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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • gamb
    gamb Member Posts: 571

    Hey all

    A.c. number 3 is done, nurse said the taxol was much easier than the AC. I've been up since 4 am my appointment was at 1030 got done at 230, wow seems like we get longer than shorter, blood work was good. Looking forward to be done with ac

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Today's wig. It's longer than the others. The last 2 I have are crazy lookin but I'll post em anyway if I work up the nerve to actually wear them. 😂

    I had physical therapy today. My range of motion is pretty much normal but I have cording from below my left breast to my armpit and down to my left elbow. When I don't stretch for a day it gets really tight and feels like I have a bruised rib.

    I did my grocery shopping today and am working half a day in preparation for tomorrow's chemo treatment. I hope you're all doing well! The fight continues!


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Love it girl, this color looks great on you!!

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Ange - hope the new anti-nausea meds do the trick! Losing your hair sucks and I felt the same way you did - I didn’t want to go out because I didn’t want people to pity me but I bought some cute beanies from Amazon and I am wearing them out with confidence. Plus, I want to be a beacon of hope to someone who may be recently diagnosed or knows someone who was diagnosed that you can function while getting treatment.

    Maggie - yay for the scalp treatment!! I love sitting outside too! There is something about fresh air that rejuvenates me!

    Gamb - a friend of mine just finished her first Taxol after 4 ACs and said it was not bad at all! Hopefully, Taxol will be kind to you too!

    I can report that day 2 after my 2nd TCHP has been great. I am more relaxed this time because I kind of know what to expect side effects wise. My taste buds are slipping. 😞 They will be back and I will take full advantage of it when they do! Mexican food here I come!

    I hope you all have a peaceful and restful evening. Just know that you are doing everything you can to slay this beast!

  • ACchaos
    ACchaos Member Posts: 42

    Yay, I’m home! Armed with oral antibiotics and all set. Looking up head covering options with fabric. I may attempt a wrap. The hair is so patchy, I’m considering shaving it.

    AC #2 is scheduled for Tuesday. Bracing

  • gamb
    gamb Member Posts: 571

    Glad you home AChaos, no better place than home to mend up, hope next treatment goes well for you

    Brilee, you have beautiful eyes, any wig you wear is gonna look great with ypur eyes

    Great Angie hope it stays going well with the se

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    Glad you’re home, AChaos

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    AChaos, glad your home!! Rest well tonight,,

    Hugs to All,,,, We got this!!

    Positive Vibes!!

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    ACchaos - Yay for home!

    Maggie & Gamb - Thanks for the feedback! I don't think I'm going to wear one tomorrow. I wanna be comfortable for my treatment.

    What do all of you wear to your treatments? I thought about wearing pajama bottoms or dorm pants but that seems a bit far. Or is it?

  • Monkey0299
    Monkey0299 Member Posts: 28

    ACchaos, I truly felt for you during your hospital stay. I did not enjoy my hospital stay either. It was definitely a sucky and unexpected result of infection going crazy while the white blood cells were low. Good luck with your next infusion. Hope you're able to get some rest and relaxation at home before Tuesday.

    Brilee, thank you for posting your wig pics. I still have not ventured out in mine, but your pics are giving me some confidence to go for it.


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    I purchased a special chemo outfit!! Lol, it’s so comfy, Nike capris, zip up jacket, cotton, I wear a cami under, on sale with coupons!!! no bra, I have been hot for so long lol hard to believe I get cold,, then get hot!! go for comfort!! Sending good vibes!!!!

    Hugs You got this!!!

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    ACchaos - so glad you got sprung from the hospital. Hospitals are not places for rest and recovery.

    Bridget - Love the wigs, they all look good. I may go and get a second one in a different style for work (I stopped wearing mine anywhere but work)

    Ange - Fingers crossed that the new anti-nausea meds work this round.

    Angie - I am starting to really hate the whole taste bud SE. I have my next treatment Wednesday, and mine still aren't back to normal from the last treatment.

    Gamb - I hope your SE are minimal this round.

    TC # 3 is next Wednesday. I still have water retention, and my taste buds are still off, and the fatigue seems to be cumulative. I chaperoned my son's band last night, and walking from the band room to the field, and from the field to the band room wore me out. I'm at work today, but plan on just resting and taking it easy this weekend. I refuse to let this impact my participation in my kids activities, it's already impacted so much.

    We got this ladies.... I hope everyone has a restful weekend, with minimal treatment side effects for those who have had recent treatments.

