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Chemo starting April 2018



  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Hey ladies. I hope you all had wonderful, restful Thanksgivings. I had a *great* week with two of my sons, my pregnant daughter-in-law, and their dogs. My youngest even told us that through this weird time he's been dating someone, so we got to meet her too. I am back in Virginia, hoping all of the precautions were enough (I did get a negative COVID test before I left, and everyone on the planes was masked up). I was kind of proud to read an article saying Charlottesville is this kind of oasis in the state of very low infection rates--it really is so simple to wear a mask and keep some distance. I'll be staying home through the holidays--really no idea when I'll plan another trip--maybe a month or two after the baby is born.

    GAW--hope you are healing well. Urdrago--keep those pupper pictures coming! Life--always good to hear from you.

    I think it's a good thing we are all checking in less frequently. Back in the day I was on BCO several times a day. Now it's more like every week or two. Fingers crossed this is behind all of us and continues to recede from our brain spaces.

    Looking forward to a healthier, happier 2021!!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Hi all,

    I'm finally catching up on reading posts. I swear I am busier now than when I was working. I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving, despite covid restrictions. We went to my niece's just up the road and it was awesome to do something normal with family.

    My shoulder is healing - I am doing PT twice a week and it is slowly getting there. I also have my 6 mo MO visit tomorrow, so am a little stressed about that. I feel fine but I always feel like they will find something despite that, you know?

    Life, my hubs and I both had both rounds of the shingles vaccine last year - we both felt awful for 24 hours - with both shots. I had heard that could be the case. Take your second dose when you can just hang around for a few days and feel crappy, just in case.

    Urdrago, I am SO happy your lung spots have mostly disappeared! And I can't believe how much Ava has grown in that picture you posted (I LOVE the zoom butt reference)! I am sorry that you tested positive, but glad it was a mild case. A close friend and her family just got over it, too. She thought it was just a head cold and her husband got tested sort of as a joke - BAM! Positive. They all also lost their sense of smell (She mentioned lighting candles to see if she could smell them, too). I think they have gotten it back now, for the most part, Inger I am glad your CA trip went well and that you got in and home before their shut downs began again. Like you I only check in on this site about every 10 days or so and that's good. I am grateful we are still in touch, though, but it's nice not to desperately need everyone like I did two years ago.

    Wishing you all as joyous a holiday season as we can have right now! And, yes, I echo Inger's thoughts for a happier healthier 2021.


  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Hi All!

    Sorry I've been MIA but I think I just needed a break from all things cancer. I've read through the posts and I guess it seems like most of us continue to do well 2 year past treatment. This spring my MO plans to bump me up to every 6 months and I'm thrilled about that.

    I'll have 2 weddings in 2021 since son's wedding this year has been bumped twice already. They now have an outside venue for April and plan to get married no matter what.

    GA - congrats on the retirement. I'm sure Covid had led many to early retirement.

    Udrago - Glad the scans are back to "normal". I'm loving the puppy pictures.

    I'm wishing everyone happy holidays and may 2021 be a great year for us all.

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Merry Christmas


  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Merry Christmas image

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Merry Christmas! Hope you all have a very peaceful, wonderful Christmas.

    My family has decided to not get together this year. Mom says we are doing it in July. LOL

    After all the craziness going on with my new job along with some serious stress, I could use the downtime to just chilax!

    Huggs to you all!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    SOOO Adorable!!

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Ola! Nice to hear from you! :) I get needing a break!

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Well ladies we are about to close the 2020 year. I pray this message find each one of you well, happy, and safe. I wish for everyone that 2021, keeps us in good health, happiness with belly rolls of laughter and new adventures, as we enjoy our lives.

    Sending good vibes and cyber hugs


  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Happy New Year to everyone! I am also wishing us a happy, healthy, prosperous, safe, and NORMAL year (hoping for normal at least by the summer!).

    I spent the holidays at my daughter's in Tampa. Soooo nice to be with family!

