I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    I have started (actually have done it for a couple of days now) sort of skimming the news. Some of it just simply doesn't ring totally true to me. You hear Kamala way ahead and then suddenly she's a couple points behind or its neck and neck. At other times she's all the way up to 6 points.

    It is what the news 'needs' to release at any given time for their ratings and it is all we are likely to get in this so highly digital age. The good ole 'days were in fact in many ways wonderful days. Days when you could trust your news pretty much. When you got REAL facts and not innuendos if not outright lies.

    I do think we do get some truth, but often it is difficult to pick out from all the debris that is being spread and I'm not doing too well with that anymore. I'm just so full (otherwise known as totally sick and tired) of the chaos and stoking fear and divisions. Years ago with facts we could rationalize quite well and not be so full of fear, hate, divisions, disdain and so many other emotions taking hold to dilute our ideas and ideal.

    I don't know how long I'll be skimming either. My hope is that we can get the President we need as well as the House and Senate and start making some in-roads that will get us to a point of following truth rather than a cult and cult personalities and other weird measures of dispensing news.

    Kamala is not the perfect answer. But she is not rapidly going senile while having had a first term where she tried to wipe out our system of government to stay in power. She is not a liar, and she is definitely not a grifter. I definitely believe (and I'm sure she does to) that we need two parties to present ideas and that each side should be sane, totally presentable, and able to articulate themselves rationally and honestly and then be able to abide by the decision the people have made in choosing whom they wish to have as their leader.

    Is there something else I'm missing here. I never realized ( or maybe way later than is comfortable at all) that the Reps. party had plans long ago for a Take-Over and that the loon became a good way to get a real foot-hold going on it. He had and still doesn't any idea that he was being used. And here we are with him actually doing well (according to many new sources) in an election that he never should have gotten anywhere close to. The torture needs to end — and there are some Reps. who know this well. I hope there are far more than we have heard about.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited September 2024

    Jackie, we disagree. I think Kamala Harris is the perfect answer! Lol! In truth, we are both on the same page here! I also believe she is the only answer.

    With the news, it feels like the attention grabbing FG headlines may no longer be getting the clicks the media desperately seeks and needs. And many of us are trying to screw with the algorithms by using FG instead of a name. I hope that is making a difference. On the FB Cat Ladies page, everyone uses a code name if they mention FG; any use of the real name is actively discouraged. Some like to use the nuclear emoji for FG, which I think is appropriate!☢️

    The media can’t figure out yet how to make money off of Harris’s upbeat campaign. It flies against the kind of news that people usually doom scroll for on the internet. Even a second assassination attempt doesn’t appear to generate much interest (at least on my part).

    Republican voters willfully choose not to acknowledge great news on inflation. They say high prices are one reason they will vote for FG, but we know it’s not true. They only say that because it’s acceptable to hate high prices rather than admit they want to vote for a rapist and felon. I think when FG was in office, he was in charge, and this time, he is being used.

    My hope is the same as yours, Jackie. Democrats take the White House. Democrats take the Senate. Democrats take the House. I think there are 47 days left before the election.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    It is discouraging to think that nearly half the people in our country are complete morons……

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    😁Yes, Kamala is definitely the only answer and one of our finest Presidents ever gave her to us. I have high hopes that many who SOUND all the world like they are going to go for the Loon (FG) really won't when it actually comes time to do it.

    I'm un-certain since the media has talked so often as if FG had some reason for the things he says and does leading to a huge win for him, if they are holding on to wait for THE moment — and therefore skipping any concern over the losses, lies, total confusions, or what. They are also skipping to me what is pretty visible if you choose to take an honest look — that the senility/dementia/Alzheimer's has wreaked havoc — a president needs to know who he is with, where he is, and what he is doing — and FG is often deficient in one or more of these items. They have seen it — so it makes me wonder. How many of them will have survival instinct kick in on voting day and not marked FG's little box.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008
    edited September 2024

