Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 911

    Good for you Karen to get the vaccines…despite the 24-48 side effects they seem to have. Here in SE Virginia we don't yet have a reliable supply of COVID vaccines, hopefully in the next couple of weeks whatever distribution problem that is happening will be sorted out. I will be attending a conference in Atlanta in November, so flights and a big conference (1000+ people)…want to get my shots 2 weeks ahead at the minimum so I am all boosted up!

    Take care on your travels Ruth, funerals are so full of family…joys and heartbreak. My mother became the last of her generation 5 years ago last week…we did some reminiscing of the good ole days of the 60's - 80's…lots of golf and cocktails 😉

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    I have to get the flu & Covid shots set up after I get back from Wisconsin. I'm not as brave as you to do them all at once, Karen. I like to space mine out a little.

    It is COLD & WINDY here. I have a whole garbage can of branches that I have blown off my trees. And since we are in a freeze warning for tonight, I am sad to say that they will be soon joined by dead annuals. I will do a toning DVD & maybe an indoor walking one too.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961
    edited October 2023

    TT: Have fun at the Outer Banks!

    Ruth: I am so sorry about your dear aunt. You have been a good niece to her and love her so much.

    Karen: Hope your arm stops hurting soon. My arm was just a little sore after getting both shots last week. No other reaction. Dh, on the other hand, woke up in the middle of the night with chills and full on sweat. He had to put on a coat before getting back in bed.

    Just a short note tonight. Walked yesterday and today. Been getting ready for my to my trip tomorrow to Hilton Head.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 911

    Aargh, at the beach house and my post was eaten by the bad internet, ugh.

    Too tired to retype everything, hope all are well, made it here just before sunset, yeah, hate to drive in the dark.

    Exercise was the packing and unpacking…with the reverse floorplan houses at the beach, the house is on stilts, the first floor one staircase up are bedrooms and the top floor has the kitchen, living room, so most of the stuff you bring goes up to the "third floor"…best part is we are oceanfront.

    Karen, hope your daughter is safe. Prayers all around.

    Going to post before I lose this…TT

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    TT - Thanks for asking. My daughter is still here with us. She was supposed to fly home on Tuesday the 10th but got an email today that her flight is canceled. She is rebooked on the 16th. A week is a long time so anything can happen with getting home. She knows that right now its safer here but it is also hard hearing everything long distance. A lot of her friends have been called up for reserved duty.

    Wonder - my arm is not as sore.

    DH had a reaction to the RSV vaccine - two days of not feeling good - tonight finally he is begining to feel human. Yesterday he stayed in bed most of the day. I get mine Tuesday after work and hoping I don't have much of a reaction beyond sore arm.

    Ruth - sorry to hear about your aunt. Hope your memories bring you comfort.

    Wonder - have a fun girls week.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Posts: 1,437

    Catching up on posts since August.

    Karen-so glad to see you here. Sorry you have to wait so long for test results. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way. When I saw the news coverage from Israel it made me think of your DD. I am glad she is home safe with you.

    Ruth- the pictures of the wedding are gorgeous! So sorry for the loss of your relative.

    Wonderland- I always love seeing your art. You’re so talented!

    TT- I have my sights set on retirement in a couple of years. Looking forward to vacations while school is in session.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    I'm glad DD is still home, Karen. What horrible and frightening time for all.

    We are on the road coming home. My aunt was an amazing and wonderful woman who lived to the age of 89 while still being totally involved with life. Her kids gave her an amazing send-off so it was more beautiful than sad. Her memory will be a blessing and a challenge to REALLY live while you are alive.

    My brother and I walked for an hour before we left this morning. I may, or may not, go to Pound tonight.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    Good to hear from you, Ginger! Hope things are going well with you.

    Karen: So glad that your dd is home with you. I also thought of her and your family when the attacks started. How frightening.

    TT: Have fun at the Outer Banks.

    Ruth: So sorry about your aunt. She sounds like an amazing person.

    Having a good time in Hilton Head. The weather has been fabulous but all that will change on Thursday when rain comes in.

    Been doing lots of beach walking. This afternoon we walked through a forest preserve.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    Ruth - sorry about your aunt - but hope your memories will continue to bring you comfort.

    This is a response to a friend regarding my daughter and the horrific situation in Israel. We are doing okay. Miriam has been in Denver since just before Rosh Hashanna. Between Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur she went to Toronto to see her sister and meet her niece and has been back in Denver since. She was supposed to fly back to Israel tomorrow but her flight was cancelled so she rebooked for next Monday on Delta. Well Delta has cancelled all flights through October 31st. So she just book a flight to go back to Israel on El-Al next Tuesday. Right now Craig and I are okay. Once she goes back we'll see how we do - it will depend on the situation. But right now it's horrific. Many of her friends in the IDF reserves have been called up. She really wants to be home - she knows she is safer here but wants to be home with her friends and community. It is hard being here hearing second hand about is going on. If her roommates aren't in the apartment, she will stay with friends. Will keep you posted

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    What a horrific and heart wrenching situation for all. I can completely understand her desire to be with the community of friends during this time; but as a mom, I know it has to be very hard for you to see her go. Hugs to you all.

    I went to Pound this morning & am trying to get re-organized around here after a pretty crazy month.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    We had a smaller group than usual for the Wednesday Walking Women, but took a very nice hike on a nature trail. It's so nice out that I ended up taking a second walk with DH & Bruno this afternoon.

  • It is good to be back here on this thread after not checking in since July. I am so delighted to find Karen back and cooking/baking up a storm for her family. I am thrilled to learn your daughter is safe Karen. Like the others, I have thought about her and prayed for her safety every day these past four days.

