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Connecticut Girls



  • bunchocats
    bunchocats Member Posts: 18


    Just a few bumps on the road making the journey all the more interesting....stories for my grandchildren some day.

    I really like the wigs, haven't had to wear them yet but they are here when the need arises. I'll have to post a picture when I lose my hair of the family. Hubby is going to shave his head....I'll lit him wear one of the wigs LOL


  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!  What a great weekend we have had weather wise.  Hang in there bunchocats....I used to pep talk myself before chemo saying "this is the crap that is going to get me to my 50th birthday, so it's good, not bad" and I swear it helped.  I used to have chemo on Tuesdays, then the dexamethasone had me hopped up for Wednesday and Thursday and half of Friday, so I worked about 4 hours on Friday and then went home and crashed and ended up having a decent weekend.  I still went to sleep at some ridiculous hour...like 7:30, but it was ok.....much less awful than I imagined it would be; and I had 16 rounds of it.  My husband and I shaved our heads together and my dad and uncles shaved theirs too...as did one of my co-workers.  We have some great pics :)


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello my fellow lovely Connecticut BC girls!   I hope you are all well.  Sorry I have not posted in a bit but something occurred that precipitated my interest in posting here today.  I found out, via Twitter, that Susan G. Komen does a "3 Day for the Cure" walk in different cities around our fair land!  In any case, they are doing Boston next summer.  It literally is 3 days and I would very much love it if you all would look into it and see about organizing a Connecticut team to go to Boston next July?  

    I really hope we can organize something because I would so love to do this.  Perhaps some of you already knew about this and/or are involved already?  

    Please, either PM me or let me know through this thread if you all are interested.  We would have to start organizing our team pretty soon and hashing out ideas.   Perhaps we could also organize a "Meet Up" so we can get training for a 3 day walk!   In any case, think about it and if anyone knows if we already have BCO-based representation, let me know.

    Bunchocats-LOVE the name!!!!!! 

    Happy trails, all!  

  • bunchocats
    bunchocats Member Posts: 18

    Thanks Lizzymack1.....it's appropriate because I have a bunchocats (8 of them).  

     I have a question to all of you ladies....my hair is starting to come out a little more than usual (tomorrow will be 2 weeks post first chemo).....my question is will it all come out quickly now, or will it slowly thin?  Do I have time to wait until payday (Friday) so I can go to the hairdresser to get it cut/shaved?  Hubby is shaving his head too.    

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Bunchocats: good for you!  I love cats but just rescued one trap-neuter-release who was living along the highway by my job!  She is such a good cat!

    As for the hair, mine was nearly 1/2 way down my back when I started chemo.  It did start to slowly come out and then I think, if post-chemo memory serves, it was about 3 weeks after the 1st it started to come out more steadily, especially in the shower.  Finally, I buzzed it.  Yale kept telling me I might not lose it all and to take a wait-and-see but I just got so fed up with the way it was coming out, I got out the clippers.

    More to this point, however, I truly think had I not buzzed it I would not have lost all my hair but I would have lost a lot.  Also, I was fearful I would look like Jason from the original Friday the 13th when he is revealed and he has clumps of hair all over...yeah, that did it!

    Good luck- 

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    PS: don't pay anyone!  Just get out the clippers...even if you don't have clippers you can get them at good ol' Walmart for $20 which is probably less than it would cost for the both of you to go to the salon! 

  • bunchocats
    bunchocats Member Posts: 18

    Lizzymack1, I'm afraid to clip my own hair :|,  plus I want to make it a celebration of recovery!  I don't care if they have a full salon, maybe I'll bring sparkling cider for everyone and have a ball!  I will however take your advice for the upkeep.  I'll have hubby shave it---may make it kind of fun....


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Bunchocats: well, if you want I will come over and shave it for free!!!   Seriously I understand your desire to make it a celebration of sorts!   BTW, my dental hygenist's sister owns a salon on the Prospect/Cheshire line.  I love my hygenist but, due to lack of hair (he he he!), I have not been to her sister yet but I will tell you, I have heard good things.  Let me know and I will PM you.

    Actually, I am 9 mos post-chemo and I have about 6 inches but I am doing the box so I don't look like Uncle Fester and will someday get to a salon again when the length is salon-worthy!  BTW, my avatar is from Halloween!    

  • bunchocats
    bunchocats Member Posts: 18


     I just talked to my daughter's stylist (also a friend of the family--I happen to go to someone else in her salon) she thinks I should take it slow (because truthfully I am apprehensive)  I'm hoping that it doesnt' start really coming out in clumps and have a week or two before I have to do something.   I go for my next chemo session next Thursday--that may really cause it to fall out quickly and by next weekend I'll shave it off.  

     Ladies, any idea how to keep the wigs on?  Granted I've been playing with them and I have hair so they are slippery, but they are meant to be worn over hair....so how do I keep them from moving and/or falling off when I try to style them on my head?   

  • kelleysgroi
    kelleysgroi Member Posts: 95

    Lizzymack- I'd definitely be interested in the Susan G Komen 3 day ..keep me in mind if things come together!

