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Starting Chemo September 2019



  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    Thanks!! I bragged on this group to my oncologist. I told him you all were such wonderful strength for me. He was glad to hear we had a September chemo group talking amongst ourselves. Your greatest ally is someone who knows exactly what you’re going through!

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I love your wigs!

  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    Had my blood work and appointment with my Oncologist today in anticipation of 2nd chemo on Thursday. Blood work all looks good. He is adding in another anti nausea medication to hopefully curb the vomiting I had from 1st chemo. He also said my tumours have already shrunk after only one treatment. One is half the size it was and one is about 2/3 the size. I didn't think that was possible. He's always so reassuring. Dreading Thursday, but trying to tell myself that it's working so maybe that'll make it easier.

    Hope everyone is doing well today. 😊


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Wow Angie Awesome, definitely some bad ass chemo, my marble tumor I can’t even find it, so you had the vomiting? Well I have had the other, nasty D with stomach cramps, but labs have been great no fluids needed, so I will keep on doing what I have been doing

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Tmh - Thanks! I got one of em from the American Cancer Society. The other was loaned to me from someone who went through breast cancer treatment before me. I have a few others that I'll post as well as I wear them. It's fun to see how I look but I agree that they're uncomfortable.

    Ange - I'm right behind ya! I have my next treatment on Friday. I'm glad your blood work came back good! I hope mine does too. I don't get mine done until the morning of my treatment.

  • Cat029
    Cat029 Member Posts: 24

    that is awesome, Snaffle

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Ange and Maggie,

    That's great that you are seeing a change in your tumors! Knowing that the chemo is having an effect makes things a little more tolerable.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I'm so happy to hear your approaching your last AC, and that your lymph node tumor is shrinking. I know it doesn't feel like it, but it seems like yesterday that you were the first of us reporting back on treatment. I'm hoping Taxol is much kinder on you and your digestive system.


  • ACchaos
    ACchaos Member Posts: 42

    Well, I managed to miss that my port incision was infected. I went in yesterday for my expander fill and ended up in the ER and admitted for IV antibiotics. I'm still here, waiting for lab results. I feel fine, if slightly stupid for missing an infection. To date I've only had one AC cycle. I was scheduled to have my second today. It's delayed at least a week if not longer. Meanwhile my hair is falling out at the hospital instead of at home. Sigh.

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519


    I’m sorry, that sucks. I hope your stay at the hospital is short and they get it under control quickly.


  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Day 14 of TC # 2

    Once again I've started retaining water. It's like when I was pregnant and my calfs and ankles would swell by the end of each day. Last cycle it resolved by day 19. I asked the oncologist about it and she said it's a side effect of the Taxotere. If it gets too bad they'll put me on a diuretic until I'm done with chemo, meanwhile I'm elevating my feet and drinking Gatorade for the extra electrolytes.

    Blood work tomorrow, then round 3 of TC next Wednesday.

    Hope everyone has a good night


  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    ACchaos - Hopefully, you'll get to go home quickly. Sounds like a very stressful day. *hug*

    Tracy - I hope your water retention subsides quickly! I've been worried about this too.

    I've GOT to find a way to force myself to drink when I'm not thirsty.

    I went silver today.


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Brilee,, love it, you are just to cute!!!

    AC, Tm, I’m sending y’all positive vibes today!!!!

    We got this,

  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    ACchaos - Sending you healing vibes! I hope you heal quickly and can go home.

    Tracy - I hope your water retention goes away soon.

    Linda, Snaffle and Ange - Yay for shrinking tumors!

    Welcome Jacqs! I'm cold capping with Dignicap. See my pics a few pages back.

    I love seeing everyone's pictures! Thanks for sharing!

    Bridget - Your wigs look awesome. Very sassy!

    Angie - Your eyebrows really look amazing. I never wear makeup, so it's going to be interesting trying to learn how to do my eyebrows.


  • lms458412
    lms458412 Member Posts: 289

    Day 14 of TC #2

    This treatment has been both better and worse than the first one. I got the constipation under control before it got too uncomfortable. The bone pain was mild and very tolerable. I had some stomach cramping, too. But, the other SE's have been super mild. I feel very lucky.

    But, the's unbelievable. I am so very tired all the time. Last treatment, I had bounced back by this point and felt fairly normal. Not this time. Blood work last week was fine. I get my next blood test tomorrow and meet with my MO. Treatment #3 is one week from tomorrow.

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    AC - Sorry about your infection but glad you are getting it handled!

    Brilee - you need to be a wig model, girl!!

    Leah - you can do it! Get some stencils and that will make it easier!

    My MO did say my tumor was smaller width wise but he couldn’t get a good read on length because it was hiding behind the dense part of my breast. He did say it was thinner and moved away from my chest wall which was great! This really made me want to jump in the infusion chair even more! Ladies, we’re getting the business end of this done! And we’re doing it in style!

    Now go out and kick this day in the rear end! ❤️

  • simplelife4real
    simplelife4real Member Posts: 341

    Hi All,

    I am a member of the September 2013 chemo group. I just wanted to post here to wish all of you the best. I had triple negative breast cancer and had cancer remaining in my lymph nodes after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Radiation and an ALND got the rest of it. Going through cancer treatment is a scary thing, but it can be survived.

