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Anyone on just Taxotere and Cytoxan?



  • sugar77
    sugar77 Posts: 1,328
    edited June 2020

    Nan - so sorry to hear this last treatment is causing more sickness than before. I hope th Tylenol last night broke the fever and that you are on the mend. Don't feel like a complaining slug. We want to hear what's going to so we can support you. Please take care and keep us posted.

    KeepingCalm - hope the antibiotics do the trick. My cousin is an ER nurse and she had recommended I get a picc line when I told her I was doing chemo. Since my veins were used last time I did TC, she thought a picc was a good option to a port for four treatments. However, when I asked my oncologist about it, he said my veins would be fine. I had done some research beforehand and thought it sounded like a good alternative. All the best!

    I developed something on my hand in two places last Sunday that was itchy, red and sore. I wasn't sure if it's a steam burn from my kettle or a rash and the treatment for each vary a lot. I almost contacted the REACT clinic at the chemotherapy department but figured I'd show the plastic surgeon on Wednesday when I was at my 2-month checkup at the hospital. I'm glad I did because he took one look and definitively told me it's a rash and to use OTC hydrocortisone cream on it. I've been doing so ever since and it appears to be clearing up slowly. It's not as red today. It's the hand I got the last chemo in and it's in the same area so I think it's related,

  • keepingcalm
    keepingcalm Posts: 79
    edited June 2020

    Nan and Sherri,

    Thank you so much for the moral support! I really appreciate it! Port came out Thursday after a ridiculous day in the hospital alone fasting - wasn’t allowed to go home in between because of having just had a negative Covid test - now required for procedures. Relieved to have the port out and the incision seems to be healing much better. I really appreciate the feedback on the PICC line. I’m not looking forward to it but it will only be 3 weeks and presumably as long as I’m super careful it will be a non issue. My MO doesn’t want to do chemo through my veins because of my bilateral mastectomy with sentinel node removal (2 on one side and 1 on the other). She said the risk is low but she doesn’t want me to always remember my 3rd chemo as the one that gave me lymphedema! Hate the idea of another procedure for PICC albeit minor but at the same time I think I appreciate the MO’s thinking about the “whole person” and the longer term.

    Hope you’re continuing to recover well Sherri and Nan I do hope you feel much better soon

  • suz_eee
    suz_eee Posts: 44
    edited June 2020

    Hi all,

    Sorry I have been MIA. Round 2 seemed to last longer. In the 3rd week I was very fatigued. During round 1 I felt pretty normal week 3.

    Today I am day 5 of round 3. Days 3 & 4 were quite awful. This morning I am feeling a lightening of the symptoms. Although I know the mornings are always better than the afternoons. On day 3 I felt the worst. I sent my husband out for popsicles, because that was the only thing that sounded good and when he brought home the wrong flavor, I burst into 5 minutes of tears. Poor man.

    Sugar, I am glad you are seeing chemo fade into your rear view. I too will be taking hormones for 5 years. I don't know what kind. I have not asked about my radiation or hormones. I am just focusing on the chemo. I will have plenty of questions for them when chemo is over.

    Patti, so glad you figured out the hives. That sounded very scary. Anything that might delay getting this treatment over and done with is frustrating. I am glad you are still on track.

    KeepingCalm, I am sad we are not chemo twins any longer. You really went through a roller coaster. I am sorry you had to go through all that. I am happy you figured out the PIC line and feel good about that. Those hospital visits without any support are a real eye opener about how COVID is affecting all this. Unfortunately, we are the experimental ones while they figure out how to do things differently. What is your date now for your last chemo? Have you had #3 yet?

    Nan, like you I am felt like round 2 lasted longer, and now round 3 has had a few days that were worse than before. But now that I have hit day 5 it is tolerable. I laughed at your comment about getting sick on the first day of Cap Cod Summer. Ha ha!

    I hope you all have a easier week ahead.


