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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Morning everyone----Joey pured my coffee and i pured the Kalhua (sp) I'm getting used to this stuff.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

    Bernie u have alot going on there, more than I'd ever guess.

    NM u weather is crazy, but u'r in KING'S country. Buahahahaha

    Dork I hte  to hear that about u'r mom that's why it''s good to go whenever so u can keep tabs on how they take care of her. I know we did but u can only do so much.

    My sister just called me and my BIL told me I was crazy so I know he misses me--and so does she haha Of course she was yelling at me cuz she insists she called me alot before she left so we argued enough then told each other we love each other and zi told her I forgive her for leaving me in my time of crises and she said shut up and hung up on me- Now that's my darling sister. But she's on an island that has white sands I forgot the name and she said it's beautiful so she's relaxing and she does deserve that. so I'm not mad anymore LOL

    OOO this coffe is really good--hmmm next rime I'll get Bailey's I tink I like dat better.

    Well I have to vacuum my room today--just a small vacuum--It makes me look like I do something and maybe I'll wash a load of clothes too. Wow this new coffee stuff is like steroids on me--YAY

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2013

    Morning DahhhlllinKs!! It’s Thirsty Thoysday, as Lowee sez! WooHOO!!

    Bernie - tanks for da splanation. I won’t tail n e one bour ur niece being preggers K? You gonna b a mema kinda…my gs is really my nephews son…but mese still his mema…so fercitin!! You gonna b bizy bizy taday cooking for all dem peeps. Very cool tho that so many are coming…I take it in honor of Bibiche? Makes me teary eyed ((B)). Lubbed da gyno joke!!

    Beckers - what do u do agin? And how come you don’t need benefits, like insurance? It’s early, didn’t sleep well, so mese funcused (confoosed). I tooo am glad I found this site…helps keep me sane and more upbeat when I visit the other sites…well mostly anyway.

    NM - da world is full of da idiots mese tinks. GR8 DOTD…LOL! Cept for u goils. Good job on the tires, we do same thing…only we not as hard on our tires as Dorfy is. OO…wanted to tail u…I have arch problems too…so when Wahine tail me bout da fit flops, I got a pair and absolutely love them. I can wear all day and not have my feets hurt. I highly recommend them. XC-lent advice to our CynCyn too! I watched Hope Springs last night…it was set in Maine. DH and were there once…still sooo pretty. But no, I glad I don’t live there cuz of da winters.

    Cami - Really?!?! you gf got suspended for dat? How odd…very odd. Glad youse two can laugh bout it…but Really??!? I’m wif you tho…don’t like gin, but lubs mese wodka and da rocks too…LOL!

    Lori - Wooo HOOO!! 26 days….be here b4 we kno it! And if I dwink like I did da other nite…I’ll yak soo much you may rue giving me permission to be winded…heehee. Keep us posted on what doc say bout DH. How has the ‘cut back’ on the sodium been working out?

    Dorfy - aaawww…sad mommy was restless last night. How is her bottom by the way, did that boil go away? LOL…I forgot bout Tanya…dats right…I forget lots of things lately…mese too tinks da booze is killin my brain cells…but I jes don’t wanna stop.

    AND yipyip…its Thirsty Day…and I am…so lets git da DOTD’s a flowin!!

    Ooops Cami - glad I refreshed b4 I posted this or I wud have missed yours. I haven’t had kahluah in a long time and we have a cupboard full, diff flavs and such. Mebe mese will join u!! LOL about u n u sis…wish I was wif her on da white sandy beach. Does she hab room for 1 more?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh mese just woke up after 2 hrs.  U'd think I was on drugs or somethin--Oh wait I am. Oh well what the hell I have to have an alarm clock that rings a bell. I craxk me up. it could have been the coffe too. It's so glumpy outside--Joey just got home and he sent a letter with hime that he is recommended for the exceled group in reading--he's so proud but when he's doing something he actually reads instructions which is so unmale--so he feels good about that.

