. So tired constantly! But thanks for asking

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Kittykat- hope you were able to get some sleep and the pain has subsided . Thoughts are with you for biopsy results and mri.

    Tanya- still can't believe you will be a great grandmother

    Mara- I'm glad your brother understands why you prefer to be on your own at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sometimes one is just more comfortable in their own home.

    Mae- oops is right lol. Your DH sounds quite understanding of the birthday blunder. As for your mother and relatives I say good for you for saying like it is. !

    Mel- your sister sounds like a very strong woman. Although being strong for the ones around us is very understanding it is also important to face our fears and know these fears and concerns are real. As you have said cancer sucks the life right out of you.

    I know I have forgotten so much and so many of you.I apologize but I am still here for all.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Rosie24, I hope the current treatment is keeping the cancer at bay.

    Tanya, a great grandson! Hope you enjoy your visit with daughter and granddaughter!

    Karen, I was very happy to read your news that the treatment is working!

    Kitty, in your pocket for biopsy results and the stent staying in place.

    Mel, I hope your mouth pain gets better.

    Mara, glad your family understands your wishes. Hope you enjoy your holidays.

    Mae, glad you will set boundaries as needed.

    My in laws are already asking if we are coming to DFW for Christmas and asking for Christmas lists so they can go shopping. I really just want treatment to keep working and to remain stable, but they can't buy and wrap that. Also not looking forward to traveling during Christmas. I will do what I want.

  • emac877
    emac877 Member Posts: 688

    Mara - thank you for the suggestions. I did manage to eat a little more today.

    Mel - Sorry to hear about your mouth sores. I can empathize with the sentiment of wanting to feel alive. My MO considers me in "stable remission" and I'm so grateful for that. At the same most days I am so tired I have to really fight to get anything done after 2 pm. I am fighting to keep life as close to my pre-cancer state as I can but that has gotten harder, hasn't it?

    Just thinking again how grateful I am for this group. It is the one I am most comfortable posting in. We are a welcoming group and that is so needed right now, not only in the world of BCO but in the world at large. I think that's a really great thing. Ok, I'll stop with my sentimentality now.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    emac- well said re: this group. I’m glad you were able to eat more today. I know it is frustrating to have no appetite.

    I am dealing with mystery foot pain in my right foot, at the inside arch. It is painful just to lightly touch it. Started two months ago in bed. Comes and goes, no rhyme or reason. I can get around ok just going to Dr. Appointments and such, just cannot walk any great distances (over 1/2 a block) It doesn’t feel like plantar fasciitis. I’m seeing a podiatrist who hasn’t seemed like he’s really listening to me. After a clear foot MRI, he has sent me to PT at $55 a visit, copay, said 3 times a week. After the PT DID listento me, agreed to do twice a week but we’ll stop if not doing anything. “I don’t want to say he’s wrong (the Dr.) but yeah it sounds like it could be nerve related”.

    Does anyone have experience with gabapentin? I see MO tomorrow to get her opinion.

  • Rosie24
    Rosie24 Member Posts: 1,026

    Kikomoon, I take Gabapentin for nerve pain. Ask away if you have any questions.

    Mara, thanks for the tips and explanation on peanut powder. They were very helpful. 😊

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Kikomoon, the foot pain isn’t a Charlie horse, is it? I recall having muscle cramps in my legs and feet so bad I’d wake up at night screaming or crying. I drank more water and took potassium, eventually it stopped.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Rosie, I sent you a PM to ask you just a couple of questions.

    Mae, I don’t think it’s a Charlie horse. When it’s going, it comes on about every 8 seconds, lasts for about 3, feels like I have a big gash there, but it looks normal. Now it hurts also when I walk on it. The lightest touch is extremely sensitive, so wearing sneakers is pretty uncomfortable.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    kikomoon, yeah, that description doesn’t sound like it, it sounds awful though, I hope you get an answer a relief soon.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Kikomoon, I am so sorry about your pain that you are dealing with, I hope it subsides soon.

    Looks like a nice day today, I do have my Herceptin which is nice as it is noisy beside, across the hall and below me as two more residents have moved out and their apartments are being redone. They sometimes don't stay past noon. Expecting water will intermittently be shut off as the empty units will be done up. I think I am the only resident who has been here a couple of years. I will walk to the hospital along the bus route, taking the cane as well. Feel more secure with that.