  • keepingcalm
    keepingcalm Posts: 79
    edited June 2020

    Hi everyone,

    I've also been totally MIA and have been meaning to check back in. I think I wrote before that my 3rd chemo had been delayed because of a port infection. Still, it was a busy week for me getting the port removed a week ago and just recovering even from the moderate sedation and then a few good days before a longer than anticipated day waiting to have a PICC line placed. I guess when you're getting a PICC line non urgently you go to the back of the line of things happening in Interventional Radiology that day! The placement was not too bad and just under local anesthesia. Then on Thursday I had my 3rd chemo and feel relieved to have that behind me. The beauty of the PICC line was no needle stick but having an external line is a bit of a hassle - needs to be flushed with the dressing changed once a week and is a little awkward in terms of trying not to sleep on that side. It also can't get wet! Still, definitely better for me than having a new port placed for the sake of the last two cycles (4TC) - fortunately one more to go! I always get through chemo and the next day with flying colors - I think because of the steroid premed! But today I'm dragging more and feeling the combined effects of the chemo and Neulasta (The doctor wanted me back on that because I *might* get away to a rental house at the beach next week depending on what she decides -- nurses recently described her as being very strict! I had the impression she was very risk averse which I like but maybe strict is a good word. Still for me, that makes me feel like she has my best interests in mind even if I don't like her answer all the time - like yes you should have chemo, no I don't want you more than 30mins away from here!) It's funny even though I now know what to expect now with the chemo side effects, it definitely makes me feel a little bummed to feel this way again even with knowing I'll feel better within the week.

    Suzy, presumably you're into your second week and marching toward the TC finish line! So happy for you and will be right behind you now on July 16th!

    Sugar and Suzy, I'll also be doing some kind of hormone therapy and am curious to see what gets recommended especially because I am premenopausal so there will be some weighing of risk and benefits of hormone therapy vs hormone therapy + some sort of ovarian suppression. We'll see I guess!

    Hope everyone's doing a little better this week!

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Posts: 1,328
    edited July 2020

    Hello ladies,

    This Friday I’m coming up to four weeks since my last chemo. I’m anxiously awaiting some hair growth. Hope it starts soon, though I can see some activity if I look really closely. I’m feeling really good and am getting ready to enjoy Canada Day (Covid edition) today. Picked up my prescription for Tamoxifen yesterday and am awaiting a call from the oncology nurse to go over things and tell me when I can start.

    Hope everyone is doing well with minimal side effects.

  • suz_eee
    suz_eee Posts: 44
    edited July 2020

    Hi All,

    Sugar, I hope you enjoyed your COVID modified Canada day. Congratulations on being 4 weeks out. I hope you are feeling like your old self (minus hair). We have July 4th Independence day coming up Saturday. Since we are a COVID mess in the U.S. I will not be doing anything. Maybe a movie marathon. Independence Day with Will Smith?

    KeepingCalm, it sounds like you didn't get too bad of a delay. Just one week out from your original end date. Not too bad. I can not wait for this to be over.

    I have started to have a bit of tingling in my right hand and right foot off and on. My doc told me to take B Complex to help avoid. So, I am back on that. I don't want neuropathy issues. I have been taking super good care of my teeth. Brushing and flossing twice a day, gargling, and mouthwash. Last night I flossed and spit a lot of blood. So, I am switching to using a water pick. Ugh! I hope my teeth and gums can make it one more round.

    Have a good week.


  • keepingcalm
    keepingcalm Posts: 79
    edited July 2020

    Suzy, it’s so great to see your update. Are you icing your hands and feet during Taxotere? I have been and so far haven’t noticed any neuropathy but of course that could be sheer luck. Interesting what you said about your mouth. I am feeling like the effects on my sense of taste and also dryness is lasting longer this cycle. I’m also definitely feeling the effects of Neulasta still a week out from that. I guess it’s in your system for 14 days. I think the last time I did it I did feel a lot better at the end of the 14 days.

    Nan, I hope you’re holding up okay

  • CCGirl
    CCGirl Posts: 86
    edited July 2020

    Hi all,

    Sorry to be MIA. I was really really sick this time. I went to the ER on Sunday last week after I wrote my last post as my temp was on its way up again. They inspected everything - chest X-ray, covid test, loads of blood tests and cultures, urinalysis, you name it. Then they gave me intravenous antibiotics and sent me home. Phew. The MO prescribed two different, very strong antibiotics as a precaution. Unfortunately, the drugs made me pretty sick (as if I wasn’t already sick enough) and a week in, I started getting a wicked burn rash on my hands and itchy bumps on my chest. Naturally, this happened over the weekend so I just stopped taking one of the drugs (Cipro) and called the MO’s office on Monday. As it turned out, I didn’t have an infection anywhere after all, so he took me off both drugs.