  • gamb
    gamb Member Posts: 571

    Thank you for stopping by Simple, I am triple negative, your are an inspiration

  • Brilee76
    Brilee76 Member Posts: 190

    Thanks for the positive feedback on the wigs guys! There's no way you could forget you have on a wig because they're very uncomfortable so all day you kinda wonder if it's still in place or does it look "wiggy". You guys give me the courage to keep going outside of my house with them on! lol

    simplelife4real - Thanks for stopping by with words of encouragement! I really appreciate when folks like you stop in to help those of us with less experience.

    Ladies who are having treatments this week - I hope everything goes well and am praying that we all have minimal side effects!

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    A beautiful day in Ky, I feel normal!! Except the top of me head! Lol hair follicles inflamed, doing a little front porch sitting, waving at people, running my hands through my hair, and it’s coming out lol going to do a intense shampoo with cool water hopefully it will help the hair follicles, don’t care to shave my head, just want the inflammation gone! I have natural curl so it feels like it’s been straightened to long, weird sensation,

    Genetics called me my test results are negative, so happy, HUGS


  • mandamaybe
    mandamaybe Member Posts: 21

    I also took an unanticipated trip to the ER this week. Was feeling some shortness of breath and lightheadedness after my genetics interview Monday, so my nurse had me pop on over to urgent care, who sent me to ER. Six hours, nine needle sticks (most unsuccessful), and a CT scan later, they made me gag myself taking the two most enormous potassium pills ever invented and sent me home.

    Was a pretty big downer to be the “sick person” in the isolation room and a face mask getting all those interventions ... because I didn’t eat enough bananas apparently. Still trying to swim my way up from the mental blow, and feeling pretty overwhelmed with how far there is left to go. Hopefully I can get my mental game together over the long weekend, since I’ve got AC#2 waiting for me Tuesday...

  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Sending positive Vibes!! Manda hugs


  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52

    hi brilee

    ❤️ love the wig!! You look great.

  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52

    Hi cat029

    How are you doing? Hope the consult went well. Prayers to you and family.

  • Floridaliving18
    Floridaliving18 Member Posts: 52

    Hi mandamaybe

    Sorry to hear about your ER visit. The first Ac had me breathing heavy but I have asthma. The second one did not more tired and nausea. I can't even choke down a banana this time. But they gave me potassium pill on first chemo day since mine was low and I had leg aches. Nurses gave me a list of potassium rich foods. Keeping you in my prayers on Tuesday chemo day. !!

  • ACchaos
    ACchaos Member Posts: 42

    mandamaybe - so glad your ER stay was short! Better to feel slightly foolish and have it be resolvable than end up admitted!

    Maggie007 - I’m in the same hair situation but without access to the outside. My hospital bed looks like a husky had a blow out. It’s kinda embarrassing but unavoidable. The majority of my hair has come out during this four day stay. At leas yours will end up in bird nests etc. 👍

    my cultures came back with something so now I’m waiting on the lab figuring out what so they can send me home with targeted antibiotics. In the meantime I’m still hooked up to broad spectrum IV antibiotics. Third night in the hospital. Really hoping I get to go home today.

  • angieb92
    angieb92 Member Posts: 291

    AC - hope you can get sprung from the hospital today!!

  • ange743
    ange743 Member Posts: 69

    Really dreading AC #2 today after having a bad go with vomiting last time. They have added another anti nausea medication so hoping for it to be better this time. Can we just fast forward the next 5 days? 🤔

    Hair is just starting to go and I think I'll have my husband shave it in a few days. So not looking forward to that part, but if I have to give up my hair temporarily to get rid of this beast, I suppose it's worth it. I don't go out much anyways, but it'll be even less once I'm bald. That's going to be a real struggle for me. Not so much the being bald, but it being a beacon to everyone that there's something different about me. I'm an anti social wallflower who has strived just to blend in my whole life, so. That's a hard thing for me. I so admire you ladies who can rock the bald head!

    Still struggling mentally, but it's slowly getting better as we go. I just want to be able to think about other things, with my cancer only being a small part of my thoughts. But it still pretty much consumes my every thought. As I tell my social worker at Cancer Care, I'm a work in progress. 😜

    I wish you all a good day. 😊

  • tmh0921
    tmh0921 Member Posts: 519

    Fast Forward button for all of us, to be used to bypass side effects Loopy


  • Del13
    Del13 Member Posts: 180

    Sending out Positive Vibes Today, with special hugs!!

    My scalp treatment worked. Crown area just a little soreness, but all good, I’m basking in the sun!! Love being outside,, Did a little shopping online using Kroger click list, we will see how that goes, no telling what I ordered, lol, had a little moment of dread thinking Tuesday is chemo day, But didn’t last long, I have so much to be thankful for, I will not allow my self to wallow in self pity!! It is what is,, and I can do this!!!

    We all can do this,,

    Cancer has messed with the wrong B🎀tch,