    Urdrago, she's got a sheltie puppy who is about 9 months old. Indy did NOT do well with the New Year's fireworks, poor guy. A thunder shirt helped a little bit. I hope Ava did okay. I can't believe how big she's gotten - sooo cute!

    So nice to hear from you, Duffy! I'm glad you're graduating to 6 mo checkups - baby steps, right? I'm sure your son's April wedding will happen now that we have the vaccines coming out. This will be a year for celebrating, for sure.

    Life, I hope you got to chillax from your stress over the holidays. Gotta take care of yourself!

  • urdrago71
    urdrago71 Member Posts: 500

    Gawarrior, my 5 month old girl did wonderful. She hears gun shots daily as a guy near by built a shooting rang. I want to travel to florida for the sun..

    Well I did it, had surgery dec 23rd to remove silcone implants from capsular contraction. I had these before I even had cancer like back in 2010. I never spoke about it but they are out and so are my drains now. Waiting for the swelling to go down to see what's left. But Im not in as much pain as before. To explain I had pulling on my right ribs from the implant due to radiation. Prior to dx I loved my implants, but since the implant pushed my tumor up to surface since they were above the muscles. I wanted to get them out when lymphnodes and tumor were removed but none of my surgeons agreed. So i waited and waited..

    All is good im off work for 6 weeks. Once they remove cc from a space they dont want u to do anything to disturb the healing process.

    Cyber hugs

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Urdrago, I'm wishing you a speedy recovery. I know when I switched out my implants after the first reconstruction, there was just some discomfort, not really much pain. I think I took 2 pain pills the day after surgery and that was it (I took wayyy more for my broken shoulder!). Like you, I have capsular contraction going on the cancer side. I suppose because he took more tissue from that side? Still, it doesn't bother me other than the distorted appearance when I lift my arm, but yours sounds like it was pretty uncomfortable so I am glad you were finally able to get them out. I wonder why they wouldn't have just taken them out when you had your lumpectomy and saved you from undergoing anesthesia agin?

    Glad Ava did so well with the fireworks!

    Sending gentle cyber hugs,


  • krissy37
    krissy37 Member Posts: 119

    Hi All,

    I've been MIA from here. I needed the mental break and I am actually going through life not thinking about cancer as much anymore.

    Just wanted to come on here to say that today 1/25 is my 3 year “ cancer-versary “ having TNBC. As they say, I'm Cancer free. Three years ago today I woke up from surgery a completely altered human being...physically and emotionally. But like I mentioned, life has been good. I find I'm not constantly looking over my shoulder. I still do have CT scans to watch my liver, but so far all is good. I have my oncologist appointment tomorrow for routine follow up

    I watched my 21 year old daughter graduate from UNLV nursing school in December...something I was “sure" that I would not be here for when I was diagnosed. My son is in his second year of college at NAU.

    My family and I just got over having COVID ! My two kids had very mild symptoms. My husband and I had moderate symptoms.

    Hope everyone is well :)

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Greetings to all!! I hope everyone had pleasant holidays. Mine were very quiet--I had a lot of use-or-lose leave so was off work for the last couple of weeks of the year, and hubs went to meet two of the kids for skiing over Christmas weekend, so I *really* enjoyed slow, lazy days of doing pretty much nothing (although I did complete a 1000-piece murder mystery puzzle--no picture to go by!). I'm super excited to get to next Monday because then it'll be February and I think there's a 95% probability my first grandchild will be born that month. :-D I knew it'd be a long eight months of waiting but we'll have a Zoom shower this Sunday and then I feel like it'll be really really close!!

    I do think about y'all but haven't been on my personal computer much lately. Here's to a happier and healthier 2021!!!

  • innab2018
    innab2018 Member Posts: 767

    Hi, All! Sorry for vanishing so abruptly, but I really needed a break from tge world of cancer. Glad to hear everybody is doing great!

    GAW, ouch! What an auspicious beginning of your retirement! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Urdrago, same to you, drains are a pain in the butt, but they will be out sooner than you think. Compression camisole helped me with the swelling after my surgeries. The puppy is adorable!

