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Follow my Brava and Fat Grafting Day by Day



  • hopeful24
    hopeful24 Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Hi Eileen,

    Glad you are moving along! I started the Brava and finally got up to 10 hours on night four. It's definitely painful and uncomfortable, on the chest, not the breast area. I am already noticing a little "mound" forming. It's very exciting.

    My first fat grafting is still scheduled for July 8th. Like you, I'm anxious to get everything done. I am, however, enjoying a few weeks of feeling good, working out and having fun with friends. I figure it's going to be a long summer recovering between surgeries.


  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166
    edited June 2013

    Hopeful--regarding post-opt

    My PS requires 3 days of almost continuous brava use, next 8 hours nitely for two months. I have found it does wear me down, but it is well worth it. The best, Eileenk

  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166
    edited June 2013

    Hopeful--have been reading your posts. Have been using brava for over one year--perhaps you could clarify your issues, and I could be of help. Fellow brava user. Eileen

  • hopeful24
    hopeful24 Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Hi Eileen,

    A year -- can't imagine! I just finished day 10. I have to say I took a good look this morning and nearly cried when I saw that I do have some growth :)

    I'm just feeling like the dome is so big. For example, if I put it over the right breast (which is actually a little bigger than I want when all this is finished), it looks like there's two inches of space before the nipple would go. In addition, it extends from one breast to the other (I can't imagine that I could wear two if I needed to) and from almost my neck to my waist! 

    I'm really sure it is too big and can't imagine ever needing this size. My "rep" at BRAVA just laughs. She did finally send me a smaller sports bra when I insisted (XL is still a little big with dome on, but not terrible), but she says the dome is right and I should look at the video, which, of course, shows a woman with two breasts just trying to enlarge them.

    Can it do any harm to have a dome that's too big? I can see skin stretching a little under my arm, below and to the right of where the breast should be, but I guess the PS can fix this later.

    Also, I have no idea what to do with this large cardboard thing when traveling. I asked about a drying tray and was told I don't need one, but this cardboard thing is going to take up my whole suitcase.

    And, how do I tell if the alarm is on? It has NEVER gone off. I press it on after the power button each time, but I can't tell that it's really working. Again, I was laughed at and told "you'll know if it alarms."

    Thanks for any help you can give me. I'm going to try to get the PA at my doc's office to track down Darlene and have her call me, but Vivian seems to hijack all my calls and emails so I'm not anticipating it happening. I've had no luck getting a number or name of anyone higher up.


  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166
    edited June 2013

    What is your dome size?  I have a large--wide--at first it seemed huge.  It is--but it not take long to increase the breast size.  A smaller dome would have been too small in a short period of time.  You will be amazed at how you fill it our.  As for the width--it sort of shapes to your frame.  So I am not sure--but would like to know complete dome size.  Eileen

  • hopeful24
    hopeful24 Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    I do have a large wide, but if there's so much room left on the finished breast when I place this over it, how could I ever fill it? And, do I want to? Quite honestly, my right breast is bigger than I wanted it to be. It's lost some fat since the DIEP flap, but I'd still be happier smaller. He's going to tighten up the right and then I want a small left to match.

    I think part of the problem is that when she asked my original size (38 large C), I kept saying over and over that I don't want that any more and I've lost 25 lbs since the surgery started. My PS knows to finish me at a 36 (small B).

    We're doing this all much quicker than you, partly because I don't know if/what insurance I will have October 1st and also because I've had so many complications all my doctors want to keep me out of the operating room as much as possible (the reason I went into debt with the BRAVA).

    July 8th fill-in

    Beg Aug fill-in

    Mid-sept even out and nipples.

    Any thoughts on my questions on the sport box? And, btw, I also asked about the charger for that and was told I didn't need it. 


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited June 2013

    I was started out in Medium Wide after my MX.  I would not be surprised if the large wide are too big for you.

    After several surgeries you progress up to the larger sizes of Brava. 

    If you start with too big of a size, you won't get as good of suction, from what I hear - so the expansion takes longer.  

