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I say YES. YOU say NO....Numero Tre! Enjoy!



  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076

    Nazi it coming

    28 Votes

    Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial is a six-episode Netflix documentary that covers the rise of Hitler and the Nuremberg trials that followed World War II.

    One of my proofers, Laura, pointed out two flaws in this cartoon I was already aware of, but I have creative license. The first flaw is that Trumpers wouldn’t bother to watch a documentary of attempt to educate themselves on anything.

    I just read an audience review of the documentary by a MAGAt who claims he stopped reading at the third episode because of a comparison of Hitler retreating to a bunker to Trump retreating to Mar-a-Lago. Realizing what he was watching, the MAGAt got butthurt and turned it off in order not to learn more. MAGAts choose to remain ignorant.

    There was an error displaying this embed.

    The second flaw is that MAGAts want Trump to be America’s Hitler. Who called Trump America’s Hitler? J.D. Vance said that and is now Trump’s running mate. If you join a team whose leader you believe is like Hitler, that means you like it.

    Republicans talk about toning down the rhetoric and say the blame for someone taking a shot at Trump’s ear is the fault of Democrats for comparing Trump to Hitler. But it’s not liberals’ fault that Trump is compared to Hitler. It’s Donald Trump’s fault he’s compared to Hitler.

    If you don’t want to be compared to Hitler, maybe don’t talk like Hitler. Don’t build hate against immigrants the way Hitler built hate for Jews. Don’t claim people are not like us the same way Hitler did to Germany’s Jewish population. Don’t vilify and lie about immigrants the same way Hitler did to Jews and others. Don’t call your political opponents your enemy the way Hitler did to his. Don’t destroy all political opposition which Hitler did and now Trump has done to the GOP. Don’t demand loyalty and turn the people who support you into a cult. Don’t call people “vermin” which is something Hitler did. Don’t promise to deport 20 million people which may be the biggest aspect of the Trump Campaign and something else Hitler did. Don’t promise to create concentration camps. Finally, don’t try to violently cling to power.

    An assassination attempt on your life doesn’t make you a hero. There were at least 23 assassination attempts on Adolf Hitler’s life. Many of those were before World War II and committed by Germans. Hitler’s life wasn’t saved by God 23 times or even once, which is what Trump and his allies are claiming about his failed assassination attempt. I bet Nazis, like today’s MAGAts, claimed it was divine intervention that saved Hitler’s life. Hitler’s wounds from these attempts were more life-threatening than a tiny hole in an ear.

    When you claim your leader was saved by divine intervention or is God’s chosen candidate, congratulations. You’re in a cult.

    And when you trot around with a bandage over your uninjured ear, you’re in a fucking cult.

    History does not look kind to Hitler and the Nazis. History will not be kind to Trump and his MAGAts. In the future, a lot of MAGAts are going to claim they weren’t a part of it. They’ll lie and say they were warning everyone else. It’ll be like the right-wingers today who lived through the Civil Rights era and claim they were only observing or not there at all. MAGAts are on the wrong side of history and the most amazing thing about that is they don’t see it. But maybe, they believe today that Hitler was on the right of history.

    When I look back on history, I wonder where I would have stood. I believe I would have supported Lincoln. I believe I would have supported the Emancipation Proclamation. I believe I would have opposed the internment of Japanese Americans. I believe I would have supported the Civil Rights movement.

    And I know I would have opposed Hitler because I’m doing it now.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275
    edited July 21

    Biden just dropped out of the race. Not sure how I feel about it, other than we need to move on and unite!

    He endorsed Kamala Harris for President.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076

    Wow, that one caught me off guard. That said, he would NOT do it had he not done all the research and study necessary to believe in his heart it was the best thing to do.

    It will make me nervous, but Democrats are can do people and I still feel exactly as I did earlier. Trump and Vance are VERY flawed and Vance is VERY un-tried. He has not had too many trials by fire. Kamala Harris (I'm thinking now Pres. Biden didn't step down till all was in place to put VP Harris in place) can wipe up the floor with someone like Trump and Vance.

