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Kicking LEs butt!! Exercise & Self Care Log



  • hersheykiss
    hersheykiss Member Posts: 666
    edited August 2018

    The 30 day squat challenge is not for me, unless Healthy Fit for Women wants to pay for my chiropractic care and physical therapy! ;-)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140
    edited August 2018

    I do think Laurel wins smuget of the day. (or is that smugette?)

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited August 2018

    You girls are funny! Yes I agree that 2 hours of water aerobics wins smugette of the day!

    My girl's ankle is on the mend. I feel it's definitely a sprain. If she continued to not want to bare weight we would have gone for more xrays to rule out a fracture. She is still in an air cast for another week.

    Yesterday was crazy! Got the van serviced (GRRR! 2 hrs for an oil change ) grabbed the grandbabies for a few hours. Talk about cardio! How do little humans move so much!! I got 45 minutes of hip hop dance last night. Today had better be a pool day! Sunday I spent a hour doing laps and exercising in the pool. I need a repeat today! Exercise keeps me balanced otherwise I'll need help burying the bodies!

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited August 2018
    Options humid

    Ah awesome I am

    Ah....I walked 30 min in this Smokey haze which was a feat in this heat.

    Ah...An A plus for moving though not much.

    Ah......I have an attitude!

    Ah...isn’t everyone the best for trying the challenge.

    Varga. I tried 5 squats just to see if I could. I could but my knees no like!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140
    edited August 2018

    actually did 16 squats at Silver Sneakers this morning. Ugh. Even though I didn't go all the way down, I went down a lot further than the majority of the senior class members. I'm feeling SMUGLY with my hour of exercise and then another hour of running errands in the heat.

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466
    edited August 2018

    Did an extra two hours (beyond my usual half hour) of house-walking today, because I had two, hour-long phone calls with very chatty friends, and I like to walk while chatting. So, smug tonight. And maybe a bit tired!

  • Laural
    Laural Member Posts: 212
    edited August 2018

    Thanks for the Smugette crown yesterday. First day back to work today, and a 30 minute walk with my hubby after dinner. I think Binney wins the Smugette crown today...not sure I could do 2 hours of walking in my house without wearing a hole in the carpet

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140
    edited August 2018

    Binney - house walking on the phone is a good idea. I have a friend who is house bound & routinely talks more than an hour several times a week. My sister-in-law & my BFF both talk for an hour at least once a week. instead of sitting in my recliner, I'll start walking.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited August 2018

    Got to deliver Meals in Wheels I'm check back with my smug report later! PT today hope to find an answer to the cording in my abdomen!

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited August 2018

    I can just picture Varga running up and down stairs delivering meals as fast as the speed of lightning. No wonder she's sooooooo smug!

    Hey we are half way done and feeling very smug!

    Got my smug on this morn in the smog from the fires.

    Binney if you keep this up you will wear a path rightdown to China!

    Minus good for walking and talking, I'll try to.

    Laurel. Don't those kiddies need accompaniment walking to bathroom. Ha. Good job walking with hubby after big first day back.

    Hersey and flowergal. Will you both be a bit smug today and tramp around the block showing off your “I’m so smug I exercise look!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited August 2018

    Yesterday I moved river rocks. We had a huge pile next to the pool. The plan was to use it around the pool then we changed our mind and decided to put it between the house and the pool. DH has the majority of it spread out. He didn't want me to "TOUCH THE ROCKS! " he is protective of my LE arm to. The rocks were not even and the line wasn't straight. So I moved the rocks one hand full at a time. So...squat down pick up rocks stand up put rocks were they needed to be. Repeat, repeat repeat...I did this for a hour! I didn't know I could sweat so much! It was 91 and felt so good outside. I jumped in the pool when I stopped. (Notice I said stopped...not done. I need another day to even it all out) I'm hoping DH doesn't noticed what I've done! Meals on Wheels delivered, grocery shopping done just watching the clock until time for PT.

    SMUG ON!

  • jkl2017
    jkl2017 Member Posts: 279
    edited August 2018

    Varga, you rock!! (Sorry, couldn't resist)

  • flowergal
    flowergal Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2018

    hello everyone

    I am not feeling too smug, but still do my 2 mile walk daily .I think I will push for 2.25 as that is not too much as a goal. I also can't do squats due to old joints ( i'm 70) and wish I had a quarter of the energy Vargadoll has! I'm not spending too much time in the heat until I can get this breast LE more controlled although the therapist thinks it's doing well and will go to weekly sessions next month. I see her 2x week now. I'm sitting here now wearing my bellisse bra stuffed with the "monster" full breast swell spot!

  • flowergal
    flowergal Member Posts: 73
    edited August 2018

    Laural, what a peaceful setting ! Those lilies are amazing.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited August 2018

    I'm here for my smug report! I moved more rocks today. I almost have a straight line! I more day should do it! I hate LE! I could have easily done it in one day if I hadn't been protecting my arm! (Wait wrong thread haha!)

