Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 846

    Went to the gym for the first time since COVID, it was nice. Have to do my weight bearing lunges, take my shower and go out to dinner with my sister and friends. She is moving out of our neighborhood to a condo 20 minutes away tomorrow.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    I think if you are a 'gym rat', exercising on your own just can't replace it! Here's where we walked today.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    Looks like a great place for a walk, Ruth. Go Bruno!

    homemom: Glad you felt strong enough to go back to the gym. Enjoy you dinner out!

    Pruned and picked up the trimmings for 90 minutes this morning. I was drenched!

  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 890

    Such a long week for me…not one day that I got 8hrs of sleep, which I really need. I week of 5.5 - 7.5 doesn't do it for me.

    Got to a yin yoga class today that feels more like a private therapy session the woman teacher is so good!

    DH is coming home today…started at 6am mountain time (Colorado Springs) to catch a flight…it is now 9:30pm eastern and still not home. Missed his flight in Denver, led to a 9 hour delay! He'll be home 1am, I will be ASLEEP!

    Fantastic for your 11th anniversary of the WWW…always love the weekly pictures. I have some teacher friends who have a (liquor infused) brunch the first day of school each year…I much prefer your weekly walking group!

    Happy weekend all…the last week end of summer before labor day! TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    Hope DH finally makes it home, TT. It is still fun to be different places, but they sure have taken the fun out of getting there & back again! If I had a liquor infused brunch, I'd be asleep for the rest of the day! I'd also rather be walking (and eating afterwards minus the booze)!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    TT: Hope you get more sleep this week!

    Walked this evening.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    Dog walking yesterday & today. Also went to Yoga in the park this evening

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    Walked today. The air is so thick!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    We are having air quality alerts because of the smoke from the Canadian wildfires. We usually have 2 or 3 alerts a year & this year has been 31 (so far). I went to Zumba & Pound yesterday & will go to Zumba & Yoga today.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    That's awful, Ruth. And scary.

    Walked early this afternoon. Later I painted this large red ornament for dd. She bought 2 of them during the after Christmas sales. I painted one after she bought it and thought she was going to paint the other one. She asked me to instead. My spacing is off in a couple of places and it bothers me. But it will all look better in the morning lol. She will be hanging them on her porch so it will be fine.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 890

    Well, they look gorgeous to me! You are so talented.

    I hate the fires, I feel like we are watching climate change month by month vs decade by decade, yikes!

    Just back from Tai Chi. My gym is starting a new class schedule the week after labor day, It looks like a good schedule for me to have 6 days of gym time…with some of the slower/low key classes that are okay given the heat of SE Virginia during the summer, giving way to more energetic classes with the cooler fall temps.

    Hope you have a good start to the new school year Karen, holding you close.

    Happy Labor Day everyone, be safe! TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    Those are beautiful, Wonderland!

    Glad you have an exercise schedule that will work with your schedule, TT.

    Karen, thinking of you!

    WWW walked out at a recreational area on a beautiful morning.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    Here is maybe the weirdest thing I have ever seen. As we started our walk this morning, there were fields filled with giant spider webs glistening in the sun

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964
  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964
  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 890

    Wow, and just when you wished you had those spider webs for Halloween…but no…Labor Day!

    Sad to see the sweatshirts and track jackets on the WWW ladies…summer is coming to a close.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    Ruth: I just love the spider web pictures! I've never seen that many webs in the same place at one time. What a sight!

    TT: Sounds like your new gym schedule will be a great benefit to you. That's nice!

    Karen: I think about you everyday and hope you're finished with your treatments and doing well. I miss you!

    Well, the big ornament looked better to me this morning. Dd came over for supper tonight - she likes it and can't wait to hang it from her porch this Christmas. I met a friend for lunch today and ran a few errands. No exercise for me today.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Posts: 890
    edited August 2023

    Well, serves me for talking about the WWW in sweatshirts…given the cool side of the Hurricane came through SE Virginia…I am wearing long pants today for the first time since…April? No permanent fears though, Labor Day is supposed to be 93.

    Happy Thursday, TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    We are back to 'summer' as it's in the 80s today & predicted to be in the 90s all weekend. Dance2fit & Yoga tonight.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946
    edited September 2023

    We will be having nice weather this weekend - low 80s. 90+ days return next week.

    Ruth: One month and a couple of days! Almost here. My friend's ds is getting married next weekend in Massachusetts. I've mentioned this wedding before. It's a weekend long wedding at a camp starting Friday night with a meal for everyone, Saturday lunch, wedding with dinner, and Sunday breakfast. Guests can sleep in a camp setting and are to bring their own sleeping bags. My friend has rented a house on the property for her family members (most older) that has regular bedrooms and bathrooms. There is also a 2 bedroom cabin that some of her family members have rented that is small and private. My friend who lives in my town has not been involved with the planning mainly bc of the distance and she is the mother of the groom. As a matter of fact she and her husband are hosting the Friday night meal and all she has to do is write the check. She keeps asking her future dil to let her know how much she owes so she can mail the check. I can't wait to hear all about it when she returns.

