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  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited August 2009
    I take Bioresponse DIM and it does have a small amount of soy. I contacted the company and they explained that this type of soy or how it is processed or something, is not unsafe for us. I read their literature. I was comfortable.
  • kdholt
    kdholt Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2009

    I am taking DIM with tamoxifen. Have any of you had DIM lower your tumor markers. What do those really mean. Mine last came back at 31. Onco said it was in the normal range-normal is anything from 0-38. I am concerned because my markers are on the high side of normal. Should I worry or doesn't this really mean a whole lot. Anyone had more experience with this, I would appreciate the input.

  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited September 2009

    I too am continuing to take DIM with my newly started tamox regime.  My new med onc was good with it - she is actually in favor of supplements. 

  • vivre
    vivre Member Posts: 881
    edited September 2009

    Luna, one of the reasons I opted for I3C instead of DIM was the soy issue. I could not find any. And it is really hard to avoid soy lechiten, it seems to be in everything, but Mercola did a story on what it is and it ain't pretty. Basically, it is the leftover gunk from the soybeans in the silos that they managed to find a use for. His thinking is that it is loaded with pesticides since it is the outer shell of the soy. It really makes me mad how hard it is to find chocolate without the stuff. I need to give up my chocolate habit, but it is my last vice. What is a girl to do?

    Cleo-iodine definitely helps with dense breasts. It has really softened mine!

    Another note: I did not see a lot of change in my ratios after a year on I3C, so when I mentioned this to my compounding pharmacist, he said that post menopausal women metabolize myomin better so I am trying that instead.

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2009

    I found chocolate that has no dairy, no nuts, and no soy!!!!!! I buy it at Kroger. The brand name is Enjoy Life and the bar is called: boom CHOCO boom. Oh, and it is dark chocolate. ummmm good


  • ileenpaula
    ileenpaula Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2009

    Fairy or Vivre,

    Can you tell me where the info on Myomin is posted since I am post menopausal?



  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited September 2009

    vivre ~  I may have asked you this before, but is Myomin OTC or RX?  You know, I'd switched from IC3 to DIM within the past month, and I just haven't felt as good recently as I was feeling.  I also started Iodoral around the same time, so wasn't sure which of them (if either) was contributing to the noticeably blah feeling I've been experiencing.  Anyway, I stopped both for a few days, and restarted the Iodoral today with just 1/2 a tablet.  And I've been thinking of going back to I3C, so was very interested to note your comment about DIM not being as good for post-menopausal women, which I must have missed before, but it made me wonder if maybe that's why I was starting to feel like something just wasn't right.  So, I'm curious about the Myomin.  Have you noticed any difference in how you feel on it compared to what you were on before?  And were you on DIM or I3C?   I don't recall.     Deanna

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited September 2009

    I don't have the info on Myomin, I take DIM.  Vivre, at what point would you suggest switching to Myomin? do you have to be past meno or can you try it at the end of pre-meno (what ever the heck that is LOL!) Do you think you can take both?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009


    About the "blah" feeling. I wonder if you should have your thyroid hormone levels checked? Here's what happene dto me" I was taking synthetic thyroid medicine prior to starting DIM, supplements, Iodoral, etc. So after a while, I noticed I was "crashing" in the evenings. My GP thought the Iodine may have been impacting my thyroid levels, tested me, and this was true, my levels were whacked out. I switched from sythetic tyroid to dessecrated tyroid meds (Nature-Throid) and am now trying to get to the right dosage. Just mentioning.


  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited September 2009

    How are you doing, Spring?  Surgery went okay?  Everything alright?

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited September 2009

    {{{{{Springy}}}}}  So glad you're up to being on-line already!  Wow!  I think that's remarkable, considering what you've been through! 

    I stopped the DIM for several days, then restarted I3C, and I can't believe how much better I feel.  I also stopped Iodoral during that time and re-started it with just 1/2 a tab/day.  Not sure which one gets the credit/blame, but I suspect the DIM just wasn't agreeing with me, as I'm taking I3C in a much higher dose than previously (200 mg) and I can tell it's working because my body thermostat feels "off" -- kind of hot flashy -- but my joints don't hurt quite as much as they were starting to with DIM.  I guess only time will tell if it's a good tweeking.  And I will have my thyroid checked soon again.  Thanks for suggesting that. 

