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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Two days past TCHP Treatment 1 and I’m feeling pretty dang good. My first day without steroids. My taste buds are leaving me - but they will be back. Very mild muscle pain. Just taking it one day at a time!

    Hydration helped a ton! Staying on my anti-nausea meds are helping too

    Maggie - you got this! We’re all in this together!

    Have a great night, sisters!!

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Is anyone retaining water? My ankles are swelling by end of day.

    I rocked my wig at work today. My natural hair is a dark brown (almost black), my wig is lighter brown with Auburn highlights. It's pretty but I have to say the soft beanies are way more comfortable

    Bridget - ask if you can take something like Prevacid for heartburn, it helped me.

    Angie - glad you are doing well so far

  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52

    Bridget -Sorry about the sleep thing. Two nights up and down. They did give me Ativan it helped the first night.

    Great news on pink night. That's exciting.!!

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    AngieB92 - It's really inspiring to know you are doing well with your treatments. :) My tongue feels strange and some foods taste a bit drab but not enough to detour this appetite of mine yet. I struggle with drinking enough water but I know it's important so I'm really putting forth the effort. Did you take your anti-nausea meds before you felt any nausea? They put some in my drip that is supposed to last 3 days but I don't wanna chance it.

    Maggie - We're definitely in this together. I find relief in these forums. I may not find many answers to a lot of things but I find comfort in knowing I'm not alone and strength in seeing these ladies come through such adversity.

    Tmh0921 - I'll definitely ask next time. I mentioned it to them while I was there yesterday. I retain fluid pretty bad as is but I haven't noticed an increase since my treatment. Maybe a little. My face was a bit puffy yesterday but that could've been the allergy. Did you wear a cap under your wig? I'm looking at the bamboo ones on Amazon. I hope I find the wigs comfortable. I like the idea of wearing colors I could never keep up or afford to have put on my hair.

    Florida - I took half of my steroid pill early with dinner last night and slept better. :) Thankfully it was the last steroid until my last treatment! Woot!

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Brilee - I take my anti-nausea meds before I feel any nausea. I read somewhere that once you pass 5 days you shouldn’t need them. I take the Zofran during the day and the one that makes you sleepy at night. I also take a ginger tablet every morning with my vitamins. So far, so good

  • Dottybird
    Dottybird Member Posts: 25

    Hi all, 10 days after TC #1 and I am still here! Still have my hair but am sure it's days are numbered, I am avoiding brushing too much.

    Water still tastes horrible too. That is the real bummer to me - I love water! Now I have to add Crystal Light so I can choke it down.

    I was told to take second Dex in the afternoon so it would not keep me up.

    Took 2 Aleve with Claritin and (knock on wood) Neulasta was not so bad. If your stomach can handle, might consider trying. My ears ached a little for some reason, but nothing too bad.

    Prochlorperazine makes me so sleepy. Stops nausea, but makes it difficult to do anything else.

    Too cold to change the ice packs on my feet in socks during my treatment (doing this solo) so hoping 30 minutes of cold is enough to ward off neuropathy in feet.

    Thank you all for your posts, it helps to know I am not alone. Good luck!

  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    I have learned so much from reading about all of your experiences - you have no idea how helpful it is. My oncologist thought I would start next week, but I got a call yesterday that I have a appointment October 1, then will start chemo October 3. I think I'll stay in this group though, as I've been following you all along if that's ok. As much as I don't want to get it started, it's mentally messing up my mind to have to wait longer. My anxiety is through the roof and it's just giving me more time to think about everything not good. I was diagnosed August 15, and have been really struggling mentally ever since. It's a bit better knowing I have clear scans and a plan, but it's like let's just get started.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    You’re more than welcome to stay with us

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    I’m so excited, my taste buds have returned. Y’all, I’m going out this weekend and splurging on a large Butterfinger Blizzard from Dairy Queen. I need a big treat before the tase buds abandon me again with next week’s treatment 🤣

    My son is in marching band at school. He and his section have been wearing pink bandanas and have pink bows tied to their instruments. He even bought a pink bracelet that he wears. He really doesn’t talk about it much, but I know he loves his mama and worries about me ❤️


    Sneaking out to Dairy Queen!!!

