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Unfortunately things are going downhill



  • ronniekay
    ronniekay Member Posts: 657
    edited April 2017

    So good to see you! Harper's adorable & big!!! And such a precious family...a reason to be around forever, right! I'm praying the thought that tumors dying off is the reason for higher markers is fact. You have had to wrestle this crap for so long...and you have! Love & hugs & hope & prayers for healing. Ps...Gatlinburg to a Pacific Northwesterner sounds so romantic :-

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited April 2017

    Beautiful family, photo, Kandy! The bear photo is thrilling. I love your idea, Deanna.

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited April 2017

    Great photos Kandy! I love hearing the stories and then finally seeing pictures of the people we grow to "know". I like Deanna's idea about the bear too. I used to work in Sequoia National Park where we encountered many bears and it's always a little scary for sure. Sounds like a great trip and I think you will have more to come too. Praying for you kandy! Nice to see you Ronniekay!

  • dmacw
    dmacw Member Posts: 64
    edited May 2017

    OMG, Kandy great pics.

  • Kandy
    Kandy Member Posts: 424
    edited May 2017

    Thanks ladies for all of your support and love. Today I start my last round of chemo, then we will scan again to see where we are at. I'm trying to stay positive that surely this is working some. They really are pushing for me to have the total hip replacement. I'm just not thinking that is such a wise decision at this point. I guess I might feel differently if my hip was the only thing that hurt, but my back and pelvis hurt just as bad. Plus, I somehow feel like my cancer went crazy on my last surgery, I certainly don't have room for it to be even more aggressive. My MO, doesn't think that had anything to do with it, but it seems odd to me that it went crazy right after I went through that massive surgery. I'm still struggling with what to do. I certainly hate to waste time. Pray that I can come to make the right decision. Praying for all you ladies. Hang in there and enjoy the moment

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2017

    Kandy, at this point, listen to your gut. Dr's don't know everything. After all, this is YOUR cancer and your body, not theirs.

  • Nan812
    Nan812 Member Posts: 224
    edited May 2017

    hello lovely friends, bad news for me this weekend, had to have emeregency brain surgery friday. doc called at 10:00 said get to hosp asap my brain was swelling based on mondays mri....scarey, a 10:00 call from your doc saying you need someone too drive you NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!at night!!!!!!!!Im home happy bout that my doggies were loosing it a bit

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited May 2017

    Hugs and healing to you Nan. So glad you caught it. And glad you are home. Please let us know how it goes.


  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950
    edited May 2017

    kansy. I agree. Go with your gut on your hip replacement. No been trying to get me to pin my hip or replacement since scans showing it could break easily any day but it's a major surgery and I just don't want that recovery esp since I believe cancers will grow with air from surgery. Also as you said it's not my only pai

  • Kandy
    Kandy Member Posts: 424
    edited May 2017

    Good morning ladies, so I went yesterday for chemo and seen my MO. He also agrees that it's not looking good to think that this chemo is working. He also knows my tumor markers are so reliable. He said that he was still hoping and we would know in a couple weeks when we scan. We also discussed the hip replacement surgery, and to my surprise yesterday he agreed with me and said at this point he didn't think I should do it. Even though I wanted him to agree with me, the fact that he changed his mind gave me mixed emotions. Does he think I don't have much longer to live? He said he wanted me to be more stable before having it and I was no where close to that. So, for now, I'm not agreeing to that surgery. At least one thing to not worry about. I hope everyone has a great day and enjoys every moment

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited May 2017

    I don't think he thinks that! Probably just wants you on a chemo that's working so your body and mind will be in a good place for surgery. It's no picnic.

    Love the pix.

    There's a thread about an rx before sx to reduce your cancer spreading. I'll see if I can find it. I would definitely ask for it.


    In my prayers

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited May 2017

    Zills, I was thinking the same thing. Sassy visited our surgical thread with this information.

    Kandy, Patty, and anyone considering surgery, this is worth a look.

    TORADOL (ketorolac) linked to Recurrence Prevention

    Here is a link to the beginning (I hope) of the Toridol/Ketorolac  thread

    the first video alone is amazing:

    Best wishes to you if/when you decide for more surgery. Love, Madelyn

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited May 2017

    Kandy, I think your onc is just being prudent. Being off chemo for several weeks while an incision heals is concerning enough if you're not solidly stable, but then if you had any complication that extended the time off, it could turn out to be more of a gamble. Also, having had a hip replacement in 2014, I can tell you that while getting back to some degree of normalcy only took about 3 months, there were several weeks of PT involved, which wasn't easy. Thankfully, I was only on Anastrozole at the time. It would have been much harder if I'd been on chemo.

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2017

    I'm with Zills and Deanna, I think your one is be cautious until you regain some ground. Try and breathe until the scans and see what your Tx plan is. Take some time to stabilize and prepare. We are all praying for a quick turnaround for you Kandy.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited May 2017

    Yes, I agree that your onc is simply prioritizing what will help you be well, Kandy. And I'm sure he is already thinking of a plan in case the scan is not good. In the meantime, what can any of us do but live in the moment? I hate cancer.

