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Chemo starting April 2018



  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Wow, you're so right DebAL so much is going on with everyone. I had to pull out the laptop to type all this..

    GAwarrior, I actually didn't know there's different levels of neuropathy. But I can say first hand that in the last couple of days my fingers and grip is doing much better. Sigh, of relief and hoping that you also feel relief soon. CONGRATS! So proud of you wishing you much peace for the next couple weeks prior to surgery. Also weight gain for me as well. I notice around my belly, it shall pass as my eating habits or craving have be BAD! Example, I found a way to make a sweet snack in minutes, probably not so healthy.Flourless peanut butter cake in a mug; 2 tablespoons almond butter, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 egg and 1/8 tsp baking powder. Mix well and toss n the microwave for 1 min..

    Frog- thanks for checking in, I will make sure I put Emla cream on prior to my wire being placed. Omg, I re-read your posting and was surprised that you went home and than have surgery later. I stay at the hospital just go from one area of the campus/ hospital to another. Im sending you positive thoughts as you go though surgery.. Hugs

    Batata, glad to here you made you're trip safely and are home. Any time you need some support this group has been very helpful and supportive. I'm glad you found us. You are on the count down to the end of you're chemo as well a little over a month. Are you going to ring the bell ? I ask bcuz at first I was hesitant, sadness was coming over me as I was coming to the end. But bell ringing made it feel so great to be done with chemo.

    Krissy37, Congrats on cross over to the other side. Have you noticed that you're life plan has changed at all? I ask since I've notice I was really goal driven at work and my career prior to my dx. I just had my Goal and objective conversation with sec. ldr at work. She asked what my goals were and my answer, my life and I will take more time to do things for self, my family and friends. So I hope you have time to breathe and than ENJOY life...

    Duffy/ Ingerp- keep us updated on the recovery and radiation. Are you both planning to lather you're skin several times a day? and did you start lathering the skin prior to first radiation apt. ?

    Djt- eyelashes I've just started seeing little black spots of growth through the eye lid skin. maybe a total of 4 hairs on each eye and tomorrow I will be two weeks PFC(post final chemo.) I don't see the change in my head along sides but on the top I'm not so bald. Ingerp I know it's hard not to look in the mirror wishing for more sprouts.

    Hikinglady, glad you stop in. How long is you're chemo treatment plan? I agree that we do what we need as we go through chemo, as I know my life plan has changed.

    Engine, how is Janice doing still quite on your side?

    InnaB- Have you spoken to you're MO about fainting was there any feedback? You have to keep up you're strength and maybe protein shake supplements will help. I know I read all my test and blood work and questioning all the time.

    Not much to report for me. I did go to the dentist today for cleaning had it fit it in before surgery and radiation. My teeth are holding up good which is a relief after my abscess ordeal. Bone hasn't healed from tooth extraction, so she will keep an eye on it. Also My dentist said keep using fluoride toothpaste until I am completely done. I'm waiting for my follow up CT chest scan results, I actually sent an email request that someone please contact me if good or bad results. The PA returned with email today, Yes they have not received the final report..

    May we all have a good week, as we healing and gaining more strength.

  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Hi Urdrago,

    She is feeling much better. She still has neuropathy, mainly on feet. The incision is still draining a little, which seems incredible after so long, but her counts have probably been rising only for the last two weeks or so. I guess this will take more time. It sounds like you are healing slowly too from your tooth extraction. We see the MO on Friday for a checkup. Thanks for asking.

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Started protein shakes a couple of days ago. They taste yucky to me, but Everything that’s not smoked fish, brown rice or sprouted bread with Irish butter tastes yucky. Hot flushes are driving me nuts! Had an acupuncture appt today and got a needle for that. Will let you know if it worked. Frog, good luck with your surgery! Everyone else, have a great rest of the week

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    RAY RAH GAWARRIOR AND KRISSY37!! It is *such* a good feeling, isn't it? Best wishes to you both for speedy recovery from your final chemos and some physical and mental rest from the whole process. I remember being weirdly excited about the week I had with zero medical appts. (Looking forward to that again in mid-October!!)