    Life, good to hear from you! Don’t work too hard and keep exercising!

    I am doing well, I think. Covid hit our family really hard, my sister’s family in Moscow, Russia was all sick at the same time, except my brother in law, who was at the hospital with a blood clot in his heart. My sister spent 2 weeks in the Covid facility. It was really scary, but everyone is getting better, thank God. My daughter is no longer a float nurse! She was able to transfer to NICU and says it’s her dream job and she is not leaving it. Thank God she doesn’t have to deal with Covid anymore. We are trying to get ready for her wedding in June, but recently realized that it’s the year of 17 year cicadas here in NJ, so now everyone is panicking because of it. I vividly remember this nightmare from 17 years ago with the horrible noise and the disgusting insects everywhere, first sitting, then flying, and finally dead under our feet. I am hoping that it might be over or at least ending by the time of the wedding, otherwise we will be stuck inside the whole time. We’ll see.

    One of my friends from the cancer group got the terrible news today - her breast cancer metastasized to her back. She is very young - 34 y.o, and has two tiny children. She’s in shock, me too, of course. I am really hoping that modern medicine can do miracles. Her oncologist cried when she told her the news. So unfair and crue! Can’t stop thinking of her.

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Ohhh, Inna, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. It's the news that we all worry is just around the corner. Not that anyone should get a recurrence, but when it is someone so young and with young children, it just hurts that much more to think about it. I'll say a prayer for her.

    I'm glad your family has mostly recovered from covid and that your daughter got her NICU dream job! Cicadas, huh? It's funny, I am taking an art class and they were talking about having been in your area 17 years ago and how awful the sound of the cicadas were - non stop. Colorado gets a miller moth invasion every year (it's a lot worse every 7 or so years). That's bad, but at least they don't make noise. Although we have cicadas here in Atlanta and I like hearing them - they sound like summer to me. Now I wonder if we'll get the 17 year swarm, too? Hmmm.

    Inger, you must be a grandma by now (or very close!). My son's (Bryce) birthday is tomorrow - maybe your grandchild will share his birthday if he or she hasn't made their debut yet. :)

    Krissy, I'm glad to hear you are all recovering well after covid. Hoping your 3 year MO appointment went well, too. I understand needing the mental break from cancer - it's why I haven't been on here in awhile, too. Congrats on being 3 years out! When I was going through it, 3 years seemed like an eternity away. My MO told me that us TNBCers need to get to the 5 year mark without recurrence and then it's rare to have a recurrence after that. You're more than halfway there!

    Urdrago, I hope everything has healed well by now. How's Ava doing? I'm sure she's kept you busy. :)

    As for me, my shoulder continues to take it's sweet time recovering. I'm still seeing the PT. I've started seeing an awesome massage therapist who is working miracles and breaking up the tight muscle tissue and getting me more range of motion. My old boss fired the trouble-maker hygienist in our office, so he asked me to come back to work 1 day a week. I started back last week and my shoulder did pretty well. I figure 1 day will get me off my now-expanding butt and shouldn't be too bad since I'll have 6 days off until the next one, lol. I am getting the first covid vaccine on Friday since I'll be back among the masses. I've managed to evade the virus so far (so has my whole family - that's rare, I guess!).

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Hello ladies! I keep meaning to check in but for some reason have not found the time. Yes--grandbaby arrived 2/19--my husband's birthday!! In fact he got the news as he was driving to get his first COVID vaccination--quite a day! His second is this Friday and my second is on Sunday. SOOOOOO looking forward to having them behind me. My son is in CA, and my DIL's mother is out there for a few more weeks. I'm heading out at the end of March for two weeks. Should be a wonderful trip.

