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Starting Chemo October 2018



  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Good Evening Warriors,

    I had my first round of carboplatin this afternoon. Lots of pre meds and extra hydration because of kidney tests showed them boarderline. I am tired and going to bed soon. Meds at the ready incase I need them.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Hey ladies! Well, I have some things to report. First, Taxol #9 is done!! Second, My MRI showed a shrunken tumor, 1 cm in each direction, she felt it and she said it feels very soft, she says she wonders if its not just dead tissue in there now. Will know for sure after surgery. She did mention chemo in pill form as an option aka extra insurance (no no and no) and radiation, but those would be explored once she has seen final pathology. Third, Met with my breast surgeon, first he told me that my tumor has greatly improved in terms of him being able to do surgery and close me up, looks much much better he said. Also nothing new was seen in that breast, nothing in lymph nodes and still absolutely nothing in left breast. Next he asked me what I wanted for surgery since I had a long time to think about it, he said its my body so I choose. So I chose mastectomy right side along with sentinel biopsy, no reconstruction. I also now have a surgery date!! April 19th!! Wooooooooooooooooo!! I have a date for when I can get this thing outta me! It feels so good to have that you have no idea! I get a month off in between final chemo and surgery to allow my body to rest and get my strength up, one of his nurses gave me a post op instruction sheet just so I know what to expect after surgery that will be gone over with me more in depth before I go home after surgery at the hospital. I was told I would go in the morning of April 19th and go home in the morning the next day. I also have to have my blood and my pee scrutinized beforehand. Tomorrow I should be getting a call from the surgery scheduling at the hospital to go over a few things, aka where to have my pee and blood done and when etc. I cannot believe I am getting closer and closer to ending this journey. Only 3 more taxols left!!

    Casey, as always it was great to hear from you and as always you made me laugh. I concur about your assessment of you surgeon...what a bitch. You handled the bitch well tho, so congrats on keeping your cool! So proud of how far you have come, you did the part you were most scared about, so good to see you smiling with your boys :)

    Doris congrats about knockin down another taxol! Only 5 more left! Yeah sometimes after taxol I don't feel like eating because of the nausea or things just taste off sometimes. Cannot wait for that to go away.

    Frmthahart- I hear ya on the emotional sting of being told you cant precede with chemo cuz your numbers aren't right. Happened to me on Taxol 4, had to delay it a week, pissed me off something fierce because I wanted to knock these out and with AC I never had to delay treatment so to hear those words made me mad, sad, and then finally worried, like what the hell else is gonna go wrong. Hang in there girl, this is a minor yet upsetting blip, next week you'll get to celebrate your final chemo and once you get through the side effects, you will get to enjoy life on the other side of chemo, almost there!!

    Annie, thats exactly how I feel, I run through fear, anger, and sadness almost daily. Everyday I wonder am I making the right decisions, am I really going to enjoy life on the other side of this, while at the same time being very pissed off that I even have to go through this. Everyday I say I am too young to be going through this, this is bullshit, but then I think of all the children that have to deal with cancer and I feel like an ass for being so upset. What you posted from pinterest brought tears to my eyes, its so very true, thank you.

    Patrice, sorry about the swollen feet! I just have crampy feet if that makes sense, kinda like menstrual cramps....i have pmsing feet! After tomorrow you get to say you finished AC+T, one of the most difficult protocols out there, how awesome is that!! Any surgery date yet?

    Sadlynew - I know your getting close to being done too, cannot wait to celebrate with you once your finished!

    I really hope we all stay in touch, you all have helped me get as far as I am today, I couldn't have done it without you all. Onward and upward soldiers! :)


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Fritz, thinking of you. Hope surgery went well with your silver fox surgeon and all :) Praying for good pathology results for you and that they come back quickly! Heal up superwoman!

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Hi ladies. I had my BMX with prepectoral tissue expanders on Wednesday. The surgery went well, and they didn't see anything in the sentinel node when they looked at it while I was in surgery. She also said everything looked dead in the breast. The spot they saw in my left breast on the MRI was nothing, and she only took one node on that side. She said pathology should be in by Monday.

    I was only supposed to stay one night, but my blood pressure was very low, and they wanted to wait until that came up and my pain was managed well enough. I've been taking walks around the floor and I feel pretty good as long as I keep up on my Norco. My husband has been a rockstar taking care of me, and I am always blown away with nurses. They are the true hero's! The worst part of this whole thing is the poor woman in the room next to me. She doesn't know what's going on and yells all day and night asking for help.

