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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,923

    Mara, My cat with kidney disease loved catnip tea. Kept him hydrated.

  • sunshine99
    sunshine99 Member Posts: 2,723

    Sondra, I got a laugh out of your "Big D and the Barfs" band, although I'm sorry you're dealing with that.

    Waving hi to all my lovelies here.


  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Thank you sunshine for what you said. I do like to talk about food but want to pare down my words and keep the same content. I will say that I did not like the other half of breakfast as much, I did add beefless ground and two eggs but should have let the eggs be more cooked and I think it would have been fine otherwise. I am pondering taking one of my frozen beef burgers, cooking it up and chopping after cooking and mixing with chopped up hashbrown patty and keep it in the fridge to add to meals. That just popped into my head but sounded good to me.

    Wren, never thought of giving them something to drink like that, good idea. I have never thought of making them a drink out of it, would be a good way to figure out if it would work.

    the other half set up the eggs more, it was a bit liquidy though I did enjoy the flavour.

    Still doing my steps between sitting, at 2000 so far which is better than the none I get on more days than I like, just doing the marching on my stepbench so far.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Mae ~adorable puppies need their sweaters. How adorable. Waiting for that photo.

    Candy….~ hope your fevers are gone. You’re on my mind.

    Hello to everyone else. Thanks for the painting shout out. I love doing them. I’ll have quite the collection soon.

    Have a good night sleep. Hugs to all.

    Good to see Runor. !!

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    50sgirl - haha, I said you inspired me. I haven't actually gotten to freezing casseroles yet, but I always say I should. I routinely vacuum seal my chicken with a marinade before freezing, and I have made different kinds of meatballs to freeze, but that's about it. The other thing I want to try is freezer-to-slow cooker meals. I just need to get organized and actually do it. Congrats on your halfway mark for WBR.

    Karenfizedbo- sorry vinorelbine failed you, but glad the paclitaxol is working.

    Rosie, I was making smoothies for breakfast when I was still working in the office. I used plain yogurt, almond milk, frozen strawberries, honey (or another sweetener), spinach and Hersheys unsweetened cocoa powder. You really can't taste the spinach at all. I didn't like the smoothie being green, so the cocoa powder did double duty - flavor and camouflage! I'm glad the new treatment is helping you.

    Tanya- I hope you're having a nice visit with your daughter and granddaughter. Hurray for a great grandson!

    Kitty - thinking good thoughts for your biopsy and MRI results

    Mel - I'm sorry your mouth is hurting you again - I though you had that resolved. So sorry about your sister's Stage IV dx. On a brighter note, your last painting is very pretty.

    Kikomoon- that foot pain sounds terrible. Your description sounds like the tendonitis I have in the palm of my hand.

    Mara - woohoo for the income bonus! That should give you a little breathing room in your budget. Yay for mail delivery, too!

    dutchiris - I hope the radiation is easing some of your pain and you're able to get some sleep.

    Sondra - I'm glad your manager sensed the stress you were under and made an effort to reduce it. I think that means a lot. And a low key weekend away sounds like the perfect treatment. ;)

    I know I missed people - sending hugs to all who are struggling.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Good morning all. I’m reporting for pocket duty for any and all who need it.

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Thanks for the mention, Mel. I am the same. Still having fevers. Still keeping a log. Still off the Lynparza. I am due to restart Lynparza, and report to my MO, next week. We will see how it goes till then. Getting kind of worried.

    Hello to all.

  • goldensrbest
    goldensrbest Member Posts: 722

    While many times we share a sense of concern and worry in this living room, I love that we get a good chuckle as well (like sondraf’s Big D and the Barf). Mae - those poor pups will need more than sweaters come winter. Do you still keep them on leashes when they go out? I can’t wait for my knee replacement a week from tomorrow. I had to stop using Voltaren Gel on Friday and can’t take anything other than Tylenol (it’s all I can really take but I cheat and take some Motrin when the pain gets a bit challenging). It is sheer misery sitting down or getting up from a chair or using the potty. None of us are strangers to pain so I know you sisters understand. I’ve been off Ibrance for a couple of weeks already to help get my blood counts up for surgery. MO will probably start me back up again 3 weeks after surgery. It’s too bad I can’t enjoy this little vacation. But all of you know that pain in and of itself is very exhausting. I also have my CT and bone scans this Wednesday.
    I’m thinking of all of you - Mel and your sister, Candy, those having work issues due to this stupid disease that continues to rob us, those having to find new treatments due to progression, and Mara getting more $$ (now that’s a good thing!). I don’t mean to forget others but my brain ain’t what it used to be.

