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Survivors who have used only alternative treatments



  • wornoutmom
    wornoutmom Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2012

    The tide is changing I see this when I tell my story.  My pet scans show how it works.  I am a normal average person and they see this.

    I have people in the mainstream offices writing down my information as they see the effects.  I sit with  RN's and people high in the medical system because they have seen the effects of both and chosen to sit in clinics like mine.  So if you really want to know the truth walk away from the computer and go to some clinics!!!!!!!!!!  These are real people with nothing to sell.  Their life experience like the one in the video are the proof.  News stations have funding and if their story offends their investors do you think they are really going to promote it?? Want to see skewing in rocess read this article and see how they skewed the news version 

    We think sugar is fine in cancer patients but look what 60 minutes reported 

    Again it is all out there but people don't want to talk about it....... 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Chevy:  As you know I never talk about these things on the conventional sites, but supplementation is a huge part of my program to prevent recurrence.  I take a lot of the same stuff you are taking in hopes that it will keep this beast from rearing it's ugly head again.  My diet is important to me as well, as it's important to keep my body more alkaline than acid and I do that with following a low carb low sugar diet with leafy greens, fruits and lean protein.  Hopefull throwing enough darts at the wall..something will stick!  If I ever had to do chemo, it would be IPT even if I had to pay out of my own pocket.

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379
    edited April 2012

    Just saw the other link....sorry. Here it is.

  • wornoutmom
    wornoutmom Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2012

    Maribra apparently you haven't read the whole thread.  I came back per a request.  You should really do some research on the cruelty doctors have experienced for coming out.  No one wants it to be a secret and speak where they are permitted.  If they get enough attention they are raided or brought up on charges as their purpose is to help others they would rather lay low so they can do just that as it does their patients no good to have them closed down.  I have given many examples in the thread but that would require reading all of it.  Again many people want to run their mouth with no investigation which is why questions that have already been addressed are repeated.  This laziness is why so many people are allowed to be in the dark.  I posted on a public board with a question which lead to this silliness.  My life is legit I traveled my journey and this is the result.  My doctor saved my life and I have enough respect for that not to put him in jeopordy.  Guess that family isn't legit either??  

    My link was just one more example of what is out there if you care enough about your health to learn about it.  It is only your loss.  I spoke to help others if you don't want to learn that is your option but it is that very attitude that keeps people from healing.  Research a clinic in your area and meet the people. Then we can have an educated discussion.   It is sad that we want to speak in terms of 5 year survival and that is what we are defending....  Check out the reocurrance rates after the treatments kick in.  We should demand 20 year stats...  

  • wornoutmom
    wornoutmom Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2012

    Sam's link doesn't work but I have heard far fetched stuff about IPT and dropping the insulin I have had over 30 with no effects along with following friends made at the clinics and haven't found one case with negative effects.  Some lower it to far which my doctor is not in favor of.  Mine goes based on the patient not a standard number.  This is important in all care as the biggest mistake is treating every one the same when each person is unique.  I can't process tamoxifen and if you just studied me no one would be on it. 

    Calcium D glucerate and DIM are good to research for these and note that hormones in meat act as estrogen in our bodies so I eliminated meat (some use organic) as why  on earth would I risk any estrogen in my body with ER+  I would rather find out it was wrong and error on the side of caution when it won't hurt me! 

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Wornoutmom....  You know, I would never tell anyone to not take Tamoxifen.  I know so many women who this has helped prevent cancer from coming back!  Same with Femara, and Arimidex.  Those women take these with the hopes that they will be NED... Same with Radiation and Chemo. 

    We are all afraid to NOT take conventional medicine.  And when I saw this thread, I started reading it, thinking "Well maybe there ARE women who have done nothing, and will be NED!  But I have not found anything yet! 

    Maybe I AM wasting my money on all the supplements that I take, but like you, I believe they work.  What proof do I have?  None.   But if I can buy myself more time, by doing what I believe in, then that's all that matters.

    If I DID know of something that would help another women, I would post it NOW.   I've lived too many years to hold back on anything I say or what I believe in.   And yes, I believe that everyone is different.... A good team knows this, and gears our treatment with that in mind.

    And yes, I care about my treatment, and my health.... and I have researched everywhere I could, to find out why I went deaf!  I have reported this to the FDA, the drug company, and anyone else I could find, to try and prove it WASN'T Tamoxifen.   But there are too many websites that do support this claim, about Deafness from Tamoxifen.

    I only wish you the best wornoutmom.... like I do ALL the women with breast cancer.....  But we just want to help each other.... and not be left guessing, "well what did SHE do, why is SHE so much better now, and why can't she tell US what we can do?