    I hope everyone is doing well. Lots of love all around

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    The Taxol this week has knocked me on my ass! I haven’t done much since Tuesday, but last night & especially tonight I’m exhausted. Tomorrow night there is a special event I’m to go to, but now I don’t think I’m going to go. It would be too tiring to get ready & I know I wouldn’t be able to eat any of the dinner.

    Feeling kind of down at the moment. I’m glad to hear about those of you who are feeling better or have had good news. Best to all!


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Notgivingup- thinking of you as you restart the journey, 1 down, 3 more to go. Enjoy your 3 week break til the next one, praying for absolute minimal side effects, you deserve it, you've been through the ringer!

    Fritz- SO GLAD to hear surgery went well and hell freaking yeah to your tumor being dead in there, clear sentinel is awesome news too! So very happy for you!! Praying for minimal pain for you and an as easy as possible recovery for you! I have been researching ahead of my surgery and I came across this, maybe you or the other ladies on here will find this helpful for after surgery, I am getting one for myself to help with the drains. You are superwoman Fritz!

    Or Type in ELN Group at Amazon.

    Pommom- so sorry taxol has knocked you down. It knocked me down too this round. Fatigue is really settling in as I get close to the end. 4 more left for you right? Hang in there, finishline is visible now, just a few more to knock out! :)

    Hope all you ladies are doing well, love to all of you!!


  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Rabbit, I actually have one of those shirts and haven’t used it. I find safety pinning my drains to my surgical bra much easier. It keeps the tubing contained, and the bulbs close to my body so I can’t accidentally catch them on something or drop them. I put socks on them so the plastic doesn’t stick to my body. Getting dresses is difficult, so oversized shirts that zip or button down the front are a must.

    Doris, sorry chemo has been rough for you. I hate that it affects our social schedule so much. Hope you feel better soon

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Hi Fritz! Hope your healing up well! I was looking at mastectomy shirts but came across something else the link in my other post (even tho the link looks messed up and only part turned blue it still works) takes you to a drain belt. It holds your drains next to your body, with pockets on either side, each side can hold 2 drains. It also comes with a waterproof bag you can put your drains in that hangs around your neck so you can take a shower. I've armed myself with plenty of button down shirts since i won't be able to lift my right arm above 90 degrees for 3 weeks after my surgery. I like what you've been doing, thats really clever! Keep healin up girl! :)

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Oops my bad! Chemo brain on top of anesthesia fog! Jealous if you’ll be able to shower. My surgeons are of the belief that you can’t shower until the drains are removed. Yuck!!

  • annie60
    annie60 Member Posts: 295

    Hey Everyone,

    Fritz and Rabibit - I hope you are recovering. I, too, had drainage tubes. I used a lanyard to clip them to in the shower. DH just climbed right in and helped my wash my hair - Ahhh - when I had hair. During the day, I clipped them to my gowns. To me, that was the worse part of surgery,

    Doris - I hope you feeling better. Taxol was suppose to so much easier - at least that was what I was told. Last week was the best week I've had since starting chemo in October. No vomiting, no fainting, actually in the yard doing human stuff. I got tired, but I'll take that over being sick any day.

    TCH was today. In the chair at 7:45. Yuck that's earilySickTired This time I had a reaction to H. Can you believe it? My Mo and the nurses are baffled. They had never seen anyone have a reaction like that. Muscle spams in my back and legs. It was awful. So again, more meds to stop the reaction and then so sleepy I'm sure I snored!! But number 4 is done. 1/3 of the way done. YEAH!!!!

    Hope everyone is feeling good and the side effects go easy on us this time.


  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    I saw my BS for post-op. I did not have pcr. All cancer in the breast was dead. All cancer in the sentinel node was dead. They found floater cells in 4 of the 7 nodes she took. I’m devastated. I see my MO tomorrow morning. I hope he’s able to calm me down.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    My dearest Fritz, Lets look at some of the positives, all the cancer in the breast was dead, all cancer in sentinel was dead, where the floater cells in the 4 nodes dead? Chemo's job was to kill and make dead any strays that got outta the breast and it seems like it did that. That's good! Your cancer responded to chemo! I know your afraid because it got beyond the sentinel ( i don't blame you for being devastated, I would be too ), but with pathology showing lots of dead stuff, try and take that as a positive, physical evidence showing you the chemo did what it was supposed to. I hope your MO is able to walk you through pathology and provide some answers, ask until your satisfied, I would! So glad your seeing him in the morning, I know it will feel like an eternity but hang in there! Check back and let us know how it went. I am going to praying for you specifically very hard tonight. I want my Fritz to be put at ease. We're here for you if you need us! *HUGS* And no worries about the Chemo brain, I have it myself!! :)