    I wish all of you a good week. HUGS🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Taking today completely off of anything besides TV, movies or minor housework. Got an email saying that water should be cut off between 9 and 12 pm, filled up a couple of pots and more water bottles that I have on hand and did laundry this morning. Hand washed my clothes, decided to handwash unless they are completely soiled and focus on washing bedding that fits in the washer and my cloths that are used for anything you can imagine. I do have the wash wand as well but will save that mostly for the larger bedding that gets done in my bathtub. There is no longer any laundry out in the back shed since the added a washer and dryer combo set which one of the new neighbours really does not like. The TV left here more than a week ago is still there, not sure how much I want to get involved, if I could lift it, I would certainly take it to the back and put in the worker's truck since it needs to be properly disposed of. Wish the neighbours would complain.l

    Microwaved 1/2 cup beans, 1/4 cup beefless ground, shredded cheese and added a dollop of garlic spread, a bit milder than powder and heated 60 seconds. Wanted a quick breakfast today. Added wheat bran after with some steak seasoning and bit of italian and salt as well. Put a small amount of mayo to bind it and it was quite good.

    Getting caught up on House of the Dragon today and not sure what I am doing after that.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I'll be watching as well Mara! You said you werent doing anything. And then you listed like two things dealing with laundry you had already done lo. Admit it. You can't sit still. You're amazing!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Mel, I am great at laundry most days but rather lazy in other ways too. Hoping DB comes over with some of his Thanksgiving leftovers as well.

  • Kikomoon
    Kikomoon Member Posts: 358

    Mara, I love reading your posts. You are always doing something. Makes me feel like a bump on a stump so I get up and do something.

    Today I swapped the usual blueberries for banana in my oatmeal and it was really good. My coffee is really good too as I put a pinch of cinnamon in. My mom came over this weekend and we went to the grocery store so I could return a mop that discolored after first use. It was fun! I don’t get out much so really enjoying the little things. Tonight, however, going out to eat with DH at a restaurant called Best Quality Daughter. It’s Asian fusion I think.

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    Kikomoon~ I feel the same way about Mara and her posts. She’s something else. Sorry about your mop, that doesn’t really help too much does it? Sometimes I think, the easiest things turn out to be the strangest. Glad you enjoyed your time out. It’s nice to feel like you’re doing something. Hope the new mop works! Good to see you !

    Hi BooBoo!

    Available for pocket duty tomorrow for whoever needs some pocket dwellers. Hugs to Candy!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Kikomoon and Mel, thank you for the compliment, trying to find other stuff to do or stretch a buck, not because I strictly have to but because I want to gives me joy. Food combos make me happy and I do not mind if it is inexpensive a nd filling. Glad you enjoy my posts. Kikomoon, that breakfast sounds really good, hope it was really enjoyable.

    Breakfast today is tex mex shreds, 1/4 cup of black beans and added wheat bran. Started the eggs on medium high on the burner then added the beans, took off the heat and put a lid for the last couple of minutes. Will add sour cream and onion powder to top along with the steak seasoning, need get more steak seasoning when I shop this week.

    I am going to the store, need sour cream and dollar store right there, taking cane for balance and will try to walk all the way there but no problem taking the bus if it is too taxing.