  • gamb
    gamb Member Posts: 571

    Hey all

    My nurse navigator said for taxol infusion need to start with the cold on the feet and hands 20 minutes before infusion starts, she also said 2 cups water to one cup rubbing alcohol in a freezer bag let freeze makes a ice pack that can be shaped and always use a small towel to keep hands and feet from freezer burn. It's a good cheap way to prevent neuropathy, hope everyone is having a great day. So far side effects are minimal and somewhat different. When I woke this morning both my arms felt tingly like they were asleep, finally wore off, but defiantly different

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Just reviewed my first chemo statement, wow is all I can say, this truly has pissed me off, my question to pharmaceutical companies, does it really cost that much to make these life saving drugs?

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Maggie -

    I'm with you.... I'm blessed to have insurance, and having met my deductible don't have to pay for any of it.... I don't see how people without insurance do this. Between surgery, all of the testing, chemo, etc. my total bills (before insurance contracted rates) will probably exceed $600-$700K.

    The dang hospital tried to charge $53K for the operating room! The insurance company only allowed $12K. If I was a cash patient, I'd be screwed!


  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    TC #2! I'll be halfway done after this. I'm already having a reaction to my steroid. That's my mom with me. ❤


  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    AngieB92 & Tmh0921 - Thanks - anti-nausea meds were definitely better this time. No vomiting and I can actually eat some basic stuff, so I'll take that as a win. Hoping it continues. 🤞

    ACChaos - glad to see you're home and on the mend.

    Brilee - love all your cute wigs. I hope I have the confidence to wear one. Looking at shaving my hair probably over the weekend so we shall see. I'm really struggling with the perceived attention it'll bring, so it's nice to see your confidence.

    I don't know how many of you are able to work, I haven't been able to since diagnosis, but I am very lucky to have a good stash of paid sick days, as I've been in my job for 22ish years. I'm also very thankful to have great bosses and to live in Canada where I don't have to worry about medical costs. I can't imagine adding that stress on as well. So kudos to all of you.

    I hope you are all doing well! 😊

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Brilee - looking good!! Halfway done sounds awesome!

    ange743 - Yay!!!! Maybe those will do the trick from now on! I am working and have been since dx. I have a desk job and awesome bosses so not a lot of pressure. I have gobs of sick leave built up but am trying to save that for surgery time in case I need more than the standard.

    Maggie - I’m with you on the cost of care. I’m thankful to have great insurance!

    Day 3 has ushered in the diarrhea-a little unruly today but I am getting past it. I can’t decide if I’m tired because of the rainy weather or chemo. I would love to go home and crawl in bed by there is too much to do. Bed will be there tonight

  • snaffle53
    snaffle53 Member Posts: 107

    The cumulative side effects of AC have really caught up with me. Crippling fatigue and weakness, appetite tanked, heartburn like crazy. I got dressed and have been up all day. But, I’ve done nothing but rest sitting up.

    I know there is nothing to do but ride it out. But, no question this 4th and last treatment has been the worst.

    Trying my best to stay hydrated. Already have fluids scheduled for Wednesday. Might have to move that up depending on how the weekend goes.

    Sure happy this was the last AC treatment. Hope it is not this bad for the rest of you receiving AC.


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Yes I agree, may have found my why, lol I have the Insurance, money, the ability to be able to walk away from working, and focus on my healing, But 500,000. In chemo alone is totally not, that’s for 6 sessions, this is not right!! So I’m really pissed,, sorry my go to word is

    Unfuckinbelieveable !!!! I do apologize, yes I am grateful, thankful, and humbled, but this is not good enough, totally not acceptable,


  • gamb
    gamb Member Posts: 571

    Hey snaffle, sorry to here the side effects are worse, glad it's the last ac treatment for you, i hope the taxol will be kinder, be good to yourself rest and stay hydrated as best you can. Prayers sent for you.

  • gamb
    gamb Member Posts: 571

    Maggie I agree, the greed in this country keeps getting worse, no end in sight, but yet I am glad I'm in here and not in some other country , but our great country can sure do better by its citizens. It's a shame the mighty dollar is more important than a person's life

  • Turkeypoult
    Turkeypoult Member Posts: 27

    Hi to all! I’ve been ‘away’ from the group for over a week. It is good to be back.

    (TCHP Cycle 2, Day 13) Can’t wait for next week! A little energy! Food I can taste! Meanwhile, I shaved my head. I think Uncle Fester would be an easy Halloween costume choice. DH says I look ‘good’. He lies, but I love him for it. My wig fits better since the shave, so I have a little more confidence in wearing it. My biggest issue has been the balance between constipation and diarrhea, but the meds I have make that doable.

