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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2011

    Hi all!  I just got back from having supper, man am I stuffed.  We went to KFC buffet and I always eat way to much.  Thats ok Im worth it, lol.

    Yesterday my ONC does her look about on me and she checks out to see how I healing.  Its the first time my mom had seen the girls in all thier glory.  I thought she was gonna fall outa her chair.  She still laughing about how big they are.  My sister even was shocked at the size.  Mind you I was a 32A .  Now I abit larger with the TE.  I dont think Im gonna get nipples cause of the bra wearing,  Thats one thing I hardly ever wore, so I dont think I wanna start now, lol. 

    It was a beautiful day out.  I would like to have more energy to get out and enjoy it more.  I will someday.  It sucks sometimes. I just have to be more patient. 

    Take care all and have a great night!!!! 

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011
    Kim - I would say the foobs have stopped feeling "alien" a little over a year after my exchange.  I still have some pain issues and discomfort but I think more so due to LE then anything else.  I did not get nips but have to wear a compression bra 24/7 due to truncal LE Yell 
  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Michelle, truncal LE?

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited May 2011

    Truncal LE (Lymphedema) is the same as arm LE.  You get swelling under the arm pit area,in the breast area and I even get a spot just below the rib cage...looks really wonderful like you are growing a baby on one side. lol  I don't wear the compression bra anymore.  It is just not comfy with the fluff in it.  I really need to get my real foob soon.

    I hate the what if's.  I agree with all how do we know if this pain is normal. I always go into panic mode first.  My joints have really started hurting this week on the Femara.  I guess I should be thankful my Dr. does do scans once a year but I have 8 more months to wait.  

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011
    sagina - like kittydog said, my truncal LE is under the arm, in the breast and wraps around to my back.  When flared up, I am extremely puffy and have what looks like rolls of back fat and dog ears, I cannot go without compression for very because my discomfort increases exponentially without compression Frown
  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    So is there a difference between my fluid collection called a seroma?  Guess I need to make a an OC appt and ask her to check out the trunk?  I've always had arm swelling due to chronic tennis elbow (never played), just can't tell what is swelling from rads, from surgery, from old injuries etc.  Thanks for the info.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies, 3rd day out of chemo feel like crap, sick,tired you know the drill. just wanted to chim in that I too had Mirina would like to discuss that at a later date if someone could remind my poor chemo brain

    ok back to bed

    hugs Kymn

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Hi girls!  We're quiet this weekend-I hope everyone is out enjoying themselves.  Hopefully you all have some spring weather-we're working our way into summer weather, although it was a little chilly last night.  Michelle-I bet it was almost cold by your house!

    I feel VERY lucky to not have any LE-knock on wood.  I'm sorry for those of you that do.  I bet the compression garments are uncomfortable, although necessary.

    My family let me sleep in until 1pm-that's just sinful!  So much of my day is wasted-but at least I'm fully caught up on my sleep.  I swear, I have not had a good night's sleep since the MX in January of last year.  Between all the surgeries, chemo, and the hot flashes that started during chemo, I am up and down all night.  I'm tired all the time, but then get a second wind about 10pm every night.  Aaaaah!

    So what does everyone have going on this week with doctor's appointments and treatments?

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Hi Kymn-sorry you feel like crap.  Get some rest-make sure to drink lots of water :-)

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies,

    I think I am one of those who is the farthest out from diagnosis, and I want to say I have had seromas, LE and infection... to answer Gina, there is a difference between seroma (pocket of fluid) and LE which is dealt with differently... for my seroma, it got to the point they did a needle aspiration and "suck" it out... for the LE, I continue to see a LE specialist 3 times a week during my lunch Yell... but, hey life could be worse..

    So, I have been in tears all day, it was a beautiful day in California until I got the news a friends niece (15 years young) was just diagnosed with Stage 4 leukemia type B... I am soooo angry at this disease! It has really gotten me wound up today! I am so angry she is going through this, the day after diagnosis they put her on chemo as it is a very aggressive type!!!! Please say a prayer for Kaitlyn, she needs some angels right now.

    Hope you ladies are well... and sorry for those who are going through treatment and not feeling so well! "This time too shall pass!"... I know what you are saying, "Pass already".

    Final comment, I am 1 1/2 years post treatments and my hair is beautiful and shoulder length now... :)


  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited May 2011

    Hi, gang! 

