I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
Good at wasting taxpayer money and not much else. They should have to pay it back. Too bad it doesn't work that way.
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Stuck it to him again Bette.
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Obviously you didn't know just how your party was going to handle things. That tree morphed and in the worst way.
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LOL!!!! @ruthbru That is great, thanks for the laugh!
I was listening to our local news in between basketball games (DH lives for March Madness) and I gasped as they said "Billionaire donates money and you won't believe who she donated to." Of course this was followed by commercials and I thought it was about Trump. NOOOOO, it wasn't!!! Billionaire MacKenzie Scott gave a 640 million dollars to 361 small non-profits! One local non-profit was for literacy. All were great organizations. Thank goodness!
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Someone in the Washington Post's comment section just came up with a great name for all of us Biden voters. The Normal Majority. Works for me.
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Was in a restaurant in Lancaster (PA) today and noticed a man wearing a shirt that read "Jesus is my Savior and Trump is my President". Wanted to puke when I read this and honestly felt the message was misleading since neither statement, to me, is the truth. Don't know why this man felt that the statement about Trump was true but was so glad that I did not notice any Trump for President signs when we have the primary coming up in April. This county had previously leaned towards him in 2016, not sure about 2020.
Anyhow I did enjoy my Pennsylvania Dutch food in spite of seeing this warped message.
Great memes and glad to see you Trishyla.
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Big fundraiser weekend for Trump. I feel as if I am watching a TV show, things look impossible, but somehow, in the end, he will get the cash needed for bond. I HOPE I am wrong, but I feel as if all things Trump just go on and on and he gets what he wants.
I learned many things since he was President, the main thing is how many complete idiots we have in our country!
@trishyla1 I am proud to be part of the Normal Majority!
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betrayal, that tshirt wearer is delusional. I don’t even get why or how someone thinks Trump is still president. This is not the way it works. And did we ever see people wearing “Reagan is my president” or “Bush is my president” tshirts? The allegiance to Trump baffles. I don’t understand how the working class think Trump cares for them one teeny tiny bit.
The Trump signs aren’t on full display here in Ohio either, but it’s only the primaries. I cringe at how things might change once summer is over and election looms larger. I’m sure the car rallies will start again. I also worry about the Loon’s vp pick.And, mavericksmom, I worry about someone bankrolling the Loon’s bond, too.
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Always laugh when you can; it is cheap medicine. Merriment is a philosophy not well understood. It is the sunny side of existence.
Lord Byron
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Trishyla, count me in. I love The Normal Majority.
I too wonder why people want to advertise their delusions with a t-shirt. Are they hoping to get praise for their choices or convince someone else how to see things. Unless it displays something of a humorous bent I'm not much for t-shirts anymore. If you have to TELL someone who you are with a t-shirt then maybe you'll turn off a huge group. Can't believe you'd turn them on.
I'm also feeling concern that some idiot will help the Loon come up with the needed funds. And, at that, feeling like it will be very much last minute. I'd like to be totally wrong on this one, but I'm very nervous. This is all a part of the 'justice' we have all had to wait so long for and the fact that someone might pull it away at the last moment is a horrid thought to have to have.
I read this morning about more than one good poll for Biden (early yet of course) that the media isn't talking about as they are up to what they always do, which is pull out the one poll which has the Loon up and forget the rest. I really think in the last few cycles polls haven't told us all that much and I very much do think that at the right moment people will choose Pres. Biden. So many of the Reps. are really NOT with the Loon, but most are being rather quiet about it.
I am living in a highly Reps. area but only my BIL's seem to plaster their yards with signs. I wouldn't be telling the neighborhood at large who I am and most of the people I can get along with as Reps. won't put signs out. I don't agree with their politics, but I am glad when they are not in my face with signs. I've yet to endorse or vote for anyone because of a yard sign. I find they are eyesores and I'm inclined more to look away or at least laugh at the ignorant behavior of owning up to be willing to support a degraded human being like the Loon.
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Many, many years ago my BFF's father was having an affair. He was politically active in his area, I think a Republican. His children were really upset when they discovered this liaison and decided to let him know how they felt. So one night while he was with his lady love, they plastered his car with George Wallace for President stickers who he would never have supported. He figured out who had done it and shortly thereafter ended this relationship. They never really spoke about it with him but my BFF let me in on what had happened. We still laugh about some of his other shenanigans but this was the best.
I choose not to think Trump will find a bail out that isn't without an agenda. He has to be careful as to the source of the money thus has to avoid foreign intervention. Plus to be honest, he consumes too much of the news for screwball reasons. The one who condemned the news as being anti-truth now relies on it to spread his untruths. But the spin is what sells papers even if it means it is no better than Pravda was in the USSR. I avoid any articles about him or his family. Keep praying for that lightning bolt.
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I think the whole idea behind yard signs is simply name recognition. It is surprising and upsetting to realize that some folks enter the voting booth with little knowledge of their positions but will vote for John Doe simply because they’ve seen his name on bumper stickers and yard signs.
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I don't put signs up in our yard or stickers on my car. That said, I have had conversations in the doctor's office and with a small shop owner, all civil, talking more about what we have in common.
As for Trump and bond, the court does NOT look into where the money for bonds come from, so he could very well have foreign backing, indeed, that is what many fear. Some former generals have already said they fear he is "up for sale to the highest foreign bidder!"
Betrayal, I wish I could be as optimistic about the bond money as you are, but I am not. I fully expect Trump to have the money on Monday. This is one time I would be very happy to be wrong!
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I see the headline that the 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill has been passed, avoiding a gov’t shutdown. The next headline is Marjorie taylor Green wants to oust Mike Johnson from his position as majority leader. HOW does MTG still have a job?! She is such an obstructionist! She wastes SO MUCH TIME and accomplishes NOTHING. How could she be elected? Who are the assh——s who put her there? She is such a piece of garbage!
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