  • hopeful24
    hopeful24 Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Thanks, Dancetracer. That's kind of what I thought about the starting size, but I'm still not understanding why I would progress beyond this size. What size breast did you/do you want to finish with? As I said, there's tons of room in this dome if I place it on the breast that I feel is too big!

  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166
    edited June 2013

    I am a 36B-C.  Wide,Large probably was too large for me--but have not needed to order any new domes--My start date was April18, 2012. 

    I think this large size has kept the expense down.  I actually think that it did help with expansion--once I started pumping.  Medium would have been much easier to wear.  That is my thought.  Again, at least I never needed to order new domes.  Eileen

  • hopeful24
    hopeful24 Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    Thanks, Eileen. That's my thought at this point. It would have been more comfortable to start with a smaller size, but I can't afford to buy new domes so I guess it's better to have the large ones.

    One thing I've been doing is moving it slightly each time so that it's not always overhanging the other breast or into the underarm. Same thing with the up and down. 


  • EileenKaye1
    EileenKaye1 Member Posts: 166
    edited June 2013

    Hopeful-I also think uni's are difficult. My RC is huge, compared to my natural breast. At the same time, some areas are deficient. I think that my PS wants much extra fat to allow for better contouring.

    Will let you know what she says at my next appointment(at the last visit she said I would need even more Fatgrafting). Eileen

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited June 2013

    Hopeful - I would love to get a size C, but that is definitely not in the cards for me - not enough fat.  At best I could get a B with the fat reserves I have, and that's at best.  

    You have to expand to a size larger than what you want, at least.  So if you expand to a C size, then get grafting, after stopping Brava you will usually shrink down to a size B. 

  • hopeful24
    hopeful24 Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2013

    I'm really not sure the BRAVA is doing enough and, despite promises of the opposite, I have received absolutely no help from them. 

    I was told the same thing about the diep flap and my right breast is much larger than I'd like 7 months later. I'm definitely going to have it reduced at some point. I spent enough of my having to get bigger sizes in dresses and tops because of my breast and finding it difficult to match the small waist. I'm ready to have nice, small ones and that should get this done quicker anyway.  

    I'm just going to keep this up and see what happens in surgery. When he opens the incision and unfolds the skin, it will probably look (and BRAVA) totally different, but I can tell you my large b/c breast is no where near filling this dome either!

    I guess my goal is to get this to match the right breast, than reduce that one when the swelling goes down. First, I have to wait for real swelling to come up!


  • LindaK50
    LindaK50 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2013


    I was recently dx & had a lumpectomy performed by an excellent oncologist surgeon. As part of my post-op visit, I asked if any PS here in Ohio were doing the fat grafting to fill-in the breast to better match the healthy breast. I presented him two documents regarding this recently new procedure. Unfortunately my surgeon does not support this procedure due to potential issues with future mammograms. He sounded like what surgeons said about this procedure in the 80s. 

    Anyway, I need to get thru radiation therapy and anti-hormone therapy first. I would be interested in the fat grafting procedure in about a year to make sure I am healed and there is not another BC occurance. I have plenty of fat in the mid section to supply, but that could change. 

    Please let me know how your annual mammograms are going as well as how your oncologist supports the new you! 


    DCIS 2.7cm Stage 2a, ER/PR+, HER2-, 0/4nodes

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited July 2013

    LindaK - this has been an issue for me b/c I traveled for my MX and fat grafting, but my local BS and RO and radiologist follow my care.  They were none too happy about the fat grafting.  I love my BS and RO and don't want to change, but if I could kick my radiologist to the other end of the earth, I would.  Unfortunately, my BS and RO require that I use their radiologists.  I have followup mammo's and MRI's despite BMX since I had close margins even with my BMX.  Some BS's wouldn't require them, but mine is especially conservative due to my situation.