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Mmmmm DQ! That sounds so good right now.

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Ange743 - you stay right here with us! I must admit that- as afraid as I was of chemo- the minute I walked out of my first treatment I felt relieved that I finally had “medicine” in me that was fighting my cancer. You will too!

    TMH - Yay on the Butterfinger Blizzard!!! That sounds delish!

    On a funny note, I just experienced my first Perjeta diarrhea moment. Interesting is the only way I can word it. Sorry for the TMI!! Also my scalp is starting to get sore.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Welcome Maggie007! You've already gotten lots of great advice from the other ladies. Stick around and we'll help you through this.

    Bridget, I hope your allergic reaction has calmed down and you're having a good weekend.

    Tracy - I had swelling of my feet and ankles the first couple of days, but it's gone away. I love what your son and his band section are doing. Awesome!

    Good to hear from you, Dottybird!

    Been thinking about the rest of you, too, and hoping you are all well.

    Not too much new to report from me. I had my blood checked yesterday and all my numbers rebounded nicely. I'm still being cautious (hand sanitizer, staying out of crowds), but venturing out more now.

    I feel almost normal. I am enjoying my last few days before treatment #2. Hubby and I went out for lunch today and then shopping at Hobby Lobby. I'm going to my son's soccer game tomorrow. I'll do a major house cleaning, laundry session and food prep the 2 days before my next treatment.

    The rate of hair loss has sped up in most areas, although it looks like I still have all my eyebrows and eyelashes. Nothing has come off my head (cold capping). I only comb it once a day and have only washed it once in almost 3 weeks. I wear a scarf most of the time to protect it. We'll see how it goes. I've read most of the hair loss comes towards the end and even after treatments. I've got caps and scarves in case the cold capping doesn't work.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend. Those who had treatments recently - I hope you get lots of rest and those SE's fade quickly!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    AngieB92 - There is no TMI here! We're all going through sh*! (pardon my language), so who better to share with than others who have been there, done that, and totally understand!!!!

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    I had my first meal other than soup for dinner since before last treatment. Marinated stir fry steak strips with yellow and orange peppers and onions over rice. I was actually hungry! And it tasted delicious. My husband is the cook in our house. He was so glad I was hungry and eating! He takes such good care of me.

    The Sucralfate has really controlled my heartburn/reflux problems. So other than being very tired, I feel pretty good. Saw Downton Abbey last night. If you are a fan you have to see it. Fabulous!!

    I’m looking forward to a few good days before it’s time for my 3rd AC treatment on Wednesday. Feeling very slowed down is my most prominent symptom now that I have the constipation solved. Feel good I am half way through the 4 cycles of AC

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all, I am also gearing up to clean house and grocery shop before my next fusion Thursday. Been on edge today couldn't figure out why, found out I forgot to take my ativan this morning, I wont let that happen again. No hair loss yet but my head is itching like crazy. Sounds like everyone its doing good and that's fantastic. Snaffle looks like I am one a.c. fusion behind you, glad your appetite has returned. DQ sounds good to me also, I enjoy the turtle blizzards. Hope everyone has a great weekend. God bless us all

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I have a cap that I can wear under my wig, but I don’t use it. I’ve buzzed my hair so I just put the plastic it on with no cap. It’s really not that uncomfortable, just hot (but it’s cooling down a little here so that’ll help).


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    So glad you were able to make it to see Downton Abby

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I take Klonopin (same family as Ativan, but longer acting) for anxiety along with celexa. I think the Klonopin has actually helped me with more than anxiety during chemo. It’s helped me sleep despite the steroids, it’s kept me calm, and it probably helps with warding off nausea.

    I’m glad to hear oncologist prescribing these meds for patients. It’s easier to deal with all of this with a little something to take the edge off

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Snaffle your meal sounds yummy!! I must confess I wanted to watch Downton Abbey (I’m a big Anglophile) but never got around to it. Luckily, it’s on Netflix so I will watch it when I’m recovering from surgery next year.

