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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all,

    The weekend is here, and 5 days until ac treatment number 3. I feel loads better and the weather has cooloed down some, grocery shopping this weekend and cleaning. Leaves are all brown looking because of the drought, my wig is a short pixie brownish color, wanted a neon

    Hope every one has a great weekend

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    You need to get a 100% Bamboo wig liner cap, I found them on Amazon,

  • Cat029
    Cat029 Member Posts: 24

    3rd AC in the books. Just found out that a review of my medical records by Mayo has led to them wanting me to come to MN for a consultation. I’m scared that they will want to change what I’m doing or tell me it isn’t effective and I’ll have to start over. And I hate the idea of leaving my kids for a week+. My youngest is not going to handle it well and that upsets me.

  • clackie
    clackie Member Posts: 3

    Oh, Cat, that sounds difficult. Fingers crossed for good results in the consultation and that the kids will cope well. I feel lucky that my daughter is grown and not at home while I am going through this. I don't know how y'all manage with little ones. I am barely managing to cope, even with so few obligations. Admire you!

  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52

    Hi mandymaybe

    My second round ACwent good tired more the first day. But had a bra fitting before the appointment. You will have burst of rests. But felt good on Thursday had lunch with a friend. Friday another good day. Stay on nausea med for 6- 7 days works for me. Sunday was worst last time. Then Monday mouth sores. Off week is almost normal. Bone pain started day 8 for me. I hope you are doing good your first go around. Working from home betw en rest may help. My mind was lost the first time. Chemo head. I am early retired but read and. Play words games. Takes it as it comes. They gave me activan which helps with the buzzing at night in the head and mood when irritable. Let me know how you are doing this week.

    Prayers to all the pink ladies.

  • mandamaybe
    mandamaybe Member Posts: 21

    Thanks Floridaliving! I’m day 4 post AC #1 now, and learned some lessons the hard way this week. Felt sick Wed morning, but better in the afternoon, so committed to do some things for work. Then got so tired and foggy Thursday and Friday and really didn’t feel up to the work. Even missed my off ramp coming home Friday in a half-fog. Hopefully week 2 will turn out to be better for me, and maybe I need to set my expectations lower for week ones in future...

    Meanwhile, absolutely swimming in my night sweats last night. But feel maybe positive about it, like maybe we’re really shipping out that toxic shit by the bucket. ;

  • FTM
    FTM Member Posts: 24

    Floridaliving, You mention a buzzing in your head at night. Do you know what causes it? I also get it but when I told my MO he didn’t seem to have heard of it happening.

    Mandamaybe, I found that resting more reduced the chemo fog for my second cycle. I hate the idea of being sick and needing rest but it seems that’s what my body needs. I am in awe of you and everyone else that is working during chemo.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. Thinking of you all!

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Everyone on my son's soccer team is wearing pink socks in my honor today! And, I'm not at the game! Watching on video, though. So sweet.


  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    LMS so precious!!!!

  • BlueGirlRedState
    BlueGirlRedState Member Posts: 900

    db4II and snaffle53 - sorry you are on this journey, and wish you well. Check out Stephanie's Terric Tips for getting through Chemo ( I forget which forum it is on). Lots of good suggestions. It is also where I learned about cold capping.

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289




    Posting these pics for 2 reasons.

    One, so you can put a face to who's behind these posts.

    Two, for those who are cold capping, you can see where I'm at after 2 out of 4 treatments. The first pic is me just before diagnosis. The second pic of me is today. I have a lot less hair, but my only bald spot is a strip on the top of my head. The pic of the pile of hair is what came out today with one combing.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519



  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I think you still look great. From the angle of the picture you can’t tell there’s a bald spot

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Thanks, Tracy.

    The spot is on my crown, where my part is....about an inch wide and several inches long so far.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    I chaperoned my son’s marching band last night and it was 96 degrees. I wore my wig and 30 minutes in I was ready to throw off the wig. Today I said screw it and wore a beanie to my younger son’s soccer game. I’m heading out to work a marching band competition this afternoon and also ditching the wig for a beanie for that.

    Today’s Day 11 post TC # 2, feeling mostly normal except for taste and fatigue.

    For those who have shaved your head with a razor, did you get new stubble after? I shaved my head Wednesday, and the skin was smooth. Now I have stubble. I’m wondering if this is what’s left of the roots, surely I’m not growing new hair...

