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Bottle o Tamoxifen



  • ophelia
    ophelia Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2007

    Hi ladies,

    I've been on tax. 2 1/2 years.  I gained 20 lbs in the 1st 11 months (almost gave onc. a heartattack).  I've been able to shake off 10lbs but the other 10 are refusing to go.  I've experienced a change in my periods, very heavy bleeding the 1st two days. I had hot flashes in the beginning, but I've noticed in the last 5 months that they've just about gone completely.  I do believe my joint pain has been brought on by the tamox. But overall everything has been manageable and the benefits outweight the side effects.

    Good luck to everyone starting tamox. Wishing everyone much health for 2008.

  • VirginiaNJ
    VirginiaNJ Member Posts: 314
    edited December 2007

    Maria- my cycles are also very heavy on the first day or so...  I was on BC for a long time, so I don't know if that made the periods lighter.  Now they are awful.  Plus, now that I am having the TV US's that show how cystic I am...maybe that's why?  UGH  Tired of all these tests...

    Looking forward to saying good-bye to '07!!!


  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362
    edited December 2007


    I too was on bc for a long time, now that I had to quit due to breast cancer, i found that my periods still suck!  They were getting worse and worse while I was on the pill, I sorta hoped that they would change once I got off.  NOT!   Anyway I can't wait to say adios to 2007 either.  I hate this year. 


  • honeygirl
    honeygirl Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2008


  • VirginiaNJ
    VirginiaNJ Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2008

    Happy New Year ladies!!! 

    Here's to a better year!!!  :)


  • Cynthia1962
    Cynthia1962 Member Posts: 236
    edited January 2008

    I second that, Virginia!!! 


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,843
    edited January 2008

    Happier New Year to all!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2008


    Well, I don't think I am getting the colonoscopy ON my birthday, but I see my surgeon on April 4th... my b-day isn't til April 21st, so I am sure it will be done before my birthday. 

    I just wish things could be normal again....

    Happy New Year!!  Hope it will be only HAPPY & HEALTHY!!!


  • conniehar
    conniehar Member Posts: 585
    edited January 2008

    Happy New Year to everyone!  Here's to a great 2008! 

  • nanabird_3
    nanabird_3 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2008

    Hi,I've been on the Tamox train since last Nov.Alittle weigh problem here and joint pain,water gain and very spotty monthlys that seem to start out of nowhere.Still have some tireness from the rads finished in Feb.Otherwise feeling strong.Four more years on Tamox,but all clear at last mammo and chest x-ray!!!

  • 2dogsnburg
    2dogsnburg Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2008

    Hello ladies, took my 1st pill this morning.

    Good bye 2007 ...good bye rads!

    Hello 2008... hello tamoxifen!



  • QueenSansaStark
    QueenSansaStark Member Posts: 27
    edited January 2008

    Happy Gregorian New Year to all of you! I really hope 2008 will be great. I know 2007 sucked big moose balls for me - not only my cancer dx but my dad had to go to a care home and I had to put my favorite old cat (age 18) to sleep right before Christmas. Cry But 2008 will be better. I will it to be so!

    Gray hair: I had dark brown hair with some gray before I lost it all to chemo. Now it's grown in SOLID STEEL GRAY.  As in 100% silver. All my friends think it's faboo; I'm still not sure. I might go platinum eventually. As it is, I use Lush's Daddy-O shampoo to keep it gleaming, and it will stay short as I've discovered that short hair is really very flattering on me, especially with big earrings. 

    Just want to share something I've discovered - natural fibers are your friend if you're on Tamox! If I wear cotton or wool, I can deal with my hot flashes because the air circulates. OTOH if I wear anything synthetic it's like being in an oven! Embarassed I can't rip off my clothes and run naked through the grocery store, which I'm tempted to do when I get a really bad hot flash, so I avoid synthetics.

  • dcbkc
    dcbkc Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2008

    Hello Ladies,

    I've been 'away' for a few days -- we had people over for New Year's.  I finished rads early Nov. and surgery was in Aug., and I'm still getting tired easily. Still sore too.  Anyone else still having pain in surgical area?  Then to add insult to injury, got my period yesterday -- first one since I started tamox. in early Dec. So far no SE that I can tell.  But, Layne, funny you should mention losing your appetite.  I just noticed that today -- that I'm not eating as much.  I lost 12 lbs thru surgery and rads.  I could handle losing a few more but we'll see.