    Walked this afternoon.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964
    edited September 2023

    Took a nice dog walk this morning. It looks, but doesn't feel, like fall!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946

    Beautiful picture, Ruth! Love the Carolina Blue sky.

    Met a friend for a walk this morning. Later in the day I hard pruned one of our overgrown camellia bushes. My cats are unset bc they like to hide under the bushes and now they're exposed.

  • homemom
    homemom Posts: 846

    The one thing about having a hurricane come through the state that is an actual positive, is that it sucks the humidity out and leaves a breezy low 80's morning. I did yoga at our community garden this morning.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964


  • wonderland
    wonderland Posts: 2,946
    edited September 2023

    Looks like fun, homemom!

    Ruth: I've been showing people your spider web photos. I would love to see something like that in person. Incredible!

    Walked this morning. Later some friends and I went to Wine and Design and we painted pumpkins on charcuterie boards. I don't have it now bc I poured resin over it and it's still at the business drying. I thought we would be drinking wine based on the name but I was mistaken. Who knew!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    No Wine, just design? That is faulty advertising! 🙃

    It is very hot here. No formal exercise although I did a bunch of yard work & running around doing errands this morning. DS & fiance came over for dinner & we talked about some of the specifics for the wedding, which is now only 28 days away!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    Here's where I did yoga this evening.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    Hi all,
    As you all know, I've been MIA. Thank you to all who asked about me and sent good wishes.  I needed a break from all things cancer.  The past 6 months have been quite a roller coaster.  It seemed like there was one thing after another health wise - or at least to worry about.
    Regarding the MM - treatment was stopped early due to toxicity from the meds.  I'm not in total/complete remission :(  but overall my light chain numbers are okay.  My calcium is rising again so that is a concern if it keeps rising.  Due to the chemo I had for BC (TAC) I am limited on treatment options for the MM.  
    DEXA scan - still osteoporosis after 4+ years on Prolia and two infusions of Zometa (while on chemo).  Endocrinologist is not going to put me back on Prolia.  She says Zometa lasts for a year - I see her again in May - she is not sure if she will continue with Zometa or something else.  I forget what the other category of meds she was talking about as I didn't write it down.  I will talk to my medical oncologist in October about this.  Hematologist said to talk to my  endocrinologist about the bone density.  I was hoping for improvement as after two years of Prolia there was improvement.  But both my PCP and my endocrinologist said stable is good - there was no change in my DEXA scan from two years ago.  Endocrinologist says after the first couple years there is generally no improvement so they look for stable.
    I have a bulge in my right groin area - PCP thought it was a hernia - but ultrasound showed it was a cyst and evidently I had it in March (not sure what scan it was on as I've had so many) but it is larger.  No treatment.  I was really worried if it was a hernia and if so the need for surgery, so cyst is good news.
    I will see my Nephrologist in a couple weeks.  My kidney function is more or less stable - stage 3 CKD.  Hope it stays that way.
    Medical oncologist in October and Hematologist in November.  I'm hoping medical appointments are slowing down as I had so many in the past several months and too many scans.  I'm surprised  I don't glow in the dark.
    My endocrinologist said I'm complicated and the transplant doctor said I have lots of nuances (I'm not a candidate for stem cell transplant due to previous chemo as too much of a risk for AML).  
    In between all the medical appointments and treatments, we did get to Toronto twice to see our granddaughter. She is 3 1/2 months old.  My daughter updates us on changes - she found her feet yesterday!  We also spent 12 days in Israel.  We need to plan our next trip to Toronto (Israel too).  DD#2 is coming for the holidays and will go visit her sister and meet her niece while on this side of the pond!!
    The school year is back in full force.  I went back August 14 and the kids started August 21.
    Today is our 46th wedding anniversary.  We spent the week-end in the mountains hiking .  My husband grilled steak for dinner (with half a sweet potato each).  The weather was gorgeous and it was nice to get out of the heat.  
    I hope everyone is doing well.  I'm still overwhelmed with everything but I'm okay.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    Karen, it is so wonderful to hear from you! Sorry you are going through so many tests & appointments; but hopefully you will stay 'stable' in all areas.So glad you got to Israel and especially that you got in several visits to Toronto. Babies change so fast! I am sure DD#2 can hardly wait to meet her niece. Happy Anniversary to you & DH! Hiking in the mountains sounds like a perfect celebration. Good luck with the school year! Are you at the same school as last spring, or????

    We took a dog walk this morning & then I did housework the rest of the day. I am deep cleaning (as opposed to my usual dust-around-the-edges type of cleaning), so it is a lot of work!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 47,964

    Pound & Yoga yesterday. Here are the Wednesday Walking Women. We always have a big group if someone promises to feed us breakfast afterwards! 😋