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    I shaved my head and also have stubble. Feels like sandpaper. But, at least it doesn’t hurt. I don’t know what it’s from. New growth? Roots emerging? Makes it hard to put my sleep beanie on. I’m tempted to shave it again.


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Yes, will continue to grow until chemo reaches every little hair follicle, you might have some patches that are smooth, so proud of you all, just please be careful when you using a razor, also use if scalp becomes dry use a small amount of lotion or oil,

    Licsensed Hairdresser in Kentucky 40 plus, worked with Cancer Center program for years, at that time it was called Look Good Feel Better, we would have private parties for Ladies going through chemo, offer suggestions on wig options, I would cut the wig if it needed, show how to care for the wigs, we also had makeup kits, tricks on how to do eyebrows, moisturizer for the skin is one of the biggest issues from having chemo, every inch of your body just dries out, even nails, will get dry and brittle, I have stepped away from the salon to focus on myself, so I am here if you need me

    Hugs we got this


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    imageMe Today,, this fight is hard!!!

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Feel the need to explain the first picture, my husband and I were getting ready to leave for Louisville, 1.5 hours from home, First chemo was early the next morning, had to be at the Cancer Institute at 8:00 am, so we spent the night,, this picture represents the beginning of change,

    It's kinda like blowing a kiss to my old self, Because I know that I will never be the same, hopefully when all is said and done, I will be a better person than my old self!


  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Hi Linda! We'll be stronger for this, that's for sure!

    Any recommendations on how to fill in sparse eyebrows? Or what to use on nails? I moisturize every day and drink lots of water, but any hints would be appreciated.

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    LMS - Love the soccer pic! The cold capping is definitely working!

    Linda - Love those glasses!

    Day 17, I couldn't brush or touch my hair without it falling out so it's buzzed now. I can't stop touching it.

  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    Hope everyone is doing well. 😊 I was able to get out of the house yesterday and today to watch my youngest play in a volleyball tournament and it felt so good to feel normal. First chemo was 9 days ago and though I'm still a bit tired, I have felt good the last couple of days. I have to do at home injections for 9 days of every cycle as well to rebuild WBC as I'm on the dose dense every 2 week chemo. Last injection for this cycle was today until next chemo on Thursday. Though my mind was a lot better today, I'm already dreading next chemo, as I was pretty sick from the first one. I need to just focus on feeling good and accomplishing things for the next 4 days, I know. Ever since diagnosis in August, I have struggled mentally so it's been a huge challenge. I haven't been able to work since, but I stopped by my office today to forward some emails and it felt so good! Not sure what the point of this post is, just rambling I guess. 😜


  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Ange - I love reading about the simplest things in all of your lives. Reading about how you guys get through daily life, your thoughts and struggles makes me feel like I'm not alone in this fight and there are people who really understand what I'm going through. Reading about every small victory whether it's being able to eat without being nauseous or actually being able to taste it, being able to show up for kids and grandkids events, or just feeling good enough to get out of bed and really live that day I'm cheering you all on from my little corner of the internet and saying a prayer that you'll have more good days than bad. Keep on posting the little things!

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180


  • Gamb
    Gamb Member Posts: 570

    Hey all

    Spent the morning with my 5 of my grandbabies, i have 7 total, it was so nice to be around all that joyous energy. It helps prepare for the chemo week and being almost a shut I hope to eat different this time, mostly no cooking, that really bother me this time, ive got plenty of sports drinks and water and tea. Shaved my head today also my 2 year ol granddaughter said she didnt like bless her she is veey opinionated. Hope everyone is having a good day

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Gamb, glad you got to spend some time with grandbabies,,

  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52

    Hi Mandamaybe

    Glad you are doing good. You are so strong to try to work. We are amazing women. Chemo head was more for me the first session of AC This second session felt tired day of and Saturday and Sunday the worst sick feeling Sunday a little diarrhea. Hair started falling out Thursday shaved head today feels better. I Will miss the hair for the holiday pictures this year or model the wig. Too hot here for wigs now. So. Wearing beanies. I tried to walking mornings and evenings for energy. I hope next week is better for you.

    Prayers to all you amazing women this week. For healing and better days soon.

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Wearing a wig for the first time today. It's kinda hot. I can't tell if the itching is from the wig or just the normal itching of my hair/stubble coming out. I brought a hat to work with me just in case. I had my Lupron shot and physical therapy this morning. My next round chemo is this Friday. I hope you ladies are having a wonderful day!!