    Today, I don't really have many plans, may go to a dollarama or dollar tree to look for more storage containers, mainly to corral stuff to store under the bed. I am reusing both well rinsed empty vinegar bottles and well rinsed rubbing alcohol bottles and using those to store the foaming soap mix I make. I plan to do the same with old fabric softener bottles. I don't even use that except about 8 parts water to 1 pt softener, use in rinse to make the laundry small good without being overpowering. Final rinse cycle is done after with vinegar only. I like two rinses.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    Hi Mel, All,

    I am SO enjoying this Fall weather. Nothing better. I love the warm days and cool nights. And my energy level is crazy good.

    I am still trying to get my meds right. Hospice switched me from OxyContin to Morphine Sulfate, and what an experience that was. We started at the same levels as OxyContin and quickly realized that it was way too much drug. I had several nights of hallucinations, and pain levels were out of this world. We started over and went to a smaller dose, and will inch up if needed. For now, things seem to be on the right track.

    We picked up the new pup yesterday from a breeder in Lancaster, PA. I think I’m in love. Her name is Susie. She’s a mini golden doodle. I can’t stand how cute she is. Will post a pic as soon as I can.

    Love to all…

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Oh Laurie, so glad the pain is managed for you, glad that the right combo is found, you certainly need to be in less pain. I do love the sound of a new pet named Susie being added to your family, that is quite wonderful, furry family members are the best for joy and healing. Can't wait for pictures of her.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Mara - yes you are on the go everyday. 🚶♀️ good for you. I try to make a list of things I want to get done each day. From small things like watering all the plants to washing the floors or cleaning chores. Sometimes it happens and other days I figure it will still be waiting for me the next day.

    Sondra- it sounds like you have a high pressure job. I hope you enjoy your days away from everything.

    Booboo- so glad to hear the pain is somewhat under control. Your family's new furry puppy sounds adorable. I miss my furry friend everyday. When I come through the door I miss her happy face and feel the loneliness.

    Mel-. sending thoughts to you and your sister

    Mae- those pups will truly need some warm sweaters

    My special son was out yesterday for our turkey dinner. Afterwards he and I went for a long walk. I love the fall season with all the beautiful colors of the trees. (at least the ones that are still standing).

    I'm in everyone's pocket this week for scans , appointments and results.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Wow, took the bus part of the way to the grocery store there and back. Nice bus driver who stopped when I waved him down instead of going as was his right. The cashier at the dollar store was nice about the dollar coins so got my containers and tiny bit of reese's pieces for a wee treat. I also got some store brand sour cream, sure the taste will be the same, the nice cashier made sure I got the one I wanted as I had low fat and that did not interest me at all. Very nice.

    Even with the bus still walked 3 miles. Did it very slow and deliberately with cane. I want to feel more comfy without but not there yet. I do see my feet sometimes go down in the wrong place so believe that is the falling hazard but was able to control that more. Might do another 1/2 hour on my treadmill depending on my energy level.

    I did have a good lunch, took a portion of the stuffing and turkey DB dropped off and added shredded cheese and black beans with wheat bran, heated 60 secs in microwave and used a spoonful of mayo this time along with steak, celery salt and italian seasonings. Very nice, will have turned leftovers into at least 3 meals.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Mara, You never cease to amaze me. Your activities put me to shame. We have no sidewalks or public transportation here, so it’s a whole different world. It must have been nice to have the Thanksgiving leftovers brought to you.

    Living, It sounds like you and your son enjoyed a pleasant Thanksgiving together. I like the fall weather, too, although sometimes the sudden cooldown can be a shock to the system.

    Booboo, A new puppy? How sweet. I look forward to seeing a picture. It sounds like she will be a nice, manageable size. I am glad they are bringing your pain under control.

    candy, Has your medication break helped lesson the fatigue, nausea, and vomiting? The fever probably has preventing you from feeling 100%.

    Tanya, I hope you have hada good time with your daughter and granddaughter. The time probably flew by, but it is always nice to return home, too.

    Mae, How cold will it get on your mountain during the winter? What will you be using as a heat source? Logs? Wood pellets?

    I have decided to plan early for Christmas this year. I will shop sales whenever possible. I ordered some yarn yesterday and plan to knit sweaters for my two teenaged granddaughters. With the expected high cost of heating fuel this winter, I think we will be wearing more sweaters and sweatshirts. I do have neuropathy and hope that my fingers hold out long enough to finish the sweaters.

