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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2013

    Dofry, glad you taking some mese time, you REALLY desoyve dat goyle. Did you wake your mom up when you got there? Is she adapting any better? When is your dad returning?

    Cami, glad that you were able to go back to sleep. Was it Hard Mike that helped??? That puter is quirky, like it’s owner! Love the conversation with your sister, and it made me laugh. You two are tight, that is awesome. How much snow did you get, and is it still snowing?

    Well shoot Cyn, I know your 4 working days were long ones, but those 3 days off had to be bliss. Is your DS moving in with you?

    LMAO, Cami going down the slide wif no panties. That would more likely be Mema tho…LOL.

    ProudMary is MemaSue, and she gives sloppy wet eyeball kisses. Not quite sure what they are, you’ll have to ask her. (oops, I see Cyn ‘splained”) Just about everyone here has more than one name, especially Wahine. So just ask if we say one that you don’t recognize. Yes, I hike alone. No people to be skeered of, just falling and getting hurt or critters. Not likely tho, I try to make some noise, so if they are around, they will go away. LOL at the TOOBS. Good luck on the new job venue, sounds poyfect for you. Hmmmmm, rehab for sex?

    Julie, sorry about the continuing pain, but woot woot on nothing there. Let’s drink to that.

    Awwww Kat, sorry bout you mom and the forgetfulness. It’s is sad, but so glad that you have her. And your dad SHOULD miss you. You and your DH do so much for them. I hope that toe doesn’t interfere with your trip. I too have trouble wearing closed shoes, but don’t have the problems that you do!

    Cyn, I’m sure D will ACE dat test.

    Sorry bout your DH B, but glad your brother is doing well. What 15 people and who is Sinead? We won’t tell either!

    Sue, who are meeting in Cali? Perhaps someone from another thread? If you need some rest time, after your flight, please take it! But I think you will be to essited! I will need to email you directions. Yeppers, I met Ginger. Party at Fiesta sounds awesome, I’m sure everyone will have a great time and glad you are staying the night. LOL, I didn’t know you brought Ginger to be a so called body guard! Dat funny. But yep, we hit it off right off da bat. Wow, you are up late, and I will take doze 22 kisses and more.

    OH MY, cracking de hail up Beckers! The vajajay caving in!!!

    Bummer about the flat tire NM……….shoot. And NO MASSAGE. You have every reason to be cranky today. We do have a very small lake in town, just a section that is dammed off. Then another one a little over an hour away, dammed one too. I had a little prefab pond, but got rid of it last summer.

    How is it that it takes so long to do this? Hour and a half!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2013

    I handed the teller @ my bank a withdrawal slip for $400.00
    I said "May I have large bills, please"

    She looked at me and said "I'm sorry sir, all the bills are the same size."
    When I got up off the floor I explained it to her....

    Still on 1st cuppa joe...back later!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    OOOO did I miss alot and I don't have double screen--I keep reminding everybody so I just go by mese memory--which is shot.

    OK First who are the Belgians and who is Sinead? I'm in the dark

    Sue u r so fercited that u couldn't sleep that's why u were up, but now I know where u are going--but I will prolly ask again.

    Lori u always sound so happy and since u haven't mentioned u'r DH I'm assuming he's doing better--I hope and u'r getting company soonly YAY

    Beckers the vajayjay (LOL) is just shrivels up like raison so. And U'r DOB OMG my dgtr was born June 19, 1966 OMG u'r so young--to me u r.

    Kat I know what shoes u'r talking about now I've seen them on HSN (shopping channel) I used to be a nut about those things (shopping) now I've had to limit myself and that is the hardest SE I have had from all this crap..

    Dork where are u? I hope u'r resting. I've been on this thread for over 1/2 hr. and said nothing. LOL

    Oh somehow I lost the Presiden't address so I have to find it--I have to complain about something but I do watch the way I complain cuz I don't want the swat team to show up here. I saw the SWAT team in person once in my life and it was so scary-It was when I worked for the state and someone threaten one of us with a gun withing minutes from the back door that was locked??? came about 8 men dressed like from outer space-this guy was on the floor in handcuffs in a second and when I get nerveous I of course laugh and I peed my pants so I got to go home from "stress" Well I did have to change and it was the end of the day sooooo

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2013

    Missed another bash last night...damn Im getting old going to bed so early...Yea, Mema I think they are full of chit saying 72 is the new 30. How long of a ride is it for you from Mesquite to LV?  You go there all the time it seems so Im thinking it must not be too far. Still cant believe I lived in PHX for 3 years and never went to LV or the Grand Canyon or Laughlin...Lucky I guess that I got to Sedona.