    Sadly, I’ve been very sick this whole round. I have no energy, and it hurts to move. The flu feeling is finally gone, though. I’m just achy and tired. I tried to go for a short walk this afternoon and had to sit on every rock coming home. My dog thought I was lame. It was embarrassing! I’m just now starting to be able to taste some strong things - like yogurt. And although the burns on my hands are starting to look a bit better, the bumps on my chest are still there. Worse, I have to go back and have chemo #4 on Tuesday, and I Really Really don’t want to go. I know I have to do it, but I’m just scared all of this stuff is going to happen again or worse, and I’m being a total baby about it. Nevertheless, I know I’ll just meekly get in the car on Tuesday and get delivered to the hospital entrance and go in. I don’t think I’ll ring the bell for the last chemo until the day, please God,I actually feel like I’m not sick anymore. Then I’ll celebrate.

    So glad you’re feeling good, Sherri. Has it really been four weeks since your last chemo? That is awesome! Was the recovery more difficult this time? Any words of encouragement for the chemo Zombie here? Happy Canada Day!

    And KC - also good that your picc line is working out. Are you feeling okay? What did your MO say about the vacation rental? Be really careful about the sun. I’ve been battling sunburn on my face and arms off and on for the last month! Can’t even go out for more than a minute unless I’m covered head to foot and slathered in sunscreen.

    Suzy - the neuropathy, according to my sister, will go away in time. Hers did and she had major, awful chemo for 8 rounds. Mine has gotten worse (probably the diabetes) but I’m icing my feet during Taxotere and taking b12. Fingers crossed. For you, too. Have your nail beds been sore? My hands hurt so much this time around that I was worried the nails would start turning black. But now they seem okay, still a little sore, but not so bad that I can’t open a can of soup. I want some popsicles, too! What flavor did you get.

    Hope you all have a good weekend, and feel okay.



    PS - I still have a little bit of fuzz on my head and a couple of eyebrow hairs, but no hair anywhere else anymore. It’s totally bizarre.

  • suz_eee
    suz_eee Posts: 44
    edited July 2020

    Hi All,

    KeepingCalm, I have not done any hand or foot icing. My doc said not needed. But I am wondering if I should for last round. The tingling is always in my right hand and foot and very sporadic. Usually just for a few minutes or less at a time and then fades. I am still cold capping, which I really hated this last time and I don't know if I cold stand ice on my hands and feet too.

    Nan, I am sorry you are having such a rough time. The hospital visit, tests, and antibiotics on top of everything else must have been overwhelming. You are not being a baby! I am feeling the same way. I spent the whole day crying yesterday. I just woke up feeling sick of being sick. I told my husband I don't want to do any more chemo. I hate it! I have one left and am dreading it. Everything is lingering longer this time. I went for a walk yesterday morning and barely made it home. Then I cried and ate chocolate the rest of the day. And the chocolate didn't even taste that good because my taste buds are all screwed up! I think all my self pity for the whole past 4 months is hitting me now. I was sick most of March with what I am pretty sure was COVID. Then April was 2 surgeries. Then early May started chemo. I feel like I am 100 years old. Plus I am gaining weight. Ugh!

    Sugar, I am with Nan, if you are still visiting here I would love to here how you are doing now that you are far out from your last chemo. A little hope for the future?

    Thanks for letting me vent here. I think a lot about others who go through this much longer than I, like your sister Nan, and I feel guilty for whining.


  • sugar77
    sugar77 Posts: 1,328
    edited July 2020

    Nan - so sorry to hear about your infection/non-infection. It’s sure unpredictable how we will each react. I think the recovery is about the same as last time I did TC. I honestly can’t really remember exactly how it was last time I was bracing myself for radiation. This time, I’m readying myself to start a new job in a couple of weeks. I will also be starting Tamoxifen, which is a change from my past triple negative diagnosis. I’m feeling really good and am ready to move on. I, too, had some kind of rash/burn on my hand after final chemo. I wasn’t sure if it was related but I now think it was. It’s almost gone now. Hang in there!

    Suzy - one more round for you too! You’ve almost crossed the finish line. I would ice your fingers and toes for the last round. I’ve done it for every round during both times doing TC and never had any tingling or issues with the nails I really do think it helps. Ten years ago, my chemo nurses weren’t really aware of the need to do it so I brought ziploc bags and my sister would fill with ice chips from the water machine. I got some strange looks but I did it anyway. I learned about it on this website. Fast forward to 2020 and now the nurses prepare ice packs ahead of time for all Taxotere patients. I’m doing really well and am watching new hairs poking through my scalp daily. Yesterday, my husband started what will be weekly pictures of my hair growth. We did it in 2010 too. I should try to find those pictures for inspiration. They are on a removable hard drive somewhere (this was before iCloud).

    Hope everyone has a great 4th of July today. We celebrated Canada Day on Wednesday. It’s super hot here with heat warnings all over the news and special cooling stations set up around the area. Speaking of hot, I’ll be starting Tamoxifen in the next two weeks. Fingers crossed I don’t have many side effects. We shall see.

