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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • gamb
    gamb Posts: 571

    Hey all, wow between the dmx and the chemo limitations what does one do? I'm still trying to get mobility back in arms and chest, I have done good, could do better I think. What can one do on the chemo, i know people work, how do they handle the chance of getting infections?

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    I’m “trying” to continue as normal during chemo, including working and attending my kids activities. I have bottles of hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes EVERWHERE and not only do I use them, but everyone around me does as well. I have also bought some surgical/germ masks to wear.

    If something major pops up like the flu, I’ll re-evaluate and work from home more.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    Today is day 12 of TC

    I feel normal except my taste buds which continue to revolt.

    Unfortunately, my hair south of my waist has started to jump ship. The hair on my head is holding steady but my scalp is sore which means it's a matter of time.

    My next infusion is 9/25.


  • Gamb - I'm the cautious type, so I have barely left the house, except to take my son to school and go to my appointment. I try to get some sunlight every day and I walk on the treadmill. I don't work, so I'm just staying busy with chores and various projects around the house. I'll be venturing out this week and next to school events and soccer games, with lots of hand sanitizer and a plan to stay away from the crowds and avoid touching door handles, etc. I don't have any face masks, but I probably should get some.

  • Day 11 of TC #1

    My energy level is good. I'm still having occasional twinges of bone pain, but it's very tolerable. Everything tastes muted, but my appetite is good. My digestive system is almost back to normal. Skin is dry. I've noticed no hair loss at all. However, my nose is dripping a lot, so maybe I lost my nose hairs first!

    All in all, not too bad. I plan to use the time before round 2 to get lots of things done, because I expect I won't bounce back quite so quickly. I hope I will, but preparing just in case. Halloween decorations are going up early, ordering costumes, getting the car maintenance done, and so on.

  • gamb
    gamb Posts: 571

    Hey all, I try to do my normal stuff, i have 4 grandkids 6 and under, the germ carriers, I was baby sitting the ones not in school, but now that's changed. I do walk my dog of the morning and evening to hot in the mid day, i do my mastectomy exercises 3 times a day, been searching for videos to increase my strength. I so enjoyed trimming and mowing grass, hope I can do that next year also, for now I can't. My next fusion is Sept 26th so we are close TMH, the Neulasta shot sure put the hurt in my joints.

  • Hi :) I'm waiting for authorization from my insurance but I am supposed to begin TC chemotherapy this month as well. I'm also scheduled for 4 rounds over 12 weeks.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,840

    Brilee76 - Welcome to the community forums. Sorry your circumstances has brought you to but we sincerely hope you will find good company and advice here!

    We encourage you to fill out your profile so others can easily know your situation and offer the best support, and join other forums and threads to share your story and ask questions, you know we're all here for each other!

    Looking forward to hearing more from you soon.

    Best wishes,

    From the Mods

  • Welcome Brilee76! There are a few of us here doing TC. We can all get through this together!

  • Hey ladies,

    I'll be starting 4 rounds of taxotere and cytoxan in a couple weeks. Ugh. I had Hodgkin's lymphoma 15 years ago and the sweet nurse told me this combo "should" be easier than what I had back then. Sometimes I think ignorance is bliss b/c I know all too well how tough the next few months are going to be. Good luck to you guys!


  • Thanks for the welcoming words. I was working on my profile as you guys replied. I think I have everything except the avatar done now. We can definitely get through it together! I already have my anti-nausea medications and steroid. Chemotherapy was a curve ball in my treatment plan. We weren't expecting to find any cancer in my lymph nodes.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    Welcome Bridget and KPS

    There are a few of us on TC, and the ladies here are great support.

    We will all get through this together


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519


    I love your avatar 😊


  • Tracy

    For all us Dory fans. ;)

  • Hello,

    I'm just catching up now reading all of your wonderful posts. I started chemo 9/4 and have my second of 8 on 9/25. I'm so encouraged by what I have read and eager to share my experiences and lend my support as I learn more.

    I had my first chemo treatment on 9/4 and have had very few SA's thus far but was prepared to feel so much worse. I had only one bad day after the shot for stimulating the white blood cell growth and one day of just absolute fatigue. I can't complain about the other days honestly. I have no signs of losing my hair or skin dryness yet, bowel or nausea issues yet - I'm wondering if I got a dose of "chemo light" to just see how I will respond.

    I've read many of you had the Ocotype DX Test. My clinical team did not offer that to me as I had 3/6 lymph nodes positive. I have read it's available in some cases for postmenopausal women where it has spread to the lymph nodes. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I may need to finish my profile, I will do that soon and thank you all for being here!

  • gamb
    gamb Posts: 571

    Hey all, I'm still have joint pain from the stimulating shot. Had some metal taste in mouth this morning, 4 days out from the fusuion. Seem more tired today but I was restless last night with twinges of nasusea. Gonna try to walk more today. See nurse Wednesday for blood work ,,see regular Dr Thursday for all other issues. No hair lose issues yet, I did get the number for the wig coupon now just waiting for some infor from them. I hope everyone has a blessed day.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    welcome RyanRose

    Are you doing AC+T? I’ll add you to our list.