    Lots of face time coming up!  Mema you are so right its like a sisterhood and Im proud to be a part of it.  If I had to think of something that RB acomplished that was positive was getting to meet all of you girls and discovering friendships and lasting relationships that otherwise I would never know. 

    Lori, DS2 has pretty much been living with me for the past month.  He just couldnt afford that house and the responsibility of it was too much and he hated living with the people he rented the other room to. He gave them 30 days notice to move at the beginning of this month and has been staying here since..we have to go over there and clean today and he needs to tell the landlord that he is moving out. Remember I  a few months ago DS1 had wanted to move in with me and I was not liking that PUHLEZE dont think Im horrible..but DS1 and DS2 just arent on the same page and Ds2 I can live with..he is respectful and cleans up after himself...DS1 not so thats why that is what it is.

    oops...went on and on I did...

    Kat...glad you have all those aids to help you be more comfortable while traveling. I still dont know when you leave...when do you leave??

    Who is Sinead??? 

    Bernie..Glad to see you around again with your usual humor..thanks for the updates..hope Dave starts feeling better ..this flu is a biatch.  Who are the Belgians and are they all staying with you? 

    Better go before the gremlin steals my post.

    Love to everyone and everyone...happy humpdey!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2013

    OMG...Cami!!  Who are you kidding???  You didnt miss a thing.  Love your stories..I can can picture exactly what you are saying ..I even pictured the convo you had with your sis yesterday.  Great to have someone to blame the alchamohol izm on...I blamed my kids for a long time for mine..then shifted the blame to my ex's (who dont live in Texas).  Now I blame the puppy. 

  • Adey
    Adey Member Posts: 2,413
    edited February 2013

    No!  Mema that is frightening as well as hilarious!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Adey it's good to see upoke u'r head in sometimes--come more often.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Morning! Happy....Wealmostdonewiththeweek day (or whatever it's called)!

    Wahine - What's Pau Hana? it is hard when your parents become forgetful. I remember when my Dad didn't recognize his own reflection :-(. Are you fit flops more comfy than Croc flip flips? My brother had a crush injury and can only wear Crocs. First your boobs, then toenail...just keep an eye out for the vajayjay cave in! Hear dats next!

    Cyn - tell your g/f good luck tomorrow. OMG Boards were stressful! DS1's ARE more stressful. Mine introduced me to SWAT team and I almost peed my pants like Cami, lemme tell ya! He's doing good now, but Oh boy! That kid made me age a bunch! Bottle up!!! Drink in out of bottle this ahem!

    Mema - we should plan karaoke nite when you are here. It's a long drive to Banning tho :-(. Hope your aunties are ok. Glad you still have them. My aunt Weezie is not much fum. I love my aunt Alyce. She's a hoot!

    Undies - Men next door can help with the upcoming rehab project to save the vajayjays! We start a campaign! Thanks for strawberry dwinks!!

    NM - Water slide is a great idea! Take care of our screeching problems.

    Juliet - nice pic! Ha! How'd you like to lick his eyeballs.

    Bernie - das a lot of Belgians!

    Ok...gotta paint my toes.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Almost forgot Cami over der! Good morning. You make me laugh picturing the swat team comin I. At ya. They do look like aliens and they aren't very gentle! Whachu gon tell Mr President?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Beckers I always have so much to say to the oiliticians, they ignore me I know it--I write to the gov. every week and I left the Pres alone for a while but today I wrote--I want a overnment for the people and by the people and my pursuit of happiness has been impaired hahaha so I'm letting them know.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Lol. You go girl...tell Em how it iz!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2013

    You sell your home heating system at a yard sale.

    The person you sleep with complains about snow piling up on the bed.

    Your husband jokes that instead of buying a wood stove, he is using you to heat the family room this winter. Rather than just saying you are not amused, you shoot him.

    You write post-it notes with your kids’ names on them.

    Your husband chirps, “Hi honey, I’m home.” and you reply, “Well, if it isn’t Ozzie f—-ing Nelson”.

    The phenobarbitol dose that wiped out the Heaven’s Gate Cult gives you 4 hours of decent rest.