    I've been reading along and thinking of you all.  I have the Mirena IUD.  My onc and my gyno all said it was fine.  I'm ER positive, PR negative, and Mirena is PR.  I had a miscarriage last summer--good thing, may have saved my life because I would have been due the month I found my lump.  I never would have felt it.  Well, I likely wouldn't have felt it for another year or so b/c I would have breast fed.  Anyway, I could NOT handle a pregnancy in the middle of all this.  No matter how unlikely, I can't take that risk.  I was told that the Mirena may even help since it can work to stave off uterine cancer which many of us with BC can have a higher chance of getting.  

    So, I decided to keep the Mirena until we have a lull in all the healthcare crap so my hubby can get the snip snip, and then I'll get my Mirena out.  I'd love to see a link to someplace with more info on this if anyone has it.  What have y'all heard?


  • 37antiques
    37antiques Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2011

    Hi Nicole, Kaitlyn is definitely in my prayers and thoughts, that is way too young to be going through this.  Please post her on the Catholic Intentions board too, I understand those ladies get together every night around 10 pm and pray for anyone you put up there, she can never have too many angels on her side.  (((Hugs)))

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2011

    Hi all.  Im day 3 outa of chemo and my hips and legs are killing me.  The meds dull the pain somewhat but Im still uncomfortable.  Hubby is a champ but he just doesnt understand.  He has it in his mind that theres a magic little pill that will take it all away.  I love ya hun but there isnt one.  If there was I woulda taken it by now.  I just hope it lets up so I can go to work tomorrow.   

    Nicole I have add Kaitlyn to my prayer list.  

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited May 2011


    I remember Taxol and it was worst than AC to me... hang in there, the achiness goes away!

    Thanks Sue and Paula for Kaitlyn's prayers... I just do not understand WHY there are so many of us...and we were healthy otherwise...BITTER I am today... tomorrow have my 3 month check up, it will be a better day!

    Night ladies!

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited May 2011

    Nicole, I'm sorry...I was typing while you posted.  I'm SO sorry to hear of Kaitlyn!  A 15-year-old shouldn't have to have such life lessons.  My thoughts are with her and her family and friends.  

  • 37antiques
    37antiques Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2011

    hey burley, glad to see you caught up on your sleep, such a nice family you have!  My dogs don't seem to know how to leave me alone in the early am, but I must say DH is really good about getting my morning coffee up to me and getting the first one up at 5:30 for school, yuk!  I am not a morning person.

    A have a light week, compared to what some of you girls are going through.  Just one doctor's appointment on tuesday for BW and a good talk about what we should do next ugh, it never ends!  

    Off to a second honeymoon for two whole days this coming weekend, at (of course) a BC gala for research.  So excited to see DH in a tux, such a thing has never happened before!  I will have to remember to bring my camera so I can make him my wallpaper.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Nicole-I am so tired of this flippin' disease!  I have said a prayer for Kaitlyn-let us know how she is doing.

  • MamaMia41
    MamaMia41 Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2011

    A special thanks to SusanHG for your Anti-Cancer book recommendation.  I ordered it yesterday on Amazon, the website was really interesting and I can't wait to read the book.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Prayers for Kaitlyn!  Kids with cancer really puts everthing into perspective. How can I whine about my chemo SEs.  No children should have to suffer with cancer, just breaks my heart.

  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited May 2011

    Profbee, no worries, sometimes we are all typing at the same time.

    Kim, I am with you, sooooooo, soooo tired of this disease!!!!

    Christine, you are still entitled to feel down at times, but it just really SUCKS to ever hear or see a child endure this disease... and they have such an upward battle to beat it most times as it is such an aggressive beast.

    Okay, really going to bed now ladies, night to y'all!


  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD! Whoop whoop!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2011

    LIKE IT!!!

  • Juliebell22
    Juliebell22 Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2011

    Prayers for Kaitlin!!! 15 is too young to have to hear the C word!

    Had a wonderful day today with a friend and my daughter. We went out of town and went shopping. We were in a town where one of her exes lived. Ugh! I thought if I hear his name one more time, Im going to scream! ( as he was a dirt baG) I promised her I would say the C word if she didnt say the E word, (his name was Eric) lol, guess who won? I actually finally had a day in 2 weeks that I didnt think about it! Tomorrow is bone/Ct/Mri. Wish me luck. so nervous! Funny how i would be happy to stay a stage 3? Wed, meet with team of drs to discuss my treatment... here we go....

    Love to you all, so happy I found this forum!.