    I talked to my cousin today (she's another cancer person) she's a few yrs oder than me and she usually calls me on the wy to work--she's another tough one who works--all u guys amaze me. If I had a job to test sleep aids I could do that but anything else forget about it. Oh I could taste test food. See 2 jobs I can d--but I'm not in demand.

    I do hope everyone has had a relaxing day like me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh mese just woke up after 2 hrs.  U'd think I was on drugs or somethin--Oh wait I am. Oh well what the hell I have to have an alarm clock that rings a bell. I craxk me up. it could have been the coffe too. It's so glumpy outside--Joey just got home and he sent a letter with hime that he is recommended for the exceled group in reading--he's so proud but when he's doing something he actually reads instructions which is so unmale--so he feels good about that.

    I talked to my cousin today (she's another cancer person) she's a few yrs oder than me and she usually calls me on the wy to work--she's another tough one who works--all u guys amaze me. If I had a job to test sleep aids I could do that but anything else forget about it. Oh I could taste test food. See 2 jobs I can d--but I'm not in demand.

    I do hope everyone has had a relaxing day like me.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    Hello goils! I am stopping in for some of those delish DOTD's den I am gonna go see mese Momma. I hope she feeling better today. i should have gone over earlier in the day but no, mese slept. I got up early today but went back to bed just before noon and slept so hard. oops, gonna be trouble tonight trying to sleep. But I can bix dat with lots o likker. be back latah, happy thirstdey!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    *quietly sneaking in the back door of the HTL*.....I am sooooo far behind! I have 2 grandkids for a few days, and am enjoying them so much, but will prolly gain 20 lbs. Made cupcakes today and frosted them, made so many diff things for dinner it was like a smorgasbord...but everyone had what they wanted!

    Bernie, How did your dinner go? Bet everyone loved your dinner! But I can imagine that it was also very sad, missing your friend. Loved the gyno yoke!

    HOpe you had a good visit with Mom, Dotty! And its great you are getting caught up on that sleep....

    Yeah, Beckers, Pau Hana means you are through working. Pau (pronounced "pow") is the Hawaiian word for being through with something. And Pau Hana is used to mean that you are pau with work for the day....hence time for Happy Hour. A lot of bars advertise Pau Hana specials, and my classmates from hs meet for monthly Pau Hanas...they pick diff places. After I moved to the mainland, I had to purge "pau" from my vocabulary, as no one knew what I meant, and I hear my dad still say it, since he has not been here very long. Same as "puka" which means hole...remember those 'puka shell leis" from waaaay before your time? And so instead of calling Dorkie's opening in her chest a "h---" we call it a puka.

    Watching AM Idol with my g'kids, so gonna end here. Just wanted to pop in so I could say HI to you all!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Cami - I cud do dem jobs too...but mese not in demand either.  I can relate  Good Good Good for Joey...whatta gr8 widdle 'man' he is.  can u send him my way for a week or so pweeze?  j/k

    Have done mese toenails and lleft polish...for SIL's big bash tomorrow.  I can't wait.  Went thru closet today...clothes are not easy to come by for 'an event'.  But I think I have it down.  Will do my right hand nails tomorrow. I am soo excited...might even find mese some 'strange stuff' tamary.  j/k bout dat too...f'n catholics!!!

    Bernie - hope ur 'big bash' was a sure it was!

    Kat - u still having too much fun wif da gk' still envious!!

    D - Mese tinks ur mom will b bettah tonite.  Don't ask me why..I jes do!

    Am gonna go to me 'solitary room' now and watch Beasts of the Southern Wild.  Hope all mese goils habing a fab fab fab Thirsty Thursday!!!

    lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll.  I kno dis old old old...jes can't hailp meself!! 

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Hey Wahine the Machiney....Im watching AI too.  I cant say there is one person that I really like a lot..except maybe the Crazy girl with the wild hair that sang "Circle of Life" last night...her name starts with a Z..she's wild and I love that.

    Cami I would love a relaxing day but seems like I only get that when I go to Texas and I wont be going there for quite a while... I would love a cold and rainy day that I can stay in some warm pj's and watch scary movies.  Actually this weekend is supposed to be quite cold and I heard a possibility of some wet snow flakes mixed in with rain....Julie have you heard that ?  Maybe you are too far south.