    After Hillary Clinton I thought it was going to be years, but we will see. I know there are a lot of black women who will want and work their hearts out for VP Harris as I think anyone who wants to win will. I mention it only because I heard some of it this morning, several hrs. before this announcement.

    So, if it is excitement that was needed to get our side to unite and get going, it seems we are starting down the road in rapid fashion now.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Now issue of if he is not fit to run for President again, is he fit for office now? I am not worried about Democrats getting their act together, but I do worry that GOP will try to find some legal way to challenge everything Democrats are doing, even so far as going to their rigged SCOTUS to get Trump re-elected!

    We are in for a bumpy ride!

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,610
    edited July 21

    Yes, it’s official. Dh gave me the news a minute ago. I had a feeling Biden would end his re-election bid. And I figured he would wait until after the RNC to do so. I cannot say what will happen from here (as if anyone can!) but I read a comment last week that said they’d vote for a dead rat with rabies if it was the Democratic candidate for President and I am all behind that kind of statemtn!

    Election 2024 live updates: Biden says he will end his re-election bid, endorses Harris

    Biden had faced growing pressure to exit the race amid questions about his age and mental faculties following his June debate against former President Donald Trump.

    Updated July 21, 2024, 2:26 PM EDT

    What to know

    • President Joe Biden announced that he is ending his campaign for president. "It is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down," he said.
    • Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic presidential nominee.
    • Biden said he would address the nation later this week to speak about his decision.
    • Biden, who has been home in Delaware with Covid symptoms, has been facing pressure to exit the race following his poor debate performance against Donald Trump in June. A growing number of Democrats called on Biden to step aside 

    Gretchen Whitmer voices support for Biden after he drops out

    In the wake of Biden’s announcement, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced in an X post that she will continue “doing everything I can to elect Democrats and stop Donald Trump.”

    “His remarkable work to lower prescription drug costs, fix the damn roads, bring supply chains home, address climate change, and ensure America’s global leadership over decades will go down in history," she wrote of Biden’s legacy.

    Whitmer, who has been floated as a potential nominee to replace Biden, closed her statement by describing Trump as “completely wrong for Michigan.”

    What happens to Biden’s delegates? They get to do what they want.

    Unlike Republican delegates, who are bound to their candidate, Democratic delegates aren’t. 

    So now that Biden is no longer seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, his delegates are free to do what they want at the convention.

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer praises Biden as 'true patriot'

    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer praised President Joe Biden after he announced the decision to not seek a second term.

    “Joe Biden has not only been a great president and a great legislative leader but he is a truly amazing human being. His decision of course was not easy, but he once again put his country, his party, and our future first," Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement.

    “Joe, today shows you are a true patriot and great American," Schumer said.

  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 94

    I think this is a huge positive for us Democrats. I adore Joe Biden, one the best presidents since FDR, but as I said earlier, the media had (unfairly) turned on him and weren't going to let up. They had their "Biden is not competent" narrative set and would have destroyed our democracy rather than reexamine their assumptions.

    An open convention would be best, but even Kamala Harris as the nomine, with a young, vital, progressive VP will completely change the narrative. We need the same hope and enthusiasm we had with Obama. With young people engaged and enthusiastic we can blow the Republicans out the water up and down the ballot.

    Tagline for our ticket? We are the future of America. Trump/Vance are it's past.

  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 94

    Trump is likely shitting his pants right now. Figuratively speaking, of course.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,256

    I honestly don’t know if staying in the race or leaving is better. I am afraid that the Dems will not strongly rally around Harris, or any particular candidate, as some jockey for newly vacated positions. If they can get rock solidly behind Harris, or ?, there’s a chance but if this turns into a divisive selection process then we are sunk. Sorry I can’t be the happy fairy right now. I will vote for ANY dem over trump, but this 11th hour move makes me nervous.