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Urdrago - thanks for the recipe - that sounds easy and yummy. I hope your results show up soon.

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176


    You look great CONGRATULATIONS GIRL! So glad for you. I love the short hair on you. That part can be put away as you move on.

    Batata and Debal, glad to see you are the upswing!

    Prissy, glad for the calm on this long road, that I see you have traveled twice. Hugs and best wishes.

    Have a great day ALL !

  • Batata
    Batata Member Posts: 22

    Congratulations GAWarrior!!! Hoping all the SEs disappear fast this time. I completely forgot about the steroids! We joke at home that I'm like the Michelin man (Ghostbusters & Bill Murray reference again) but with a wobbly belly :D

    Duffyzmom, I'm also trying to eat more healthy meals, but I tend to ruin it with a misplaced sweetie or chocolate. I am pushing myself to move more, and am trying to walk a little more every day.

    DebAL, I've gained 22 pounds! Part of me actually feels ashamed, like I've let myself go. I'm the weight I was when I delivered my first born *facepalm. My best friend told me that I should be happy with the weight gain, because now my face is all smooth without the botox, lol.

    Urdrago, I'm so sorry about your tooth problems, and thank goodness things are improving. I have a tooth that needs a root canal, but will have to wait until the chemo (etc) is finished. I can only imagine how painful it must have been for you! I don't know if I would ring the bell or not, we don't have that here in Egypt (which is a shame); but I think I would like to mark the end of the chemo somehow (chocolate cake sounds great, ala GAWarrior).

    Good luck InnaB with your last chemo! Increasing my protein intake really helped me with feeling faint. I was also reading an article on this site about neuropathy from chemo, and one of the effects can be drops in blood pressure that cause fainting. Worth asking your dr about it.

    We're all at different stages of this process, but heading to the same finish line. I'm inspired by those who have been through this before and are going through it again, sharing their knowledge and experience and optimism, and I'm inspired by those going through it for the first time, with empathy, grace and humor. Blessings and positive vibes to each and every one of you!

  • Back home after partial mastectomy and sentinel node dissection. Oh wait, also port removal.

    Urdrago the docs use two methods to find the sentinel nodes, one is the blue dye which is injected under anaesthesia, the other one is the radio isotope dye which travels really slow so has to administered a day before. It was not bad.

    I had to get the hookwire placed while seated on a throne with my breast jammed into those mammogram machine plates. They do put lots of local anasthesia, I did not feel much, but, at one point there was a wire like a radio antennae poking straight out of my left breast. The radiologist took fancy sterile pliers and turned it 90 degrees to get it parallel to skin. Added lots of padding on top and off I walked to the hospital for surgery. Two different buildings. I did like the walk as I bumped into my surgeon walking to the hospital for my surgery. Went fast from here. Will write again. Take care everyone.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Congrats on having the surgery behind you, Frog. Best wishes for an uneventful, speedy recovery.

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Congrats, Frog! Wishing you a speedy recovery. Incidentally, what’s a hook wire and why did you need one? I didn’t have it. I did have a sentinel node mapping the day before surgery.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Inna--I had wires placed before my lumpectomies. It's done with ultrasound before the surgery and helps them find the right spot. I'm sure they don't do them with mastectomies.

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Thank you, Ingerp! I had no idea...

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Thanks for the congrats, IngerP and djt!

    Urdrago, I completely agree with you on your revised life plan. Mine is similar. I'm doing what I want to do now - taking it easier than I used to, putting my feet up more often, reading, etc. Good for you that you got your teeth cleaned. Bone takes awhile (several months) to fill in after an extraction, plus we don't heal well while on chemo, so it will probably take you longer than normal. Thanks for the recipe - I probably need to stay away from that cake, but it sounds yummy, lol. Did you get your CT results yet?

    InnaB, you're on the downhill side now - just 5 days to go until you're done with chemo. Yay you - you've got this!

