Webinar: Corrective Breast Reconstruction: Getting the Results You Want Join us July 9, 2024 at 6pm ET. Register here.

Connecticut Girls



  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Hi Flash-That's a little too far for me. I'm in Hartford county.

    Cindy-It is good you are happy with the care you are getting. I agree we are lucky in the NE to have so many wonderful Dr's and hospital's available to us. Wishing you all the best as you go through this process.

    Cathyann-I have been on Tamoxifen for 2 1/2 years. I don't notice any major side effects but there are a few things I have noticed. My period is a little erratic. Sometimes I skip a month or two and then it comes back. I work out like crazy. Almost every day and I find it very hard to maintain my weight and not able to lose weight. I gained probably 5-10 pounds. I do hear a lot of women saying they either gain weight or cannot lose. You just have to work really hard to maintain. I did have a couple of ovarian cysts which may or may not be related. Not a big issue though because they come and go and cause no problem. Other than those things it really is not too bad and I don't really notice that I am on it. You have to ask your Dr what the benefit of you taking it is. They should be able to give you a number on what your risk of recurrence is with it vs without it. I know most women with ER positive tumors are on it. You only stay on it for 5 years. There are a couple of threads on here about Tamoxifen. I found it best to not read into it too much but to just go ahead and try it and try to be positive about it. I really had no problems adjusting to it at all.

  • CindyLooWho
    CindyLooWho Member Posts: 260

    Hey Sweetie2040...how long before you were able to workout again for real? Not just lower body. I am worried about not being to do much. I just lost 20 lbs and don't want it back.


  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Cindy- it did take quite a long time to recover fully. I started by getting back to my walking routine of 45-60 mins a day. Started that several weeks after my BMX. I didn't do any weights for over a year. I did have a revision surgery so that put me farther behind. I do have some limitations when weight lifting and I don't use my pec area. Right now I have been running, spinning at the gym  (wear a good sports bra) and some weights. I have to modify things if they don't feel comfortable. You can see if there is a Livestrong program at your local YMCA. They offer a FREE 12 week program to cancer survivors and they work with you trying different types of exercise programs. I did that and loved it and then joined. That's great that you lost 20 pounds. That is quite an accomplishment.

  • CindyLooWho
    CindyLooWho Member Posts: 260

    I used livestrongs My plate to lose the weight! My gym is 3 miles away, I can ride my bike there. The Y is pretty far.

    I know it's too soon to start obsessing about it. If I can walk I will be happy.

    Thanks for sharing.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    I am walking in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk at Bushnell Park in Hartford tomorrow. Anyone else?

  • justegan
    justegan Member Posts: 27

    So ladies, Ch 3 news did a story on me and my sister for breast cancer awareness month. I'm famous! Now you can say you knew me back when =P hahaha

    Feel free to watch it =): http://www.wfsb.com/video?clipId=7867927&autostart=true

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Justegan- I could not find it on that page. Any suggestions?

  • justegan
    justegan Member Posts: 27

    Ginger, did you try to watch it on your phone? Because it will not work on a phone but on the computer. And it may not work because you have not installed Java? I'm not sure.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Thanks. I did try it on my phone. I will try tomorrow on the computer.

  • chrisct
    chrisct Member Posts: 310

    Very nice story.  You and your sister are so beautiful. I'd bet you helped some women to get up the nerve to have those mammograms they've been putting off or have lumps examined.  (((((HUGS)))))

  • justegan
    justegan Member Posts: 27

    Thank you, I hope it does that! =)

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Cindy-walking should be no problem.

    Justegan-wow what a great inspirational story! What a beautiful family. You and your sister are so gorgeous and vibrant. Thank you so much for sharing your story so openly with other women. You have such a strong spirit! Cancer sucks, but if we let it we can learn so much from what we've through and we can take a very negative thing and change things in a positive way. Your doing that!

  • justegan
    justegan Member Posts: 27

    Thank you so much. My family/my sister are amazing. Their support definitely helps me remain so strong through all of this! 

    And I just found out the other day that not only did my sister shave her head for me (which I knew) but that she is keeping it shaved the entire time while I'm in chemotherapy. I just thought she was doing it once out of solidarity which would've been enough of course! But the fact that she is keeping it like that throughout the next few months just speaks volumes to what type of person she is and how lucky I am to have her in my life!!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Justegan- that is one great sister!!