    I've raised our Daughter's... and I feel sorry, that you have to fight this....but I'm almost 75, and kind of short on patience.... If your information can't help me, maybe it would MY Daughters....

    Take good care..............

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited April 2012

    I totally understand what you are saying WOM! Too many people are unaware of just how mafia-like our medical system is. The FDA, AMA, ACS, and all those alphabets are dedicated to promoting only mainstream medicine. They have a vested interest in it. If an alternative treatment becomes too well known and too many people start using it, it cuts into their profits. It makes me sick to have to say that, but I have learned it is the truth. I have an acupuncture degree, and I knew a lot of this back when I was studying and practicing acupuncture. However, it has only been since getting cancer that I have learned the true viciousness of the establishment. They will literally kill, and have, to hold on to their market. I have learned it goes back to the Rockefeller's taking control of the medical schools. People do not realize just how UNfree we really are.

    The information is out there, people. You just have to look for it. If you find one book, it will lead you to others. If you find one site, it will lead you to others.

    I have been viciously attacked at for not blindly following the dictates of my doctors. And when I say viciously, I do mean viciously. It really hurt me and undermined my faith in my own treatment plans. Maybe it scares them, though. Those who have chosen the path of slash, burn, and poison and then see others who chose that path getting recurrences and mets may fear they should have looked into alternatives. But most of them won't admit it. They just lash out at me. It has definitely NOT been a supportive place for me.

    I did have the mastectomy. I did that because I was so scared and did not know what else to do. I allowed the docs to have their way with me. However, while I was recovering, I loaded up on books. These books gave me the strength to say no to chemo, radiation, and estrogen inhibiting medication.

    I will share with you what I am doing. I am currently NED. However, if it should come back, I will travel to a clinic where I can get IPT or IV Vitamin C. I already have a good supply of B17. You have to get it when you can because the FDA will shut them down. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, mostly raw. I cheated today and bought a rotisserie chicken. I used to eat a lot of meat. What WOM said about meat having estrogen makes me wonder if I will finish the bird. LOL. I don't touch sugar and only occasionally have dairy (a weekly cappuccino). I drink at least 3 to 4 cups of organic green tea each day. I bought an ozone filter for my water because it more fully oxygenates it.

    I will try to copy and paste my supplement info in a separate post.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited April 2012

    This was in spreadsheet format so my copy and paste is not going to be terribly clear. However, basically read each line as the supplement, then the strength, then the number, and then the purpose. At the end is the smoothie I make each day. Usually I make it first thing in the morning, but I did not do so today. I will go make it now.

    Supplement Strength Number Purpose

    Krill Oil 1000 + other stuff 2 Essential Fatty Acids & Vitamin D help with depression and the cancer
    5-HTP 100 mg 1 X 2 amino acid & immediate precursor to serotonin help with the depression
    N-Acetyl-:-Cysteine 500 mg 1 X 2 antioxidant amino acid & precursor to glutathione detoxification, intracellular defense against oxidative stress
    Ubiquinol 100 mg 1 Enhanced Bioactivity CoQ10 cellular energy, heart health, antioxidant, bp, immune system, nervous system
    Vitamin D3 2000 IU 2 X 2 Natural Cancer Fighter
    Grape Seed Complex 1 X 2 Antioxidant Support
    Spirulina 500 mg 6 Superfood
    Amino PowerPlus 4 X 2 Amino Acids prevent problems transitioning from psych drugs to nutrients
    IP6 Gold IP6 & Inositol 2 X 2 Immune Support boosts natural killer cell activity, maintains dna integrity
    Chrysin 500 mg 1 inhibits aromatase prevents conversion of androgens to estrogen
    Complete Probiotics 2 70 million CFU, 10 strains
    DIM 300 mg 2 X 2 estrogen metabolizer & blocker hormonal balance
    Deplin 15 mg 1 help me get off Paxil
    Methyl B12 5000 mcg 1 protects brain cells & nerve tissue
    Iodoral 12.5 mg 1 Iodine Supplement helps thyroid function
    B6 50 mg 1 X 2
    Chlorella 250 mg lots superfood and heavy metal detoxifier
    Melatonin 3 mg 1 X 2 sleep & anti-cancer
    Curcumin + black pepper 500 mg 1 antioxidant
    Magna-Calm 420 mg 1 scoop magnesium citrate -- calming
    Modified Citrus Pectin Powder 5 g 1 scoop X 3 Some also claim that a compound found in MCP Proponents claim that modified citrus pectin slows or stops the growth of melanoma
    strengthens the cancer cell-killing ability of T-cells and metastatic prostate cancer.
    Colloidal Silver 500 ppm 1/2 tsp kills over 650 disease-causing bacteria, viruses, tissue regeneration
    fungi, parasites, and molds
    Vitamin C 1000 mg 2 X 3 boost immune function