  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950
    edited May 2017

    Kandy. Thinking of you. Hoping the chemo is working. Hate the wait and scan and see. Ugh. Hugs

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited May 2017

    Kandy, hoping that the chemo is working: tough on the tumors and gentle on you this week.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend with the family.

    love, Madelyn

  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2017

    Thinking of you too Kandy and hope spring has sprung in your town and you can get out in that gorgeous yard.

  • Kandy
    Kandy Member Posts: 424
    edited May 2017

    Spring is here, thank goodness. I haven't felt like working in my flowers this year. Such a change from years past. I need to get it going, it's almost time to open the pool which is my favorite time of the year. Wishing you all the best. Enjoy the moment.

  • Lita57
    Lita57 Member Posts: 2,338
    edited May 2017

    Just when I thought things were FINALLY looking up, I was sitting in church this morning and my right thigh went really numb...this numbness is WORSE than it was b4 rads, but at least the pain isn't as bad.

    I'm worried about this increasing numbness tho. (BTW, finished 10 sessions of rads on 4/26)

    Having another PET on 5/15, so we'll see what's up then.

    It just never ends, does it?

  • Nan812
    Nan812 Member Posts: 224
    edited May 2017

    oh lita...maybe god just wanted to make sure you were awake...probably just sitting a lil sad that we have to always have to have mini freak outs over the smallest things....but with it ever small???just like does it ever end??? wondering what they did in my head when they went in was such a time to even formulate questions, now i cant even remember what we talked about, well ill have lots of good questions on thursday...

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited May 2017

    Lita - that is so scary. you are very brave. could they move the PET scan up? one would like to know...


  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950
    edited May 2017

    hugs. Thinking of you Kandy.

  • Kandy
    Kandy Member Posts: 424
    edited May 2017

    So today was my last chemo treatment for this round. Scans are scheduled for next week. My tumor markers are now over 1200. They jumped 250 in 3 weeks. Please keep me lifted up in prayer, if this isn't working that we find something that will. I feel like I'm flying through my options. Even in the midst of the darkness, I'm still enjoying the moment. We went to the beach this past weekend to celebrate my sisters birthday. We all had a great time. Tonight, DH and I went to see Gone with the Wind at an old theater. Tomorrow I get Harper time. I'm determined that I still have a lot of living to do. Enjoy the moment ladies, keeping you all in my prayers.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Member Posts: 821
    edited May 2017


    Prayers your scans will show the chemo was successful.

    Regarding Harpertime - enjoy every moment. Isn't being a grandparent just the best? Today I had three of our six grandchildren over for the official opening of our pool. We had so much fun, I just can't wait for summer to be in full swing.

    I will keep praying for you and your family. We have too many memories yet to be made.


  • artistatheart
    artistatheart Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2017

    That's right Kandy, many memories yet to make! We want to hear all about your pool swinging too. Harper should be old enough to belly laugh his way around the water. I love Gone with the Wind and most classic movies for that matter! Seeing it in an old theater sounds like my kind of date but my DH would fall asleep like he did in Beauty and the Beast!

    My scans are next week too and I will be holding you in prayer for sure. I'm hoping the tumor markers are just flares and settle down and the scans show marked improvement. Keep enjoying Kandy and try not to let the scanxiety make you a basket case......

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,146
    edited May 2017

    You have my prayers, Kandy. I am glad to know you are still having good times with loved ones.

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited May 2017

    Kandy - praying for your complete recovery. Enjoy your Harper time and don't worry. This treatment is either working or getting you to the treatment that will. Unfortunately, we have a hit and miss approach to finding the right treatment. I do think the Weisenthal chemo sensitivity testing should be on your radar. Increases the odds that the chemo you choose will work.


  • Kandy
    Kandy Member Posts: 424
    edited May 2017

    Z I asked the PA about that yesterday. She was not very knowledgeable about it. I see the MO in 2 weeks after my scan. I am going to inquire about it to him. Thanks.

  • zarovka
    zarovka Member Posts: 2,959
    edited May 2017

    Kandy - My MO was clueless about Weisenthal's approach and I think most are. My MO had at least heard of it, but she confused it with chemo sensitivity testing generally, which doesn't work well. The normal approach to chemo sensitivity involves trying to grow your cancer cells. In that procedure they take a small sample and then grow the cancer in a dish. Only about 40% of cancer cells will grow in a dish, so you are not testing 60% of the cells. Weisenthal takes a gram of tissue !?! and does not try to grow it. His results are much better. If this idea keeps nagging at you, I would contact Weisenthal or his protoge Dr. Nagourney directly.

    It's an end run on your onc, but I am not a well behaved cancer patient. I have a very solid MO who I respect, but I have two kids and I really don't care if I hurt my MO feelings. She gives me these looks sometimes, but deep down I know she loves me ...

    I have some confidence that your scans will be good but, if not, I want to be sure your next treatment is Da Bomb.