    So far I have had several lumps which they have ruled as fat necrosis via mammogram and ultrasounds.  The last time I was in the radiologist told me I was going to be "plagued by fatty cysts due to the fat injections you had".   She is SO judgemental of me for the type of recon I chose.  <sigh>  I'd like her to walk a mile in my shoes and see what choices she would make.    She could say that she disagrees without being condescending.  And I wouldn't call it plagued for goodness sakes.  Yes, I need a bit more follow-up, but I would rather put up with that difficulty than the risks associated with a flap surgery (can't have implants due to rads).  We all make choices, there are pro's and con's of each of those choices.  We are the ones who have to live with our choices, not our doctors.  

  • hopeful24
    hopeful24 Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone....

    It's been two days and I am in shock. I flew up to Mayo Sunday for my Monday morning surgery. I received a call two hours after I arrived that my surgery was cancelled. My doctor was in a serious accident.

    The PA of my doctor is trying to find another doctor willing to do my fat graphs (we're hoping he's recovered to do my final "touch up" in Sept), but it looks like no one else there is familiar with BRAVA.

    He's going to be alright (with multiple broken bones) and I am emmotionally devastated. I waited months to have this breast reconstructed again and arranged my life around these surgeries. I've been living through the BRAVA for 4 weeks. I will either have no insurance or a high deductible on October 1st so putting this off is a mental and financial problem. 

    I'm just hoping they can come up with someone to do the fat grafts in the near future. I am just in limbo (I had already told everyone I wasn't working this week) until then.

  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467
    edited July 2013

    Oh hopeful24 - praying for the health of your doctor and that they find someone else to complete your procedure. You must feel devastated. I am so sorry. Hugs.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited July 2013

    Hopeful - any chance you can fly somewhere else for surgery?  I know it would be a big thing to arrange, so not very likely, but just a thought.  I am so incredibly sorry this has happened.  It's got to be devastating. 

  • hopeful24
    hopeful24 Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    I'm not sure what to do. I called the office again today. They had told me they were going to sit down with other surgeons and see what surgeries they could take. 

    I did start to look at other possibilities (there aren't a lot experienced in fat grafting with Brava), but since those would be people at places I've never been, I'd have to first fly for a consult before even getting a date! That would probably put me off even more. 

    I'm just playing the waiting game at the moment. Very sad, disappointed and worried about not finishing before my Oct 1 insurance deadline.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013


    I live in Indianapolis, but travel via car or plane to Charleston SC for my free flap bilateral SGAP breast recon surgeries.

    He also does LNT-lymph node transfer, which I had mine done in December 2012.

    Dr Kline was trained by Dr Corrine Becker several years ago. He is a a highly talented microsurgeon /plastic surgeon and so down to earth nice.

    He will do a free phone consultation after you send medical records. They accept all insurance plans.

    Hopefully, you find a doc soon to help you. Take care!

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone

    After a lot of heart searching and two plastic surgeons saying this is all nonsense (!) and that a DIEP will only look ok on me in clothes and not naked I have decided to try and reconstruct a breast shape via fat grafting only.  I have significant radiation damage and some truncal lymphedema but this is the ONLY route that gives a natural looking shape at the end with sensation, I don´t scar well so DIEP is potentially problematic and fat grafting seems longer, emotionally harder but hopefully I will be happier in the end........but now for my question - is there anyone who has done this post RADS who has had failed fat grafts?  With or without BRAVA? 

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013


    I can't offer info now, but I will be starting BRAVA in October. I have a badly damaged radiated breast, and I am very thin. More fat cells will survive with BRAVA, which is especially important with little fat to work with.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited July 2013

    Great maybe we can support each other as i will not start straight away.....? I do have enough fat elsewhere its whether it stays in its relocated position that is the issue for me!!!!

  • goodrhue
    goodrhue Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2013

    It's so great reading about everyone's experiences.  I'm sorry I haven't chimed in in quite a while!  I'm working with Dr. Khouri and have had no problems so far, after 2 procedures on my radiated right side.  Other people would still just see "flat", but I was less than flat before, so I am quite satisfied with the progress.  Third procedure is next Friday and I'm hoping it will be more dramatic.   I should receive the turbo machine today and have instructions to use it as intensively as I can within my work schedule (including continually Fri-Mon next weekend) right up to the procedure.

    traveling with the BRAVA domes: I traveled with the big cardboard box the first time which is ridiculous, but after that I switched to just putting them each in big gallon zip-loc bags as suggested by the BRAVA coach.  Much easer to pack and allows me to stick to carry-on luggage for a quick trip.