    NM..I can see how having the training come to you instead of sending you to it would be benificial for the company.

    Bernie...I always loved that name Sinead....unusual I like Siobane too. Congrats to her...and the secret is safe with me too.  Mum's the word.  I hope you have an awesome time with your friends from Belgium.  Sounds like a great time!  you said you are making dinner for 22??  What do you cook for that many people? 

    Hello to everyone!!!  Bottoms up!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Cyn u'r in Fl how can it possibly snow.?

    Bernie u must be exhausted alot of work but I'm sure it was good to be with everyone.

    Sue u do one hand at a time--interesting--And u'r going to partay tom. nite--Good for u.

    Dork I hope u'r Mom is better tonite and make sure all the people who work there see u everytime u go.

    Joey doesn't have school tom. so we've been hanging out tonite watch a scary movie--The cave__ and NCIS Mark Harmon--he like the girl. So we've been cddling tonite and I enjoy that u fuys know.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Hi fuys, did I miss all the thirsty par - tays? I had good day. Hike #5 and I made it to top. Firemen hike it with 40 lbs on their back. I have that on my back, my sides, my front!! I'm very proud of myself. I'm hiking cause as exercise goes, I'm getting best bang for the buck or whatever. You know.

    NM - LOL picturing you looking out 2 windows! I painted my tootsies pink.

    Goldie - Have you heard of Havasupai? Looks like a nice hike! I want to make that a goal.

    Dork - so sorry bout your Mom. I hope tonight went better. Glad you got to sleep today.

    Cami - How'd the vacuuming go? Good idea for sleep aid testing job. I be the food tester. Enjoy Joey tonight and tomorrow.

    Memasue - I work rehabbing people after stroke, spinal cord injury, etc. I don't need the benefits because my hubby got a new job with good benefits, so I can work part time. I so happy! (kinda dreading going back to work to be honest but trying to be positive)

    Wahine - Grandkids are the best. I love when my Annie is here! Last time she picked up on me saying, "Holy cow!" So she was playing with her online farm and she says, "Holy cow, and holy sheep, and holy goats, holy pigs, and holy chickens." Have fun making cupcakes. I do remember puka shells. Love how you all make me feel like youngster... Ha! Thanks for bringing me up to speed on things.

    Cyndielou, Snow? It was snowing in Hawaii this week too. I was all like, "wow" sending my brother pics and then he informs me they have ski resort there. The things we don't know huh?

    I'm so tired. Got an Ambien to try tonight. Hope I'm not one of those sleepwalker peepul!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Rob Thornborrow   ~Tonya

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Das a big tire Cami

  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited March 2013

    Hi girlz! I hope you're all doing well. What are we drinking tonight? Cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Well I woke u at 2 ayem so I just took my meds and even took a shower cuz i know I will be dragging later, but I smell delicious now anyway--so i should wash a load of clothes and get my extra warm nitys nice and warm so If I don;t go out hahaha I can put ni comfes on again--I am officially dress right now--sweatshirt and sweatpants so comfy. LOLIf I'm not in fleece I'm in flannel. Now doesn't this all hold u'r interest.?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited March 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Another dreary day today.  Pretty, but I'm tired of gray.  Want to see the sun again! 

    Goldie--oh, yeah, I forgot about DorKy's peeps, so I guess we don't need a SWAT team. Maybe the Tenders can dress up like SWAT people sometimes??

    DorKable-I'm gonna get the tire insurance from now on, too.  BIG difference in price!  ~~You must have been embarrassed when your Mom did that.  I hope the staff cleaned her up before pulling her pants back up. 

    Cammy--Breakfast of Champions you're having!  ~~You and your sister crack me up!  I bet she and her hubby do miss you. 

    Mema--OK, I'm sold, I've got to find some FitFlops to wear this summer!  Where can I find them? 

    Cammy--Congrats to Joey!!!!!!!