     Hope you all had a great New Years! 


  • ashaby
    ashaby Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2008

    Hey Tamoxi-babes,

    I am so full of myself because I've been cross country skiing everyday. We have 2 feet of snow in southern VT.

    Also, Ive calmed down about my biopsy because I read in Dr Love's book last night that recurrences of DCIS usually don't occur for years; calcs might just reflect some cleanup needed in the surgery site.

    OK. I do have foot pain that might be Tamox related or is it daily skiing???


  • dcbkc
    dcbkc Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2008


    Don't be jealous -- I needed to lose it anyway but would have preferred another way!

    It's funny -- our cat is 18 and still beats up the dog who is 4. They are about the same size.  I think he makes her feel young!

    As far as natural cloth -- it's the only way to go!  I've never been a hottie except in synthetics. 

    How is it in DC area?  I'm from there originally.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2008

    Hi Layne,

    Thanks for your reply about my "new" NORMAL...  I guess I am feeling kind of down about all this bc crap... 

    My dh and I celebrated the end of 2007 and welcomed 2008!....  YEAH!

    Wishing you a new year that is HAPPY & HEALTHY!!!



  • Barbeqrn
    Barbeqrn Member Posts: 38
    edited January 2008


    Glad to see you are doing well! My hair is way too short to cut as well....except for the patches of longer hair that never fell out. I could never go without the wig as of yet, as I still look funky.The hair seems too fine and yes, I am seeing gray around the sides as well and the rest is an ugly, mousy dirty blond.YUCK.

    I don't know if I should go to a stylist to even all the hair up or just hold off!

    Rads is almost over...2 more full breast and then about 6 boost treatments to the incision site.

    I have b een going to our local humane society looking at about sad...I think I am going to volunteer to help walk the big dogs every once in a while....hard to go though, knowing some of them will have to be euthanized...

    Everyone take care and happy 2008! Barb

  • Kitwe
    Kitwe Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2008

    The colonoscopy was nothing.  The prep was not pleasant...I did the pills instead of the liquid.  They give you a drug and you wake up when it is all over NO PAIN!

    Are many of you joggers/runners?  I noticed several women were running to keep the Tamoxifen weight off.  Just curious.  I've been running for about 20 years.

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122
    edited January 2008

    Hi again, everyone!  Three weeks into my tamox regime and I am becoming a night owl!  I seem to snooze off around 9:00 p.m. and am suddenly wide awake again at 11.  

    Hope everyone is having a great New Year!


  • ashaby
    ashaby Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2008


    Glad your test went well. I jog in the fall and spring, but row on the river in the summer, cross country ski now. I live in VT and the snow is amazing this year. I'd say I've been at these sports for 20 years too. Exercise doesn't keep weight off for me since my forties; I either have to diet or not care.I'm just getting disgusted with myself after a 20 lb gain since diagnosis. Any tips?


  • ashaby
    ashaby Member Posts: 200
    edited January 2008

    Layne in DC,

    Just want to add it was 0 this morning when I got up. Now it's a balmy 11.

    But if the sun is sparkling, I'm happy.

    I guess I'm a big girl too. Schlepping this body around all the sports I do should earn me a medal/ but I do truly love it.

    Keep on writing. Stationary bikes can be fun. Rowers are addicted to them.


  • garnetann
    garnetann Member Posts: 15
    edited January 2008

    Hi all

    Happy New Year and here's to a better year than last.

    Question, I had my last period on August 5th and nothing since.  How long after you finished therapy did yours return?  I am 46.  Just curious whether it is gone for good or not. 

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2008


    Hi.  Happy New Year to you, too!

    I know... the hair is GREY and WHITE...  It came in dark... black, but the white is in there too, making it look gray, and white along the sides.  But, it seems to be growing a little faster, since I started taking Biotin... 

    Glad to hear that your rads are almost finished!!

    It IS so sad about the pets the are in the shelters, and I hate to see them be euthanized.  We visited our local cat shelter.  They are a no kill shelter, which is nice.  I donated some food to them, and we got the grand tour of the facility.  The lady told us that black cats and black and white cats don't get adopted very often, because they fade into the background, or people have biases against black cats... bad luck and all...  We love them, especially the 'tuxedo' pattern... 