    Coconut Milk
    Almond Milk
    Green Naked Juice
    Greens First 1 scoop antioxidant power of 15+ servings fruits & veggies
    Brewer's Yeast 1 Tbsp. B-complex vitamins, chromium and protein blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, energy levels, skin conditions, large intestine
    Beyond Essential Fats 1 tsp balance omega 3 and omega 6 fats
    Immucare I 1 tsp builds & supports immune defense
    Immucare II 1 tsp restores & regenerates deep immune response
    Botanical Treasures 1 tsp reduces oxidative & inflammatory stress and normalizes cell behavior
    Beyond Whey 1 scoop strengthens immune function, supports digestive
    health, promotes anabolic metabolism

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited April 2012
    I looked it up, and sure enough, non-organic chicken has a lot of estrogen. So, I gave my rotisserie chicken to my neighbor, Dan. I figured it can't hurt him. I ate one leg and one wing. Weird. It feels like I have been poisoned. Awww. I used to LOVE those rotisserie chickens (garlic and rosemary). Oh such juicy yumminess. Goodbye rotisserie chicken.  Foot in mouth
  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited April 2012

    I think any kind of yeast at least every day wud be counterproductive.  I eat barely any bread even, the stuff gets everywhere

    & I do wonder when someone is well wnough & has the time will organize a class action suit I don't know how it would work, but is 1/3 of all women get breast cancer sometime in their lives, 2 out of 3, then how many of those are estrogen sensitive because of birth controll pills, aka estrogen perscribed even with indications of pre breast cancer conditions, or more.........

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited April 2012

    WOM - glad to hear from you. So that's how you got mets - awful. Maybe they would have happened anyway. There is just so much about BC that we don't know yet. It's great to hear that your treatment plan is working so well for you.

    I definitely udnerstand your privacy concerns - some women on BCO have stalked and harassed others that they dislike, and the truth is, this is the Internet and it is as real as the rest of the world. Too many bad apples - despite the greater number of good ones.

    I think you make a great effort of always reminding us that what is working for YOU is working for YOU (and others) - but it doesn't mean it will work for me or my neighbor. My reading is that you are being quite forthright and honest about how individual treatment decisions must be. What works for person A does nothing for person B. You are neither alleging a miracle nor a cure, except in the sense of hyperbole.

    I hope things keep going well. I don't care one way or the other about television. I care about YOU on YOUR thread. Good luck.

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited April 2012

    Abigail, my ND has me eating Ezekiel bread. I don't eat it every day, and when I do I only eat one slice.

    Inspired by the Holy Scripture verse Ezekiel 4:9., "Take also unto thee Wheat, and Barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and Spelt, and put them in one vessel, and make bread of it..."

    Ezekiel 4:9® Organic Sprouted Whole Grain Products are:

    Complete Protein,
    and Sprouted Whole Grain

    We discovered when these six grains and legumes are sprouted and combined, an amazing thing happens. A complete protein is created that closely parallels the protein found in milk and eggs. In fact, the protein quality is so high, that it is 84.3% as efficient as the highest recognized source of protein, containing all 9 essential amino acids. There are 18 amino acids present in this unique bread - from all vegetable sources - naturally balanced in nature.

    Ezekiel 4:9® Bread, made from freshly sprouted organically grown grains, is naturally flavorful and bursting with nutrients. Rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and natural fiber with no added fat. Try it served warm to release its exceptionally rich nutty flavor.

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited April 2012

    yes indeed.  I've never even tasted it but twice trying to get a new stove where I could' bake it over the pilot ligjt I was unsuccessful.  1st change I said to the contractor NO GE.  got ge.  next at the studio I got a pilotless stove.  oh well.  hungry too want some now.

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Member Posts: 568
    edited April 2012


    I like what you have to say.  May our daughters and their daughters not have to face this...

  • wornoutmom
    wornoutmom Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2012

    Sometimes I have to do 80/20 and I use an Ezekiel wrap with trader joes organic hummus (it is the best I have ever tasted) filled with veggies such as red bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, trader  joes broccoli and carrot shreds, and microgreens and top with a litte salsa.  My family adds avocado but no matter how good it is for you I really can't stand them.  They are all organic.  