    DorKable--sleep is good, and when you sleep hard like that it's even better! 

    WAHINE!!!!!! There you are!!!!!!  Sounds like you are having a great time with your grandkids, and that is very important.  You are allowed to get behind on the boards when you are with your grandkids. 

    CynCyn--yup, it will be a lot more cost efficient to have the trainer come to us rather than the other way around. 

    Becs--good for you for hike #5!  You're making me feel like a lazy lout! 

    Kittykat!!!!!!!!! We're drinking what ever YOU want! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Gingerbread Martini

    1 ounce gingerbread syrup

    1-2 ounces vodka

    1 ounce Kahlúa

    1 ounce Baileys Irish Cream liqueur

    2 ounces vanilla milk

    Whipped cream

    Graham cracker crust for rim of glass

    Gingerbread cookie

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    DorK, praying that you mommy has more better days than not. It’s so hard for you and your family. ((((Dorothy)))) Is your dad coming today?

    Cam, I like de Baileys too, but I like it better in my Crown Royal, instead of coffee….hehehe! LOL, glad we have at a few jobs that you can do, with testing food and drugs! Love your relationship between you and your sister and friends. Congrats to Joey for moving up to the advanced reading group, he SHOULD be proud.

    Yippee, we are now down to less than a month Sue!!!!! Have a grand time tonight at your SIL’s bash.

    No need to sneak in WaWa, you have one of the bestest reasons for not being here, doze lovely g’kids of yours. Just have fun with them, we will drink your drinks……..unless that is what you snuck in foy?

    Yes Becker, I have heard of Havasupai, but have not been there. Cute story about your lil Annie and Holy Cow.

    WHOA!!!! Who dat? Holy the cow, it’s KittyCat! Hiya stranger!

    NM, tenders can dress in SWAT of course! What a cute drink, thank you! And I imagine you can find the Fit Flops on line.


    Latah chica’s, town day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited March 2013

    Beckers - boy….I can’t believe how funcused I been. I member now what u do….we had lots of laughs with the ‘sex’ and vajayjay rehab…O I worry bout mese pbrain sumtimes. Cool about being able to go back part-time. I kno it kinda scary, but you’ll get back into the flow of tings pretty quickly.

    Cami - yes a parTay tonite. For my sil retirement. I only did my left hand last night cuz I knew I’d need my right hand to feed dh/clean up/etc and the nails wud not have been dry enuf. Gotta git right hand done this morning. U always cwackin mese up goil!!

    Well looky who stopped in…WELCOME BACK KittyKat!!

    NM - I just googled ’fitflops’ and checked for ’best price’ and I think I went with I like the idea of our Tenders dressing up like SWAT peeps sumtimes…dat cud b loads of fun!

    Lori - Bailey’s and Crown?? Hmmm….gonna have to sample dat when I bisit K?

    Julie - LOL sooo twue!!

    OK…lots a lub and WEBK’s to all mese goils…but I gotzalotta chit to do b4 heading to Vegas. Hope ya’ll hab a weelly weelly goot day!! MUAH!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Good murnin! Happy fried day!!! Right? Had to think about what day it is for a minute. Does Tamoxifen make anyone else feel ditsy?

    Cami- Mr. President is speaking on TV. he hasn't said anything about your letter yet. I think he should send you an autographed pic of he n the Mrs.

    Juliet - love that one! I think I peed a little on that big hike yesterday. It was hard gettin up this one steep hill. get my drift.

    On no. Iz stuck on a page wif just us. Want to go back to see eberone else but will lose my typin here. So hello to all!

    Haven a Bahama Mama this ahem. Lublub xo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Mornin" my favs. Since I don't have the ability to do 2 screens here goes.

    LLori my sister called and my cousin--it's next Friday the 8th--talk about confusion Sue.

    But I like the idea Beckers of going back starting part time --makes sense to me.

    Lori u'r spring should be starting any day now--It's March already OMG-as is said time flies when u'r having fun.

    Dork I didn't know u'r dad was coming every week-end that's wonderful for him, he needs so much to be around all of u. And u such a good dgtr.

