I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!
Love the memes.
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Perfect courage is to do unwitnessed what
we should be capable of doing before all the world.
La Rochefoucauld0 -
When we love, we always strive to become better than we are.
When we strive to become better than we are,
everything around us becomes better too.
Paulo Coelho0 -
Well, here we are. At I presume the REAL count-down after hearing all sorts of opining and much discussion as to whether the Loon can get the New York bond money needed. He claims to have the money, but he has made so many un-true claims through most of his life, I don't know what to believe. I'm inclined to see it as the bragging stance he normally for him, takes.
I hope it is really true that he won't come up with funds at the last moment, but we seem to always get drama and chaos from this person so who knows. He is I think in total fear while being livid at what is happening to him. Still blaming Pres. Biden. Well God knows, it couldn't be his fault for all the stupidity and incompetence through the years, now, could it? Nothing he can own up too for sure.
At the same time as this, his handlers have pulled him off the campaign trail since his last time out was so full of senile material, they didn't dare let him keep going on. So, I read, the media who had begun to own up have pretty much totally dropped the 'dementia' aspect. Sigh!!!
I hope the time is getting very near that he will be highly visibly called to account for his mis-spent life. That he ends up un-robed before the world at large, a great by-product which is sooo deserved. I do think there are many who would willingly, once elections are done to leave him under the bus while being forthright about it and not hiding for the possible votes they need for re-election.
Sadly, I really don't think (dementia notwithstanding) that he has REAL appreciation for where he is arriving at the zenith of his life. The disease, plus the mental defects he had beforehand, just put him in such straits that most people would have totally folded some time back I think. He is still so swelled with himself that he plods forward making it worse. Maybe I should be glad.
Anyway, I'm on watch now to see how this will go down and I'm hoping for the loser to keep losing, this time really big.
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Yet he has the audacity to judge women. It's obvious you don't have your girdle on dearie.
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DON POORLEONE Welcome to Karma.
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Harvesting a fresh crop.
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Idiots on parade. Sad the number of votes they will get — because of all those loyal Reps. who won't break with their party on anything. Must love screwing themselves.
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Please happen soon.
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We could all be a success. Get a shyster lawyer, and borrow till your leveraged to the hilt and back. But you really should know how to pray really well, because you will need that skill sometime in the future for sure.
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For once you're actually right about something.
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Great WRAP to the week. Hope it really happens.
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I shall gladly pass.
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Anyone with actual brain cells shouldn't touch this and they know it.
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