    After a hour of rock moving I spent 3 hours in the pool with my dd,grandbabies, her friend and 2 kids plus my girl.

    I got a nice tan working now! Before I went outside I had a deep clean house day. Changing linens and all. My washer dryer is downstairs so I had 15,000+ steps before I went out.

    Feeling smuggishly satisfied today!

    ps- I'm 53 and am fun size (as my DH calls me) I'm 5'2" so I'm a shorty

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited August 2018

    OHHHHH! I forgot to tell you about the bear! A bear ran through my yard! It kept me inside for a hour. I wanted to make sure it was gone before I went out. I can move pretty fast but not with my girl so I was afraid to go out!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140
    edited August 2018

    Good heavens Varga - a bear? I'm from the other end of the continent, but was it a black bear? Your exercise is exemplary.

    I walked a fast mile on the treadmill today before Silver Sneakers class. And the instructor today decided it was all aerobics, all day. But using weights at the same time. Whew. Made it through. I figure I still have at least another mile on the treadmill to make up for last Thursday. Tomorrow is my day off & I'll run errands. Hmmmm - do grocery store aisles count more than department store aisles?

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited August 2018

    Varga.Your smart taking many days to move rocks. In the end you will save time because you won't have to wrap a arm for three weeks!

    I'm only a tiny bit smug as I walked beah for 40 min but real slow with a mobility challenged friend. Tomorrow I'll get my real smug on!

    On the subject of black bears. It’s the reason I don’t hike too much in the mountains. We stay at a ski resort in the summer and the bears are everywhere so I try to stay where there are a lot of people hiking. People actually vacation there to bear sight. They can be snoozing in the bushes right next to the trail 5 feet from you. I saw this and was terrified although they say there use to people. Petrified. Last month. A mom with three cubs. Yikes glad it wasn’t me but my friend that saw them. It only takes a toothache to get them cranky and unpredictable. You get fined here if you feed them. I’ll report in on bears at month end when I’m going there

  • Laural
    Laural Member Posts: 212
    edited August 2018

    Varga, must say I am a bit jealous of your bear sighting. I saw one hiking in the Smoky Mountains and one at Montana at a ranch. We don’t see them around my part of Ohio.

    I got in 30 minutes of walking today. This working everyday thing gets in the way of longer exercise as my knitting needles call out to me when I get home. Love me some good yarn.

    Hugz, good job on your walk. Sometimes we just have to slow down to help another person along. It still counts so you can be Smug at least

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited August 2018

    laural. Yes when I worked exercise was hard to fit it. Fortunately I could combine my lunch and coffee and go for 45 min walk three times a week. Teachers can't do this but they can walk that lovely groomed track after sch. Put on fav music to take away the mundane circle experience. I'm proud of you for getting in 30. Every day but weekends could put you into 150 min a week zone. That's a healthy choice.

    Our bears open car doors just like a human does. Wander thru kitchen doors. Open fridges and eat. Climb two story balconies.Surprise you when they lurk over you while your in the hot tub enjoying that glass of wine. Eat hot tubs cause there's something tasty that attracts them to it. The list goes on. It's reported in the news every couple weeks. Was fortunate to go north this summer. Spotted a young grizz from our car. Now that was a treat. Trail signs in that part of country say only hike in groups of four or more or you get fined. Ok enough bear scares. I'm going to get real show off smug at the gym.'s friday soon! Week one done at sch.

    Varga. Love your dh calling you fun size. Cute! Well I'm shorter so it's not fun size trying to get into the cupboards and this winter I put on a few so it's not fun size for me but fat size. Ooohhh if my dh calls me that he's fired!!!

    Minus. Your teacher saw you coming and decided you could handle it being stepped up a few notches!!!


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited August 2018

    Hugz- when LE was finally mentioned to me at my surgery preop appointment the PA said no over reaching over head blah blah...I said...I have to reach for everything!! Every to do my hair...hahaha! I have a little folding step stool in every closet and one in the kitchen under the sink. I can only reach to the second shelf in my cabinets. I gained weight after I finished rads. I had lost and was feeling great all the way to the last boost. Then about 2 weeks later I started getting sick. From the end of radiation until this past June I was on antibiotics 6 or 7 times. I lost track...definitely 6 but possible 7. That's when I gained all my weight. But I'm kicking it to the curb now!!!

    I live in the Smoky Mountains! Bears are in several neighborhoods but that was the first one to cross my yard that I actually witnessed with my own eyes. My neighbors have watched bears walk down our back drive way to DH garage. My cell phone was charging by the time in grabbed it a ran outside to try an get a picture it was gone.