    I have one more WBR session, so tomorrow they will be complete. The little hair that had begun to grow in is now failing out quickly. Oh well! I just want treatment to work. Hair is just hair.

    Hugs and prayers to everyone,


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196

    50s, I think I'm in love! She is the sweetest


    little girl. Sorry, not the best picture, but here she is...


  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    I continue to read along. Just not posting much. Sorry.

    50'sgirl- I have been off Lynparza 1 week now. The nausea is a lot better. The fatigue is still there--- but from the fever issue? Maybe. I am still having fevers, so I don't feel good. Cannot enjoy my treatment vacation. I chill, then spike a fever, then feel the feverish/woozy feeling. I am really wondering what is going on. I am supposed to wait till next week (2 weeks off Lynparza) and then report back in. If the fevers continue, they need to do some more testing and get to the bottom of it. I need to start back on the Lynparza next week so the cancer doesn't get worse. Maybe a lower dose though. ??

  • candy-678
    candy-678 Member Posts: 4,167

    Booboo- Precious!!!!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Laurie, Susie looks so sweet. Just a beautiful dog.

    50's, glad you are wrapping up WBR, I am interested in how recovery goes and in your pocket. I have managed 2 meals so far out of the leftovers.

    Candy, I am so sorry to hear about the continuing fevers, of course you are feeling sick. I will think healing thoughts and be in your pocket too, hopefully they'll go away soon.

  • 50sgirl
    50sgirl Member Posts: 2,071

    Laurie, She is so cute. How old is she? I can understand why you are in love.

    Candy, I wish they could get to the bottom of the fever. You must be so frustrated. At least the nausea is a bit better. I am anxious to hear about the plan for lower dose or continuing as before. It’s time for you to start feeling better. You have been feeling miserable for way to long

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    omg cuteness overload!!!! Precious baby! Thanks for sharing. What a pick me up that must be.

  • livingivlife
    livingivlife Member Posts: 454

    Laurie- OMG how cute she is!

    Candy- I do hope they can find the reasoning behind the fever.

    50s girl- I am also starting on some Christmas shopping. Amazon has a special 2 day early shopping blitz. I have picked up a few things. I wish I could knit like you!

  • micmel
    micmel Member Posts: 10,050

    I am so with you ladies on starting early. I've already gotten a few things. We are giving each child money and a few gifts to open and a stocking. If I plan it out it won't be too much at once. Things are expensive though for sure. I was looking at boxers for the men in my life and a six pack of them Was $36.00. I couldn't believe it. I get overwhelmed when I think about the tree and decorations and the dinners. My daughter turns 27 on October 21 and she wants DH to cook his seafood linguine with sauce. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. But it's times like this I get to treasure. My family together. Nothing I love more. They are the reason we all fight the way we do. Or because we're strong and determined to live life on our terms and live the way we want to. Cancer makes you weak and strong at the same time. I'm seeing that from my sister also. Just gotta keep moving forward. We have no choice.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,451

    Well, swept my floor in the apartment hall, when I checked if the back door was locked, noticed a bunch of drywall just sitting on the ground. Swept what I could toward the door, too late and don't feel like vacuuming tonight. The property managers do not clean the building, I maintain my floor with some vacuuming because the workers leave trash all over which is bad, will be curious if they look after shoveling in the winter.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,708

    Yay, new puppy! I love her 😀

  • seeq
    seeq Member Posts: 1,166

    Booboo! Susie is adorable! What a precious thing she is. I'm so glad you get to have her in your life.

    Mel - I had no idea your daughter and mine are almost birthday twins. Mine turns 27 on the 19th! She will be visiting this weekend, and we will be going out to our local steakhouse to celebrate. We'll probably make ribs or chicken on the grill for another night.

    Candy - I was hoping your treatment break was going to give you the opportunity to feel more "normal" for a few days. They really needed to get to the bottom of the cause for your fevers.