Anyone stop Aromatase Inhibitor - Stage 4 HER2+/E+
Hello- I was wondering if anyone who is HER2+/estrogen+ has successfully gotten off of an aromatase inhibitor but stayed on Herceptin without recurrence issues? I am at my wits end with Letrozole. It has literally made me crazy and I have gained 55 pounds since I have been on it for 4 years now. Most of the weight I have…
2 tumors: HER2- and HER2 +
7 months in and yet another twist and turn with my cancer. Mastectomy done 4 weeks ago, doc ran HR/HER2 on the smaller of my tumors because he was trying to decide why I had littler response to chemo. (Originally ER+, PR+, HER2-). However, the smaller tumor hiding behind the much larger tumor is ER+, PR-, HER2+. My tumors…
Stopping transtuzumab (Herceptin) for surgery?
Long story short- they stopped my Herceptin for 6 weeks for my oncoplastic reduction. I was suppose to get my surgery tomorrow. I caught Covid and they cancelled my surgery and just did a re-excision instead. The might do a breast reduction in 3-4 weeks once pathology comes back and I'm not sure about all the delays. I…
Herceptin and Nosebleed
I am on Herceptin, and I have a runny nose. About this part, I have seen a lot of posts on these boards. But what I have is pinkish... Anybody else experienced it?
Triple Positive Arimidex Headaches
Having Headaches since I started taking Arimidex. Of course my mind runs and I feel like I have a brain tumor. Anyone else have Headaches from this drug? Can't sleep from Hot/cold and Headaches. Thank you so much!
HER2 Brain Mets Risk
With newer advancements in the care of HER2 affected women, more are living past issues with systemic disease and it is cause for celebration. It does bring to the forefront the risk of our mutation migrating, unchallenged, into the central nervous system where it can grow without challenge. Targeted therapies are larger…
Kadcyla intolerance and switch to Herceptine
Hi, I like to know if any one stopped Kadcyla due to side effects and went on Herceptine only If so did you got total one year treatment and are then any long hollers that switched to Herceptine. I’m having lot of muscle and joint pains throughout the cycle and my platelets are trending down below 100 thousand. My MO says…
PCR after neoadjuvant for HER2+
To all mu Her2 positive sisters, i was wondering did you receive a complete pathological response to chemo and still feel the tumor? I finished chemo and did an ultrasound today which showed a significant reduction in size and shape of the mass but it is not completely gone; i was kind of hoping to hear out your…
Please talk to me about Herceptin biosimilars
Hi, everyone. I had my first infusion on Tuesday -- Taxol + Herceptin. Only I didn't learn until the Herceptin was already running that it was actually Ogivri (trastuzumab-dkst) -- apparently because my insurance wouldn't cover the original Herceptin. I'm irked that I wasn't told this prior to treatment, and will share…
Starting Nerlynx in May, 2019
Hello all, I have just completed my year of Herceptin treatment on April 3, 2019. I am scheduled to start Nerlynx in May, 2019. I would like to have a forum where others on Nerlynx or starting Nerlynx can discuss our symptoms and side effects. If anyone can give me some advice on what side effects besides diarrhea I can…
Enhertu Way More Effective Than Kadcyla as 2nd Tx for HER2+ MBC
Enhertu Dramatically More Effective Than Kadcyla as Second Treatment for Metastatic HER2-Positive Breast Cancer September 22, 2021 Enhertu more than doubled the 12-month progression-free survival rate than Kadcyla in people diagnosed with metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer that had been previously treated. Read more...
Tukysa + Standard Tx Improves Survival in Advanced HER2+
Adding Tukysa to Standard of Care Continues To Improve Survival in Advanced-Stage HER2-Positive Breast Cancer June 15, 2021 Adding Tukysa to the standard of care of Herceptin and Xeloda continued to improve both progression-free and overall survival in people diagnosed with either metastatic or unresectable locally…
Omega 3 DHA and EPA study showing reduction in tumor size
I am newly diagnosed with ER+++/HER2+++ and in doing research I found several studies that cite Omega 3 supplements -- specifically EPA and DHA -- that are being shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer and reduce the size of tumors. I am wondering if anyone else has read about this or taking these supplements. "The team…
ER-/PR-/Her2+ Rare??
I am not new to the breast cancer world, by any stretch. My mom passed away from metastatic breast cancer in 2000 and in 2015, I was diagnosed with Stage 1, node negative, IDC ER+/PR+/Her2- in the right breast. Then, in February of this year, I was diagnosed with Stage 1, node negative, IDC ER-/PR-/Her2+ in the left…
Video: Long term MBC Survivor & the Development of Herceptin
Virginia was at the end of her treatment options when she learned of the Herceptin trials and volunteered. Dr Slamons and Dr shepherd who developed the drug also appear in this short video https://youtu.be/QFXVprOlu84
Recent ER+/PR+ HER2+ TX questions.