  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 94

    With Democrats being all too aware of what's at stake, I can't imagine this being a divisive process at all. Lively? Probably. Raucous? Possibly. Exciting! Definitely. I believe it will get young people engaged in the process. Civic participation is the key to Democracy.

    Call me a Pollyanna if you will, but with all the people who have said they would crawl over broken glass to vote for Joe Biden's reanimated corpse if it would keep Trump out of power, I foresee a virtual love fest of togetherness at the convention.

    This is the most hopeful I have been about our democracy in a very long time. If we remind women about Dobbs, push for common sense gun laws (67% of all Americans support some form of gun control) and hammer home just how radical this Supreme Court is, I believe we'll have an Obama style blowout. Remember, no one thought a black man named Barack Hussein Obama could beat a white war hero named McCain or a white male oligarch named Romney.

    I know what I'll do to help ensure a Democratic victory. I'll send postcards, make phone calls, walk the neighborhoods engaging voters and putting out door hangers. What are you willing to do?

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    Ex, I am nervous too, but I tell myself all I can do is vote BLUE and be kind to people. So much can happen between now and November. I am more worried about GOP tactics than I am about Democratic ticket!

    I still can't find that "Hate will not make America Great Again" flag. I may have to make one, but I know it won't look as nice as that one.

    FYI, anyone who wants a break from politics, watching sports is great for that. I don't know about other sports, but we are watching the Phillies play now and there is NO mention of Biden stepping down, just like there was no mention of Trump being shot. I only knew about Biden dropping out because my DS texted me. One of the things I love about sports is that I have no idea what political view anyone in the crowd is, everyone is in team gear and most are just happy and cheering for their team. Baseball is very family friendly, so there are a lot of kids at the ballpark! Of course, a vacation, walking on a beach, reading a good book or watching a great movie also work!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,256

    Clearly, huge voter turnout will be the key. How do we get those shamefully large numbers of folks who don’t vote to do so? Will they get fired up over what is undoubtedly the most important presidential election of their lifetime? I think there are too many people who believe these things can never happen but they are very, very wrong.

    I googled the Hate will not… flag and found similar ones, but not that exact one, which I like as well.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076

    I think part of the waiting game here was making sure to get Harris as apparent Democratic nominee and like Trishla I do think as things stood we needed something to blow the roof off. The doom and gloom and determination to not let go of trying to push Pres. Biden out was hurting us.

    I still say shame on them and shame on anyone trying to make troubles for us now. Pres. Biden has only a short time left and I don't think he is suddenly going to do horrid things. His last name if Biden.

    Trishla, I do think not only Trump, but a few others as well are shitting their pants. They got what they wanted, deeply divided Democrats who as of a few minutes ago hopefully are mor together than ever.

    Thank you so much Divine for putting your info in. I found something to copy and paste and it would not go in. Different news feeds likely. I've had trouble more than once. Lots of good information you had there and it makes me all the more hopeful.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076

    Doesn't take Middle Age long to get to work when a major change comes.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076
  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 94
    edited July 21

    I'm hoping for a Harris/Buttegieg ticket. You want young people motivated? That's the ticket to get them off their butts and not just voting, but working for the cause. They did it for Obama, they'll do it for Harris. And Buttegieg. They know our future is less white, less straight, less male centric. It's what most of them want.

  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 39,076

    Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more

    President Biden Stands Down And Ends His Reelection Bid, So Now We Save Democracy

    President Biden shocked the nation by announcing that he is standing down and not running for reelection. Now, our focus must turn to saving democracy.

    The Daily is committed to democracy and freedom. We are genuinely independent, and we all must come together in this time of uncertainty. Please support our efforts and this community by becoming a subscriber.

    Joe Biden Exits The Presidential Race With Dignity And Grace

    Before we discuss what happens next, which is on the minds of everyone, let’s take a second to appreciate President Biden’s letter to America announcing the end of his reelection campaign.