     Dunsleeper my doctor is opposed to any meats but some will add it if it is organic.  That would eliminate the estrogen issue.  I attended a cancer benefit tonight and all were shocked at how much different I look from the "usual patient".  Not just the hair but my energy and well being for my diagnosis.  Handed out my information all over as they see me thriving.  Can't change the bad mistake of my surgery but it sure tested the powers of my treatment!  Maybe that is why this road needed to be traveled.  

    PREVENTION needs to be addressed so our daughters don't have to go through this!!! We need to speak up about GMO and pesticides!!!!  We should not be putting GMO products in our children's mouths when they have never been tested!!  Many other countries have banned them. Do we not see the health issues and size of people growing?   Here we scream for statistics and trials but yet we don't question what we put in our foods??

     I spent years with horrible allergies and after going organic and supplements NOTHING but it took about a year.  We are testing at small amounts then load that substance in everything.  Aluminum in all our health products.  We have a family member in a sister study (her sister has BC and she does not) and they are asking about fragrances and deodorants.  Why would we use these??  Why bombard an already taxed body.  What happened to hitting cancer from every angle possible???  

  • wornoutmom
    wornoutmom Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2012

    Chevyboy oral vitamin C is no where near the same as IV.  Google it and you'll see there is no secret.  We are just denied this very important regimen due to politics.  Also look at Hollie Quinn she is NED and never used Tamoxifen.  She chose Calcium D glucerate. Nanay's mom too.  You seem to have missed some pages you might want to go back.  Each time someone spoke up they were blasted and left.  I have had several PM,s and been on sites with lots of these women and saw them in my clinic.  

     I personally can't process it  and I am not alone so we need choices.  Then again if we get Obama care there will go all our choices.  I am the result of such a health care system. 

    If you can't take tamoxifen like me there are choices.  Like DIM and Calcium D glucerate.  Also if you eat non organic meats and dairy you are consuming estrogens so I would go organic on these if you are concerned with lowering estrogen levels.  My husband worked with a guy who acutally injected the animals himself.  He didn't believe me at first but has had a huge eye opening after the stories he heard from his co-worker.  Hits home when you really know the person.  

  • sweetbean
    sweetbean Member Posts: 433
    edited April 2012

    WOM, you are doing IPT?  Is that chemo or something different?  I'm a little confused.

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited April 2012

    the place that bled has finally healed, last night, & was very uncomfortable, don't know of course if that was the reason or all the organic half & half I had before bed.  the first bit healed about a month ago & last night the second. 

  • sam52
    sam52 Member Posts: 431
    edited April 2012

    Please could someone try and get my link to work? It is on the previous page.

    It explains what IPT is and is from a respected site.

    It DOES use chemo (albeit at a much reduced dosage) and is 'potentiated' by giving insulin. That is a very crude summary, and I guess the above link would explain it much better.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited April 2012

    Morning all!  Yes, wom, I read from page one....  So I haven't missed anything.  People disagree all the time...I don't pay any attention, and didn't post..... until yesterday.

    I also know of a few women who have had surgery, have done one of the Als, and still had a recurrence of BC.... Or a new cancer.  And I know many women who, like me, will probably never have cancer again, and who can explain it? 

    I'm not too concerned about lowering estrogen levels...not at my age.  Tamoxifen does not stop you from producing estrogen, it binds to the estrogen so the estrogen will not feed cancer cells.

    I just want to balance my system, and not get overboard with too many complimentary...shall we say "additives? in my diet. 

    But your thread is about Survivors who have used only alternative treatments"... And most everyone here has gone through radiation, and chemo.... and that is great!  Maybe they are looking for something "new" or different, like I am!   And you say you have found it!

    But so far, you choose to not give any information, because of your "lawyers, Doctor, clearance of whatever, and not before you go on TV.  Maybe you're not doing anything different than the rest of us? 

    We know about all the other established problems with out diets, additives, injected animals, and Lord only knows what else is out there that possibly causes cancer.

    I just wanted to know what the big treatment is, that is making you live a healthy life!  We all want that!    Don't get mad, I am only asking questions........and again, I don't want to know your name, or your Doctor's!

    Thank you Ang7!  We are learning everything we can, to maybe help our Daughter's! Smile AND our Granddaughter's!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101
    edited April 2012

    Whether you do conventional or alternative treatment, the diet and supplementation program cannot be ignored.  It is the key to keeping your immune system intact so that it can fight off any recurrences. Failure to make that a priority is like closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.