    I'm planning on starting a thread with a question that some of you might have an opinion about. I'm not sure if it's just the weird past year but I have been feeling really old and my body is pretty cranky. I'm wondering if the AI is doing a number on me? I've been on it almost 2.5 years but I think I've read the SEs can get better or worse over time. Anyway--I'm scheduled for a mammo in May (along with some of you?) and I've been thinking about treating myself to a little AI break after that. I know some women do this and it seems to "reset" their bodies. What I don't know is how long they take off.

    I also posted something on FB and IG that I just read today--if you're getting the vaccine, you should wait for 4-6 weeks after your second shot before getting a mammo. The shot can mess with your lymph nodes and make it look like something's going on. Spread the word!!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Inger, congrats on your new grandbaby!! How awesome!! Do I remember right that he's a boy? I know you can't wait to get out there to meet him - have a great time and please post pictures so we can coo over him.

    That's interesting news about the mammo and getting the vaccine, thanks for sharing. I got my first covid vaccine at the end of Feb, am getting the second one this Friday (3/19). Got it in the left arm, cancer side was the right side. Last night, I found two hard lumps on the right side, so of course I am freaking out right now and can barely wait until the MO's office opens in an hour so I can schedule an appointment. BUT, they are higher up - more like lymph nodes and definitely not in the actual breast tissue (which I know doesn't mean anything). Now I wonder if it's a reaction to the vaccine? I had thought about that, actually, but dismissed it since the shot was given in the other arm. My 3-year diagnosivery is 3/22, which isn't helping matters (and probably contributing to my distress).

    I can't help you with the AI question because I am not on it, but I WILL say that I have been feeling really old lately. I feel like I am moving slower, I have more aches and pains, and having a "cranky" body sounds pretty close to how I feel. Not saying your issue is not AI-related, but maybe chemo effects are also contributing? My uncle had chemo about 15 years ago and said recently that he felt he wasn't completely free of the SEs for about 10 years, so maybe it's a combination of the two?

    I hope everyone is well! :)

    EDITED to add: The MO and PA both feel this is scar tissue. We decided that I'll keep watching it and if it changes, I'll let them know. Also we changed my next appointment to 4 months, instead of 6, so they can recheck it. He did offer an ultrasound, but I passed and will just keep watching it. I am just so over doctor appointments for breast cancer, skin cancer (2 recent surgeries), my healing shoulder (getting a cortisone injection at the beginning of April), physical therapy, massage for the shoulder, that I couldn't bear having something else done. Ugh

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Inger - so exciting you'll be vaccinated and can visit grand baby. As for the AI - I'm not on it but had two different friends from high school that eventually took a break from it due to the constant fatigue and "aging" issues.

    I had my first vaccination 3/21 and have my breast MRI coming up next week. I wonder if the vaccination will cause issues with that as well or if it's primarily with Mammograms. Like GAWarrior I did mine on the left since cancer was on the right.

    Inna - so sorry to hear about your friend. I've actually been dealing with some sciatic pain and have been researching bone mets - I doubt it has any cancer relation probably more due to an abdominal hernia that I'm getting fixed in April will take care of it but if not I'll tell my MO and push for another bone scan. It's been awhile since I've had one.

    As for the Cicadas I sure hope the don't interfere with the wedding. Son's wedding is April 10 outdoors in Michigan so wish us luck as well. This is the 3rd date they've scheduled and I'm more concerned with the rise in Covid cases in the mitten than spring weather.

    Take care all! Can't believe 3 years ago we were preparing to start chemo.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Quick check-in from California--I'm having a great trip and will post some pics when I get home. Grandson is beautiful. I'm sure I'm the only grandmother who thinks that about a grandchild.

    A friend recently--at her MO's suggestion--took a month off her AI and she said it did help. I'll do that in May. (Looking forward to seeing if I feel any different!)

    GAW--I do have a feeling it might have been swollen lymph nodes due to the vaccination. Duffy--couldn't hurt to mention to whoever gives you the MRI that you've recently been vaccinated.

    I'm out here another week and a half--working a couple of days a week but mostly loving hanging with my family. :-)

  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Happy Easter Ladies! I have been popping in and reading post every week. Good to see ppl still surfacing.