    And let's face it grandkids trump about anything else.

    Julie that so so so true-A story- (I know boring ut...) My SIL's best friend committed suicide about8 yrs go--it was so sad. And we were at the church in line to give our sympathies My sister and me--and when we got to the fron I lovingly touched the casket-maybe to hard and no one put the locks on it and it started to roll, and roll and roll. Well of course Lu and I were OMG but we started to laugh and we were peeing our pants so she whispered to me faint, just faint so i did and she helped me up and we went rigt out thru the side dorr and of course marked our territory--but we wouldn't go back in. My brother wasn't mad he said I knew u 2 would somehow fu*ck something up and laughed--thank God. cuz we did feel terrible. But that was before Depends.

    Well I hope u have a good day and If I missed anyone it's cuz I don't double screen.LOL

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Cami ROFLMAO!!!! omg you fake fainted hahaha snort haha. Whew! Fricken funny chit!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    het goils just jumping in

    I am back from dallas im exhaysted but did it

    dallas one day then drove to houston and home

    ill catch up later

    missed ye all lol thats how they talk

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited March 2013

    Cami- Freaking hilarious as always!  I must get my ass to Wheaton.  (c:

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Hi girls,

    I hope you are all having a great frieday! Cam, you are a riot, such a funny story. Only you girl, only you!!

    Off to see my Mom. She was much better last night, they are again treating her for the UTI. I am hoping that the infection will go away, otherwise she will have to be moved to a hospital until it clears up. She was funny last night and made me laugh. One of the head hangers was talking about her uncle (the lady is 96). I asked the lady how old her uncle was and my mom quickly answered "OLD!" And we all laughed. That was great!

    Cheers girls!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Dork, great news about your mama....and she's getting her sense of humor. UTI's can make them delirious.

    I got a surprise visit from Annie's Mom, other grandma and Annie. she didn't want to home with them. Ha! So I get to have slumber party with her. Fun.

    Raise the roof goils!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    We need a kiddy corner so the g'kids can all have fun together while we get dwunk! LOL. Glad you have your Annie tonight, Beckers!

    OMG you made the casket roll away and then faked a fainting!! So funnneeeeeeeee Cameeeeeee!!! Glad you both got out of there are a riot, and I love your stories of things you have done!

    CynCyn, I agree....not too many exciting singers yet on AI....hope that will change. I am partial to the CUTE guy with a stutter who sings so beautifully. I guess I also like looking at him. And I like that country singer with the long blonde hair..I don't really like country singing, but I thought she was good and has such passion for it. Hope SirPoopsALot who ChewsALot has been bahaving!!!

    Dorkie, Your mom was so funny to say that man would be "old"! Glad she has a sense of humor. Does your dad arrive tomorrow?

    Oh Sue, I hope you have a MAHVELOUS time at the party! Sounds awesome!!!

    Hugs to all you Sweet Gals,


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Hi Goils~ N Happy FrIEDeY!

    Beckers, enjoy your little Annie. how sweet that she picked you! Our loyal tender, Pants, he jest loves kiddies and babies and kitty's and puppie's too. He is a great care taker. So now you ken partay all night!

    Kat, wat shaking? I taught I saw Mr. Big n you too, dat wat shaking!

    Addey, hello. Happy weekend!

    Who else dwinking? Me n jack is lonely.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited March 2013

    Yuppers Dotty....dat was mese n him....splashin and shakin and quakin.....dis ain't a good pic of Mr Big tho....

    Lotsa GJ to keep ya company....and mese mite hailps ya dwink it....

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    I lugs my Annie! she wants me to read her, "Are you my Mudder?" book. She has it memorized. So cute. Omg!!!! My sister just yelled to me that my dogs are having relations! Then she says, good they took it outside. Maybe it looked like a conga line goin out the doggy door!! Yippeemockaiyay! Kiddy corner. Has to read "Da Mudder Book" and I be back!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    Ohhhhh Tongue Out yummmy but mese needs more, were'd it all goooooo????