Any avid horseback riders out there?
My riding buddy has been out of town but she finally came back and despite everything we rode Tuesday!! It was great.
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chele, wonderful!!!
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rest in peace chele. We will miss you! And so wil blue.
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I'm so sorry to hear this. I have been crying and crying. Chele really touched me.
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I am happy to hear she was living her life to the fullest even at the end. May there be beautiful horses and no pain in heaven.
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Meow13, so beautifully said. thank you.
I hope they bury her with her big buckle she won.
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So sorry for Chele's family and friends! She was such an inspiration to me.
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Rest in peace Chele. So sorry to hear the news.
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this has been a quiet place. I have not been a good mother--to my horse. I have only seen him a handful of times. He learned how to take his muzzle off!! He is super fat again! That can't be good. I will god buy him another one that attaches differently. I want to ride him! This may sound silly, but I want someone with me because he can act silly and I don't know if I have the strength to stay on or correct him. His 1/2 sister is my ex-mother-in-laws horse. She is having a vet out to check her horse because she continues to come up lame. She'll be fine one minute and barley able to walk the next. The farrier said it's not laminitis. He thinks it may be muscular or neurological. Any thoughts? She said the horses back legs were just quivering. Afraid she's going to lay down and not be able to get back up. She is prepared to put her down because she does not want her to suffer! Hope you all are doing well! Tell me some stories!
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Hi Kjones. I understand completely about wanting someone to ride with you. I have not been able to get on my horses for about a year and a half other than a brief deal a year ago due to my extreme joint pain. I am hoping that in a few months the side effect of the drug causing that will be out of my system and I can ride again. I have been thinking about how I will do it since my horses have been unridden this entire time. I have decided I will need to do a lot of ground work and also have contemplated having someone ride my horses for me to get them used to it again in case they have anything they want to get out of their system. I remember John Lyons the horse trainer saying "ride where you know you can...not where you can't". It is important to have a successful outing with your horse and if that means having someone with you then do it!
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I just wanted to wish all my fellow horse lovers a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a wishes for a wonderful 2015 to all!
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cowgal, thanks for your thoughts. Here's wishing you and everyone on our board here a Happy New Year.
BTW, I'm posting a pic of a lesson horse I am TLCing. His name is Whizz and he is so sweet. It's a funny thing to say but I think he will be my 'forever horse'. I hand walk him, groom him, give him baths and just spend special time with him. He really needs a human and he hadn't been getting out as he has been lame. We have a big polo field where I ride and the lesson horses are turned out there for winter, which they love. Anyway, I was turning out Quzz back to the polo field and instead of running to the horses, he just stood with me. It was so sweet. And no, I don't hand feed him. This was for real!
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sooooo pretty! I hope you all had a merry Christmas and have a blessed new year!
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Oh, he looks like a sweetie.
Happy 2015 everyone. May we all stay healthy and strong.
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Whizz looks like a real sweet guy. Yep, my old paint is just like Whizz where he prefers me to the other horses. It actually made it so much easier for riding because he did not get buddy sour. Unfortunately, he is retired due to injury so no more riding but he is still my big sweetheart. Our other two geldings really like people too but are both buddy sour.
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You said just the words 'my big sweetheart'. its just how I feel also.
I was at the ranch yesterday and I shot a pic of two of the lesson sweet. These two are always together and frequently away from the herd in their own littile bliiss. I thought I'd post.
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That's a neat picture. I don't know if someone painted a heart on the tree that they are standing by or if it is just the shade from the branches but it looks like half of a heart.
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Hi All,-- haven't posted in forever here. I started to endurance ride (LDs--25-35 miles) last summer. Started feeling pain in my back by december and just thought it was poor posture-- not. So now I am stage iv with mets in my spine. I two more LDs--one after the diagnosis and before radiation. did well but lots of pain. Radiation killed my energy but it is coming back. My head wants to ride more but my body just isn't doing it. I am a bit depressed and don't have that positive attitude I am used to having. Homelife not so good but my animals for wonderful and so are friends. I need to find out where my mojo went-- alone see it??? LOL But my horse are definitely the place to start--any ideas?
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foxford-so glad to see someone else who has horses.i didn't grow up riding but started in my 20's riding English and basically just walk,trot,cantering. I got my children involved in lessoning and our love of horses took off from there. 3 out of 5 of my chdren have horses we own a medium and large pony and a 16 hand Thorobred. My 10 year old daughter does hunters-jumping 2.3 and my 12 year old son does pony jumpers and is trying to qualify for pony finals in Kentucky(next year) my older daughter is 17 and she does a mix of both. We board at a barn in pa that trains dressage and eventing. We are at the barn 6 days a week and I believe the horses have kept me sane dealing with a stage 4 diagnosis. I don't have time to dwell when we are at the barn and prepping for shows almost every weekend. I don't ride much now except for the occasional hack around the property on my sons large pony. I have bone tumors and a fracture is a scary possibilty. Thanks for putting up this threadi love to talk about our 4 legged friends!
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Hi ladies. Glad to see some other horse people back on this topic.