    Last time I was out here I told you guys that my new job was super high stressed. I hated being on the phone or even communicating with ppl because at work I do that for 8 hours a day. Then I would go clean that medical office. I was wiped out! Well! I have have good news. I started a new job where I have no public contact. My phone has rang maybe 5 times in the last month. I LOVE my new job. A lot of computer work minus the phones and public. I also finally no longer have to work nights. I am officially the manager and only have to fill in when peeps call in. Starting to feel more relaxed. Now if I could just sleep at night. Lol

    Ingerp I also take anastrozole. Schedual to take for a 10 year time frame. Yes. I do feel joint pain in my legs and hands. I was warned about that from the beginning. Was told it could tamper down or get worse. As far as stopping it. I feel after going through chemo and rads I am willing to stick this out. My OC always asked me if I am still taking the pill. I feel since that is a top question and he had me start it shortly after chemo ended it must be pretty important. Have you talked with your doctor regarding you personal sistuation?

    Ok. Onto a diffrent subjects. Interg Congradulations on your newest member of the family. How exciting. All the traveling you have got to do as well. I remember the last picture you put out here you were soo relaxed!

    Undrago71 How are you feeling after your surgery back in January? That would be soo uncomfortable. Every once in a while I will get a pull in my ribs. Not sure, other then perhaps scare tissue from drain tube. I have to stretch it out. I know that is pretty painful! How are your fur babies? I bet the newest one is getting soo big. If you think about it post a picture. It is almost time to go camping again!

    GaWarrier. How are you feeling. Has your shoulder gotten better yet? I have been told shoulder injuries and surgery is tuff! Other then that how is retirement treating you? I have not gotten the shot yet. I am on the fence about it. I just don't know if it has been around long enough to honestly know what could happen. Just don't know. What kind of Art class are you taking? Any future plans to head to CO to see your son? I have not been to CO other then OC appointment. Mom and Dad did not want a lot of company. Now they have thier shots and are good with that. Heading down there Easter to surprise them.

    InnaB2016 WOW! Sounds like your family really did get hit hard with Covid-19. Hope to hear everyone is healing nicely and feeling much better. How exciting that your daughters wedding is coming up. I don't know much about the cicadas? It happens every 17 years? It does not sound fun at all! My SO daughter's wedding had to be rescheduled from last May to this year. Still restricted on how many ppl though. They have decided to go with it and only have family there. Crazy Times! So sorry to hear about you friend! That would be very upsetting news. I can't even imagine. I agree, may modern medicine medicine heal her completely! The thought of reaccurrance and/or mastizing is so scary. Prayers

    Duffy Two wedding in 2021! That will be a very busy, fun time! Lots to look forward too for sure! I am on my 6 months as well. First 6 months was hard after being used to the safety net of 3. However it also helps you taken an emotional break from it all as well. I try not think about it as much as before. However, I don't think I will ever completely forgot. How are you doing these days?

    Oh ladies I REALLY need to post more often to avoid having to write a book! Lol

    Happy Easter to you all! That includes the peeps that don't post out here but still checking in to read up on everyone. ;)


  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Oh! I forgot to say. I think It is time for an updated picture. Just saying. ;)


  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Hi Ladies,

    I hope everyone is well and enjoying spring!

    Duffy, I hope your son's wedding went well! Even if they got snow, at least they are married now and that's what counts (I hope they didn't have to reschedule again!). I'm also hoping your MRI went well and your sciatica has resolved.

    Inger, where are those photos of your grandson?? I'm sure you had an awesome time and it was tough to go home.

    Life, looking great! I love your hair (the color looks great on you)!. I am sooo happy that you have a no stress job that you love. It's so important to reduce stress, especially for us. It's awesome that you could drop the second job, too. I hope you had a great Easter visit with your parents!

    I ended up having a cortisone injection in my shoulder the week before last, which has helped a lot. I'm with the PT that works with the orthopedic office now and that seems to be helping, too.