    7. FATIGUE
    You find Guacamole in your hair after a Mexican dinner.

    You change your underwear after every sneeze.

    You need Jaws Of Life to help you out of your car after returning home from an Italian restaurant.

    10. DRYNESS
    You ask Jiffy Lube to put you up on a hoist.

    You take a sudden interest in “Wrestlemania”.

    You’re on so much estrogen that you take your Brownie troop on a field trip to Chippendales.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2013

    LOl Julie.....just a quick pop in before vegging on the sofa for the rest of the night..I work more on my days off than on my work days.

    Thanks for the g/l Beckers for my D...she will be fine..she takes the exam on Fried dey in San Antonio and I told her she will ace it. I cant imagine anyone studying as much as she has and being hypnotized and a bunch of chit. Funny about Vajayjay...LOL..excercizing that in about .hhh..mmm 9 days Im not counting 9 days 22 hours 59 minutes...j/k..I dont know exact like  that but it is 9 days..that I know foah shoah! Aymen Barmen and women..yessireee Bob and Betty.

    If I dont go and pay some attenciion Rees will chew my toes off.

    Dont we have a water slide here at the HTL???  I believe we do..

    Orla?????  Just wanted to let you know Im thinking about you in your travels..are you traveling or am I just dwunk?? 

    NM...what are your hours these days??? Any more trips to Boston?

    Julie, what are your hours like?  Still doing those night shifts?  If you are available I would love to plan a visit with you...PM me and we can make a plan. My new schedule has me off Wed/Thur.

    Lorilou did you say you live near a lake? Or was it someone saying that they would move to your land if you had a lake?  I dont member .

    K..really going this time..for realsss

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2013

    Well said CYNDIELOU!!!  Wow...I wish I had thot of that...but u hit the nail on da head about our 'sisterhood'!  Muah!!  Mese understands what u say bout ds 1 n ds 2 but goil...dat jes plain favoratismist...j/k...see i can't even spell it!

    Beckers - u cwack me up vajajay and da protective eye covering whens we meets...LOL...still lmao.  1966!!!  OMG...well thanks for sharing...and making me feel old...well...I am...but not old enuf to b's ur all is goot!  It wud b gr8 if I cud come to banning...ya kno...mese jes might see what mese gf wanna do.  She thinks she can sing...and she is a hoot....yea yea...dats da ticket.  Will keep u n Undie posted on dat note.  WooHOO!!

    Julie - Still lol over da 'fart dog' for dorK and den u hit us wif dat list...OMG....rolling rolling rolling OUT!!!  GR8!!

    Adey - u think dat bad n scary...lemme git anudder dwink...I show u anudder one...mebe 2...heehee

    BRB goils!  I ain't done yet...but swear...will not be as long winded as last nite...jeeezzzz!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    hello my bootiful chickadees! Juliet, tank you for de fart aminal, dat funny tehehehehe. And congrats on nood gews mese means good news, yipppeeeee!

    hiya, Suz, you dwiking with mese? yippeeeeee!

    Cyn, your baby boy bese so cute, lub dat Rees.

    NM, sorry you had a flat dat got in de way of yer massage. I tail de boys to serve you up with two massages. or 3, yer call.

    well I am off to see mamma. to de rest of ye goils, hailOOOOO, I love you goils and hope to catchchew all latah!!!! Lift yer glass and clinka dinka. were Katwinka?

    TiTs UP if ya got em!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2013

    My daughter went to a local Taco Bell and ordered a taco.
    She asked the person behind the counter for 'minimal lettuce.'

    He said he was sorry, but they only had iceburg lettuce.

    -- From Kansas City

    I was at the airport, checking in at the gate when an airport employee asked,
    'Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?'
    To which I replied, 'If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?'
    He smiled knowingly and nodded, 'That's why we ask.'

    Happened in Birmingham , Ala.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2013

    YAY - DorFy in da house!  Hope ur bisit wif u mom is a real good one dahlink!

    NM - sawee...for da confusion. :-(  And even more so that you did not git ur massage.  Sent my dh yest for one...I'm still waiting for my turn.  My most favorite guy is now at a diff gonna have to ck it out soon.

    OK Ladies...mese dinner jes arrived and I have a moobie to watch.  Anyone seen Beasts of the Southern Wild?  How bout Hope Springs?  We're gonna watch one or both tonite.