    Engine, hoping for good news for Janice's MO visit today.

    Batata, when do you finish chemo? Next week? I thought of you yesterday when a patient of mine who is about my age asked me what I had been doing in the last 6 months to smooth the skin on my face. It surprised me because I think I look horrible and she thought my skin looked great. Whatttt? Anyhow, I told her I figured the steroids made my face puffy so any wrinkles smoothed out and that I didn't recommend chemo for a beauty treatment, lol. No botox indeed!! (Also, sadly, I share your sweet tooth. That said, enjoy your celebratory chocolate cake when you're done with chemo and congrats for walking every day!). Interesting to hear about the neuropathy/fainting info.

    Frog, so glad you're done with surgery and on the mend. The hookwire placement sounds awful despite the anesthesia. Not something you want to sit through when you just want to get the surgery over with. Wishing you a quick and easy recovery!

    Happy weekend, everyone!

  • Djt
    Djt Member Posts: 176

    Frog, thinking of you as you go through this step. I hope you mend up quickly and get the rest you need.

    I remember the wire part, and sitting in the chair as you described. It was immediately following the cat scan intravenous dye for nodes, which did not go well for me, somehow the dye did not travel into breast as it should have. So back to wire, i said what do you put on me, a local? Nurse said. -"most people tolerate it ok." So, as they got me lined up, i asked again , and got the same exact answer "..most people tolerate it ok." so, they did no kind of anesthesia or numbing at all. I too, look down at wire in boob, after they did it. Thern the tec running the controls says NOPE, WRONG SPOT. and they did it over. Yep that was a bad day. Makes me I'll thinking about it.

  • Batata
    Batata Member Posts: 22

    Congrats Frog, wishing you a speedy recovery!

    GAWarrior, I've still got 6 Taxol to go (6 weeks) before surgery. It feels endless :)

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Gawarrior, no news yet regarding CT scan. It's going to be whatever it is.. also bone in jaw from extraction still open and pink but healing well,per the office visit I had today. They will keep an eye on me and I go back in Nov.

    Engine, I have to agree now that you've said it. Janice and I are in the same boat long time to heal bcuz we had chemo. The good news is we are healing slowly, but getting there:-)

    Frog, wishing u a a healthy recovery from surgery.

    Djt, that just sounds painful and horrible experience. Glad u made it thru.

  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Hi GAWarrior & Urdrago71,

    The MO appointment went fine. Thanks so much for asking. She doesn't need to go back for three months. Yippee!

    The doctor looked at the incision after Janice said it is still draining a little from one spot. He said it's not infected. That's about all he said. I think healing for both you, will depend for you, Urdrago and Janie is time and getting your counts back up. I hope you both heal soon!

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Awesome news, hugs to both of ya...I hope u both can get out to enjoy the weekend..

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    OMG, djt, I shuddered just to think of what you went through with that wire! Seriously, would it have been so tough for them to numb you first? Glad it's only a horrible memory now.

    Urdrago, glad you're free until Nov.

    Engine, 3 months until the next visit! You and Janice must be beside yourselves with joy - congrats on being "turned loose."

    Batata, those 12 weeks of T do feel endless. For me, once I crossed through #6, it seemed to go more quickly, though. Suddenly you "only" have 5 to go or 3 to go, etc. Hang in there!

    Happy New Year to all of my Jewish friends in the group. May this new year bring you (and all of us!) peace and good health!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366


  • Engine104
    Engine104 Member Posts: 241

    Thanks, GAWarrior and Udrago71. Not having to go back for 3 months is great news. It also means that we can go visit our son in Chicago over Thanksgiving. Now, if her hair would only start showing signs of coming back :) I'm trying to remember how long that took 16 years ago.

    We watched the StandupforCancer telethon last night. It was great. Emotional, but great.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    I figured out how to send the post of my picture!

    There are some hotties out here! Love the pictures I'm seeing! It's really cool to be able to put a face to a name too.