    Annie- Haven't had surgery yet, that's scheduled for April 19th, but I am preparing heavily ahead of time. So glad you got to enjoy a normal week! It such a mood booster to be able to do normal things or even take pleasure in things you once loved before cancer hit, isn't it? So sorry you had a reaction but happy they made it so you can continue. Congrats on hitting the 1/3 of the way mark! Woo hoo!!

    Patrice and Sadlynew - Congrats on finishing chemo!! Enjoy it ladies you earned a break!!

    Casey and notgivingup- Did you guys get your pathology back yet? Hoping for good news for you both!!

    Antigone, Taurus, and all others who haven't posted for awhile. Check in when you can, your missed!

    Me, well, you know me, praying for spring! I go in for Taxol #10 on thursday, I am sooooooooo close to being done, I cannot believe it. I was actually trying to chicken out of Taxol in the beginning and here I am almost done. Wow just wow. I would not of gone through Taxol without the encouragement of you ladies. We have been through so much together, I hope we can always continue to be there for each other. Take care ladies, I love you all!


  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    I made it through #8 today. Got a little sleepy, so took a two hour nap when we got home. Taxol isn’t that bad, just affects my taste & some minor nausea which I pop a pill for.

    I received gifts from the infusion center today. A woman’s club made little gift which held a gourmet chocolate bar, Purell, a stick of lip balm in a cute holder & skin lotion. Also, I received a tee shirt that had a zipper in the port area. This was from Victory group. This was a very nice lift for the day.

    Below is the info which is on my paperwork whenever I come in for treatment. I can’t understand all of it.

    Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of right breast, estrogen, receptor positive (HCC); Maglignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of left breast, estrogen receptor positive (HCC

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    Rabbit. I had 4/7 nodes positive after chemo. All the rest of the cancer was gone. I saw my MO today and he said he was optimistic, though my chances of recurrence is 50%. I’ll have a Lupron shot this week, and start Femara AI once that’s done. Radiation as soon as I’m healed enough from surgery. I asked about clinical trials and they’ll let me know if I qualify for any.

    I just need to keep my head in the good 50% category. He said if I don’t recur within 10 years, that I most likely won’t, but I’ll never be 100% free of worry. I hope time is on my side for my physical and mental state.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Shit. I was really hoping everything was dead, now I understand why u didn’t get pcr, those 4 blasted nodes were positive. I thought since everything else was dead that those 4 would of been dead too. I’m so sorry I wish I could delete my previous post it was probably no help at all. Please accept my apologies. I know all of us ladies commit to helping you get through this, I promise to do my best to support u. Anytime u need to vent or whatever we are here.

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    ugh, Fritz. I’m so sorry for this. That is crazy that there could still be floaters in there if chemo killed everything else. How does he even get to 50%? I hate percentages. I feel like they stick to us too much. Vent, cry, scream, we are all here for you. You’ve been through so so much. And have been incredibly strong. Keep pushing forward as best as you can, even if it’s just one day at a time, one step at a time. We are all here for you ❤️
  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    All right, Fritz, I did a bit of research and found that pcr is only absolutely predictive of recurrence in triple negative and HER2 positive cancers. You have neither.

    I really do know how scary this all is, the waiting. I was just telling my MO that I hate knowing that for the rest of my life, I'll be looking over my shoulder and waiting... and there's not a thing that can be done to fix that. Ideally, we'd be pronounced cured and move on with our lives, but that doesn't happen very often. I look at the sig lines of others on this site and am terrified of what the future holds for me when those with stage I or II have recurrences years later.

    So what's to be done? Spend the next 10 years a nervous wreck, consumed with the fear of the 50%? Or do you live your life and do what you can to be healthy (you know, regular exercise reduces recurrence by 47%!), and know that medical science will continue to advance toward an actual cure for all of us... You also don't know what the radiation can do, it might finish up the job of killing all the floaters that remain. I think I know what you will choose - living as well as you can for as long as you can, and that very likely will be a long long time. There is so much to be done in your life, and none of us gets to see how or when it all ends until the end. The only thing we can control is what we fill our days with in between the now and the then. I won't say not to worry, cause I know that is impossible. I will say this, let it sink in for a day or two, then start planning the next phase of the fight. It won't look like what you've already been thru, but it still will be a fight. It will be different, but you are prepared to do this, most especially because you have no choice. Just remember, the fight is not the center of your life, it is simply one of the things you must do to be healthy and happy. The rest of it - the good stuff - that is your life.