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2008


    I used to live in Columbia, MD... close enough to DC for me!!  lol

    I think I am much more tired since bc...  I wonder if I will ever have enough energy to get the things done that need to be done.  Sometimes, I think I could just sit here at the computer all day and never get the house cleaned...  come to think of it, that IS what I do these days... LOL

    Depression is a factor, too...  Sometimes, I can't seem to snap out of it... but I am doing ok, I guess...  I take Effexor, and I guess it helps.

    Best wishes,


  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2008

    Hi Girls,

     Can I join your group? I've been on Tamoxifen for a year this month. I've had very few SE so I hope it is working! So far so goodSmile!I was DX 7/13/06 mastectomy w/h tram on 7/24/06. 4 rounds of AC,4 rounds of Taxol now just Tamox. I haven't had my period since my first Taxol. My gyn did a test and I am officialy in menapause. I do have some hot flashes but not bad. I bruise easily too.I am stage 2b,tumor was 3CM,3/17 nodes and er+/pr+,Her 2-.

    Take Care,


  • VirginiaNJ
    VirginiaNJ Member Posts: 314
    edited January 2008

    Hi Joyce!  I don't think the presense or absense of SE's is an indication of whether or not the Tamox if working...  At least I hope not b/c I don't have that many SE's.

    But, I do have that danged swelling in my hands.  So annoying.  My rings are so tight.

    You ladies are my idols with all the exercising.  I HATE to exercise (unless it's 12 ounce curls...and I don't think they count).

    Layne- I work for Unilever and we own B&J, Breyers, and Good Humor.  Needless to say, we have ice creamm around all the time.  And, it's going to get worse b/c the ice cream folks are moving here to NJ from Wisconsin soon!!  UGH.

    GarnetAnn- I had my chemo in May/June.  Went into chemo-pause from the end of May 'til the beginning of October (when my cycle came back while on vacation in Vegas!  ARGH!)  Since then, I have had a regular/normal cycle.

    Harley- your hair sounds like mine...brownish---mostly...except for the gray temples.  Today I am feeling like Grandpa Munster...  I feel like my grey temple hair is all curly and sticking out all over the place....  :O


  • dcbkc
    dcbkc Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2008


    I still go back to DC every now and then -- my parents and brothers are still there in Alex. (Parents) and Vienna & Ashburn for brothers. And I agree, they are ALL wimps there.  I've lived all over the country and they panic with the first snow flake!


    I'm impressed with your rowing -- my brother did that in high school on the Potomac and ran from Alex. to Mount Vernon every morning before school (about 5 miles or so each way-- I think, correct me Layne).  Also watched it in Boston during college.  Great exercise!


    I'm 48 and still getting my period although it's been crazy since diag. -- got it the day after surgery, in the middle of rads then skipped one.  I just got it again Tuesday, only a few days late. If you are in menopause, there is a blood test that can confirm it.  Ask about that.

    Just made my appointment for 6 month follow up with surgeon -- need to make mammo appointment for week before.  The countdown begins.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2008


    You are TOO funny!  I have done LOTS of 12 ounce curls in my youth!  Now, I am drinking less, though.

    I am trying to start exercising regularly, but since it has been so cold, I have kind of put that on hold til it warms up again.

    My hair is just now starting to stick up in places, and it is looking kind of hideous!  I will try to hang in there, and hope it will get better!


  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited January 2008


    I also have swelling in the hands. Never thought of SE from Tamoxifen.It's been over ayear since my last chemo so I have the curls to the bottom of my neck. Everyone keeps asking me when I am getting it cut.My son is getting married in April so I may wait till then to see how I want to wear it. Just not ready to have it cut yet. I was 47 when DX,now I am 49 and never got my period back. I must have been on the edge of menapause. I did have the blood test to confirm it. My onc wants to keep me on Tamox for at least another year and then switch me.Take Care girls...I have an urge for ice cream now...


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2008


    Good Luck with the mammo!!  I'll be thinking about you, and praying that all is clear!!



    P.S.  My tuxedo is like that too!  Spike is SUCH a good boy! He keeps his white tuxedo all nice and clean!