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My Husband, My Life, My Love, My Family, My Cancer



  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,643

    Tanya and Mel - Re your mouth sores, I don't have anything that sounds as bad as what either of you have, but since these drugs, I do have a more sensitive mouth overall with an occasional sore spot here and there. The two things that have helped me most are:

    The toothpaste has Xylitol that does seem to help. My dentist told me about it and he said that his patients with mouth problems/sensitivities told him about it, and he recommends it now. It's actually a bit more costly than regular toothpaste, but not as pricey as some of things you've mentioned. I actually prefer my regular toothpaste, but this is far better for my mouth since the drugs.

    This has Aloe and has been a big help to me with my mouth for years - even before cancer. The Aloe really seems to do a lot. Like the toothpaste, it's a bit pricier than normal mouthwash, but not as high as the things you were talking about.

    I used to be able to get the mouthwash at a couple of stores, but now I can't get either of these items anywhere but Amazon. Whether either of these will help either of you, I wouldn't know of course, but thought I'd put this info out there, as just a possibility for one more tool in the toolbox.

    I also eat about a good half cup of fresh sauerkraut daily (can't get it at 98% of grocery stores - have to go to organic/natural foods stores); that has natural probiotics. The kind that comes in a jar and has to be kept in the fridge (not Bubbies). It does a lot for skin/body tissue in general, and I can't help but think it does good things for my mouth tissue too.

    Just some ideas for whatever they're worth, along with hope that you both find something that really does the job, so you can stop having all these problems!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Tanya, I get how frustrating it is for your DH and how good he looks when it does not tell people how he is on the inside. On the rare occasion I take the normal bus, I sit up front as I need to get off at the front. Apparently my cane is not enough to show I am disabled and have had people ask what my issue is for me to sit up front. I usually say not your business but other times I give them the grim diagnosis and let their mouths drop. I rarely do that but it is not their job to ask. The driver can question it but that is the only person who needs to know. Thankfully that does not happen on the regular bus.

    I opened beans and lentils at the same time, both meals featured big amounts of both and were quite good, did pull out a frozen fettucine meal at supper, added some lentils, beans, sour cream seasoning and a bit of mayo and both meals today were yummy.

    I did spend parts of the day doing the mop and sock mop thing, they really do hold onto the dust or fur that moves around. The most fun I had today was watching the ghostbusters movies, 1, 2, the 2016 movie with Melissa McCarthy and the recent Ghostbusters Afterlife and Ghostbusters Frozen Empire. I also bought them to stream whenever on prime video as well. They were on for cheap.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Sfcakes, Just a more polite way to say something or some is stupid. Kind of like, that person or group is as sharp as a marble or if you and I agree, we are both wrong. I like that kind of stuff.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    It is garbage and recycle day, several trips will be taken to get everything out. Saves my energy that way.

    Doing Laundry and general cleaning, sock mops replace slippers, pick up stuff even when not meaning too, floor mop too. Itemizing fridge and freezer, making list of what items are stored, how many of each item and not be overly full. Helps me stay organized. Pantry pastas and rice make sense, have more space for that. Organizing clothes, found hangers that are vertical and I can hang a ton of clothes behind the bedroom door. Must go through clothes as I do not wear many of them anymore, just leggings, tshirts and hoodies in winter.

    Doing some budget boosting TV

    We are heating up again, have another heat warning which is no surprise but that is fine. Planning to book some Paratransit trips this week for mall walking etc. Tues, have an MRI and I booked a trip home after a little later so thinking that I may get to walk around the hospital a bit afterward since my appointment is 830 am. Planning Paratransit trips at least once or twice a week. Mostly for walks in mall but could also replace Walmart deliveries so as not to buy too much stuff. Double duty. Cost less than deliveries.

    Planning to find a way to use the kraft dinner powdered cheese either as a seasoning or make up a cheese sauce, need to find a scaled down way of doing that wear I store powder in air tight container, using the pasta for another recipe is easy enough to do. I will figure it out, even if the cheese is just a seasoning. Going to have eggs mixed with beans and lentils. Cooking eggs in my egg cookers at the same time and may use mini grill on the beefless ground as well, give different texture but have to be careful not to burn it to death.

    I am hoping everyone has a great day, in pockets for appointments or scans coming up as always. Sending my love to all.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    I immediately learned why I could not work another job. Dropped a dozen eggs, that is not the bad part. Could not for the life of me get the mop part attached. I cried, swore and all for about 5 mins. Stopped and decided to attached two of the mop pads with elastic and it works the same, will put in the washer and wash elastics by hand and keep them close by. Don't need the frustration and my SIL gave me tons of mop pads.

    I do wish my first resort to frustration is to cry. I don't spend long crying but it should not be a thing at all. I did get up most of the mess from the dropped eggs but will vacuum the shells later, floor a little sticky but I will attend to that later. Thankfully the two hash browns and two eggs came out fine, salted, mayo and ketchup is good for me.

  • sf-cakes
    sf-cakes Member Posts: 609

    I have similar questions, illimae, was just wondering how she was doing earlier this week.

    And I agree with what others said, she definitely didn't "lose the battle", cancer killed her.