    You get your life back on your terms, live it joyfully and gratefully, but for fuck's sake, don't resign yourself to ANY fate yet. Your story has yet to be written. In the meantime, enjoy the small and big things and save your concerns for the super important stuff like when Spring will actually arrive or when you can take Fritz for a nice long walk in the sun. In the end, that's what really matters.

  • frmthahart
    frmthahart Member Posts: 60

    Fritz, that has got to be quite the blow. I hope you are able to get through the emotions and with your team get a good plan in place to move forward. We are here for you!

    Rabbit, I hope you know how amazing you are! The support and humor have kept me going even in the darkest moments. Thank you for being you!

    Annie, I can't imagine being in the chair that early! My center is over an hour away and that would be killer for me. Trying to get there for a 9 am gets dicey at times. Having a reaction to the meds that they don't expect reactions to makes you feel great, doesn't it? The last few times I started reacting and the only thing that had gone in was the Benedryl! I got really antsy like I had ants in the pants and couldn't sit still. Then my tongue started feeling swollen and my mouth got heavy. I have become known as the one who will have strange reactions when you least expect it. Fortunately, nothing that was life threatening - just weird.

    I was able to get Round 6/6 yesterday. The additional week brought my platelets up into normal range. I am ssssoooo glad to have the last strong chemo DONE! I hate knowing that this weekend will be crappy though. My daughter is scheduled to get her tonsils out and I won't be in much shape to help nurse her. I talked my older daughter into coming home from college to play nurse for her sister. She had her tonsils out and will be able to commiserate. I still feel really guilty and will probably push myself to be there for her anyway. Dang plateletes anyway for delaying it. Dang cancer!

    Hope you are all having more good days than bad.


  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Patrice, thank God for you, I felt like I put my dang foot in my mouth. But you expressed sentiments I was trying to express however terribly I tried.

    Your my Fritz okay, all you ladies on here mean alot to me and I dang well refuse to except those statistics your doctor gave you. And you dang well shouldn't assign yourself to any future that says you'll fall in one side or the other of a statistic, your a strong woman, your NOT a number! This journey sucks its full of curveballs and it doesn't feel like we have anything in the arsenal to defend ourselves from the onslot. The only thing we can do is climb our mountain, take all the orange slices and water we get from others to keep going and try to make the most out of life. Don't put down your sword Fritz, pick it back up and say "This is war you asshole cancer!" and give it a nice swift kick in the nards everyday as you continue your treatments and live your life. Refuse to let it rob you! To cheer you up, I thought you'd like to know where your boobs disappeared off to.


    Pommom -Congrats on getting through #8 and how awesome was that gift you got! Very nice, all very useful things for a chemo patient, especially gourmet chocolate. I can interpret the info you posted from your paperwork. First, think of your breast like a clock, 12 noon would be at the top middle of your breast and 6 of clock would be at the middle of the bottom of your breast. For your right breast, it is saying there is cancerous abnormal tissue along the upper side your breast (think 9, 10, 11 o'clock on your breast) It says this tissue is estrogen positive. For your left breast it is saying there is cancerous abnormal tissue along the upper side your breast (think 9, 10, 11 o'clock on your breast) It says this tissue is estrogen positive.

    Frmthahart- Woooooooo! You did it girl! You got through chemo! You did it! Thank you for your kind words, I often worry sometimes if I'm helpful, I am so very glad i have been helpful to you when you've needed it. That was a nice boost to my spirits today!

    Take care ladies, go on with your badass bald selves :)


  • PatriceL
    PatriceL Member Posts: 58

    Rabbit, you are fantastic and thoughtful and the best cheerleader we have around here. Don't ever second-guess what you post, it's always honest and heart felt, and I appreciate it and you so very much, as does everyone else I'm sure.

    That is all. Carry on. :)

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173
    Rabbit, you are amazing with your words. You really are. For me personally, we’ve kept everything a secret in my life. The only people that know are my husband, mother, counselor and doctors. So, this group and all of you ladies have been my lifeline this entire time. Since I have young kids, the secret has kept some normalcy to their lives. I check these messages several times a week, and I am just fascinated by all of our strengths. I hope that we all can stay in touch because we have been through hell and are coming back from it. 👍🏻 Keeping everybody in my thoughts and prayers.
  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Hello All!