    I did the surgery...if you can remove the tumor safely and get clear margins, then it should be done.  My BS is a master at this and the reason why I selected him.  I passed on the chemo and rads in favor of taking tamoxifen because my research shows that it will offer protection from a future recurrence of bc and distant mets.  This choice was made based on my statistics...age and type of bc.  It is not a recipe for everyone.

     As a follow up to tx, I am having thermography, alternating with a diagnostic mammogram.  This will eliminate the amount of radiation I receive over the long haul, and the thermography screening picks up breast issues long before a mammo can.  My most recent one was completely clear which was encouraging to me.  I wish I was comfortable eliminating the mammo completely, but without that screening, my original early stage bc would not have been found, so I am still a believer in the mammo screening for early detection.  It's added insurance to the thermography. 

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited April 2012

    no one, including docktors knows what causes anything, good or bad.  & perhaps the first cancer was caused by mamograms or dental ex-rays whichn you probably had plenty & they aim those things right there part of the time.

    off to the studio for a few days

    joy:  you still studying?

  • luv_gardening
    luv_gardening Member Posts: 362
    edited April 2012
    Hi Abigail, yes, still studying many things, though I've been sick with a cold and sore throat that knocked me out.  The first bad one I've had for some years.  I've finally started reading The Emperor of All Maladies about the history of cancer which is excellent so far.  As cancer has been around since long before X-rays, it's unlikely they cause it except in the early days of X-rays when they didn't understand the dangers.  Enjoy your painting. Cool
  • wornoutmom
    wornoutmom Member Posts: 75
    edited April 2012

    IPT does have a 10% dose of chemo.  When they do it they also protect the body.  For instance I am given CoQ10 along with a constant regimen to protect the body during this process.  I chose to do IPT as I was dealing with the effects of surgery a non normal state for the cancer to be spread.  I wasn't lucky enough to get a good health care system.  I had to clean up the mess they left me in.

     Conventional doesn't adrees any of the other factors alternative have for years.  Such as stress but slowly they are coming around.  Sadly their we are the only ones who knows attitude is at the expense of many peoples lives.  

    Some signs of hope at Stanford: 

  • candygurl
    candygurl Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2012

    In this video Dr. Walter Lemmo discusses the history and application of insulin potentiated therapy in cancer care.

    IMO this makes far more sense.  More than half of the Angels on this board  would probably  still be with us today if they knew about, or could afford, this cancer treatment .

    By integrating IPT into a protocol that includes a healthy, organic diet, free of processed food and sugar, along with an individualized nutritional regimen to heal the body, apparently some doctors are able to heal up to 60 percent of their terminally-ill patients. This is because natural IPT regimens not only kill cancer cells in a targeted fashion, but also strengthen the body and immune system, which is destroyed by conventional treatments.


  • candygurl
    candygurl Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2012

    WOM ,  conventional medicine is finally waking up and learning about the benefits of intravenous vitamin c.   

     Peer Reviewed Publication Supporting Intravenous Vitamin C for Cancer Patients

    Collaboration between Conventional Oncologists and Alternative Medical Practitioners Results in New Direction for Old Methodology

    WICHITA, Kan., March 25, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Riordan Clinic announced today publication in the Journal of Translational Medicine results of a collaboration between oncologists, alternative medicine practitioners, and basic researchers, which proposes a new use of intravenous vitamin C for treatment of cancer.  

    The paper, available freely online at, describes the possibility of using intravenous vitamin C to treat inflammation associated with cancer.  The rationale is provided that intravenous, but not oral, vitamin C may be capable of addressing issues in cancer patients such as wasting (cachexia), immune suppression, and improving quality of life. Citing 246 references, the paper synthesized existing knowledge regarding the use of intravenous vitamin C for numerous medical conditions and seeks re-evaluation of the place of intravenous vitamin C in the context of conventional oncology practice.

    You can read the rest

  • candygurl
    candygurl Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2012

    Dunesleeper, thanks for sharing that list. It puts a smile on my face each time read that another sister is taking real charge of her body. Your posts are always inspiring and worth reading. I can certainly understand  why you have been viciously attacked at for not blindly following the dictates of your doctors.    I think Tamoxifen rage and deep depression  may be adding fuel to the fire too around here, so don't take the mean comments personally.  Wink

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 4,914
    edited April 2012

    I am sorry if anyone has gotten viciously attacked for the tx decisions they've made. Whether one chooses to take Tamoxifen or an AI, let's not paint all with a broad brush (rage and deep depression). If the rhetoric is toned down we can all support each other in a more productive manner.