    Gonna hop over to the Motivation thread now to ask you more about your surgery and recovery ~  Deanna

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited September 2009

    Chelev and Deanna, I am okay! A shower feels like an Olympic event, but I know my body will heal in time, I am trying to think forward, and envision what it will be like when I can move around easily, walk quickly, exercise, do yoga, etc. Something like this makes you realize how amazing our bodies are and how lucky we are to have them!

    now, to go and get dressed.... Olympic event #2!!!! LOL.


  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited September 2009

    Deanna - I too was not feeling very well so I backed dim down to one a day. I'm feeling a little better. I was thirsty all the time and licking my lips before and that seems to have dimmed (pun intended!!) down. I can't seemed to find the difference between dim and I3c.What I have seen the l3c has dim in it.

    Spring - hang in there girl!!!!! I see my surgeon tomorrow about having both girls removed. I'm getting very anxious about it. Cry


  • CindaD
    CindaD Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2009

    Ladies I'm new to this board and I also have a question about DIM,  my alternative med guy (who is no longer my guy because he wasn't used to having his patients ask questions or the fact that I had chemo) gave me a supplement that has both DIM and I3C and also Betaine HCL and Vit C, mad by Health , this product doesn't contain soy........ I thought our body broke !3C down into this correct?  I have to find where I read that, so why take both?

    This keeping ourselves heathy stuff is a full time job!

    Thanks for any info you can provide


  • cleomoon
    cleomoon Member Posts: 152
    edited October 2009

    Can anyone help me understand the differences in these 3 supplements? What is the difference between di-indole-methane vs. diindolylmethane? And the dosage of actual DIM is what? Is there really 100mg in the one product vs. 25mg in the other two products?

    Supplement Facts

    Serving Size  2
    Servings Per Container   60
     Amount Per
    % Daily
    Vitamin E (As D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate)9 IU30%
    * Daily value not established

    Other Ingredients:
    Cellulose, gelatin, chlorophyll

    Serving Size: 2 Capsules Servings per Container: 60
     Amount Per Serving% Daily Value
    Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate)9 I.U30%
    Cruciferous vegetable blend (BroccoSinolate broccoli extract (standardized to 4% glucosinolates), spinach concentrate and cabbage leaf powder)500 mg*
    DIM (diindolylmethane)25 mg*
    *Daily value not established. Other Ingredients: Kosher gelatin (capsule), cellulose and magnesium stearate.

    Contains Soy from Vitamin E

    Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 Tablet
     Amount Per Serving% Daily Value
    Vitamin E (as vitamin E succunate)50 IU170%
    Di- Indole Methane100 mg*
    Phosphatidylserine25 mg*
    Black Pepper Fruit Extract (Bioperine®)3 mg*
    *Daily value not established. Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, and stearic acid. CONTAINS: SOY
  • cleomoon
    cleomoon Member Posts: 152
    edited October 2009

    Hi Everyone, I am trying to figure out the difference between these three DIM's. I was taking Natures Way. Does the Source Natural really have 100mg of DIM alone vs. 25mg for the other two? What brands are you all using? 

    Natures Way: Vit E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate) 9 IU, Bioresponse Dim complex(containing 25mg Dinindolymethane,starch,natural Vit E, Phosphatidylcholine, Silica) 100mg PROTECTAMINS SPINACH POWDER, CABBAGE POWDER, CONCENTRATED BROCCOLI POWDER 100mg  

    NSI DIM Complex: Vit E (as d-alpha tocopheryl succinate) 9 I.U, Cruciferous veggie blend 500mg, DIM (Diindolylmethane) 25mg  

    Source Naturals DIM: Vit E (as e succunate) 50 IU, Di-Indole Methane 100mg, Phosphahtidylserine 25mg, Black Pepper Fruit Extract (Bioperine) 3mg

  • soapsnug
    soapsnug Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2009

    Hi Cleomoon,

    I use Nutricology Indolegard, which I get online from Vitacost.  It does have phosphatidylcholine from soy, which I'm not happy about.  I wasn't able to find any vegetarian DIM supplement that was soy-free, so I decided to get the Indolegard (it's a veggie capsule), and hope that the benefits of the DIM outweigh any problems from the soy.  Hope that helps.


  • cleomoon
    cleomoon Member Posts: 152
    edited October 2009

    Thanks so much Audrey. I am using Vitacost also. Looks like Olympic DIM is free of soy.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    I take this DIM:

    My Osteopathic Endocrinologist (who helps me with all my supplements) wants me to have 400 of DIM per day - so has told me to take 3 of these (450 a day).  not cheap!  