  • CCGirl
    CCGirl Posts: 86
    edited July 2020

    Hi Suzy, Sherri, and KC!

    Hallelujah! Today I actually had a good day. Not a lot of energy, but NOT SICK! For the first time in almost three weeks, I feel like myself. And best of all, I have two whole days before chemo, so I can enjoy it a little longer :) I’m very happy.

    Suzy, when is your next chemo? Is it next week? I am gaining weight, too. I can’t eat salad (tastes like dirt) and most veggies don’t taste good unless I slather them with butter and salt, so I’m eating things like bread, hamburgers, fried clams... Stuff I NEVER eat! And I’m not walking hardly at all. I usually walk about 4 miles a day when I’m healthy. So I’m getting a bit fluffy here. Fortunately I haven’t had to put on a pair of jeans since February. I decided that I am not going to worry about it until the beginning of August. Then, when I feel better, I will take charge of it again. It’s just too hard to make myself eat food that tastes disgusting when I’m already feeling sick and depressed. I do put a scoop of green stuff in my morning protein shake. Makes me feel like I’m doing something sort of healthy. Whatever. I’m sorry that you have been feeling yucky, too. I think it’s great though that we can vent about it here. For me, it makes things a lot less fraught once we’ve talked about it, cried a little, maybe gotten a bit teed off about things, and then bounced back a bit. I’m so used to being a glass half full person, usually smiling and happy, that this last couple of months has made me feel as though I’ve been invaded by an alien. Thank God it’s almost over! 🤞🤞🤞

    Sherri - you represent the bright light at the end of the tunnel. Can’t see it yet, but because of you, I know it’s there. Thank you! And congratulations on your new job! That is wonderful news :) What a great way to turn the page on BC and get going again with your life after.

    And KC - Are you feeling better? I hope so. This third round was definitely harder and took longer for me. I hope it doesn’t take so long for you. Thinking of you.



  • keepingcalm
    keepingcalm Posts: 79
    edited July 2020

    Hi everyone,

    Suzy, I forgot you are cold capping. How has that gone for you? I agree that icing your hands and feet along with your head might be a bit much! I am not cold calling, periodically wonder if I should have, but have made piece with that aspect of this for the most part and do have some fuzz in patches on my head - wondering if that will fall out by the 4th before it grows back in.

    Speaking of which, Sherri, what have you noticed about eyebrows and lashes? I’ve heard that those often fall out after chemo ends? Seems kind of cruel!

    Nan, sounds like you’ve really been through the ringer. I am so sorry you’ve been feeling unwell. I agree you should just do whatever you need to to get through this and not beat yourself up about healthy habits!

    I hesitate to say for fear of jinxing myself that I’m doing pretty well. The Neulasta seemed not as bad this time and I guess I’m just more experienced with all of this so I’m trying to hydrate, listen to my body in terms of resting etc. That said, beyond the first 5 or 6 days after chemo I’m pretty active with my kids which is good overall I’m sure and at the same time no rest for the weary! I had the PICC line flushed on Thursday and never heard from my doctor (I may have misunderstood that she wanted to have an appt with me - I think she meant she wanted me to stay home to ensure I was recovering fine and be able to call her with any symptoms). So, I have cautiously gone to our beach rental for a week and am mostly watching the beach/listening to the ocean from the house 😂. But, I have gone down for walks or with the kids before the sun is strong and I will say it’s definitely been a good mental break from all of this! As for the mental side of this, in some ways that’s the piece I’m finding hardest. Nan, I forgot that like Sherri you had also been through this before. Do you mind my asking how old you were? I know I will need to continue working through keeping my fears at bay as I complete chemo in a few weeks and adjust to getting back to some sense of “normal”. I’m getting there but BC is definitely on my mind a lot right now and I hope I’ll get to a point where it’s more and mor in the rear view.

  • CCGirl
    CCGirl Posts: 86
    edited July 2020

    Hi KC-

    I was 45 when I had cancer the first time. It was terrifying. Still had kids at home and was working 60 hours a week. It took a while before I felt as though I had it licked. But once I got there, the only time I worried about cancer really was when I had to go in for my annual mammogram. Fortunately in 21 almost 22 years, I had a lot of clear tests, only a couple of follow ups, and two biopsies. I always figured that I’d have to have “more bits” cuts off at some point. I’m glad it waited a long time before it happened!


