Zoom Meet-up for Those With MBC: Place to keep chatting
So cute, Mae. They are the cutest little pair.
My next-door neighbor is older and has mobility issues. They got two pups that are just a little bigger, and they never potty trained them, so they go all over the house. I’m glad your guys are loving their routine.
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Mae - that's just too stinking cute. It's so funny that they both started doing it. Jealous sibs. Lol
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Too cute illimae!!
And another reminder that we're meeting Thursday at 3pm, ET INSTEAD of tomorrow!
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The end of the meeting was sad, knowing our Donna is gone. I’m so grateful we got to tell her how much we loved her a few weeks ago. I toasted you tonight, Donna. Rest n Peace.
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I could not make the meeting in today's time slot. I'm so sorry to hear of Donna's passing.
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I don't usually share memes here, but this popped up in my FB yesterday, and I thought it went perfectly with part of our discussion today.
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seeq, this is absolutely perfect and indeed aligns with today's discussion!
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I’m heading into treatment soon, I may pop in briefly later if I get done before the zoom is over, otherwise I’ll see you all next Monday while traveling to Houston for scans Nov 1st.
Waiving hi to all 🙂
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Mods- Could you please update the header of this thread so people know about the new MBC meeting on Tuesdays at 5:30 Pacific Time
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Dear cowgal,
Thanks for the reminder.
The Mods
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Hi all! I shared in the Monday group about the surveys I do with RC Horowitz. I’ve done a few, and they are a wonderful group who have clients who survey those of us with cancer.
They are searching for others for paid surveys. I am attaching a flyer. If you meet the criteria, please call Devi at the number listed and let her know I’ve referred you. You can also private message me if you have questions.
They are also requesting for you to be within three years of diagnosis.
I will also be posting this in other groups, so my apologies if it’s double posted.
Kris B.
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Thanks, KBL!
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Hi all! Looking forward to seeing you at 4pm ET today!
--The Mods
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Mods, if you’re not already planning to do so, please email the link to this thread to those attending the zoom meetings. I believe several who call in are not active in the community threads. This way they won’t have to search.
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That’s the plan, Mae! Thanks
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Mae, your dogs are just freaking adorable. The ears get me every single time.
Great to see everyone today.
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Dear Members,
We have posted links to Dana Farber's Embrace MBC virtual forum series for your interest.
The Mods
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Does anyone remember one of us saying to "avoid wearing copper bracelets"? I thought it was during a support group meeting. I tried going back to the notes from the Chat sessions, but didn't have any luck finding it there.
Thank you.
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Thank you. The last one https://community.breastcancer.org/forum/73/topics/832510?page=1#post_4413943 had some great information
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Hi everyone - this is Cheryl. I'm going to aim to post an update each week on Sunday night or Monday morning prior to the Zoom Meeting while I'm on my hiatus. I'd like to check-in with you guys to let you know how I'm doing with my commitments to maintain my workout routine and my overall self-care during my interim work assignment. Tonight, I'm working late catching up on email, but my two kitties have been sitting on my lap for the past two hours! (They NEVER do this at the same time - I feel very supported.
I miss you already, and I hope they hire my new boss quickly so I can get back to our call!
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Aww, your kitties know you need both their support! That's very sweet. Good luck. You got this.
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Hi Cheryl. Hope they find your new boss soon! We are here for you and miss you
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Hi, Cheryl! So glad you’ll be checking in. You are so sweet to care about letting us know how you’re doing. We don’t like to lose touch. I’m hoping the interim assignment goes great for you.
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Hi everyone -
It's been a busy week, but I was able to get my walks in every day except yesterday and yoga most days since last Monday. One of my really good friends was able to visit from out of town this weekend - it was a last-minute plan, and it was so nice to spend time with her. I had my Xgeva injection on Friday, and that always makes me feel a little low energy for a couple of days, so I mostly rested yesterday. All is good with the job so far. I'll be thinking about you all today - I miss you!
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Hi, Cheryl!
How nice to have a visit, and I’m glad the job is going well. I miss you and am so happy you’re updating here. We have two new ladies who joined today. Hugs
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Cheryl, glad to hear all is going well. Sounds like you had a nice visit with your friend, Thanks for keeping us posted.
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Scan results: stable in body (single bone met) and stable/mild improvement in brain (3 tiny spots remaining). Dose reduction for Enhertu begins next week at 80%.
On our way home now. See you Monday.
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Mae- wonderful news!
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That is fantastic news!! 👏
Time to celebrate! 🥂
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Wow, that's some great, great news, Illimae!!