    I have missed you ladies and gent! I also have missed a lot of exciting and stressful events on this board! I've been trying to go through and write it down on paper so that I can address each and every one of you and what you've been through and I have completely gotten confused. I'm going to give it my best shot but please forgive me in advance if I've missed something important, confused names in occurring events or missed anyone.

    Congratulations Gawarrier, InnaB, Janice, Ingerp and Undrago on getting through chemo world!

    DebAl and Maggie surgery done and done! DebAl sounds like you are bouncing back nicely! How about you Maggie?

    Duffy great news about being portless!

    HikingLady How are you feeling? Been trying to stay up on protein for energy. I really notice the difference when I slack.

    DJT WOW! Your experience made me shudder as well. I have not had to experience anything like that. I remember they put a chip in my breast after they found the cancer but I don't remember any kind of wiring. What was Rads like. I started 9/4. (33 treatments). How is annastrozole treating you?

    Ingerp I'm hoping that you're feelings of down and out are starting to lift a little as you work through completing all your treatments.

    Engine Chillin time! Woo woo!

    Happy New Year to all our Jewish peeps out here! Many blessing to come your way this new year!

    I got back from my vacation from the Bighorn mountains on September 3rd. I was a little apprehensive about riding my 4-wheeler but i thought about DJT and her courage to ride her MC and I decided I was going for it. I had a blast out there! It was so nice to relax and just enjoy life. I took my thank you cards with me so that I could get them out while I was on vacation but I found myself not wanting to do them. I love being in the mountains! I've always thought when I look at a stream, mountain side, cloud formation, sunset or sunrise that God is an awesome artist!

    Started rads this past Tuesday. I have 6 more weeks of treatments to go. I was told by many people that I would feel tired. But holy molly I was so tired byThursday I actually took the day off Friday just so I could relax! I'm hoping that that was just because I had gone on vacation and came straight back into radiation and that I'm not going to be that exhausted every week.

    Still trying to work through the joint pain that the anastrozole is causing. I call it "My Little Friend" I've read on future boards where women have said to give it 3 to 6 months and that the side effects do start subsiding some. I will say my hot flashes are not as severe as they were when I first started taking it. Nor is my dizziness and nausia. I have chosen to take it right before I go to bed at night. I do have some sleeping issues but I find that the reason why I'm awake is because my hands or knees are hurting. I'm going to take turmeric when ever my doctor gets happy with my liver results. I go back in October to have that tested. Other than that I am just kind of hanging out trying to get back into work and cleaning house. Would much rather be out on the four wheeler! LOL

    On a sober note: I read a blog on another site out here regarding Rachel Bland. It talked about the words "The Battle" it brought me to tears and fears. Let me know if you all want me to share it out here. All forms of cancer suck!!!

    Have a wonderful weekend my friends!

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Looking good Life! How many weeks PFC are you?

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Ingerp I am 10 weeks out from chemo world. Still don't have energy level but DebAl told me to be patient. Trying to clean house today and still have to take mini breaks. Was told Rads can cause fatigue as well.

    What is going on with you? Are you doing rads yet or started inhibitor? How are you feeling?

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366


    Meet Goober One and Goober Two. Kenzier and Cookie. My two wonderful fur baby compainions! They love riding on the back of the 4 wheeler. They usually wear pink shades but mom (me) forgot to bring them this trip.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Life I'm just kind of obsessing about my hair and wondering when I can stop wearing the dang baseball hats/bandannas. I'm five weeks PFC but you are giving me hope. I've done 14 of 33 rads and won't start an AI until several weeks after I'm done (really not looking forward to that). Also still getting Herceptin every three weeks. I'm feeling good—getting more regular at the gym and other than an itchy boob am doing fine with rads. I realized the hair thing has me especially bummed because I don't know the timeline. I knew when my last chemo was, know when my last zap will be, even know when my last Herceptin will be (4/5/19). But I have no idea when I'll have enough hair to cover my scalp and that makes me a little sad/anxious. The stupidly hot weather hasn't helped my mood any. :-(

    P. S. Love the pups!!

  • debal
    debal Member Posts: 600

    Morning everyone! Ingerp, glad you are feeling well and admire you being a gym rat!I hope you see some hair growth soon.