  • IsMe
    IsMe Posts: 17
    edited July 2020

    my second TC coming in two days times, out of 4. Hair stared to shed. How long it will continue to shed? Any trend or it will continue until after the last rkunf

  • sabbymama
    sabbymama Posts: 83
    edited July 2020

    My hair started to shed just before my second round of TC and a few days later it came out in huge clumps in the shower. It was so awful and traumatic! After that shower, I had huge bald spots on top of my head and I decided to buzz my hair a couple days later. By the time my second round came, I had no hair :(. Others have different experiences, so it really depends. I don't think there is necessarily a trend. Good luck!



  • suz_eee
    suz_eee Posts: 44
    edited July 2020

    Hi All.

    Sugar, I have one friend who told me she took Tamoxifen for 5 years and she said she didn't have a single side effect. I wish the same for you. I asked my oncologist at my last visit what I will be taking. I forgot the name of it. But it starts with an "A". I have not googled anything about upcoming radiation or hormone therapy. I am just getting through chemo first. I don't want to get overwhelmed. Congratulations on your new job! I just ordered the chillers for my hands and feet on Amazon. They say they will be here on Wednesday, the day before my chemo. I love that you are seeing those little hairs come in. Taking photos is a great idea.

    Nan, So happy you are having a few good days. I think your last chemo is tomorrow (Tuesday) right? I am feeling the same. Finally had a semi good day yesterday. I made sure to write it in my journal so I can look it up next round and remind myself it is out there. On top of everything else I got very depressed this round, but am feeling much better now and need to remind my future self of that.
    I too have only been eating comfort foods. Before I started chemo I made a big plan to eat very healthy. Lots of fruits, veggies, fish and chicken. Then sickness hit and all I wanted was peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, mac & cheese & ice cream. Everything else tastes bad. So, I am trying to let it go and be kind to myself. But between the lack of hair and the extra pounds, UGH!

    KeepingCalm, Cold capping did not work to keep my hair which is disappointing. But I continue to do it to help avoid that small chance of permanent alopecia. I probably have 15% of my hair left on my head. I cut it short, but not a buzz. The little hair I have is kind of a short bob. Oncologist recommended that. She said when the hair comes back it will appear to grow faster as it fills in the blank spaces. Right now I have kind of a stringy Friar Tuck look going on. My eyebrows and eyelashes have thinned. Probably about 50% there.

    IsMe, someone else will have to give you a more accurate answer on the hair loss, since I am cold capping. But my hair loss seemed to slow down by the 3rd round. Maybe it just seems that way because there is so much less of it. It started about 2 weeks into round 1 and was crazy for a while.

    Wishing you all a good week. Last round coming up Thursday. Give me strength!!


  • CCGirl
    CCGirl Posts: 86
    edited July 2020

    Hi there everyone,

    Yup - comfort food. I feel very good today - for my last day bf chemo again. And I enjoyed every last second of it. I walked 12,500 steps in stages over the day. It was a bit of a struggle. But I did it. And I’m very happy about it. Proves I can, right? Then I had a lovely cheeseburger, complete with a bun and ketchup, and Mac and cheese for dinner. Based on my previous experiences, tomorrow I’ll be mostly fine (steroids) except for ridiculously high blood sugar, and then when the Neulasta thingy goes off on Wednesday, I’ll feel like a wet rag again for (quite) a while. But this is the LAST TIME! Is there a cartwheel 🤸♂️ emoji - yes there is! Perfect :) Suzy - I’m so glad you’re almost done, too. 💃💪🎉

    Isme- regarding hair loss. I think after today’s run over with the lint roller, I’d say my hair loss is minimal at this point. Probably because I don’t have a whole lot left. But I still have some, and it even was growing at the end of round 2 and my husband had to clip it again. Strangely, I’ve completely stopped thinking about it or the lack of it at this point. I have lots of lovely caps (OR nurses style, with buttons to hold the mask on) made by my daughter’s friend at the hospital especially for my poor little bald bean. And I also have a whole rainbow of bandanas with matching face masks from my other daughter who has been supplying them as a cheer me up every time I have chemo. And since it’s summer, my head isn’t cold. I do have to be careful not to get any sun on my head (very very photosensitive- be careful!).

    Sherri - Did you start your new job today? I am very interested in how you do with the Tamoxifen. They may start you off with it and then switch you to something else, or so I’ve heard. But I have no idea as it hasn’t come up yet with my MO. I think he gives me just the most need to know stuff and saves the rest for when we get there. I was on Tamoxifen back in 1999, but I was young and hadn’t even started menopause so I was totally miserable with hot flashes from it. I’m hoping it’ll be a lot easier this time, whatever they put me on. I mean, really, I’ve already done that stuff, and it lasted a whole long time. It would be lovely to avoid doing it again. Guess we’ll see.

