Ringworm drug for dogs (Fenbendazole) might also cure cancer



  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Goldie enjoy your glamping trip to Moab!

    Husband you're lucky to be able to grow your own squashes...I’m still mentally high but my body is spent now it’s 30 hours after the dexa drip...I’m drinking two cups of chamomile, hoping to finally pass out...

    JFL keep us posted on the pet results....hope they are excellent!

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877

    JFL...waiting for results here with you! ((((hugs)))

  • sbaaronson
    sbaaronson Member Posts: 121


    You look stunning!


  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,039

    Huh it is so crazy... my Sandra will have MRI scans next Monday, and ultrasound next Thursday, and I am already so scared... cannot stop thinking of it:/ All the best wishes for all brave people here. If you only knew how much you all inspire us, Saulius

  • BevJen
    BevJen Member Posts: 2,341


    Thinking good thoughts for your wife. You are such a caring, supportive spouse to share her anxiety about scans. I am hoping that she has good results from her scans.

  • snooky1954
    snooky1954 Member Posts: 850

    SSandra, I'm sorry you're having such anxiety and worry. As a lifetime "worrier" the one thing I remember a counselor telling me. Is worrying (about something you can't change) productive? The scan results will be the same whether you're anxious about them or not. There is nothing you can do to change the results. FInd something like playing rummy, putting together puzzles, crossword puzzles that requires your concentration.

    I'm not making light of your situation ,, I've been there. But do what you can not to "feed the worry". What I've doing is "I'm not giving cancer this day. It's taken enough so for today I'm going to not even think about it"

    I'll be praying for you and your Sandra

    Big Hug

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Thinking about you dear Saulius and hoping the results only confirm the great care you've been taking of your wife.

    Here's news of a cancer killing machine being used in other countries.... recently approved by the FDA?? What is this world coming to??

    Made in India Anti-Cancer Device a 'Medical Breakthrough' says FDA


  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952


    I am praying for good results for your wife.

  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184


    Prayers for you and Sandra for good test results. I will do a novena to St. Therese specifically for that. Hugs to you both.

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    Interesting article about the breakthrough medical device. I hope we hear more about this and that it offers true results.

    Update on my PET - I haven't received the results or radiology report yet but my DH did review the scan himself as he has access to my results. As suspected, PET lit up “a lot" in my liver and the lesions have grown a bit. Have no idea what is next, in additional to the COC protocol. Maybe Gemzar?

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    JFL so sorry about the Pet results...see what MO comes up with...you already had good results with Y90, so it will be less stressful now, knowing the IR knows what he's doing...

    Please let us know what else you learn...we’re basically all in the same boat...

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Sorry to hear that JFL. Hopefully not as bad as you think and the oncologist has a good plan.

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952


    So sorry to hear about your PET results. Hopefully your NO will come up with a good plan and the COC meds kick in.

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    My wife and I are both on pins and needles. Tomorrow is our meeting with the oncologist. She had a recent mri, bone scan and CT of which we don't yet have the results. The main worry from our last meeting, was the unaddressed comment on her CT that it looked like she has a bone met to her spine. The oncologist mentioned nothing of it at our meeting. Then, when we got home my wife read it all and found that comment. She called them and tried to get them to discuss it, but they blew her off. According to my wife, they seemed to confuse it with something mentioned previously, but the report says it was previously unreported. So, confusion abounds.

    So, here we are, 3 to 4 months after that scan, about to get results of the latest. My wife has not been sleeping well, dreading this appointment. I try to convince myself its nothing. No point going into panic mode any earlier than actually finding out, but, as you all know, its hard not to.

  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,039

    Dear all, thank you so much for encouragement and your prayers. I feel better tonight, and I know it is crazy to say I am worried when the scans are after one week, and results even later, when many of you guys are viewing your results these days. Sorry for that. Snooky, I am a "worrier", you are right, I just never show it to my wife. I have to learn not to worry, or... worry less, I know. Sometimes a good slap on my face wakes me up, so please be not afraid to tell me I have to take myself into my hands...

    Dear JFL, ah, I know, I am the same like your husband. There was once when I was sitting in front of the screen for two hours (really, 2!), my hands shivering, my heart in doubt whether to open the latest MRI (everyone gets all visuals on USB stick straight after the procedure) or not, and I opened it, and I could not understand anything out of these hundreds of pictures, and I misread a fibroadenoma (although I knew it was there but forgot out of horror that obsessed me) for a new tumor, so I got even more scared... please, be patient for radiologist's report, although I know, we all know how hard it is to wait...

    Dear Husband, that something might have been non-specific, and I hope this time it will not be on the CT.

    Hugs to all of you and I am going to bed (it is late night here), Saulius

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952


    Praying for good news for you and your wife tomorrow.