    Didn't say where the billboard is, but I like it.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    Love this one.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    I quit buying this and now there is no reason to start again. Anyway, I had to go to a Kroger's store in the next town so it was something of a hassle to begin with — and Kroger's is the store that is going to put a sticker (that changes instantly) at the end of the row rather than individual pricing like most stores have. Uh, no thanks to that in a big way too.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008
    edited September 2024

    The well off (not of course everyone) seem to be first to bad-mouth and point fingers.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    He was corrected four times — but was lying all night. he got on easy if you ask me.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    No one Mr. Mayor tells Fg what to do, no one.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008
  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited September 2024

    Random thoughts:

    I’m not sure what Republicans think should be made of the two assassination attempts on FG when so many mass shootings have occurred in the U.S. of innocent school children, or concert goers, or people shopping at a mall, or employees heading into a day of work. TFG has all the protection of Secret Service. What kind of disconnect do Republicans not understand about this? What is it they are not getting?

    My other random thought is about Republican voters who have no children. Why have we not heard from them? Does the attack on not having children make them less inclined to vote for FG? Or do they shrug it off and decide to vote for him anyway. Are they not insulted?

    I actually have a lot of family members: older, middle aged and young adults, who are Republican and do not have children. One couple is my older sister and her husband. They chose not to have kids but embraced the entire rest of the extended family (I have six siblings) and all of our children for many decades. Countless family picnics have been held at their place along with many Christmas Eves and other events. They have taken us and/or our kids all on vacations, ski trips, camping trips , amusement parks and more. They have also always been there for all of us in our greatest time of need. Yet JD Vance would assign them to the “less than” category of voters who have an investment in the future of our country because they did not bear their own children??!!! Btw, my sister and her husband work for FEMA, and have been to pretty much every national disaster in the U.S. since 2001. World Trade Center, all the hurricanes including Katrina, the wild fires out west. I’d say they CARE.

    I do not speak politics with sister and her husband. We keep our connection by bonding over being Steelers fans. My sister is current working for FEMA in Vermont. I guess it is a very liberal state. I wonder what kind of political environment she is around and what she thinks.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621

    I mean, seriously. Doesn’t it feel at times like the universe wants to do shitty things to the human race? Like, stack allll the cards against us. Of all times to have the worst Teamsters union president, it had to be now. It is shear insanity that they would choose not to endorse Harris. It is shear insanity that the effects of FG the past eight years have so drastically altered the brain chemistry of such people in leadership positions in the Teamsters.

    Former Teamsters leader criticizes non-endorsement of Harris for president

    James P. Hoffa, who led the Teamsters for 23 years, said it was a mistake for the union not to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, the “correct choice for labor.”

    Frances VinallSeptember 20, 2024

    James P. Hoffa, the longtime former leader of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, on Thursday called the union’s decision not to endorse a presidential candidate in the 2024 race a “critical error,” adding that Democratic nominee Kamala Harris was the “correct choice for labor and working families.”

    In a statement, Hoffa — who served as the Teamsters’ general president for 23 years before retiring in 2022, and is the son of mid-century labor legend Jimmy Hoffa — said this election was “too important for our union to not do its duty.”

    “There is only one candidate in this race that has supported working families and unions throughout their career,” he added, “and that is Vice President Kamala Harris.”

    The union announced Wednesday that it would not endorse either presidential candidate. “Unfortunately, neither major candidate was able to make serious commitments to our union to ensure the interests of working people are always put before Big Business,” current Teamsters head Sean O’Brien said in a statement.

    Hoffa also characterized the non-endorsement as “a failure of leadership” by O’Brien, his successor. The two have had a fractious relationship since before the 2024 election campaign, The Washington Post has reported.

    • During Hoffa’s tenure, from 1999 to 2022, the union supported the Democratic candidate in every presidential election.

    In 1996, it did not endorse a candidate, and in decades past has supported Republican candidates including Richard M. Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

    The Teamsters have nearly 1.3 million members, according to union numbers. Of its board members, 14 voted to endorse neither candidate this year, while three voted to endorse Harris and none voted for Trump.