    KC - how are you feeling? Are you still doing okay with the Neulasta this time? I hope so. Thinking of you. And of you, too Sabrina.

    Sending lots of 🤗


  • sabbymama
    sabbymama Posts: 83
    edited July 2020

    Nan---I'm glad you had a good day and I am super impressed with your step count! I think I reached 11,000 steps ONCE since starting chemo. Tonight for dinner I ordered my favorite Grilled Salmon with mashed potatoes and green beans from Cheesecake Factory. I wanted to have something yummy before my taste buds go on strike How exciting that tomorrow is your last round??? I will have #3 tomorrow and I will be thinking of you! I hope we both have a better response this time around ! WinkingGood luck and big hugs :).



  • IsMe
    IsMe Posts: 17
    edited July 2020

    seems like few of us have our round tomorrow, mine is 2nd round tomorrow. With cold cap. Hope they set it right. Shed a lot recently. And, to sure how it goes for other SE this round. Huh. Just need to go through.

    Pray for everyone one of us

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Posts: 1,328
    edited July 2020

    Nan - all the best today! Last time. One and done and ring that bell! I found the last treatment wasn't too bad once I got through the yucky days 4-6. And, things can only go up from there! I start my new job next Monday on July 13 and will start the Tamoxifen on the weekend around the 18th. I'm post menopausal thanks for chemo 10 years ago so I'm not sure what to expect. My oncologist will be keeping me on it for a few years and will then switch me to Femara.

    KeepingCalm - funny that you ask about my lashes and brows because just yesterday I was thinking they were hanging on pretty well. I remembered them falling out weeks after my treatment ended last time. I'm now just past the four-week mark so I decided to search my screen name on here and the key words "lashes fell out". Sure enough a post that I did in 2010 came up and in the post I said I thought I had dodged the bullet when it came to my lashes and brows but they fell out 8 weeks after treatment. So, me thinking I had avoided it "this" time might not the case because I've not even reached the point yet when I lost them before. I did write that they grew back fast so my old post did make me feel a bit better. The struggle is real. LOL

    Suzy - fingers crossed I'm like your friend with no side effects on the Tamoxifen. Good luck on Thursday. Last round. You're in the homestretch and you've got this!!

    Sabrina - you had me at Cheesecake Factory. Now I want a big slab of cheesecake!

    IsMe - good luck today! Regarding hair, mine started falling out exactly 21 days from my first treatment and it continued to shed for about a week or so. During that time, my follicles were sore and kind of itchy so I bought a conditioner at Whole Foods with tea tree oil. It seems to help with the itchiness.

  • CCGirl
    CCGirl Posts: 86
    edited July 2020

    image Yay!

  • startingchemo
    startingchemo Posts: 7
    edited July 2020

    Hi ladies!

    I'm going in for my 3rd of 4 rounds of T/C this Friday. I'm a little worried because I've had complications after my 1st and 2nd rounds. My white blood count went very low after my 1st round due to an issue with the Neulasta patch -- it started leaking. After my 2nd round, the skin supporting my left implant started weakening from prior radiation and who knows what else. I may have to have the left implant removed tomorrow. Has anyone gone through this?

    Also, the cold cap process didn't work for me. I used Dignicap and didn't have much success. It's kind of a blessing because now I can go out in the sun anytime I want and don't have to be so careful about my hair. How long does it take after the last treatment for scalp hair to grow back?

    I'm not exercising at all right now because I'm trying to rest and relax, partly for my left breast. Anyone not exercising as well to give your body a chance to heal? I'm not sure if this is helping or hurting me.

    Pray for me ladies that I get through rounds 3 and 4!

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Posts: 1,328
    edited July 2020

    Startingchemo - yes, I had an issue with my right reconstruction. I had a lumpectomy and radiation 10 years ago. A new primary discovered in 2019 meant I needed a mastectomy so I had a double with immediate reconstruction. I ended up with necrosis and had to have the tissue expander removed in an emergency surgery so I could heal in order to start chemo. I even ended up with a seroma after it was removed and it took a long time for discharge to stop. Radiation really changes the skin and it can be unpredictable how it behaves. My left breast was prophylactic and it healed beautifully. In fact, I forget I have a tissue expander in it since it's not being expanded right now so I don't get more lopsided. I'm just over four weeks from my final chemo and I'm seeing little hairs sprouting through my scalp. They are very light (almost white) so it's hard to see them. My hair was brown before it fell out. Maybe it'll change colour. If not, I'll be colouring it for sure.