    Delivering Meals in Wheels today. Fingers crossed the weather stays sunny so we can hit the pool again today. With the nights getting down to the sixty's pool season will come to an end soon....booo! That's helped si much with my weight loss!

    Let's get our smug on!


  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited August 2018

    varg. I made a mistake. I'm 5 2 and was a bit taller by 1/4 inch which really counts when you are this short. Shrinking by the day

    I have foot stools in the exact places you have them. I asked home depot if they could cut down counter cabs but they wouldn't! In the kitchen I keep my little kids chair with a back on it. Saves me from bending over to pick up the stool. I just grab the top of the chair and pull it around to the high cabinets.

    A Feel good story coming on!

    My aunt was under 36 inches tall and she married a 6 4foot guy. He was so nice when he built her a kitchen he made everything her level. Love it! It was like being in a doll house. Can you imagine how he had to cope in that environment being so opposite tall. He loved her very much and sacrificed his comfort for her. Ahhhh getting tearyhere!

    Out the door in 30 to get the smuggiest smug smuggle mug on ever!

  • Laural
    Laural Member Posts: 212
    edited August 2018

    Thirty five minutes of walking in between the rain storms this really 30 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of being distracted by these end of summer scenes. Smug and still dry Smile


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited August 2018

    Beautiful Laural!

    Yesterday's smug report is more of a slug report. I delivered Meals in Wheels. Hit Kohls for some school shopping for oldest grandson (12). I had over 14,000 steps when I was done with all the above. Then I came home an crashed! I actually sat in the recliner with my girl for over a hour! I never do that. (Unless she's sick then I sit and hold her all day!) I have been getting to bed after midnight and I'm up by 6-6:30. I guess it all caught up with me. After my siesta I cooked dinner , cleaned up and manged got a few more steps in.

    Today, is smuggie! Got the gangster rap blasting and got about 45 minutes of zumba in! My parents and in-laws are coming over for a cookout in a few. I have made potatoe salad, deviled eggs, cucumber salad, slaw, bakedbeans and a Not Yo' Momma's banana pudding. Grandkids will probably cone over to.

    Happy Saturday! Smug out!


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140
    edited August 2018

    Well did work my butt off in Water Aerobics - but now what I want is some of ALL of Varga's salads. Yum. What is a "Not Yo' Mamma's Banana pudding" Would you be willing to share the recipe?

  • Laural
    Laural Member Posts: 212
    edited August 2018

    Today my hubby and I stripped wallpaper all day, then I got in a 20 minute walk. I hit 11,300 steps and felt Smug. Teresa you put us all to shame. Enjoy your family tonight.

    Minus two, my water aerobic instructor always says we burn 1200 calories in our 2 hours (even though we really burn more like 500), and if we don’t go home and eat that 1200 calories, we will come out ahead. There would be some truth in that.

    Enjoy the weekend all. Tomorrow is my rest day

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942
    edited August 2018

    Not Yo' Momma's Banana Pudding



    1. Line the bottom of a 13x9x2-inch dish with 1 bag of cookies and layer bananas on top.
    2. In a bowl, combine the milk and pudding mix and blend well using a handheld electric mixer.
    3. Using another bowl, combine the cream cheese and condensed milk together and mix until smooth.
    4. Fold the whipped topping into the cream cheese mixture.
    5. Add the cream cheese mixture to the pudding mixture and stir until well blended.
    6. Pour the mixture over the cookies and bananas and cover with the remaining cookies. Refrigerate until ready to serve

    It's a Paula Dean recipe. My family loves it so I make it alot!

    Smuggy of the smuggie st today! Pressure washing everything in site! It's a whole new level of clean! I have my fitbit wrapped in cling wrap to keep it dry!



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,140
    edited August 2018

    Thanks for the recipe Varga. Sunday is one of my "off" days so I'm quietly reading.

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Member Posts: 1,818
    edited August 2018

    The yo recipe sounds easy and good. Just made lemon lime cheesecake. First time I've done a no bake one so we will have to see how Martha Stewart's recipe turned out. Looks like our off days are baking days. Kinda erases all the exercise weve done all week!

    Laural. I love your photos. Makes me want to be there!

    Back at the dreadmill tomorrow! Eyes will be super dialated from eye docs. I hope I don't fall off! I'll be wearing sunglasses to the gym!

    Minus. Lol. Sunday is one of your off days!! I have a off day every morn till I get a cuppa jo! Serious though it is kinda nice not to exercise 7 days a week like I did last month. This is more doable and I can increase my walks once I’m out the door from 30-60 or so minutes. Sometimes I get brave and do our 23 percent hill. Yikes. It’s a long breathless hill.

  • Laural
    Laural Member Posts: 212
    edited August 2018

    Two hours of water aerobics today and ready for bed now. It was good to have a break day yesterday. Hope all started their week off well and are feeling Smug