    Ruth, I am so happy the wedding went so well and you have the beautiful photos to remember this special event. Your son looks so handsome and the bride is beautiful. I have also enjoyed looking at all the WWW photos from the last couple of months. It is amazing to see how the weather changes in such a short time.

    And Wonderland, what can I say, your pumpkins are fantastic as always. I am in awe of the beautiful pieces you make out of pumpkins and shells and all the other things you incorporate into your artwork. You have so much talent. It must be so fulfilling to make such beautiful things.

    As for me, I did 22 minutes on the elliptical today. I tried to get a bike ride in but it started to rain so I had to let that plan go for today. I am hoping tomorrow will be a better day for a bike ride.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    Great to 'see' you coffee!!

  • Thanks Ruth. I was able to take a nice bike ride today. One solid hour and many small hills later I am exhausted but it feels so good. It’s funny I was thinking today how much this thread has helped me get moving over the years. When I first stared reading the thread I saw how much Karen walked and it motivated me to get off the sofa and start with .7 mile walk. I have been walking ever since. Then when it got dark so early in the winter and so cold I noticed how much Ruth enjoyed her indoor exercise classes. So I gave them a try and found a line dancing class at one of the gyms and I was hooked. I now try to get to class two to three times a week. I have to credit Claire in Seattle for getting me interested in biking. I read how much she enjoyed it and she would comment on how it built her muscles so I bought a used bike and I have been riding since 2020. So I can’t thank the ladies here enough for all there hard work and motivation, which is contagious.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    So good to see you, Coffee! Such an inspiring post!

    Just a quick note - still on vacation.

    The egret was not harmed.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    What a wonderful post, coffee. I hope that more people will eventually join us again!

    Stay away from the alligators, Wonderland!!

    Yesterday I started cleaning the house (for the first time since the wedding), I went to Dance2fit & Yoga last night. I will finish the house today & have a long list of errands to run. I'm not sure what I will do for exercise, It is cold & very windy so not a very nice outside day!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    I ended up on dog walks Friday & Saturday and doing an hour long Pilates DVD. I am signed up for a combined Pound/Barre class this afternoon.

  • Stepping it up on this journey thanks to the inspiration found here @ruthbru . Sunday 30 min walk in the rain with the pups and 36 min walk/run program on treadmill- increased the level so it was more challenging - and 20 min weights (chest and back) plus 25 min yoga restorative stretches.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    Welcome bluebird, so glad to see you here!

    I went to Pound this morning. I just got back from the dentist for a teeth cleaning and have my annual eye exam this afternoon. What a way to spend a lot of money quick!

  • Yesterday 37 min on treadmill - walk/run, 28 min yoga stretches, vit C IV and 25 min in infrared sauna

    Today I have many appointments but will squeeze the exercise in somehow…

    I just booked our eye exams too - husband has his dental in a week - I had to postpone my dental - unsure if it was necessary but my WBC is quite low…in either case not looking forward to these expenses either :-]

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    I went to Pound this morning; since it was a great fall day, DH, Bruno and I went on a Road Trip to a recreation area about 45 minutes away. No one else was around so we had a very fun hike and Bruno could run off-leash. We came home, did some yardwork and then I went to Yoga. We are all tired!!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    Bluebird: Welcome and so glad you have joined us! My brother and his wife bought an infrared sauna and love it. Do you like using one?

    Ruth: Love your Road Trip pictures! How nice to have the location to yourselves. Lucky Bruno!

    I returned from Hilton Head on Saturday. Had an amazing time. One thing happened there that hasn't happened in a long time. Last Wednesday I had an afib episode. I've been taking medication since 2019 and the last known episode was in 2021. I had my yearly cardiology appointment a week before leaving for HH and all checked out. It only lasted for half a day and I attributed it to drinking too much caffeine. Then yesterday I went into afib again! During my walk I knew something was wrong and stopped walking. This time it lasted 24 hours. All ok now. I even went for a short walk this afternoon and had no problem. Keeping my fingers crossed that it was just a fluke - if not I'll be calling my doctor!

  • 36 min on treadmill - walk/run program, 14 min yoga stretches, 25 min infra red sauna

  • These photos are fantastic!! @ruthbru I can really see how big beautiful Bruno is when he sits next to you!

    @wonderland Thank you! I really needed this - and I find the photos and adventure shares inspiring. I have heard Hilton Head is a fantastic getaway - Oh gosh I hope the AFIB resolves quickly for you… 🙏

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    Glad you had a fun vacation, wonderland (pictures please 😉). Yikes, on the afib. If it happens again, you better check in with your doctor!

  • @wonderland sry - I forgot to answer…yes I used the sauna only occasionally prior to diagnoses but I enjoy it now post chemo and with exercise - it relaxes your muscles a great deal and I feel that it contributes to detox (lots of sweating!). Ours is small but I really like it.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    bluebird: My brother and sil like the detox effect also.

    Plan to walk today. Dd has invited us to dinner at a restaurant that serves breakfast all day on Wednesdays. Think I'll be having pancakes for dinner!

    Here are a few more HH pictures.

    View from our room on the 5th floor. There was a regular pool, warm pool, and a hot pool (one on the left). It was like a giant hot tub and felt great - not too hot.

    The rain was coming in. It was eerie looking bc you couldn't tell where the ocean ended and the sky began.

    My sisters kept seeing the alligators so this is one of their pictures. Glad I didn't see one!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,092

    Beautiful pictures, Wonderland (except the alligators!).

    Here's the Wednesday Walking Women.

  • These are great photos!

    yesterday i squeezed in 36 min walk/run on the treadmill- arthritis pain in my right shoulder flared so trying to book physio

    working on today 🙏

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,961

    What a happy group, Ruth!

    bluebird: Hope your pain improves.

    Walked this afternoon.


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