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Bunchocats: You will be ok.  It is funny in that you know it is going to come out and when it starts, it does not surprise you and it does come out slow.   I hope everything goes well and going slow is probably the best way to proceed.  I wish you the best.  Believe me, when it starts coming back, it does not take it's time ;)  Things to look forward to!

    Kelleysgroi: I will keep you posted.  I am probably going to form a team through Twitter&FB & will most likely PM you with details.  

    Good day, girls!   

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Hi Ladies!

    Hi Mimi how you been?

    Lizzy the walk sounds good. I am an avid walker, an hour a day for years. Boston is so nice it would be great to go there for a few days. My husband is also a runner so I bet I could get him to take me and then I could walk with the ladies. Is this a women only walk? When you say you walk for three days what does that mean? Do you walk as many hours as you can each day? Never done one of these before so I'm not sure how it works. I really need to do a facebook. Have been hesitating for years but it's times like this I wish i had one.

    How's everyone doing with Christmas shopping? I was in Kohls last night and I over heard a woman and her husband talking commenting about her getting an MRI and she was nervous. I turned to her and told her her I had two before and it wasn't bad  it would be alright and then continued shopping. Later the man found me in another department and told me his wife just got DX with BC. They didn't know I had just gone through it. I talked to him and then he brought me over to meet her and we talked quite a bit. She has a very similar DX as mine,same age as me and is in the stage where you trying to sort all this out. It just was really neet how we just met over that one comment I made. I really feel that was meant to be. She doesn't live far and we exchanged numbers. We may or may not talk again but it felt great to just connect and encourage someone.

    Bunchocats. I'm a cat lover too! I think of you often and wonder how your doing. I know this is a rough part but your going to make it through. I didn't deal with losing my hair but I have a friend who has alapecia and she knows what it feels like. She wears wigs now but they are special made to suction to her head. I am going to ask for her tips on the reg wigs.

  • bunchocats
    bunchocats Member Posts: 18


     how are you doing?  I've been thinking of you as well.  It's amazing how God puts in a place where we are either meant to help or be helped.  You were a Godsend to me when I was first diagnosed.  

    I'm ok with losing my hair, I discovered I'm more aprprehensive about wearing the wig and how it would look.  I decided to wear it out today as a test run and it was ok.  It kept slipping, but visually people couldn't seem to tell.  A couple of people just thought I had my hair highlighted.  

    My next chemo is Thursday, so I'm sure it's going to really start falling out fast after that.  Some times I run my fingers through my hair and come away with a handful and others there is nothing, so I don't know what's going on. I just wish that if it's going to fall out it would do it already!  I made an appointment today for my husband and I to get our heads shaved at the same time on Friday.  I'm planning on bringing a few bottles of sparkling cider and those cheesy plastic wine glasses and celebrating with whoever is in the salon.  Onward to my next phase of recovery!  

    My hairdresser has a couple of clients who wear wigs and she will help me with hints.  I'm going to bring both in for my appoingment so we can figure them out. 

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Bunchocats-Hi Honey!!! I'm doing pretty good. I have put thinking about a revision on hold until after the holidays. I feel pretty good though but tired from all the running around for the holidays.

    It's funny how we all have to deal with our issues. I never dealt with chemo so I don't know how it would feel to lose my hair. Instead I dealt with 4 surgeries and very painful at that. I think with your personality and inner strengh your just going go with it and make it work. It's only a temporary situation on the way to your total well being. I used to talk to my friend who has alapecia about just walking around bald and she says she could never do it. However for some people there is power in doing that. You have such a great attitude about all this shitty stuff we have to go through and that's really what gets you to the other side of this. It's great that you have help and support with this and your hairdresser can help you.

    I'm still waiting to meet you and take you out to lunch. When your all down with your treatments and feel like yourself again we need to celebrate!

  • bunchocats
    bunchocats Member Posts: 18


    I can't wait to meet you too!  I've been practicing wearing my wigs out so I don't feel so self consciencious when I actually have to wear one.  I have an appointment for Friday to get my head shaved--at the rate it's coming out today, I hope I make it till then.  

    Any ladies who lost their hair, did your hair hurt before it fell out?   My hair hurts....like I've had my hair in a too tight ponytail.   My head is very sensitive, it's not bad enough that I'd need an asprin or anything just sensitive to the touch.  

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello, ladies:

    Sweetie: an hour a day for years?  Well, good for you!  My feeling is that once I actually get the walk organized, we will all probably travel together in like minivans or I might even look at getting a bus.  Your husband, with running every day, might be able to just put you on his back and I will see you there!  It is a walk of 60 miles over 3 days.   We don't just walk keep walking for 3 days, however!  We take meal breaks etc..   As for accommodations, it looks like a pink city as everyone stays in tents and I believe Komen gives out pink "tarps" to put on top of all the tents to the park where we all will be "living" for 3 days looks like one big sea of pink from afar and above!   Some years ago I was on a flight and got a look at one of these events although at that time I had no clue what I was looking at!  Now that I know, I can safely say it was beautiful!