    Does your oncologist have you taking Claritin with your marrow stimulating shot

  • Welcome kps918 and Ryanrose!

  • Anyone on AC having reflux problems? I normally take Protonix twice a day anyway. Have blocks under the head of the bed. Since starting chemo, I have had to take 150mg of Zantac at bedtime and add a wedge under my head. Even with all this, I am having serious heartburn and break through reflux.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    I haven’t had reflux while on chemo but had it like you described when I was pregnant. My doctor gave me Prevacid (over the counter) and it worked much better than Zantac, which we tried first

  • gamb
    gamb Posts: 571

    Sorry to hear that snaffel, how long after infusion did the reflux start? I've been sleeping in the recliner for years never do lay completely flat

  • Anyone have An allergic reaction to Taxotere? I went in for my first cycle today- did an hour of fluids, talked to all the people, atartnthe Taxotere and within 1-2 minutes- got major hot cheat pain that spread to my head- I apparently looked like a tomato- they gave benedryl etc and it calmed down but they refused to continue. I was devastated. It was so hard to work up to get myself there for my first cycle and then it was canceled. The plan is to go back tomorrow and do all the allergy meds first (I heard lots of people so this as a precaution and am frustrated that my doc didn’t but here we are- just wondering if anyone’s else has this. Thanks for listening! Anna
  • gamb
    gamb Posts: 571

    oh wow, that must have been aweful, it will be a while for my taxol, I so hope tomorrow goes better for you. Hopefully someone will be on soon to answer your question

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    No, but I’ve seen some ladies on other boards that have had allergic reactions. It seems that it’s common to do either what your doctor is doing, or to administer allergy medicine then start the drip much slower the same day.

    My oncologist didn’t give me Benadryl before Taxotere, but what they did do was run it much slower the first time, and checked my vitals every 15 minutes.

    I’m sorry this happened, I know it had to be frustrating


  • Had the first meeting with my Oncologist today and it looks like I'll be starting chemo later this week or next week, before surgery.

    I'm not sure of my letters, but I'm on the every 2 week plan, for 8 cycles. As far as I understand it, first 4 cycles are Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) and Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) and last 4 cycles are Paclitaxel (Taxol). And Filgrastim (G-CSF), but not sure when that is yet in the whole plan.

    So overwhelmed with all of this, scared to get started, but relieved to have an attack plan.

    Thankful to have all you fine ladies to go through this journey with.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    welcome Ange743

    I’ve added you to our list. We’ve got a great group of ladies here, so feel free to jump right in. Several are on the same regimen you are. We’re all here to support each other and we’ll get through this together.



  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    Good (early) morning ladies

    Today 9/17, is day 14 of TC number 1

    I am feeling completely normal except for my taste buds, which are still revolting. On Sunday, hair south of my waist started jumping ship but the hair on my scalp was fine. As of about 20 minutes ago, this is no longer true. If I run my fingers through my hair, I get finger fulls of strands of hair :(

    I guess I'll monitor it and shave it within the week if it keeps up at this rate. I was kind of hoping it would hang around longer. My MO and Nurse Practitioner both said this would happen around day 14, and dang if they aren't exactly on target.

    I have a really nice wig and lots of cotton beanies, so I'm prepared, just sad :(

    I hope everyone is feeling relatively well today.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Posts: 519

    AngieB92 & FloridaLiving18

    Good luck with your first treatments today. Check in if you feel like it and let us know how you’re doing


  • Thank you all for the warm welcome -

    Tmh0921, Yes, I'm doing AC + T. I noticed today too my hair is falling out when I run my hands through it. It's been 14 days since my treatment too. I understand how you feel. I have beautiful hair, it's very sad. I need to still get a wig and beanies.

    Ange743 - I understand the fear and overwhelming feelings too. I'm trying to take it one day at a time and keep up my normal routine as much as possible. I had very little side affects from the 1st treatment and gearing up for my second which makes me nervous as just don't know what I don't know.

    This is wonderful group of women. I'm very glad I landed here.


  • Hi

    Tmh0921 starting AC+T today. 9-17 Got port put in yesterday neck hurting yesterday really bad. I went to Am cancer society looking for wigs not much but they will give you a voucher For Tlc magazine towards wigs or beanies. Bought beanies on amazon from headcover really soft and cotton. I have a large head and they fit. Found I wig at another wig shop Rachel Welch but a med straight look easier to adjust and adjustable. Don't know if I will wear much but want to have it. I heard some people just thin. But doctor said it will fall out. Cut mine to shoulder length. My hair grows fast so I think it will go. Going shorter if it thins first

    Ange743 Keep the Faith. Reading everyone post has kept me encouraged. Hope to catch up on all post today

    LMS. Hi Florida neighbor. I read to stay out of sun. Not sure about that. Maybe my treatment. Hard to do here. I like to walk on beach. I am at UF cancer Ormc but lake Mary for treatment. Tired of month long driving downtown for dr appointments

    RyanRose welcome best wishes.

    Prayers to all of the September ladies and Hugs to all. God Bless you all.I Hope to have hair for my anniversary on 26. But if not told my son and husband I will be bald and beautiful!!