    Will be eating about an hour before I leave, having a bit of pasta for the carb, an egg, 1/2 cup baked beans and 1/4 cup of beefless ground as well as spinach. I did try the vegan pork bites and they were good though I think I will precook those. I paired them with two eggs yesterday with a spoonful of mayo, steak seasoning and salt. Was a good dinner overall. Hoping DB and SIL will take me shopping at some point today or tomorrow. Going to be strict about my budget and stay within 10 dollars if possible with mostly canned stuff when I do shop. Not getting the takeout food should save about 80 to 100 dollars so that would be good.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Emac and Rosie, glad that my suggestions were helpful.

    Garbage day today, cleared out little garbage and whoooo it was very stinky, took a few cloths and washed with soap first, wiped down and then sprayed both alcohol mist as well as my enzyme cleaner and wiped out again to remove the stink. Those things are being washed in super hot water with baking soda and detergent along with extra oxi clean and a bit of dish soap, I will allow those to soak for a few hours.

    Changed mind on breakfast, no beefless ground, 1 cup baked beans, will cool and add an egg and a small amount of rice or pasta with a sprinkle of cheese. Won't be eating for a while so this should tide me over, may also add a sprinkle of my peanut powder too. Queso and sour cream to bind, both low cal and some wheat bran to boost fiber. Probably will get overly full but I will appreciate the energy walking to the hospital, still using my cane.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Today marks my half way through WBR. I have my 5th session today with 5 to go. I am feeling good. It is wonderful to be without daily headaches thanks to Decadron. Onward I will go

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Glad you are doing so well 50's. That makes me happy. I managed to walk 2/3 of the way to the hospital but did take a bus part of the way. Cane is helping though.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Has Candy checked in?

    50s - I was sad to see your progression to brain, but I just love how you keep on truckin' in the face of change. Glad you are feeling well!

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    50s- you are a trooper ! You've got this!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Wow, shocked but happy. My disability from my province has gone up for the first time in years, increasaed 5 per cent apparently which is great. They are also taking off 60.00 since they overpaid me but that is almost done giving me another 60.00 so in total, I iwll shortly be getting an extra 120 dollars per month. I will definitely be able to use that.

    Other piece of interesting news, the intercom outside has power again, not sure if that means mail again but surely hoping so. It would be nice.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Mara, Well, it’s abou time you received some good news. That is great. How often do you have to take trips to the hospital for treatment? It seems to be pretty frequently.

  • chicagoan
    chicagoan Member Posts: 1,040

    Mara-That extra $120 should help a lot!!

    50'sgirl-I too admire how you manage to stay upbeat and caring even while dealing with cancer crap.

    Candy-Hope your fever has either gone away or they have figured out the root cause. I had a low grade fever for about 3 weeks perhaps 4 years ago. They never knew what caused it. I think picked something by swimming in a contaminated pool but I'm sure you haven't done anything like that.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    I go for Herceptin every 3 weeks, see the doctor every 3 months. CT scans every 6 months and MRI now every 4 months. Echo happens every 4 months as well. Might ask about yearly CT scans when I see MO.

    I took garbage out tonight and noticed the notice about mail pickup is gone. I tried the code I was given before on the intercom and it works. Hoping mail is going to delivered again. Put my apt number and last name back on the box I used before.

  • elderberry
    elderberry Member Posts: 1,067

    mara: I am glad you got an increase. $120.00 these days doesn't go far but it is better than not having $120.00 extra. It also looks like your mail issue may be resolving. Your link to food was excellent. I was lucky that Taxol didn't affect my taste buds too much or my appetite. I have lost some weight but I think that is more the absence of wine and martinis and the chips and nuts that usually went with them.

    Hi to 50'sgirl, Candy, and all I know I missed.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Hi Elderberry, yes the increase was most welcome. In a few months, my cell phone bill will drop by 20.00 as well and I will be done paying off the overpayment on the disability which was 60 per month for over 3 years.

    There was a lot of garbage out front and some recycle boxes as well. I took those out back as they were empty, the workers put out a TV in the trash and no garbage is going to collect that, will email property managers to tell them to put it out back, if I was strong enough, would toss it into their bin for garbage and building materials.