    I find that the more I move, the better I feel. I am finally using our elliptical machine. Only 6 minutes at a time, and pretty slow but still, it is movement. Even during week 1

    Brilee, halfway!?!! I can only dream. Halfway for TC is another cycle away. For the HP part, March!

    I agree about the cost of all this! I am blessed to have good insurance, but I feel for those who do not. And for those who do not have the support of friends and family.

    Looking forward: Thanksgiving is on day 19 (in week 3)! Yea! Christmas is on day 3. (Week 1). Boo! Yet, I have felt ok the morning of day 3, so maybe I can get through presents around the tree, then retreat.

    Best wishes to you all!!!

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Welcome back Turkey! I was thinking I'd make a good Darth Vader without the helmet. 😂 I really need to get moving more. I think I'll try walking my driveway for a while today.

    There were 2 people who rang the "cancer free" bell yesterday for their last treatment while I was there. I got pretty emotional about it. I was really happy for them and my response was pretty surprising to me because I'm usually pretty good at being the "strong one".

    I'm not even 24 hours out from my treatment and I already have fatigue, diarrhea, heartburn, restlessness, my taste buds are going and I'm really emotional. I have my chemo support team with me this morning. I sure love these little fuzzy fuzzers.


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Good morning,, sorry about my rant yesterday, we have more important things to take care of now,, I will do better Promise!!

    Hugs! I cleared my head of negative stuff lol so now I can send out positive vibes today!!! 😍

    I had to buy a new phone yesterday, clumsy me, so while waiting for them to switch over all my stuff, I spent a little time in Hallmark, really felt good like omg good, actually purchased my granddaughter and grandson, ornaments total (8) 3 granddaughters 3 grandsons 1 great granddaughter 1 great grandson, my oldest grand daughter is 23, yes that’s how many ornaments she has lol, my youngest granddaughter this will be her 1st, my great grandchildren they get what ever they want!! So much fun!! It’s the little things in life that make me the happiest!

    We got this,

  • gamb
    gamb Member Posts: 571

    Hey all

    Day 3 of cycle 3 of AC, doing good , I am tired and restless. But the day has cooled down and for that I am grateful. Hope all are having a good day.

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Welcome back Turkey!! I’m TCHP treatment 2 day 4 and I, like you, have mapped out the SEs with the holidays! 😂

    Snaffle - glad you are done with AC. Hope Taxol is a breeze!

    Brilee your chemo support team = 😍😍

    Maggie - I get the negative thoughts too, don’t sweat it. Glad you had fun ornament shopping!! I love Christmas!

    Gamb - hope you continue to have good days post cycle 3!

    Here’s some TMI but wondered if anyone else experienced this. It seems my rear end decided to start bleeding at the top for no reason. All I can think of is the cells are being trashed and it’s super sensitive. Then, the way I was reclining in my chair must have aggravated it. I put some medicine on it but it was odd. Doesn’t hurt, just bleeding a little. So, heads up (or bottoms up, as it were).

    Have a good night everyone!

  • gamb
    gamb Member Posts: 571

    Hey all, wide awake at 3 am, been awake for awhile. This is day 5 after 3rd dose of AC, was drowsy all day now up all night, throat kinda of sore and dry, more restless than tired. But as side effects go I'll take what I got,could be worse. Hope all have a great Monday

  • kaaadams
    kaaadams Member Posts: 33

    Thank you Pat! I was looking for someone like you! I'm starting TC x4 every 3 weeks and scared to death of SEs, esp peripheral neuropathy. The chemo class pharmacist said they will decrease the dose if SEs are too bad and tell me it won't decrease chemo's action too. I asked well why don't you just give me the decreased dose every time then?! No answer for that.:(

    How old are you? I'm 59 and post menopausal so will go on an AI after chemo. I really appreciate hearing from someone who's at the other end of this TC run.

    Please tell me if other symptoms crop up. I read somewhere they peak 4-6 months after last treatment. Is that wrong?

    Pat- My mom went thru rads and did very well. She's25 years older now and NED. She did get more tired as the rads went on and had to do great skincare for some burns that only appeared reddened without skin breaks. Couldn't wear a bra for IDK how long too cuz it hurt. Hope you're doing well!

  • kaaadams
    kaaadams Member Posts: 33

    You go Brilee!!! I love your fur babies! Our chihuahua mix is very devoted to me after I had shoulder surgery shortly after we adopted her and we bonded like crazy sleeping my recliner together! I expect we'll be doing that again during the 12 weeks of TC! That will help me with some endorphins!

    That's also a nice photo and good to see you and your mom! I'm starting the same TC 10/22 and appreciate you going ahead of me sister! Keep posting please how it's going and I will too. I see you have a cap on. Have you had hair loss yet?