  • fairy49
    fairy49 Member Posts: 536
    edited October 2009

    I take Natures Way Enhanced Absorbtion formula, 400mg per day.



  • cleomoon
    cleomoon Member Posts: 152
    edited October 2009

    Thanks fairy and spring. So do u take 4 capsules of the Natures Way per day fairy? I just bought another Natures Way bottle today. I am still curious if Source Naturals actually has 100mg of DIM or if they just have 25mg like the others. I may try to contact them to find out.


  • soapsnug
    soapsnug Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2009

    Hi Spring,

    I just checked out your brand of DIM, and compared it with the one I buy from Vitacost (Nutricology Indolegard).  It looks like they're virtually identical, but the one I buy is a bit cheaper.  I think yours was $39.00, and mine is $26.62.  The bottle I buy has 120 capsules, but you have to take 4 to get 300 mg. of DIM, so it's the same number of servings (30) as your brand.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Thanks Audrey, looks the "bioresponse" type of DIM too. I just placed a huge order, but will consider this one for next time. 

    I wonder where it is made. I can't figure that out.  

  • apr2000
    apr2000 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009

    I am curious about the Myomin too. I had BC and am going on 10 years of Tamoxifen, Femera, Arimidex and Aromasin and my joints are giving me all kinds of problems. 

    Is anyone out there post-meno using Myomin and what kind of results are you getting?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited October 2009

    Apr, 10 years on Tamox or an AI? Yikes. I didn't know some of us had to do it that long.....

  • MaddyMason
    MaddyMason Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2009

    Hi- just jumping in (I'm new here- just posted on the Stage IV board). BTW, to Luna and Spring- I love your names. I have 2 golden retrievers and guess what their names are? You guessed it- Luna and Spring! No kidding!

    As to DIM vs. I3C, please read the following study. Says I3C is not good to take. I have been taking Cruciferous Vegetable Extract from Life Extension, but after reading this article and other research, I will switch to pure DIM.

    Also, I am post menopausal. Does anyone know if you should take both Myomin AND DIM? or do they do the same thing, so either one would be good? I had horrific reaction to AI's so I can't take them anymore (story in my post on Stage IV board) and never took Tamoxifen (dx'ed at age 61)

    Hugggs! Maddy, Hudson Valley, NY

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited October 2009

    Hi, Maddy ~  Thanks for sharing that article.  It appears well-researched, but what struck me from the get-go was that the authors were incredibly pro-DIM that I thought there might be some background worth knowing, and I found this:

    Their research might be absolutely right on. They certainly have some great credentials.  But they also own a company whose primary product is DIM, as well as having written the book "All About DIM."  

    As someone who has switched back and forth between I3C and DIM and am currently using I3C, I definitely want to read the entire article, as well as trace the links they give for the original research.  Thanks for posting it.  Deanna

    P.S.  I grew up not too far from Kingston -- a town called Pawling, which is over on the CT border.   

  • seaotter
    seaotter Member Posts: 642
    edited October 2009

    apr - vivre is taking the myomin. She would gladly talk to you about it. I don't think she posts much on here. You can go to natural girls and talk to her.

    Maddy - I am post men as well. I have been taking dim. I going to switch to myomin because 400mg of dim makes me feel weird. I have read that you can take both. Also you might want to talk to deni about vit c infusions. Hope you are feeling well Smile


  • MaddyMason
    MaddyMason Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2009

    Hi Deanna and Patty- I do get vitamin C infusions- 100 grams a week, plus I just started adding 600 mg. Alpha Lipoic acid to my drips.

    I punched in I3C safety into Google and got so many hits it would take me days to sort through it all. You can do the same, also try punching in DIM vs. I3C for even more information. I just ordered some, since when my onc. checked my estrogen levels about a year ago, he said I still had pre-menopausal levels, despite being on various AI's at the time, and I don't even have ovaries. (You'd think I would have some wild sex drive, huh! LOL!) It could be the reason that I rarely ever get hot flashes, though. Anyway, I'm hoping taking the DIM will get my high estrogen levels down.

    Anyone else here getting vitamin C infusions?

    Hugggs! Maddy, Hudson Valley, NY

  • deni63
    deni63 Member Posts: 372
    edited October 2009

    Hi Maddy!

    I do IV C infusions. I am doing 80 grams once per week at this point. How long have you been doing them? I do them in Suffern, NY, which is about an hour away from you. Is there a place up by you in Kingston that you go to?