    Til tamary...lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Julie LMAO ---so funny and true

    Cyn what the hail u talkin bout? U going all around and I don't nnerstand but I did understand u cunfuussed toooo about who's travelin all over deplace. Me toos

    I'm glad Dorkie is seeing her mommy--dat's so swwet.

    I've been on de fone for over 1/2 hr--my GF got suspended for 29 days from work. We were laffin so hard at why---cuz she didn't always sign in or out----they couldn't come up with anything better hahahaha She's fine but she has to write aletter for defense--so she asks me cuz she still thinks I'm smart. hahaha I've know these girls for over 20 yrs and they think that ???? That's so funny to me cuz I'm so in another world all the time-my whole life and it's not a smart world. She has owned her own bus. for over 30 yrs and made it very succesful and she's the smart one. I tell her all the time. It's terrible all we did was laugh about it and what to say. So I'll have my drink in honor of my GF who got suspended (her drink, ugh) a slow gin fizz and keep em coming cuz de slow but go down fastly.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Oh dos dwinks are to to sweetly blah---cept now I hab a feber whi I get from time to time--so no biggy just lub to complain. So I'd betr change dinks--Wodka on da roks---I like roks..--specialllly

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Hi all. Tried on 8-10 bras today and forget it. They hurt!!! D is a little too big, C tight. I'm C 1/2 I think. I even tried crossing my heart!!! They are all too uncomfortable and I hate them!! Maybe in the future but not now.

    I got my new job all settled and 3 days a week scheduled for next two weeks. Now does some buddy wanna call my current job and tell Em for me? k thanks! (I really hate that part most. Drink first. Then I tell Em.)

    Just wanted to say thanks for welcoming me here. I needed to start smiling so badly. I'm on a couple other threads....stop smoking, DIEP, and I try to encourage people whenever I can. I just needed someplace to unwind and be silly. :-)

    I feel a karaoke party coming!! Woohoo.

    Hope all is well!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Beckers u still have to tell u'r job people u quit??? Oh that's a hard one to do---Well do it like a bandaide---just rip it off fast. LOL

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2013

    Catch up - Sinead is my niece, came to live with me when she was 15.  She's now 25 and living with the boyfriend in a mobile home in my field next door.  She is like my own daughter.

    Belgians - they are all members of a bike club that we have been affiliated with for the last 18 years.  My friend, Bibiche, who just died was the President.  They will be staying at various homes over the weekend.  I'm doing the meal tonight for 22.  

    We have 7 club members here also 10 in England. 20 in Spain and 12 in Germany.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited February 2013

    A gynecologist was getting sick of his job and decided that he needed a career change. He'd always enjoyed tinkering with motorcycle engines so thought he'd become a motorcycle mechanic. The good doctor went along to the American Institute of Motorcycling, the best motorcycle mechanics school in the country, and completed the training class. The final exam was to strip a bike engine completely and reassemble it - obviously back into perfect working order. So our gynecologist friend did the test and anxiously awaited the result. The day he received the results he got quite a surprise, he got 150%! He quickly phoned the instructor and queried the mark. The instructor said, "No, no that's right. First I gave you 50% for stripping down the engine -- a very thorough job. Next I gave you 50% for reassembling it - a fantastic job really. Then I gave you a 50% bonus for doing it all through the muffler." 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013


    Cami, you will call fer me? Tanx uh bunches!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Bernie we're all caught up and I liked that one LOL

    Beckers can u e-mail them?

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    I did Cami. It was like, "By the way, my schedule is full for the rest of March." I know I'm not going to get out of it that easy! I used to be full time with benefits before BC. Then last week I told them I am released to come back, but no longer need benefits so will be per diem 3-4 days/week. They sent me to the facility I am going to be working for. But...that was over a year ago and the contract reads that they cannot hire someone who has worked there in past 180 days or they would have to buy me from them. I feel guilty because they were good to me through all this. Heavy sigh!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2013

    Yea I get it--It makes it tough it's so much easier when people are bithy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited February 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Snowed some last night, rained some last night, not sure exactly what it's doing right now.  Looks like rain out one window, looks like snow out another.  Gonna start a little later this ayem and wait for my driveway to get plowed out. 

    Goldie--lucked out with the tire.  It was 33 days before that I bought them, the Tire Warehouse let me buy the tire insurance ($15 per tire) so I didn't have to pay $116 for a new tire!  It was really kind of them to do that for me.  I am definitely buying my summer tires there when the time comes this spring. 