    “Every major union has endorsed the Harris-Walz ticket,” Hoffa said in his statement. “But instead of standing in solidarity with all of labor and helping Harris-Walz get over the finish line, the IBT has chosen to take a seat on the sidelines.”

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,621
    edited September 2024

    I read HRCs newsletter this morning and learned about “Mark Robinson, the controversial and socially conservative Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina”. Jesus God. Break out all the Republican extremists to worship this ———- . (Insert derogatory expletive of choice here). Whenever you think the bar cannot go lower, think again. But his story didn’t even make headline news on my U.S. google news page! What’s up with that? Maybe its under the politics section, but I never go there. I bet we can all agree, Hillary was being nice when she called these people “deplorables.”

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    You mean the self-proclaimed porn watching "Black Nazi' candidate for the Governorship of North Carolina? Just another fine, family values Republican. Whenever I wonder "How low can they go?", they come up with something even worse…..

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    When I think of my past, I try to dwell on the good times, the happy moments, and not to be haunted by the bad. . . To me the gift of life is contained in the command, whatever happens: “Don’t let it get you. Just keep on going.” Thus, I try to think of the good that I have already experienced and what will still be coming. Rose Kennedy

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    Divine said:

     I bet we can all agree, Hillary was being nice when she called these people “deplorables.”

    She was truly being extremely nice. The Reps. set about destroying the government (remember their Red Map plans) and put people in places (like MTG) where they did not belong and now we have not only a party full of rack and ruin, but places where only decent people who were there to actually help you once held sway.

    Now we have in Robinson someone who freely bad-mouths Martin Luther King, but who would like to get slavery back so he, HE could own some. Give me an f-ing break. I do think the possibility exists (this is one of the people FG is behind) that N. Carolina might come much closer to landing in the blue — if not doing so. Who'd thought such a de-evolution of the Reps. party would go like this.

    A new low every week by someone and often its FG — but oh some of the help he has in the Robinson's of the world. Speaking of FG his upcoming rally in Pennsylvania is cancelled. Why — no one seemed all that sure, but in Long Island New York (which wasn't going to get him any votes anyway) we find that Alaska is now in Afghanistan and Harry needs to get his fat ass out of the couch and go vote. I think the loose lipped ranting and raving had something to do with the cancellation. Whether the media wants to or not, FG keeps screwing himself while they try not to have to be blunt. The soft-pedaling is disgusting. Divine hits it on the nose — at any given time Teamsters big-wigs who foolishly chose to let members be in charge of endorsements this time find themselves unable to endorse at all — putting other parts of their union in the position of having to GO against their own. This is not politics as usual — this is so far out of bounds in many ways as to be almost u-believable — and here are the Democrats — feet held to the fire having to pretty much play by the book while the other side gets to go willy-nilly anything goes and the Democrats are trying to destroy the U.S.

    It is hard to watch the news, and hard to read it as well. I do read a bit and watch a bit of t.v., but my trust level is confined to a very, very few and in a way, I'm a bit nervous with them.

    I do believe that we are not getting much of the REAL truth about things because while I will never say never again — and I won't, I suspicion that we are not being told some of the actual realities so that we don't let down the guard. Slight openings (thinking EC states now) could be disaster. I hope in the end I will be able to look at it kindly and understand that it was necessity, but it is one of the reasons I don't have good feelings about the news media and almost no trust at all. The STANDARDS are far different for both parties and I'm in heavy duty disgust and distrust.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    And people have kept supporting THIS ????? Deplorable X 10.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    Four forever years ago —omg.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    Hats off to the only 'party' which is in fact the Reps. one, that can make you say WTF at least five times a day.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    Weird, before weird was a real thing. One of the ones who needs to be allowed to stay in Texas on a permanent basis.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    Highly, highly doubtful, but being honest, I likely couldn't by now. My head and brain are far too full and at my age a little tired too — but I would expect a person to still KNOW how to behave at all times like an American. Not only could FG not pass the test he doesn't live like any Americans I know.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 41,008

    Happy you woke up, but you were still around a lot longer that I would have been after seeing these things out of FG.