Webinar: Corrective Breast Reconstruction: Getting the Results You Want Join us July 9, 2024 at 6pm ET. Register here.

Connecticut Girls



  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Well, the verdict is in, we are going to do the exchange on the left (finally), but continue to circle the airport for another 3-6 months on the right.  He still wants to do a tissue transfer and I don't, so I tossed out the idea of an allograft for the whole area with the expander on top of my pec instead of under it, and he said there are some surgeons doing that, so he was going to look into it for me (an allograft is cadaver skin).  We are trying to schedule the exchange before the holidays to beat my deductible.  I am going with the tear drop gummy though, and they only allow a certain number of those done across the country per month, so we will see if we can get it in.  Hope you all are well.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    So sorry Mimi

    Someone on the exchange thread had done what you are thinking of doing. I think I read it on that thread. Why don't you post what you said in this thread there. Whippetmom is full of info on all sorts of reconstructions.

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Thanks Sally;

    I did attemp to deal with the 184 pages of reconstruction threads earlier, but that looks like a job for the weekend.  I will look for whippetmom and see what she says.


  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    These are where I hang out.



    I'm sure if you ask in either of these that they will send you to the right place for more info.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    Copy the link and paste it. It's not working with just a click.

    One is called BREAST IMPLANT SIZING 101 and the other is Exchange City
  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    I'm coming up on a year post dx. What is the regimen of tests done now. I've seen either my onc or BS every three months. Will I be getting an MRI again or just a mammogram? The mammogram showed nothing last time, so that would worry me. Can I request an US and MRI? I have an appt next week with my BS and I'd like to have an idea of what to expect before I go. Being Triple negative scares me as the recurrence rate in the first 3 years is high, and if I can't get an MRI for three years that doesn't quite make sense to me.

    What have you all heard from the CT doctors?

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Mimi-I hope everything works out for you. Dr. D is an awesome Dr and I truly believe he will do everything he can for you. He's so smart and does an incredible job.

    Claire82-cute pic! Your BS should be outlining your follow up schedule for you. Since you had the MX on only one side I would think you would still need the same screening you always needed before which most likely was a mammogram and possibly an US. I'm not sure if they do MRI's as part of follow up. I think everyone's situation is different. For me since I had a bilateral my BS said she will do US. I see the oncologist in Jan and I think he does bloods tests then. It will be almost a year for me too in Jan. At this point after it all sinks in you do start thinking more about follow up. I was so focused on the DX and all the surgeries all these months I think that next year I will focus more on follow up and overall health. How are you feeling?

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    I saw Dr. Brady for the first time today Laughing

    I  love her.

    All is well with my natural breast. I'll have a mammogram in Dec. and an MRI in Jan.

    I asked her about the NSM. She said she has done 6. I told her I saw one of hers and they were beautiful. She agreed. Let's hope HH will let her do more. She said I would probably have been a candidate for one, but I had my mx too soon. She didn't start doing them until Feb.

    She thought my TE boob looked quite nice. I had 110 more added on Monday. I'm up to 470 cc and I like how it looks. I don't think I will go much bigger.

    How is everyone else?

  • heebie_jeebie
    heebie_jeebie Member Posts: 92

    Claire - glad to hear you are doing well.  I'm holding steady now with my 350 ccs until after thanksgiving - then I'll see what Dr. D says.  The TE is at times annoying and other times I forget about it.  Sometimes I get random quick pains throughout the day in my MX side.  I can't wait to have an exchange date in the calendar.  I will probably wait till January cause December is so busy for me (if it is even an option).

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    I love my TE. It fits so nicely in a bra and compared to "that" implant it is very comfortable. Do we have to have an exchange? lol

  • Emme
    Emme Member Posts: 85

    Hi Everyone!

    I had my exchange last friday and I'm doing well.  I am a rainbow of bruised colors but they feel so good.  Soft and squishy...not like the damn TE Rocks! Dr. D did a substantial amount of lipo..so hopefully when everything clams down..it looks okay.

    I had my surgery at Blue Back Square. -lovely facility..lovely staff.  I'm pleased.  Now I am just mending again.

    I hope to be moving in the next two weeks to my folks..so I can feel settled for a while.

    Today is the 1 yr anniversary since my dx.  I am refelecting on the past year...so much has happened, changed...there certainly is no going back... i am marching forward.

    Claire I am so happy that you have your new TE!   I'm glad the TE is comfortable for you and Heebee...that is how I feel about my new silicone ones!

    Have a Happy, Peaceful, Healthy Thanksgiving


  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Emme-yay! congrats! I'm so glad your doing well, get rest and continue to heal. I had my surgery at BB square and loved the staff there. It's amazing how fast the time passes after DX. A month back I took my daughter to a concert in Hartford and went past HH and I just had a moment where I was like wow, I was there a few months back in so much pain and look how far I've come. I just felt really grateful and blessed to have made it to this point.

    Claire82-Dr. Brady is just the best. I'm glad your so much happier now. I can assure that even though you like your TE, having an implant that fits right is going to look and feel so much better.

    Heebie-glad your coming along so well with with your expansion. Your really petite so your probably not going to need much more.  I think it is a good idea to wait until after the holidays too. The time will pass quickly and I think it is good to wait a month or more after the last fill before you get your exchange.