    And - I just got back from seeing my son in Colorado! I was so excited to finally hug him - it's been over two years (I haven't seen him since I was out there for his emergency surgery). He's doing great, it was wonderful to see him and catch up with friends. The snow and cold weather - not so much!

    I will tell anyone who is flying that the airports and planes are a crazy madhouse and back to pre-pandemic levels. If people weren't wearing masks, you'd have no idea there was a pandemic.


    Hugs to you all!

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217


    Thanks all! We lucked out with amazing weather for wedding. Rain held off until salads were being served. My MRI was all clear so that was also good news. My sciatica has improved probably because I've been dog sitting the grand puppies while kids are honeymooning and daughter is putting final touches on her June Vegas wedding.

    GAWarrior - so glad you were able to visit son. 2 years since his surgery wow it seems like so much has happened until then.

    Ingerp - Glad you got a nice visit to California and time with new grand baby.

    Life - Congrats on the new job and you look amazing! Happiness shines through your picture.

    I love seeing everyone traveling. I can't wait to do more. Today marks my 2 weeks following 2nd Pfizer dose so I'm feeling much more relaxed expanding our horizons. Son informed us this weekend he's getting a one year assignment in London, UK so he and his new bride will be heading there shortly after daughters wedding. I hope Covid restrictions start to ease because this is my chance to get hubby to England.

    Everyone take care, I'm back on here today researching some options for a friend who has just been diagnosed with Er+,Pr+ Her2- breast cancer. Grateful she found it early but she meets with surgeon tomorrow so I promised her a list of questions to take with her to the appointment.

  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Hey ladies—it feels like ages since I checked in, although I think about you all often. Seems like I wanted to post when I was on a laptop but pictures are easier from my phone. I'll post a few below.

    Sounds like everyone is doing well and getting on with life. So exciting to hear. I have a group of friends (actually through my brother—the core group went to UVA around when he did) who gather for a pig roast every summer (except last year). The good news/bad news is we're hosting this year. Aiyiyi!! It's gotten us motivated to do some updates in the yard and house. All of my kids will come home for it. Hooray!!!

    I'm sure we're all around mammo time? Mine is on Monday. And I was not considering going off the AI permanently—just taking a break for a few weeks. I've told myself if I get an all-clear on the mammo I'll treat myself to it. A friend recently took a month off on the advice of her MO and she said it helped with SEs. Okay—picture time. 🥰 (That bottom one is my fb profile pic!) Take care everyone and I'll check in soon



  • life1963
    life1963 Member Posts: 366

    Gawarrie So glad you got see your son and others as well. You look really good and very happy!

    Duffyzmom You and your husband look fantastic in that picture. How tall is he? My SO is 6'8. That is really exciting that you have the opportunity to go to England! I hope your friend is doing OK.

    Ingerp. What a cutie!!! Pig roast sounds like it is going to be a blast!

    I have decided to do some work around here. Well let's call it what it is. Higher some contractors to do some work around here. LOL. I need knew siding and I am having a concrete driveway put in.

    Heading to SD to my SO's daughter's wedding this week. Poor girl had to re schedule from last year.

    I have a feeling our little town is about to burst with the 125th Cheyenne Frontier Days celebration. Especially since it was canceled last year.

    Heading to my OC appointment in June. Then I plan on going camping as much as possible this year and enjoying the great outdoors!

    I will always recommend if anyone is going through cancer to get on a chat board. Find a group of people to go through it with. Even though I have never met any of you I still think about you and I am so thankful!

    Will check in again later! Mean while sending a ginormous hug to you all!

  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Hi All! Long time, no post. Sorry! I do think of you all the time, but I am grateful we aren't feeling the need to check in all the time anymore.