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited May 2011

    (((((HUGS)))) and prayers for Katlin.It seems that all I hear is aboutpeople with cancer now.  In Church today the two Ladies behind me had to tell me about it.  Her son had throat cancer and the other ladies husband had bladder.  He was refusing treatment because he was old.  I told her I could understand why he would rather die from the cancer than attempt chemo.   I can't imagine who horrible it must be for kids who don't understand and the elderly that are already so weak.    I guess today we should all be thankful yet again that we are here and can say a prayer for this young girl.  Survivorship came with lots of battle wounds but we are here to tell our story.

    The past two days I have hated having to go through all this too.  My fingers hurt so much from the femara so I started my count down....46 more months to take it!

    I don't have any Dr.'s appointment to June.  A whole three months between them.  Oh my it's already been a long wait. I have seriously thought about calling his NP and letting her have a few words about how I am hurting.  However I am trying hard to give it the six months before asking for an ortho appointment.  I just don't want to have a needle stuck in my LE hand for the steroid shot that they will try first.  

    Chemo ladies rest up.  That bone pain is the pits if you are on Taxol.  You can do it.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2011

    MammaMia41:  You're very welcome!  Glad I could share the information with you.  I think it is the best book out there to explain in all in an understandable, well-researched fashion.  It was written by an MD who has  been living with a brain tumor for almost 20 years, and he explains how he beleives we can fight cancer through diet.  I like also that he doesn't say that conventional treatments are bad, just that adding things to our diet can do even more.

    kimn: I sure will remind you about the Mirena!  take care of yourself and I hope it gets better for you.  Lots of hugs...

    profbee:  Well, the whole problem that I have with the Mirena is that one of the contraindications listed is having breast cancer.  Since my surgeon claims that I probably had breast cancer for about 2 years and I had the Mirena insterted in August (I was diagnosed in December),  how can this device be safely prescribed to women?  I know some women love it and have no problems with it, but if women are getting a worsening in their cancer by using it, this I find to be a huge problem.  Who knows?  I had DCIS and then a small tumor was forming when I had surgery.  Maybe if I hadn't had the Mirena it would have stayed confined to the duct.  I'm a litted pi**ed to say the least.  I had it removed immediately when I found out.  I am trple negative, but who knows how breast cancer actually forms in the first place.  It could be some kind of reaction with the hormones.  No one knows, especially with triple negative BC.  No one has a clue at this point.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    I hear you Susan, 7 women on my block with breast cancer? and to go back even further, when in private school k-8 we used to play with the asbestos sprayed into the ceiling....those of us from about a five year span started to count the people with cancer.....we unnerving....and who really does know how this all starts, or why, or to whom....obviously no one or we would have a vaccine already.  All we can do is move forward, keep our chins up, find each other for support, and laugh at all that we find funny in the telling how long I had my tumor in me.....

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    Prayers for Kaitlyn here, also.  God I hate to hear about children getting cancer.  I mean, ANYONE getting cancer is unacceptable, but it is just more heartbreaking when it is a child. 

    My hair is also at a decent length now (18 months after finishing chemo), but it is still very curly.  When I spend the time to blow it straight and flat-iron it, I feel more like my old self, but it so does NOT want to be straight!  If I think it will rain or be at all humid, it's not worth straightening because it will curl up like crazy.  I wish you were able to post photos with ease from the iphone on, but as far as I know, you can't.   

    I've just started the 3 month Onc appointments, and I saw him last week.  So my next appointment will be in July. 

    My husband has a conference in DC starting Wednesday, so I'm picking the kids up from school early on Thursday and driving down and staying through the weekend.  I haven't been there since right before 9/11 (I was pregnant with my son and it was our last weekend away as a married couple before the arrival of the baby), so I'm excited to go.  The kids are really excited too. 

    Hugs to all, especially those in active treatment or who are having a difficult time!


  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011


    Have a great trip to DC with your family.  I love hearing about hair, even if it is curly and unruley, of course thats because I have no hair!  Did you have curly hair pre-BC?  My hair has always been straight, very straight, hard to imagine I could get curls.

    Home this week post treatment, bought some Biotin today, thought I would get that started before I get my tamox rx. 

    Have most of you 40- ish girls stayed in chemopause???

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    Hi Christine!

    Pre-BC my hair was wavy/curly when I wanted it to be, but it was longer.  I mainly blew it straight and flat-ironed it most of the time. Now it is just extra curly!

    I haven't had a period since July 2009 when I started chemo, and I have been taking Tamox for a year and 5 months.  My Dr. said I am young enough (40 now) for my period to come back when I finish Tamox in about 3 1/2 years.  It is nice not having to worry about periods, thoughSmile

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Do they want us to stay in chemopause/menopause while on Tamox?