    I will add you to my list and keep you posted.  

    Bunchocats: the wigs will no longer slip, provided you don't do cartwheels (!), when the time comes.  I actually have wraps, scarves and some "Comfort Caps" which I never used.  The ones I have are Henry Margu.   In any case, I never used them but I would be glad to pass them on to you if you would like.  We can meet for lunch or something.  The comfort caps, I believe, also help to keep the wig in place.  I think you are a little more prepared for what is coming than you even realize.   Hair Designs by Lucinda in Cheshire works with a lot of bc patients.  I never got to her but heard nothing but good things. 

    As for hurting, no, I felt nothing.  All I know was one day while I was in the shower so much came out at once it knotted in the back of my head and I said that was it.  I buzzed it.   Your scalp hurts a little after it is gone, and for you it might be just a bit more sensitive than it has been.  It is so used to being protected by all that hair and some women wear night caps (I guess they are like terry soft caps) after they lost their hair.  Of course, on chemo, I was going from hot to cold constantly so either I had on a Peruvian hat(yes, in bed!) or nothing!  

    You get through it.  You might want to reference my chemo thread for the August 2010 group or even join the chemo group for November 2011 starts.  It was so incredibly helpful to have those women to go through chemo with, I can never put into words how grateful I am.  

    If you need anything, I am here!

    Good day-

  • chrisct
    chrisct Member Posts: 310

    Hi ladies - chiming in real quick - on my way out - but wanted to say that my hair  hurt before it came out - exactly like a too-tight pony tail.  I wore cotton hats - didn't try to wear wigs.  I have long hair and would have wanted a long wig and I just knew I would be knocking it off my head constantly, so I didn't bother.  I had ordered two, but didn't like them and decided to return one and exchange the other for a different color.  I had gotten it on sale and they said it wasn't returnable, but they didn't have any left in the color I wanted so I ended up with a refund anyway. 

    We need Lady Gaga to tell us her secret of keeping wigs on.  Her wigs don't budge no matter how much she moves her head while dancing...

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

     Hi ladies Hope all had a nice holiday I spent it in Vermont with my family.  I never wore wigs either I wore scarfs or hats.  I looked silly wearing one.  I had my my hair shaved at a salon she charged me nothing I went to High school with the girl.  I asked her what she wanted and she said get out of here.  So some placed will just do it for you.  My hair was very long also and it was very hard when it starting falling out very emotional and all.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    I am going for my 1 year test this week and next.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Hello CT girls. I just found this thread and wondered if you ever get together and if so what parts of the state are you from? I am in the northeast corner of CT.

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Hi Ginger,

    Welcome and nice to meet you. I know some of the girls have gotten together in the past and I got together with some of the girls over a year ago at a breast cancer dinner. Do you have any ideas? I just noticed your diagnosis and treatment, you had a NSBMX. I had one of those too! I don't know a lot of ladies in our area who had them. My Dr only started doing them about 2 years ago.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Hi sweetie, I just sent you a PM. I had to travel to Boston for the NSBMX. Well worth the trip! I would love to meet up with some CT girls at some point.

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470


    I like to "celebrate" my life every October when it is breast cancer awareness month. At that time there are always benefit dinners around the state. I went to one last year at the Aqua Turf in Southington and it was great. They had a nice dinner, a program and vendors who sold really nice stuff like jewelry. If anyone wants to go we can all meet there this year. Let me know what you think.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    I think that sounds great. I have been to the aqua turf once before. Let me know when you hear of something going on.

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470


    Yes let's keep in touch and remember it's always in October. I'd love if some of girls can meet  there. It's a really nice dinner and we all deserve to celebrate our life and that we are survivors. Another fun thing I did this year was a race in New Britain called the CT breast health initiative.  It was my first 5k. My goal after my surgeries was to complete a 5k. I could never run before but I had been going to the gym and my husband helped train me. It was so appropriate that my first race was a breast cancer benefit. I can't tell you how great I felt that day. It was a celebration of life for me.

  • AngelFaith
    AngelFaith Member Posts: 4

    Hi my mom was just dx with bc. From ct and shes looking to chat with others in the area. Getting treatment at Hartford hospital. Anyone out there?

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Hi Angel, I just sent you a PM.

  • AngelFaith
    AngelFaith Member Posts: 4


    I keep trying to reply to you but my account says i can only send a limited amount of messages per day.. although i havent sent any today... Anyone ever have this problem?? Maybe you can private email me? cassi3155@hotmail.com

    I will message back on here as soon as it will let me.. grr..

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Angel-I got your message and I replied. I will be contacting your mom. You may be having problems because you are new to BC.org and sometimes if you don't post a lot it can limit you until you. Hang in there it will work out.

  • sweetbean
    sweetbean Member Posts: 433

    Anybody have a good oncologist with Yale?  I have one with Hartford Hospital and I'm looking to switch. 

    Actually, could be anywhere in CT - I'm just kind of frustrated with my current onc.