    Last night I had slight increase in muscle/joint pain. Nothing I couldn’t manage (didn’t take any pain meds) and it came and went in different spots. Once I got in bed and my legs and arms got warm, they subsided. I will be purchasing an electric lap blanket just for this. My brother-in-law has chronic myeloid leukemia and he takes Gleevic which makes his bones ache. He said the electric blanket does wonders!

    My daughter has a rodeo today so I’m looking forward to getting some fresh air

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all, got my wig today from tlc, so hopefully all set for the hair loss, I don't plan to wear it much, caps and beanies for me, and I had no reconstruction of breast either, flat is where it's bless all who had reconstruction, being 54 and widow I didnt feel the need.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Gamb, I am 47 and married and I'm flat and fabulous! I didn't want to go through reconstruction surgeries. We each do what works for us. I just pop on some foobs if I want a little bit of a chest to balance out my belly. Glad we all have lots of options to fit our lives. Makes going through this crap a bit easier.

  • FTM
    FTM Member Posts: 24

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. My hair is falling out at an alarming rate, I really need to just shave my head but I’m currently trying not to touch it so it stops falling out. I don’t think I’ve fully come to terms with it yet

    Does anyone have advice on this FMD(fast mimicking diet)? I had mostly GI side effects with the first chemo and I’m hoping to avoid them this time. I’ve been reading up about it but I can’t find anything that just tells you what you should eat. I’m no good at counting calories and figuring out how much of what... guess I’m looking for a cheat sheet.

  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hi all,

    FTM I no nothing about the fmd , but if you like buttermilk, it helps with lots of digestive problems, not a cure, but buttermilk has good probiotic properties that aid in digestion and in some with acid reflux, it really helps me, 3 small 4 odd a day. Sad to hear about your hair, but you will look fantastic

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311

    Cheat sheet: 5 day FMD

    Day one 1100 calories, days 2-5 800 calories. Keep it LOW protein (10% of daily total calories from "protein" foods) & mostly veggies and fats. You can have clear veggie broth or herb tea any time.

    Example of "meals" of 250-300 calories - here are 4 to get your mind going.... All 4 together would be apx 1100 calories and 3 of the 4 would be apx 800 cals.:

    -1 egg, one sm avocado (or 1/2 lg) & a few T salsa

    -2 oz cooked salmon, sauteed spinach/ garlic (or similar veg), green salad

    -2 oz Almond butter + celery/carrot sticks

    -mixed veggie salad with 2 oz tuna

    -smoothie w/ a few glugs of "Califia" brand Kefir (nut milk - "plain" flavor) , a few T of "Cocoyo" coconut yogurt, and a handful of berries + ice if desired

    Alternative vegetables -- gazpacho soup, veggie soup, or veggie stew (home made), cooked green vegs, cooked eggplant, etc.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Thanks for popping in santabarbarian, I was going to recommend FTM PM you Smile

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I finally buzzed my head Wednesday, too much was coming out. Now when I shower I massage my scalp to try to get the itchy tiny hairs that are left to go ahead and let go. The wig is fine most of the time, but I was outside ( Hot Atlanta) the last 2 days and the wig was hot. If I hadn’t been chaperoning my son’s marching band I would’ve just preferred a light beanie


  • FTM
    FTM Member Posts: 24

    Thanks everyone. I buzzed my head, it looks terrible but at least it’s done

  • Turkeypoult
    Turkeypoult Member Posts: 27


    I don’t know about the diet, but I’m right with you on wanting to reduce acid reflux for the 2nd cycle. Now in cycle 1; day 14, it is nice to have something of an appetite again. Hair on my head is hanging in there for now, but I know it is only a matter of time. Looking forward to the coming week.

    Hugs to all of you on the journey. May something positive, amazing and unexpected happen for each of you this week.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I’m with you, the bald look isn’t good for me, I just keep reminding myself it’s temporary.


    Good luck with your first treatment tomorrow. Check in and let us know how you’re doing.

    (((Hugs))) for us all


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    My niece bought me on of these, I think I’ll wear it to my chemo appt this week Happy