I was recently diagnosed with ER+/PR+ HER2+ invasive ductal carcinoma following the discovery of a lump in my breast. I had a lumpectomy where they were able to remove all of the tumor with good margins. During surgery they collected 20 lymphnodes and sent them to pathology, only one of which was cancerous. I just saw the…
Herceptin, Taxotere and Carboplatin treatment plan.
Anyone on this treatment plan? I will be starting at end of October and nervous.
ER+, PR-, Her2+ Roll call
Hello, I did not see a topic for ER+, PR-, HER2+, so thought I might start a new thread. Maybe we could share stories and information in an effort to help one another. I understand that alcohol is something we should limit to one drink per day, although this may not pertain to those who do not drink (I'm working on that…
pCR for HER2+ (Positive) Breast Cancer
One of the MOs once mentioned that for HER2+ cancer after NAC, the pCR rate for ER+ is much lower than that for ER- (~30% vs ~70%?). Wondering if that is the case, would you mind sharing your ER status (and number) for those of you who did or did not achieve pCR? LilyCh: No pCR, ER+(70%)PR+(70)HER2+ My question is, if it…
Herceptin & Nails-When will they improve?
I finished one year of Herceptin on January 8th/09 and my nails are still a mess. I have to keep them really short or they split in the middle. I was also on Taxotere (which I finished March/08) and that really did a number on my nails as well but that can't be the culprit. So I asked my Onc in May, "When will my nails get…
Podcast on HER2-positive breast cancer recurrence
HER2-Positive Breast Cancer Recurrence December 15, 2017 Dr. Marleen Meyers is a medical oncologist and clinical assistant professor of medicine at NYU Langone. She also serves as director of the Perlmutter Cancer Center Survivorship Program. She received her medical degree from the NYU School of Medicine and has been in…
Her2 Positive with Estrogen negative Surviors Stories wanted:
Is there any Her2 Positive with estrogen negative Surviors Stories. We need hope and encourageement. Thanks Deb
Taxol and Herceptin only for stage 1 HER 2 positive?
I was dx with Stage 1, grade 3, invasive ductal carcinoma, HER 2 positive, er, pr negative in January. I had a lumpectomy and removal of sentinal and two others all of which were clean. The tumor was 1.3cm and there were clean margins. My oncologist recommended treatment with either ACTH or TCH plus radiation once chemo is…
Cold Therapy Gloves and Booties to Combat Chemo Neuropathy
Hello, Has anyone tried cold therapy gloves or booties during chemo to combat neuropathy? If so, what brand did you purchase and from which site. Thanks
2-Year Her2+ Cancer-free Roll Call
Hello Ladies, According to CancerMath.net, our risk goes down if we Her2+ ladies survive 2 years and are cancer-free; or we have NED (No Evidence of Disease). Risk then decreases with each passing year. I'd love to hear from those who hit the 2 year mark and beyond and are still cancer-free. How's it going out there? I…
Body Odor
Really embarrassing topic, but after chemotherapy I have tend to sweat out the drugs... which results in a rancid odor. My husband swears he can't smell anything, but every time my 22 year old comes over the first thing out of her mouth is, "What is that smell?" I wash my sheets every two days... help
Neoadjuvant TCHP - Post Results Here
I completed my course of neoadjuvant Taxotere-Carboplatin-Herceptin-Perjeta (TCHP) at the beginning of July 2014. Since this is the first year of having this treatment option available to general breast cancer patients I thought it would be helpful if we could track outcomes. Please summarize your clinical and pathological…
Kadcyla Better Than Herceptin for Early-Stage, HER2+ Residual BC
Kadcyla Seems Better Than Herceptin for Early-Stage, HER2-Positive Residual Breast Cancer December 13, 2018 The KATHERINE trial suggests that Kadcyla (chemical name: T-DM1 or ado-trastuzumab emtansine) improves disease-free survival compared to Herceptin (chemical name: trastuzumab) in people diagnosed with early-stage,…
Herceptin Side Effects?
Hi, all, Doing well overall, especially having finished chemo. Over a week after chemo (weekly Taxol and Herceptin), I switched to Herceptin alone (every three weeks, but they did the first Herceptin-only dose about 9 days after chemo). I was told it was nothing...a cake walk...tolerated well...practically no side effects…
HER2 positive survival and recurrence statistics
Help, I was recently diagnosed in early January and my operation is next week. I have been reading about HER2 ever since I was told I had this. Lots of great successful stories but some websites talk about how bad it is to have this. I would like to know if there is some statistical tables that show the HER2 positive…