    Nan - you are so coordinated with the mask matching your glasses. It's a great look!! Hope you ring the bell today.

  • sabbymama
    sabbymama Posts: 83
    edited July 2020

    Yay Nan! So happy for you and I hope the side effects aren't as severe this time around :). I can tell you are smiling under that mask!



  • keepingcalm
    keepingcalm Posts: 79
    edited July 2020

    Hi everyone,

    Nan, you look great - like a professional (of something you never wanted to be a professional in!). Congrats on your last round. I'm really happy for you and hope the recovery isn't too bad this go around. I know you've been through a lot.

    Sherri, thanks so much for the intel on brows and lashes. That is very helpful! Are you using anything in particular to promote new hair growth?

    As for me, I think I did in fact jinx myself saying I was doing well. (Sabrina, here's a possible step count word to the wise that will absolve you of any exercise you might not feel up to!) I was doing great until I went on a 3 mile beach walk, which I enjoyed and didn't feel taxed by but then proceeded to faint in the shower afterwards (from what I can gather) and had to head to an unfamiliar ER to get a small gash near my eye stitched up. My tail bone is super sore and my near bald head had a bunch of red scrapes from the tile floor. The problem is, ER docs were concerned about the possibility of a blood clot or seizure since I didn't remember feeling faint before it happened and so they ran all sorts of scans which I didn't necessarily want and then held me overnight for observation! On the plus side, all of those were normal and the conclusion was likely dehydration and syncope. My MO is going to flip when she hears about this as we were a few hours away from my center trying to escape for a brief vacation. She had encouraged me to reschedule until later in the summer (not really financially possible) so I can just see her now saying/thinking she was right! I'm feeling a bit down since all of this. Prior to BC I was pretty healthy with plenty of energy and now each cycle I feel like there's some, however minor, complicating factor. And today, following this incident, I feel really fatigued, even though prior I feel like the fatigue from this cycle had dissipated. It's all hard with my young kids, and I think I'm just mentally wearing from this combined with all the Covid concerns. The light at the end of this tunnel is however approaching: I'll get my PICC line flushed at the end of this week and then the following week with any luck will be my last cycle and PICC line out! I am needless to say counting down the days!

    Thanks to everyone for the shoulders to lean on here

  • suz_eee
    suz_eee Posts: 44
    edited July 2020

    HI All,

    Nan, Yay for you on your last chemo! I love the picture of you. Beautiful! I know it really won't feel like a YAY until you get through the next 2-3 weeks. But at least you know you don't have to do this again. I think I really went into a depression this round because it seemed to last so long and knowing I have to do it again was just overwhelming me. I am feeling much better the last few days. So, I will go do it. No matter how much I wish I could cancel. Good for you on the 12,500 steps. You earned that cheeseburger!

    Startingchemo, sorry you have been having complications. And that the cold cap didn't work. It didn't work for me either. But I am still doing it just for care of the folicles and hoping that I get my full head of hair back. Good luck on round 3!

    Sugar, I am post menopausal and am hopeful that I will have less side effects on the hormone pills because of that. My hair will be also be coming back in white. But in my case because that is the color it is. Although I have been coloring it brown since I was in my late 20s. I have never let it go gray. Premature gray runs in the family. (Although I am plenty old enough now) I may watch it for a bit and see how I like the gray. But I am doubtful I will last long before I color again.

    KeepingCalm, glad you are OK after fainting. How scary! I am much weaker this round. I was back to a full 3+ miles by this time last round. But I have not walked that far. I am afraid because when the I hit that wall I am done. This week I am doing something different because I do get exhausted. I found this YouTube workout called "Team Body Project". It is an Aussie couple who post a whole bunch of different workouts. I am doing their 30 minute low impact beginner workouts. I usually do pretty hard workouts in my non cancer life. I go at my own pace and slow down on my worse days. Today I was able to do 40 minutes and I used 5 pound weights for part of the time. So I felt like I got a good workout. But after I was done and was heading upstairs for a shower, I had to stop and sit on the steps. I felt very weak. I can see where you pushed to far made you faint. I kind of felt like that.

    Good luck this week. I will try and send a pic from final chemo on Thursday like Nan did.