Quattsi - I grew up in Tucson on the east side. Not sure how to tell you how to get your mojo back as I am still working on mine. I have not been on the back of my horses for over two years now. Too much pain in my knees. They kept telling me that once I got off of the AIs, the pain would go away. Long story short, they took me off of the AIs in July of last year and nothing improved and in January, I ended up unable to walk and on a walker. Ended up that I have end stage tri-compartmental osteoarthritis in both knees, my meniscus' on both knees have been shredded by the bone on bone and my ACLs are torn. Orthopedic surgeon said that AIs are not only hard on joints but on ligaments and tendons as well. I am getting ready to have both knees replaced in the next 30 days.
Partyoffive - glad you found this thread. My horses were definitely helpful during my breast cancer treatment. I am hoping after my knees are replaced, I can get back to riding them. Luckily, my husband is very supportive and been fine that my horses have been pasture ornaments for the last few years.
So is anyone going to watch the Belmont today?
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Hi cowgal-- I live on the east side. Where do you live now? Trying to get myself out this morning-- I feel the tumor in my spine and the pain radiates down but I figure if I can get moving more it might be easier. it is hot now and of course, hormones don't make living in the heat easier--plus putting on weight...blah blah blah-- like a broken record-- how do you say --just go out and ride... I have to get over myself.
I am sorry to hear you are having so many problems from the AIs-- if it is not the cancer it is the cure! I won't do AIs. For me this is stage4 so QOL is important and what you are experiencing is only more fodder for my non cooperative attitude!! LOL .
What types of horses decorate your home? Mine are two grey arabs--lovely and quiet sweetness. I adore them.
Time to hook up trailer...Q
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I live in Oklahoma now but grew up in Tucson. I graduated from Sahuaro High School. I'm so sorry that you don't feel well but I hope you enjoy your ride. I have gained a considerable amount of weight by my inability to exercise so I understand what you are talking about. I hope once I have my new knees, I am able to get back to exercise and can get the weight off.
I have a 19 year old sorrel tobiano paint that I have had since the day he was born that is retired, a 16 year old sorrel quarter horse that we've had since he was 1 and a tovero paint that is 12 that we've had since he was 5. All geldings. What type of horses do you have Quaatsi? Back before my old paint got injured, sometimes we would just take off in the morning and go 7 or so miles at a long trot and have the best time. It was great for both of us. A friend of ours always thought that we should try endurance riding and I think it sounds like it would be a lot of fun. I guess I have always heard that the arabians are typically a lot better at endurance than stock type breeds.
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I'm so excited! I have booked a trail ride in the mountains for next Sunday! I'm sad I'm not able to use my own horse, but my whole family is going! My 11 yr old has never been on a trail ride and neither has my 4 yr old! I'm nervous for several reasons...this is my first time riding in 3 yrs (since dx), my dh and kids have zero experience. So much can go wrong, but I'm bringing my aunt along and she has tons of experience so between the guide, myself, and my aunt...hopefully we can make this a fun, safe ride for all! Hope my back holds up for the 2 hrs! If this goes well, we may look into another ride in cades cove...prettiest place on earth! One of them at least. Hope you all are able to spend some time with your four legged loved ones
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That's awesome! I bet if they are providing the horses for the trail ride that they will have some seasoned veterans that should know the trails and make good mounts. I hope you all have the best time!
I haven't been able to ride for 2 1/2 years due to what the AIs did to my knees but I just had bilateral total knee replacements in July. Hopefully, I'll be back in the saddle in a few months.
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cowgal--wow! Two knee replacements! That's a lot of surgery, but hopefully it will be worth it and your legs will appreciate it! I wish you a speedy recovery so you can get back in the saddle soon!
Well we made it! A fun, slow, safe ride! Perfect weather, beautiful woods, and my favorite people! My aunt came along too! Here we are:
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Hello fellow horesewomen! What a blessing these beautiful equines are to us! I have a 7 year old QH who is really making progress in Western Dressage. During my treatment, I've had someone helping me with him - keeps him going, which makes it easier for me to jump on for a few minutes at a time, and she gets coaching from me. All of us are improving
which is a pretty big accomplishment considering how my life has recently changed. It's a joy to share him.
Been talking to my OT about the possibility of an equine assisted support program for BC in the future. Something about them melts the world away. And fills it with beauty & grace - something us BCers deeply appreciate.
I'm done my surgeries and working through second opinion about chemo. So either chemo or rads is just around the corner. Hoping I can keep going with my horse through it all.
Weird random question - do horses smell the chemo in your system?0 -
OH - the perfect therapy - a special topic for horse people. This is exactly what I need - EXACTLY. Beautiful pictures, gorgeous horses. Thank you, now I can sleep tonight zzzzz
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Horsegirl - I do think that the horses can probably smell the chemo in your system. I don't know how they interpret it but I am pretty sure they know something is different. No scientific evidence to back it up but as prey animals, I just think they are very in tune to things like that. I definitely felt that the two horses I ride seemed to really baby me when I was going through all of my surgeries. I was definitely sure they could tell that physically I was having some problems.
BGardenia3 - Do you own horses?
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Cowgal - I do not own horses; however, I have been a horse person since I was a little girl (many decades ago). My sister has owned them all of her adult life and currently owns a Friesian. My involvement, now, is in equine rescue and my company will start filming September 1, at Red Bucket Equine Rescue - doing a horse-rescue movie (bringing awareness to young people in a gentle way). Horses own me, actually.
Equine-assisted support for BC is a super idea, Horsegirl, for all the reasons you stated.