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    Thanks, all, for the support. My DH is an attending surgeon at my hospital and has access to all the data my doctor does. He always goes over my PET-CTs and compares them to every scan I have had to date! I have learned to identify liver mets on a CT pretty well myself :). The PET portion is a bit of a no brainer as it is pretty much a heat map that anyone can see visually.

    Husband, good luck with upcoming appointment! I hope all goes well tomorrow.

    Saulius, praying for good luck on your wife’s upcoming test results as well

  • futura
    futura Member Posts: 14


    I just saw the posting form @BoyMom1 and was wondering if Flubendazole is available in the US? I've done a quick search and think that it is not available. And did anyone use it?

    Thank you

    Aug 14, 2019 12:14PM BoyMom1 wrote:

    This was posted on Joe's fb page. It's an article about Flubendazole (similar to Fenben) and it's relation to Breast cancer. Thought some of you might find it interesting. I apologize if it's been posted before. I didn't see it when I searched this thread.


    The lady that posted it also said...

    "...According to this article, the drugs are different by one molecule. If it were me and I was not getting results after 20 or more weeks on fenbendazole, I'd probably rotate this one in for a while and see if it jump started something. To be honest, I might do that anyway. I could rotate it in every 3 or 6 months with the Fenbendazole. I think Joe is right, there will probably be a combination or variation of these drugs to come out..."

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    Great news, Glory be to God, the scans of my wife show everything stable. What a relief.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Whoo-hooooo! & YAY for your great news!!

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952

    Great news Husband!

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287

    I can also report that there was little if any impact of taking fenbendazole at 1 gram 3 days on, 4 days off, on her liver enzymes. She also took a full spectrum vitamin E and loratadine nightly. So at least for those three, it would appear there is no liver value elevation. As she is waiting for her COC appointment on Thursday, I am thinking she had might as well take the fenbendazole daily until she gets on the mebendazole. Ie, not taking the 4 days off, but taking it continuously. I am thinking it might be more effective, and it doesn't appear to be problematic after taking it for 10-12 weeks now, and having taken it for the 3 days prior to her latest blood tests.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    dear Husband congratulations on the pet scan results! So very happy the treatments are working well for your wife! And what a relief to know that the FZ is not affecting the liver....yeahhh

  • nicolerod
    nicolerod Member Posts: 2,877


    Thanks for all your well wishes... My surgery went well...but when we got home had to call 911 and go to ER...apparently the CO2 they filled my belly with they didn't get enough out..and I was in horrific pain. We left the hospital late at night. I was just sobbing in pain until about 3am finally dozed off for about 2 hours..today is a little better not excruciating but still very bad. I didn't take any pain pills..I couldn't especially after the constipation bout I had last week. My entire torso, shoulders, neck, back, front, lower and upper abdomen even my chest but especially the diaphragm is all in pain.I cannot take a deep breath its just horrible. I have been drinking prune juice taking miralax 2 times a day and eating prunes..I went today but I am keeping up the regiment for now.

  • Frisky
    Frisky Member Posts: 1,686

    Oh... Nicole, what an adventure you’ve had...sorry to hear how much you’re suffering, I hope you heal quickly, the pains abate, and can return to normal soon...my best wishes

  • JFL
    JFL Member Posts: 1,373

    Husband, great news to hear about your wife's scan results!

  • bsandra
    bsandra Member Posts: 1,039

    Oh Husband, means last CT really showed something non-specific. I am very happy for you both!

  • mysticalcity
    mysticalcity Member Posts: 184

    Husband, so happy for good scan results! Nicole so sorry for your pain—hope you are feeling better. I had the moms in my Moms prayer/book group pray for everyone on this thread-but especially for those awaiting scan results, with upcoming scans and recuperating from surgery.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835

    Saulius, I have nuclear bone scan on Monday. Will be thinking of you and Sandra. May she get good results.

    Snooky, your comment to Saulius about the anxiety and is it productive, is EXACTLY how I try to think of all of. But when getting close to appts, labs and scans, it gets to be difficult.

    JFL, hoping your report will be good as well.

    Husband, best wishes to your wife as well. About the only thing I can say, is that it's better to have bone mets than organ. Mine are hips, groin, spine, ribs, jaw and skull. Yay, all is stable. Awesome news.

    Nicole, so sorry for all you are going through. I'm a few days behind on my posts and responding as I read. Hoping you are feeling better today.

    Well, got home yesterday, had a great little get away. Went to work with my friend Jan, she works with special ed, 2nd and 3rd graders. I used to work with severe special ed, so this was a great treat for me, to work with these little ones. Then spent time with her husband, who took us around and showed us many ruins and petroglyphs. Here is a picture of me sitting in a window of an old "cat house". The blocks are all hand carved, just amazing.

    Hope all are doing well.

    Edited to remove picture.

  • simone60
    simone60 Member Posts: 952

    Nice pic Goldie. Looks like you missed all the rain we are getting in Arizona. Where did you go? We're always looking for short road trips.