    BRAVA products: the BRAVA coach actually told me things to use/substitute after I run out of the stuff that came with the original package.  The only thing she didn't tell me, and I'm about to need, was what to use to clean the BRAVA when I run out of the green spray - glad to hear others are just using baby shampoo.

    thin skin, redness: my skin got very red, itchy and irritated just before and after the last procedure in April but has cleared up nicely.

    insurance: It is out of network for me and my insurance year ended June 30.  As predicted (and I was prepared for) the 2 procedures last year used up my maximum out-of-pocket contribution amount.  I'll use the out-of-pocket maximum again this insurance year with 3 or 4 more procedures (hopefully he can do it in 5 total procedures now that he's using the turbo)

    what to do with the natural one?: The next big issue for me is what to do with the existing left side.  I have always said I probably want a slight reduction and lift (34D now but would love to be a little smaller and able to go bra-less!).  After the last procedure, the nurse said they would recommend that since they can't really mimic the 50-year old sag with the new one.  The procedure Dr. K uses is a screw in the clavicle and some liposuction with intentional creation of scar tissue on the underneath side to provide support and lift.  Anyone have any input on this?  I'm going to ask lots more questions about it next week.

    Bonus that will help with $$- my husband has a 2nd cousin who actually lives in Key Biscayne and has graciously invited us to stay with him for my next procedure!

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013


    Thanks for sharing your BRAVA experience. I am heading that direction in a few months. I have severe radiation damage. What kind of cream ointment did you use for redness and irritation?

  • hopeful24
    hopeful24 Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    I am actually alternating the brava lotion, vitamin e oil, vasoline and aveeno! Now that I'm on the turbo, I've added cordisone into the mix. I also learned on to use the blister bandaids on really red/blistered areas before I put on the BRAVA.

    So, I take it off and put on the brava lotion. Then, about an hour later, I put on the oil, then aveeno, etc. 

    Is this all worth it? I honestly don't know. The BRAVA wasn't bad. The turbo machine is killer and I think it would have been easier and less painful to open my incision and let the tucked skin out rather than sucking it out with the turbo. 

  • goodrhue
    goodrhue Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2013

    When I take off the BRAVA and shower, I use shea butter soap, then massage in coconut oil which also helps remove the adhesive.  Then when dry if it's especially itchy or irritated, I use a some hydrocortisone as well. I use calendula gel, silver gel, the aloe that I use pre-BRAVA, and the BRAVA lotion.  I think everyone uses their own mixture!  I agree The turbo machine is killer and for some reason this 3rd time it seems to bother me alot more, but it's only for 10 days.  I tried using tegaderm before but the adhesive bothers my skin as much or more than the BRAVA.  I'm going to try the blister bandaids in one small place - thanks, hopeful.

    It had better be worth it in the end! 

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited July 2013

    How soon do you notice a difference?

  • hopeful24
    hopeful24 Member Posts: 117
    edited July 2013

    I have yet to find coconut oil. I am down in Florida now and I understand there is a Whole Foods about an hour away so I'm going to try to get there today (surgery Monday morning) and find it. The vitamin E Oil has been doing pretty well in the meantime. I also agree completely on the cordisone cream. That and blister pads (which you can put between you and the BRAVA) have saved me.

    Lily... honestly, even with all the complications I had, I would do DIEP again if I had to do it all over. And, I haven't even had the first FG surgergy yet! BRAVA is a VERY long and painful process. I don't have much choice now for the reconstructed breast I lost to a staph infection, but if I did, I wouldn't do this. Months and months of being basically breastless and in pain is not worth it.


  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited July 2013


    Do you mind telling me who your surgeon is that is doing BRAVA?

    I'm so sorry to hear about losing your reconstructed breast to staph infection. You are in my prayers through this difficult process. When are you expected to cross the finish line?