    LIFE, great pic and your hair is coming in nicely. Your energy will come back. I still get in a quick nap or 2... on the weekends. Once you are cleared inquire about supplements. Your goobers are adorable!

    Batata, I can picture you facepalming about the weight but good grief our bodies have been through alot! Once we get through the initial period after chemo and start feeling better we can chip away at it.

    Frog, I hope you are feeling better each day.

    Duffy, djt, innaB, engine ,GAW , maggie and anyone following this thread I hope you all are doing well and don't mean to skip over anyone.

    Urdrago, sending best wishes as you wait for results. You mentioned a life plan in an earlier post and it really hit home to me. Working out a few things to make my job less stressful. As much as I love it the stress is just not good. Been going at that pace for 35 years so it's kind of hard to let it go. Just because you " can" doesn't mean it's good for you.

    I've been looking into 'integrated medicine' and thought I would share. I didn't really know it focuses on the care of the whole person. I am meeting with an integrative physician for a consult to discuss goals ( I have an autoimmune disease so I'm VERY interested in knowing everything I can do to keep a strong immune system). They offer free massage, acupuncture. Nutrition, mind-body therapies to help with relaxation and stress. Now that I'm done with surgeries, chemo I am glad there is service out there that focuses on continued healing. I would assume the larger hospital systems offer this service. I will let you know how it goes.

    I hope everyone has a good Sunday!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Ingerp. I didn't have eyebrows eyelashes or hardly any hair other than a scratchy beard feeling on the top of my head about 4 weeks ago. I was told by someone to let your head get a lot of air and some sunshine and the more you allow it to do that the quicker it will come in. Well I decided to take their advice, I don't know if that's why my hair just took off but within a two-weeks I had some hair. On my vacation, with the Mountain Air my hair really took off. I had told my SO that I better get used to the fact that my hair is never going to be that long thick stuff again and ditched my cap and scarf before it started coming in good other than when I was out in the sun for a long period of time.

    It was a tough move to walk around with not a lot of hair but once I started doing it it became a norm. I completely understand how you feel as far as is it ever going to come back though. It is stressful! Give it some more time my friend.

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    DebAL. I just had a conversation with my SO last night about my energy level. I was feeling discouraged and actually irritated the fact that I couldn't even get my own house cleaned up yesterday or my lawn mowed cuz I kept running out of energy and my arm kept starting to hurt. Mind you my house is not even that big. I told him I am sick and tired of feeling this pain. I either have it in my wrist, my arm that had surgery, my knee that had surgery or it or my back. I feel like I'm 90 years old and I am only turning 55 in a few days. I told him that the frustration is real because before all this started I was working a full-time job, cleaning a medical facility at night and then coming home and taking care of my house as well. He told me "Yes you were working like that and you were working yourself down to the bone" . "Maybe this a big wake-up call for you to stop doing that and not taking on as much". "Give yourself a break and not be burning the candle at both ends anymore". Of course I just looked at him and just started watching TV again. Left his house last night frustrated.

    However, you have made me really think about what he said. I've been feeling frustration that I have not been able to just jump back in. You know maybe you and Undrago are right. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

    Maybe it is time to revaluate my lifestyle as well.

    Take time to smell the flowers.

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Life, looking good! DebAl, you must be having curls by now!

    I have a weird peach fuzz my husband and son enjoy immensely. Eyelashes seem to start coming in as well. Also thin and very light. Eyebrows keep falling out slowly, but I can definitely see the new crop too.Really weird, especially considering that my hair down there just fell out completely a couple of days ago. This is going to be my new look pretty soon


    Ingerp, GAWarrior, Maggie, Batata, Engine, Frog, Duffy, Urdrago, and anyone else I might have missed, best wishes to you in the New Year on this Rosh Hashana eve whether you celebrate it or not. I’ll be praying for you anyway.