    Duffy, love the picture! You two make a cute couple! So your son married, now for your daughter. I hope all goes well this month for her wedding and am happy your son's went well weather-wise. England, huh? You definitely should go! They have many more covid restrictions than we do, so it may be awhile, but take the opportunity when you can. It's beautiful and soooo much history to see. Love your hair too - I see you are growing it out. :)

    Inger, love the pics of your adorable grandbaby! What a head of hair! I'm sure your mammo came back fine or we would have heard about it, so congrats on that. I'm sure the pig roast will be fun (and the yard will look fabulous). Enjoy the time off of your AI.

    LIFE, thanks for the kind words. I am really happy! Frontier Days, huh? In all the (18) years I lived in Colorado, I never made it up to Cheyenne for that. I wish I would have - maybe I'll get there in the future. Meanwhile, it sounds like a good time for locals to hit the road, lol. I grew up in S. Florida and remember the hordes of Spring Break - I am guessing Frontier Days is similar. I hope the wedding went well. I feel so bad for everyone who had to reschedule their important events last year (like Duffy's family, too). It's good that things are loosening up. And I totally agree about finding a chat board/support group. You all helped me keep my sanity, for sure. Good luck with your upcoming OC visit.

    I'm doing great - had a busy May. I went to Greenville to meet a bc friend in person at the beginning of the month. She is a friend of my sister's and was diagnosed May of last year. She had to put off her diagnosis due to covid shut downs - can you imagine the terror of doing that? Knowing there is likely something going on in March, 2020, but you can't get tested to be sure until May because it was the early days of the pandemic? Horrible!.She's doing great now, thankfully. My sister connected us and we became friends through her ordeal. As with the ladies I've met in person from this group, it was great to meet her in person! Also, hubby and I spent last week at my daughter's in Tampa and also got to see dear friends (met them at Epcot), so it was a fun vacation. Now I have to go on a diet, lol.

    Sending big hugs and wishing you a great summer!

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Member Posts: 217

    Oh Ingerp-that baby is a doll. I'm sure it was difficulty to return home. We used to host a pig roast early for Indy 500 such fond memories.

    Life - Hubby is 6'5" son is 6'8" so I'm used to looking short. Enjoy Frontier Days and SO's daughter's wedding.

    GAWarrior - Glad to you got to Epcot. We went this spring and it was odd to be in the parks with masks and fewer crowds. I'm glad to hear your sister's friend is doing well. My friend is waiting for her oncotype score after her surgery. There was a tiny amount of cancer in one lymph node so know I'm guessing her treatment plan may be reevaluated.

    Daughter's wedding in Las Vegas was wonderful. Only 9 of us total which meant lots of family time. I splurged and got extensions which made for very pretty pictures.


    My next Oncologist appointment is next week and I'm sure he'll schedule my mammogram then. Breast MRI was all good in April.

    Everyone enjoy their summers. We're headed to Mexico where I plan to lay on the beach and read a book a day.


  • ingerp
    ingerp Member Posts: 1,515

    Duffy you look beautiful!!! I happened to have a hair appt yesterday and will post a pic below. My sad news is we’ve decided it’s time for our dog. We thought to hold off until the kids could say goodbye at the pig roast but he’s getting worse every day and I also think they don’t need to see him like this. Better to remember the spry thing he used to be. I cried buckets last night—woke up in the night with a headache because I was dehydrated, but we’ll contact our vet today and see when he can do it. It’s just been so weird around here the last few days—painter in my kitchen, so we (including our dog) are totally off our routine. I bet you guys will understand that I am thinking about a weekend away—not far, just me, after everything including the fun kids visit is behind me. I am just craving some time to clear my head. Anyway—yes all clear on the mammo. I’ve been off the AI for about five days and can’t say I’ve noticed a big difference but I’ve also been pretty distracted lately. Happy early summer to you all!!!


  • gawarrior
    gawarrior Member Posts: 369

    Duffy, you and your daughter look beautiful and radiant! I love the hair extensions. I hope you have (had?) a great time in Mexico.

    Inger, your hair looks great, too. Isn't it nice to have it back again? The "bald" days seem far away now, thank God. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. It's awful to lose a furbaby. Enjoy your "me" time after the pig roast.