    Hoping all my CT ladies are staying safe from Hurricane Sandy!

  • justegan
    justegan Member Posts: 27

    She is quite amazing!! And I agree, everyone stay safe!!!

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Happy Turkey Day!

    Ok, better late than never, but I hope you all had a nice holiday with plenty to be thankful for.  Lat transfer coming up on Thursday 11/29 with Dr. DeLucia...not looking forward to drains, looking forward to a new foob for the holidays :)  Really looking forward to doing something with the chicken cutlet...was thinking about a ceremonial burning, but not exactly clear on what it's made out of, lol.  I still can't believe I'm doing this 3.5 years later, but I am sooooo ready :)

    Hugs ladies!


  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Hello, girls!

    With CT being 2nd in the country for bc incidence, and it being so densely populated, I am very surprised this thread is not busier!

    In any case, I stop by today with good news!!!   I had the greatest experience with Yale Plastic Surgery having a FLAP done.  Yale has hired Dr. Alex Au, a microvascular, so now FLAPs are done at Yale.  I had mine done in July and my results are fabulous.  Dr. Stephanie Kwei and Dr. Alex Au were my PSs and I just wanted everyone to know gone are the days of traveling to NY, NOLA and points afar for FLAPs with very talented microvascular surgeons as we now have one right here in CT! 

    If you all are at recon stage, I just wanted you to know your options have opened up immensely at Smilow and gone are the days when implants were the only thing on the menu in New Haven.  I would encourage you to meet with Drs Kwei and Au before making a decision.  I am very pleased and my recon path after bmx was marred with problems before I found Dr. Kwei and Dr. Au.    I would also encourage anyone who has been put off by other PSs and told they are not a candidate for a FLAP, for whatever reason, to get a 2nd from Yale PS.  I was speaking with a woman in the waiting room at Smilow who said her old PS told her she was not a FLAP candidate and I encouraged her to talk to Dr. Kwei about it as she was there to see her for a 2nd opinion.  Go and talk to them and don't spend the rest of your lives with anything less than what you want.

    I cannot tell you all how happy I am with my results.  I purposely waited for a bit after surgery to heal before making this announcement.   It is very nice to know that we have everything we need right here now.  I know there are some microvascular surgeons in CT and some of the smaller hospitals have done it but Dr. Au is amazing and, to be quite frank, I would not go to another hospital for cancer txs in CT.  Yale is it for me.  My next stop would be DF or MSK. 

    In any case, happy I can report to you all how great this experience was and how nice it is to feel whole again!

    Happy holidays my fellow bc sisters in CT! 

    EVERYONE: feel free to PM me if you have any questions as I am more than happy to help.  

  • chrisct
    chrisct Member Posts: 310

    Thank you so much for sharing that info.  I'm not in the market for a FLAP surgery at this time, but if I have a recurrence, I will definitely look into trying to see them.  I've written their names in my "cancer folder" for future reference.

    I'm so happy for you that you have such good results. 

  • vballmom
    vballmom Member Posts: 153

    Thanks for posting this. I'm looking to have this done in Connecticut. They are not showing up in my network, though.  Cry

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Hi Vballmom:

    I just had a lat flap done by Dr. Delucia at HH on 11/29/12 and it looks fabulous.  I delayed the procedure almost 3 years after my original tissue expander had to come out after a staph infection.  Dr. Delucia does this surgery often and very well.  Patient's still play golf, tennis, swim..I will be riding my horse (far sooner than he recommends) and ski.  I have a long but super skinny scar on my back and the flap looks good in the front.  I have a small expander in and will only have 1 or 2 fills then the exchange.  I love Dr. D...the only thing he does is breast cancer reconstruction and I saw LOTS of his "girls" before surgery and there isn't an ugly boob among them.  Not to mention he is hysterical and makes having breast cancer not seem like the end of the world.  I work at Yale, but still went back to my original team...and I work in patient finance for the school of medicine.  PM me if you need help with doctors in your area...I am happy to help you weed through the mess that is insurance. 

    As for the rest of you who always offer love, laughter and encouragement, I'm glad for all of that before this last surgery.  I feel great...walking on the treadmill and I can get my arm up over my head with just a little stretch.  Last two drains come out on Wednesday and therapy is scheduled for the Monday after.  Hang tough girls, and I hope you all enjoy a wonderful holiday season with your families and friends :)


  • chrisct
    chrisct Member Posts: 310

    Adding Dr. DeLucia to my folder for future reference - good to know he's had such success with that procedure.  Glad to hear you are doing well.