    I had my first round of chemo (second go) last Thursday. I hated that I was back in the chair, but got it done. I ended up having a nurse I had before. My kidney function was a little low so they gave me extra hydration. I did not get the neulasta this time, which worries me. Oh well, hopefully my numbers are good.

    I have done really well se wise. I did have a severe hot flash and did faint. I made sure I called my MO and hopefully it doesn't happen again. One down, 3 to go.

    I had a consult with my RO on Monday. It looks like I will do radiation for 4 weeks. That makes me very happy. I can't wait to get all if this done. My RO says that I will do the clinical trial after radiation. Apparently my RO and MO had been talking about me before my appointment. I'm actually pleased that they did.

    I am so very proud of our group. We have done and been through so much and we keep moving forward. You all have such tremendous strength.

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    Today was Taxol #12 and chemo is officially over! Hubs asked if I wanted to celebrate and I really didn’t. I think just being able to say it’s finished was enough for me. PET on Monday. Meeting with RO on Thursday to plan for radiation.

    Not giving up, hoping for no SEs. Wow, 3 more and you are done!!!! It will be here before you know it. Maybe not needing Neulasta is a good sign that your body will recover well from each. Keep us posted on the progress. Have you calendared the last treatment date yet??!

  • Fritzmylove
    Fritzmylove Member Posts: 262

    sadlynew, yay for last chemo!!! I didn’t want to celebrate either when I finished. Everyone around me did, but I just wanted to move on. Praying for good PET results!! Seems like we’ll be doing rads together. I meet with my RO on Wednesday.

  • Notgivingup
    Notgivingup Member Posts: 143

    Sadlynew- my last chemo is slated for April 25th. That hopefully means radiation will start the end of May.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    Sadlynew, Frmthahart, and Patrice, TY TY for the kind words it means more to me than you know.

    Notgivingup- 1 down 3 to go! So very happy side effects have been minimal for you, you have earned having an easier time with this crap. Thats awesome your RO and MO have been in contact, you have a great team who has your best interest at heart, take great confidence in that!

    Sadlynew - You completed treatment! Woo hoo! I'll celebrate for ya! April, you all have been my life line too outside of just my husband. Everyone else has pretty much jumped ship. My cancer diagnosis seems to be a sudden excuse for people being busy. Its heartbreaking outside of having cancer. Just as it is walking about arm in arm with my husband to run errands to see people purposely avert their eyes as my scarf gives me away. Having you ladies to come to and vent with has kept me going. Without it I think i would be in a far different place emotionally. I need each and every one of you. You all are stuck with me :) I hope your PET and RO visit goes well! Report back!

    I completed Taxol #10 yesterday, one more down. I updated my dry erase board i keep a countdown on and i am amazed everytime the number to go keeps getting lower and lower. As a christian lady, this diagnosis and all it entails has rocked me to my core, yet my faith remains. I have discovered and learned whats really important to me through all this. I have also been utterly amazed at the strength of the women on these boards who have been through the absolute worst of circumstances yet live their lives with joy. Keep fighting onward ladies! Every one of you are amazing, seriously amazing!


  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    I saw this on another board and thought you guys may enjoy this. I love it.


    Love love love.

  • RhosgobelRabbit
    RhosgobelRabbit Member Posts: 502

    April, I love what you posted, it's insanely accurate, I cover my pain with laughter but inside, I feel exactly as your post describes.

  • Sadlynew2018
    Sadlynew2018 Member Posts: 173

    😊 rabbit. Me. Too. I also sent you a private message re a book suggestion. You may like it.

  • Pommom1809
    Pommom1809 Member Posts: 161

    I completed #9 Tuesday & felt pretty good. Well I’m being punished for that today. The bloody nose is back with a vengeance, was so tired today. Did manage to eat a good dinner tonight, but am paying for it with a bad case of the trots. The cramping is awful, I just want to curl into a ball & hide.

    Rabbit your posting got me to thinking about the people around me. I did have all these offers for aid etc., but it’s been a long while since I’ve heard from anyone. I feel like I’m on the outside looking into a life I’m not a part of anymore. I don’t really need help as my husband is retired & wonderful help, but it would be nice to see a friend once in a while