  • sabbymama
    sabbymama Posts: 83
    edited July 2020

    Keeping Calm--- I'm so sorry to hear about the terrible ordeal you had to face on your vacay! Don't beat yourself up about it though. You needed a getaway and you certainly deserved one! I am glad the tests and scans were fine and that it appears you just overexerted yourself, which let's face it is super easy to do these days. You are a busy mom and you wanted to have a "normal" day out with your family, it could easily have happened to any of us. Hang in there and keep positive, you are almost done and things will get better soon. Big hugs!

    Suzy---Wow! I wish I had half that energy ;). Good luck on Thursday!

    Sugar--- I am post-menopausal too. My periods started slowing down at 42 and were done at 45. My MO hasn't mentioned anything about hormonal meds yet as I still need to do the next step in my treatment (radiation) before we talk about that. I hope the Tamoxifen isn't too rough on you.

    Thinking of you all!


  • IsMe
    IsMe Posts: 17
    edited July 2020

    StartingChemo- try some indoor yoga or light body weight exercises. I enrol in some yoga body workout for gravity workout. It is simple but enough to make me sweat without any huge movement. You can google aboutbit

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Posts: 1,328
    edited July 2020

    KeepingCalm - I decided to try taking a Biotin supplement for hair growth and strong nails. Not sure if it'll work but my daughter had bought something on Amazon when I was on chemo and thought I'd try something similar when I was done. Hers is a special formula that has other vitamins. I decided to keep it very simple and safe and do just Biotin. When I picked up the Tamoxifen prescription, I asked the pharmacist and she said it was okay to take both of them. I'll start the Tamoxifen a week after I start my new job. I'm not sure if Biotin actually makes hair grow but I do know it helps with strength of hair and nails so I figured it was worth a try. So sorry to hear about your mishap. Hope you are on the mend.

    Suzy - I've been colouring my hair for years. I do a demi-permanent in brown so it's not terribly different than my normal colour and as it fades slightly until the next time my roots get done, the hairs that are grey fade a little more and almost look like natural highlights. That was until now. I had much more brown than grey when it was buzzed. It appears what's coming in is white. I hope it changes but I will still colour it for sure before I ditch the wig.

    Sabrina - I'm sure the medical oncologist will discuss any further hormone therapy with you soon. When I had breast cancer the first time, my tumour was hormone negative so it wasn't an option. This time, it's high for estrogen so he's been discussing the options for months and that I would start after chemo.. He initially didn't think I'd need chemo but the Oncotype Score was 30 so he wanted me to do it but hormone therapy was always in the cards.

    Nan - hope yesterday's treatment went smoothly and that you have minimal side effects for this FINAL (yay!) round!!!

  • CCGirl
    CCGirl Posts: 86
    edited July 2020

    First off - OMG KC! I hope you’re feeling a little better now. I had a similar thing happen during round 3, right about the time I went to the ER with a temp. I was walking the dog and got so lightheaded I sat on a rock with my head down. I was lucky I didn’t fall. But seriously, bad spins. The rest of the day I spent laying flat on my back on the couch. I think it’s just the chemo and accumulated SEs more than anything. And if you were slightly dehydrated, it wouldn’t help. I hope your MO doesn’t scold you too much. After all, the same thing could have easily happened at home. The only ugh factor was the strange ER. But they were nice to you and got you patched up. Happy Chemo/Covid vacation. At least you didn’t have a dead aunt Edna strapped to the roof of your car! Could’ve been worse, right?

    Today I’m feeling sort of YAY. I got a good night’s sleep (thanks to the Ativan) and not at all nauseous. The taste buds are already on vacation - but oh well. I’ve gotten in a short walk (steroids are still with me, but fading fast) and the Neulasta thing goes off at 6PM so I’m bracing for it. I finished a sock. Did a load of laundry. Visited my neighbor in her gazebo (masked up) for 45 minutes. Next stop - the couch.

    Sherri - biotin works to help your hair grow faster. I’ve used it for years. Doesn’t make it thicker, at least not in my experience although since my hair is baby fine, I have a lot of it, but it doesn’t really seem like it. Maybe without the biotin, it would be a lot more raggedy. Should be interesting what happens when it grows out all at one length. Mine is totally white too. All of the dark hairs fell out first. It’s not a bad look - white hair. Mine’s a sort of warm white, like cream, so I might even look like a blonde (sure).

    Thanks IsMe about the online yoga tips. My arms and legs need so help as they are so dragging right now. I’ll give it a look.

    I’m posting a picture of the bell. I was a little self-conscious about doing it in a room full of people I don’t know, but the nurses were ecstatic, and all of the staff were clapping. So it was a good moment.




    Ringing the bell at 3:49 on July 7, 2020. It was a happy moment.


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