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Hi Girls:

    Tentative exchange date for the left side has been scheduled for Dec 14th.  We still need to get approval for the gummy, so it's not definite yet, but I have to go to HH because BlueBack is all booked up.  Oh well, they have taken great care of me 2 times now, so I guess a third is ok by me.  New boob for the holidays :)  How long were you out after the exchange for those of you who had them?


  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Mimi-that's a great Christmas gift! HH is also excellent. I had two surgeries there and they took great care of me. I had my exchange on a Friday as outpatient. I was a little tired for a few days but felt good by Tuesday. I was mildly sore but no other problems. You should try to take it easy and definitely not lift anything. He had me wear the surgical bra for two weeks. Trust me it's nothing like the MX, it's so much easier. Wish you the best, will be thinking of you.

  • heebie_jeebie
    heebie_jeebie Member Posts: 92

    Emme - congrats - Glad to hear your exchange is done.

    Mimi - can you explain about waiting for approval?  I'm planning on a gummy and don't know about that.  I don't want any bad surprises.  I hope the date works out for you.

    Claire - I know how terrible your implant was if you prefer the TE Laughing

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Hi Heebie:

    The gummy is still in a phase three trial, so you have to get the government to give the ok.  They only allow a certain number per month across the US, and since we decided to do it at the last minute to beat my deductible, we aren't sure if all the slots are taken for December.  Normal patients on a normal timeline usually don't have an issue.  When I decided not to do anything on the right for a while it enabled us to try to push the surgery on the left. I won't be getting an expander back in yet, I have to wait another 3-6 months.  You should be fine :)


  • flash
    flash Member Posts: 129

    Happy Turkey Day to you all.


  • kjbrown92
    kjbrown92 Member Posts: 51

    Had my PBM on Nov. 2. Haven't had a fill yet. I had an allergic reaction to the abx they put me on in the hospital so I had a rash all over my back and front almost up to my stitches. So they added benadryl and switched my abx. Then I was getting nauseous from the painkillers, so I added an anti-nausea med to my mix. And the PS said I could finally take off the compression which was causing all the trouble (back spasms) so I've been doing a lot better since then. Last time I was still nauseous, when I was supposed to have the first fill, so she just gave me drugs and said we'd try again in another 10 days - which is Monday. So hopefully I'll have something by Monday. Do you guys drive back and forth for fills, or are they uncomfortable enough that someone else should drive? My PS is about 45 minutes away.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    I drive 45 min to the train station, take a 90 min. train ride, hike 10 blocks to the PS office, get my fill and then do it in reverse all by myself. The first time, bring someone along. It can be a bit overwhelming. But after that, it's a piece of cake.

    I'm glad things are winding down for you.

  • heebie_jeebie
    heebie_jeebie Member Posts: 92

    I've got a 15-20 minute drive for my fills (poor claire - that is some trip), and it has been very easy for me.  Even when it feels bad, it is not very bad.  I'm up to 400 cc now - only 50 added this monday; and it is probably the last one. 

    Oh - and I got my exchange date!!!  January 21.  I'm meeting with the PS in 2 weeks to talk sizes and such. 

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Heebie-congrats on your surgery date. I stopped at 400cc's too and ended up with 450.  I know Dr. D doesn't usually like to overexpand. You must be excited, only a month and half to go.

    KJbrown-how are you feeling?

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150


    I live in Enfield and I was just diagnosed Dec 1st. I will be going thru more tests and biopsy this coming week. Just found this group/board and I was looking for any and all support I can get. 

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    ohh so sorry for your diagnosis but welcome to this site.

    What group/hospital are you with?

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150

    I have Dr. White. He is in Hartford and Enfield. He is associated with St. Francis.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    More girls from connecticut will chime in here during the week. This thread tends to be quiet on the weekend. Keep us informed on your tests this week. GL!!

  • Emme
    Emme Member Posts: 85

    Hi Ladies,

    Well I am in the final countdown...my place at my folks is almost ready. I will be moving with in the week...if everything goes according to plan...I will be happy when the move is all over.  I am so tired.  Are any of you still tired?  At this rate I don't know how I will make it thru to April. I am not sure if it is the herceptin, the surgery a few weeks ago...or the emotional rollercoaster with my DH...im my book that stands for DRUNK Husband :).   I have been taking multi vitamins...and trying to sleep.

    I hope everyone had a good thanksgiving..and is getting preped for therest of the holidays!

    Karebear I live in Stafford..sorry you have to be here...but this site is wonderful so I'm glad you found it!


  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    Today is a day full of blessings!!
    I talked with my father and my grandmother and even my uncle!! I haven't talked to any of them in over 11 years!! My grandmother had a mastectomy 2 different times (one side then the other) She opted out of radiation and chemo and just had the surgery. She is 80 and doing well.
    Last night I got an email from the director at Eli's school and her friend wanted ideas for my children as she wanted to get them something for Christmas.
    At pick up today for Eli, I got an envelope. I opened it when I got home and there was a $100 gift card to Target and a $100 gift card to Big Y!!!
  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62

    I'm a CT girl.  I live in Guilford.  I was lucky because I didn't need much treatment other than a partial mastectomy and radiation.  That's sounds wierd that I would consider that not much treatment but so many have been through so much more.  Hope to get to know all of you better.


  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    Hi Roseann

    Welcome! The reconstruction is a b****.

    I'm in Haddam - not too far from you.

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150

    Hi Roseann!