  • vballmom
    vballmom Member Posts: 153

    Thanks, Mimi!  I have a consultation with him in January!  I'm so pleased that you are happy with your results.

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796

    Vballmom: it is Yale, they have to be in your plan.  Yale takes everything and, of course, congruent with it being a large university hospital, they also take uninsured.  Check it out and have a meeting with them.

    All I know is all the good results are always NOLA, NY and points West.  There are so few truly talented microvascular surgeons in this field which is where Dr. Au comes in.  There are some micros in Hartford and some down in FF County but Dr. Au's training is second to none.  He did his residency at Penn Med and even his superiors there had nothing but good things to say.  

    Mimi: that is amazing that you work at Yale and took your Yale benefits to HH to get your operation done!  I heard of Dr. Delucia and have definitely heard good things.  I am very glad you have had good results and are feeling better.  

    ChrisCT: a long time ago a woman on this site told me about Dr. Kwei and how much she liked her and I just did not immediately see her because my BS, Dr. Horowitz,  worked with the first New Haven based PS I saw.  She was off prem as was he.  She has subsequently joined Smilow and lucky for all us bc girls, devoted her practice to bc.  In any case, the first PS only did implants and not only did I not want implants, I had a host of problems including a badly infected TE that landed me in the hospital for 10 days *during* chemo.  

    I had a discussion with someone at Smilow who I felt I could trust to put me on the best path to a new PS and she is the one who led me to Dr. Kwei.  It was really great when I finally met Dr. Kwei because I realized what a wonderful bedside manner she has and how pleasant she is not to mention she is an incredibly well-educated and consummate PS.  They are also open to trying things at Yale PS as we had discussions on a host of possibilities.  

    A FLAP surgery is a long surgery and perhaps not for everybody but if you are going to get it done, I would encourage you to check locally.  If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.  I will tell you the best part is having breasts again with no foreign bodies!  

    I wish you well in your decision making process ;)

  • Emme
    Emme Member Posts: 85

    Hello Everyone...I'm just chimming in to say Hello! Its been a long time, I hope you are all doing well...

    Much LOve Em

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Hey Emme! So good to hear from you. How are you doing? Whats new?

  • meghar
    meghar Member Posts: 13

    Hi can anyone recommend a treatment team in New Milford Ct area?

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Sorry- I am from northeast ct. Hopefully someone will chime in soon.

  • cathyann
    cathyann Member Posts: 122

    Meghar:  I live in that general area.   How far are you with treatments now?  There are some very good Doctors in our area.   Are you looking for BS or PS?

  • Sparkle2014
    Sparkle2014 Member Posts: 83

    anyone in CT - i can't say enough amazing things about Dr Jeanne Capasse in Norwalk - she is incredible - a kind, down to earth, patient and calm DR and exceptional skills - both as Breast Surgeon and was also general surgeon prior - believe from Cornell Med School - great team at Norwalk Hospital where she is Director of the Smilow Breast Center there, and for Plastic Surgeon - Dr Tito Vasquez - did amazing job so far on my TE - is a skilled Plastic Surgeon, trained as general surgeon too and was in Army or Navy medical unit and a hand surgeon so he is very precise and skilled and also calm, kind, sweet and funny and humble and amazing - just passing on in case any newly diagnosed women need advice - I am 43, in Norwalk, there is support groups at Breast Cancer Survival Center run by Nina Marino and counselor that are held at 6pm to 7:30/8pm at Norwalk community College, at Wilton Library and at another location - cant recall where - she has facebook page "Breast Cancer Survival Center",,,,, I am happy to pass along her number is anyone likes it, let me know - going through this all and all the uncertainty and the medical insurance and bills and fear recurrence - just takes a lot out of me! but I am so grateful I was able to avoid chemo and radiation and blessed for finding it before was further along - - still very difficult and feels like did this really happen to me,,,, Trying having more quiet time, sitting meditating or just being calm and hopeful and trusting the powers above.. thinking of you all and wishing you all well

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Hi Sparkle,

    Thanks for the info. I am glad you are happy with your care.

    I live in the northeast corner of Ct but I grew up in Greenwich and still have family in Stamford, Fairfield and Monroe. We still get down there fairly often.

    Hopefully, some other CT girls will stop by and say hello. This thread has been quiet for a while now.