    Our hearts are broken for Joe Biden right now. Biden spent 50 years in public service and giving to his country. He spent decades seeking the presidency. In 2020, he was the only person who could defeat Donald Trump. As president, he is already one of the top ten presidents in US history.

    People will appreciate everything that he has accomplished, especially if Donald Trump is returned to the White House.

    A good person like Joe Biden would be appreciated and win a second term in a just world.

    However, politics is a brutal environment that is not just.

    Joe Biden’s letter thanked the American people and made it clear that none of this could have happened without them. The truth is that when the American people needed Joe Biden the most, literally dying in a pandemic, suffering under the leadership of the worst president in American history, he was there.

    Biden has never stopped believing in America, even when the powerful in his party stopped believing in him.

    Appreciate Joe Biden, because people like him don’t get to be president very often, and when they do, they are special.

    Let’s talk about what happens next.

    It’s Time To Get To Work And Save Democracy

    Many of you are going to be scared. A man committed to destroying American democracy is our opponent. Those who are fighting for democracy have no candidate. Trump appears to be strong at the moment.

    However, like most apparent strong men, Donald Trump is really weak.

    He is the weakest nominee and ex-president in modern history.

    The first thing to understand is that Donald Trump is very beatable.

    The nominee will likely be Vice President Harris, but if she is not, our job is the same.

    From this moment on, the conversation must never stop being about democracy, freedom, choice, and Project 2025.

    This is not Donald Trump’s time. This is America’s time to rid itself of Donald Trump.

    Many of you are experiencing shock and sadness, and that’s okay.

    The one thing that Trump and the Republicans want is for you to be afraid.

    Do NOT be afraid.

    In this election, the path to defeat is paved with fear.

    Keep your eyes clear, your head on straight, and get ready to fight like you’ve never fought before.

    Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, it is our moment to save democracy.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,256

    You know, I never, ever mind being wrong, so I do hope we see no Democratic infighting with respect to a new candidate and VP. I am thrilled at all times to be wrong about my darkest fears.

    I do have some concerns and sadly, they are connected to gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation, in the case of Buttegieg. The reps will have no problem using any of those things against the Dems and there are still far too many of my fellow citizens who feel that way too. Will younger folks actually get out and vote? Honestly, I never cease to be stunned by how poor our election turnouts often are. Mass turnout will be the key, IMO.

  • divinemrsm
    divinemrsm Member Posts: 6,610
    edited July 21

    Trish, with the right ticket, your tagline is perfect: “We are the future of America!” I agree the media was not dropping its narrative that President Biden was not competent. Imo, voters are looking for a a certain kind of energy and a certain amount of it, and Biden, with all his amazing abilities, was lacking in that department. I think that’s the only thing he lacked.

    Maverick, I think sports are a great change of pace from politics. (I like reading autobiographies of famous athletes as they are incredibly inspiring). I’m looking forward to the Olympics. NBC had an hour special recently and highlighted some of the top notch athletes heading to Paris while also giving a look back at former gold medalists, and I enjoyed the show. I’m really looking forward to seeing Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky do their thing.Coco Gauff (tennis) and Noah Lyles (track) are a couple other Olympians I’ll be watching. Dh and I also watch America Nonja Warriors on Monday nights during the summer.

  • trishyla1
    trishyla1 Member Posts: 94
    edited July 21

    In Joe Biden we have policies that are pretty much Prime Filet Mignon. But Joe no longer has the "sizzle". Republicans have dog vomit, both their policies and their candidate, , but with what the media has decided Trump has "sizzle". With a new nominee we have both. Filet Mignon policies with all the sizzle. And, as someone who was in advertising for so many years, sizzle sells.

    As far as the bigotry of so many of our fellow Americans, just remember that Obama, Biden and Hillary Clinton all won the popular vote. And that was before anyone knew what a piece of excrement Trump is. And before Dobbs. And before we knew about Project 2025. I honestly don't see how he can win.