    I hate this disease.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455
    edited July 14

    One thing that I think Shannen had going in her favour was a fierce attitude. It could sometimes cause co stars to complain about her back in the day but that fierce attitude helped a lot during her 9 years with cancer to get through all the treatment and then to have to do it again when it came back. Until a massive educational campaign goes on, lost the battle will continue to be said. Again, I know it is not meant that way but feels to me like someone saying she did not fight hard enough.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Holy cow, it is very hot, took first of 3 bags of garbage outside. Used a cane and I made it but glad I am taking 30 minute breaks in between, two more bags to take out and cannot skip this week. Then recycle as well. Sweating buckets so the breaks are a necessity. Going to have some milk and head out for the second trip. Can't skip garbage day again. Brain telling me I cannot do the garbage, too weak to do it so telling myself I have to and can do it. No neighbours around to help. If I get this batch out, can fine tune my waste management system so bags are not so heavy next time. Anyway, bag two going out now.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455
    edited July 14

    I was lucky, was very tired trying to carry out my garbage, the 2nd bag of it. Panting and sweating but my kind neighbour from downstairs took the second bag out and then followed me home to grab the third bag. I appreciate neighbours and how they help. But I need to do garbage a different way in future to work for me and get lighter bags to carry out. We will see. Ordered mcdonalds for now and will figure stuff out later.

  • gailmary
    gailmary Member Posts: 515

    Mara, I needed a plan for my daughter and her trash. And she only had to go about 50 feet out the door. What worked best 2as to take it out daily. Habitually.

    Would it work to at least take some out EVERY tme you leave the building? Smaller bags? How often is that?

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    gailmary, thank you for commenting, no daily garbage storage on site. I will make sure to keep bags lighter and not skip garbage day again, that put me behind. It will be OK, I can usually solve a problem pretty well. Perhaps start working out with said bags so taking out is not an issue.

  • tougholdcrow
    tougholdcrow Member Posts: 159

    Greetings, all. I am not sure of the details of Shannen Doherty's case, myself, but I think she was diagnosed more recently with Stage IV after having some trouble with tamoxifen. Does anyone know any more? My sense was that she withheld some details of her disease, like what the experimental cure was that she used near the end.

  • cookie54
    cookie54 Member Posts: 828

    Morning, Sad to hear about another beautiful soul passing from cancer. I did not follow here closely so I did just read up on her most recent post. I wonder if she possibly developed a a fatal blood clot like a pulmonary embolism? Sometimes we forget the side effects can be deadly at times. Agree I despise the quote lost her battle, I left specific instructions as to NOT put that in my obit. May she rest in peace.

    mara How about a trash compactor? I don't know if you have room in your apartment for that. Glad to hear you have nice neighbors that are willing to help . How about a youngster in the building. maybe they would be willing to make a couple of bucks and help? Perhaps not all the time because I know you like to keep moving. Maybe have a cell number available if it's a bad day you can get some help.

    sondraf In your pocket today for treatments, hope you feel well enough to score those onion rings!

    Thinking of all here, praying for our strength daily.

  • sondraf
    sondraf Member Posts: 1,679

    Enhertu has some life threatening side effects as my onc warned me at our last chat as that would be my next line if Taxol doesnt cut it, especially with lung inflammation and lack of studies about women previously getting pneumonitis and then going on it. Mae, you are doing well on it as are some others I know, but I am hoping to keep that one at bay a little longer if possible :) Perhaps she had challenges with that drug,who knows.

    Another 12 hour H day today, lord was that tough. Brain MRI (a just in case as per MO, i have no symptoms, pre trip), bloods, lymph clinic, infusion and oh for fun because my K is low again, as much of a 3 hour bag as they could get in me. They finally kicked me out at 630 pm (I agreed to stay for an extra hour of drip cause i mean lets do that rather than sit in traffic) because I was the last one there and the nurses wanted to go home! My dumb GP received the prescription for my custom compression garments but then didnt check some boxes to send it to pharmacy so yeah well now I dont have them. Clinic realised I am a private patient and I told them insurance would pay for two sets a year so they are going to order them direct for me and hopefully they show up before we go. Im so SO annoyed as I was looking forward to this. I did get compression therapy with the giant boot today though, so that was nice, and this way she can make the slight sizing change she wanted to that the GP wasnt going to allow, so Ill have two sets in the end by August :)

    I try not to compare timelines and diagnoses because we are all so individual. Whatever makes up my body chemistry just doesnt like X or Y and thats been a problem this year. My body may prefer Z that others dont like or I may never find an existing solution, who knows. I do wish I could walk like a normal person,though, that would honestly make all of this so so much easier to bear.

    Warm and gentle rain here tonight, looks like two days of 80F later this week though! Ive got to try and eat more (anything really) this week and be on top of my K supplements cause this yo yo K things gotta stop, not good for my heart.

    Everyone enduring actual real sweaty heat take care of yourselves and keep on enjoying summer!

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455
    edited July 15

    @intolight I read a similar article as well. Still too bad for someone else to lose their life though.

    As far as being afraid of death, none of us know how it comes about. I don't have a set belief, but if I had the mental power to do so and lucky enough to be in hospice, I would imagine all the people and pets I lost meeting me and hope my mind could sustain that for me. At worst, I really think it would be like falling asleep and what follows after is only known to people who pass on. I know I would want DB and SIL there if I went first.

    Well, I got let go from my nursing services because I am not sick overall, no falls, longterm digestive issues or anything else. Then today, got a call from a health care coordinator wanting to come next Thursday, it is in the morning so it won't interfere with movie night. The coordinator wants to see if there are any services I need. I don't think there are but will hear her out.

    Decided to make mexican rice, will mix up with beefless ground, chop in some beans and shred cheese, warm it up. Thinking the mexican rice will probably do more than one meal. Looking forward to it. I also have an option to take the cheese out of one of the soft taco dinner kits or can take the cheese seasoning from one of my KD bowls and use it in the mix and add taco and sour cream to all of it.. I will see.

  • mara51506
    mara51506 Member Posts: 6,455

    Goldens, I believe it can be anything we need it to be. I am not afraid of death, just the way it would happen. You will have dogs wherever you wind up.