    Mema--now THAT is an IDIOT!!!!!!!!!

    Cammy--it's ok if you don't get everybody every post, you'll get around to all of us as time goes by. And when someone else asks someone to repeat something it saves me from having to admit that I got funcused or that I gotfortted!  ~~ Good heavens, I would have peed my pants, too, seeing the SWAT team from Outer Space! Were any of them cute??? Does the Lounge need a SWAT team? 

    CynCyn--going on and on is what the Lounge is all about, second right after dwinking!  And I don't think you are horrible.  You know what you can live with and what you can't, and there is nothing wrong with that.  If you don't look out for you who will?

    Hooray!  Adey's in the Lounge!

    Becs--what color are you painting your toes?  I like different colors on each toe. 


    CynCyn--my hours are supposed to be 8 am to 5 pm Mon thu Fri.  Some days run later, some I get out a bit earlier.  No more trips to Boston, the last Boston training session was cancelled.  The company is doing away with regional training and going to regional trainers that go from site to site. 

    DorKable--oooh, I'll take 3 massages!  Sounds like fun! 

    Cammy--your GF got suspended for not signing in and out?  For heavens sake, if she doesn't sign in she doesn't get paid.  The company gets free work.  Why suspend her?  What the heck is going on there?????  And for 29 days?  That's a weird number to pick. 

    Becs--It can be hard to turn in a resignation.  I vote for keeping it simple.  "Please accept this notice of my resignation effective (fill in the date). Thank you for all your kindness over the last (number) years."  Still, it's going to be hard. 

    BBBBernie--Wow, that's one big and varied club!  And love the gyno joke! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Idiot Alert

    50ml gin

    50ml vodka

    short dash lime cordial

    Fill the glass lemonade

    Fill a tall cocktail glass to the top, free pore the gin and vodka at the same time and a dash of lime cordial and top up with lemonade.

    Seriously gets you smashed.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2013

    CAMI, DO YOU HAVE APPOINTMENT TODAY? Yes, mese getting company soon, and for 3 nights! (I hope) DH is going to the doctor today. And if the swat team shows up at your house, we’ll get Dork’s people after THEM.

    Oh Cyn, you did miss a lot when you lived in Phx! There are so many places to go and see, that are not that far away. I knew one son was with you, but didn’t think it was the one that was still at the house. Did son 1 find a new place?

    Beckers, I think we had water slides here before. Loving the champagne, I mean campaign for saving the vajayjay’s! And this is def. the place to come and have fun, unwind and forget about the RB (rat bastard, or rat basTURD). Pau Hana typically means Happy Hour in Hawaiin, but Wahine can splain better.

    LOL Julie.

    Both on the lake Cyn. We have some small ones, and NM mentioned wanting to be by water (I think)

    Sue, you can be as winded as you like…….LMAO!

    Dort, I hope you had a pleasant bisit wif you mommy.

    B, I remember you mentioning your neice now. And wow, cooking for all those peeps. Whatcha makin?

    YAY, good deal on the tires NM. I don’t think we need a SWAT team, since we have Dork’s people, and Tanya with her louisbille slugger, although she has not been around for awhile.

    Lots of Idot Drinks plweeze, tiz Thirsty Thoysday!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2013

    Good morning girls!

    Hey Beck, my people wll gladly call your people and tail them you not coming back. Ya see, I have people. Really, i do not mind doing that kind of thing. I was going to make some bidness calls for Wahine anudder time, wuz on standby to really do it.l

    Lori, I did not have a nice visit last night :( Mommy was restless. When I got dere, she was nibbling at her fingernails. She also had her pants down and had a dirty diaper. mese tailed de staff about it and they tried to pull up her pants. 

    NM, good deal on de tire. I always buy de warranty with tires so that is anyting happen, dey prorate the tire and give me credit based on tread wear. I has a bad habit of hurting mese tires with curbs and stuff on de road. You know mese car, Christine her wicked name, dat a bad car and find tings in de road to hit.

    Cam, wake up, I got drinks for us. Let's downem.

    Back to Becks, for de record, Tanya is Allison aka mrs vino. we call her Tanya cuz she whips people on de back of dere knees with her louisbille slugga. ya see, she from Louisbille hence de word. I hope ye meet our Allison. She is lubley.

    I having liquid breakfast chock full of likkker!
