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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited March 2013

    tonight was not a good night for Mom. she kept saying 'call the doctor'. I think the UTI is causing her to be restless. she was eating everything in sight, we had to pull her dinner off the tray before they served it. I talked to my Dad tonight, he is going to stay at my sister Alice's house. he had had a fallout with my BIL the last time he was there and they were not talking. My other sister told my Dad that it was not fair to my sister that he would not talk to her husband. So my sister had a family gathering the last saturday night when Dad was here so that the boys could break the ice and talk again. I love that my family refuses to let any BS get in the way of the love we have for one another. It is a beautiful thing and I am truly blessed. my dad also told me that he was "in trouble" last night wtih his blood sugar. He told me that he woke up in a sweat and was dilerious. He then told me he said "ef it, I am going back to sleep" and did not do anything about it. He should have gotten up and tested his sugar and acted accordinly. ugh, bad bad Dad. I just told him that I was not going to let him eat donuts when he is here, he then tells me that he just had two donuts. MEN! ugh. I told my sisters on him, they will get on him. It is not easy for me to get on his ass about things. My sister Mariann is so good at that. Well thanks for listening. I am doing okay. Back to de party. De roof is shaking....Katwinka?? Is dat you and Mr. big swinging on de chandeliers again??? hic~ oh guess what goil! I tail ye someting. I had not had any JD for nearly two weeks. But hasing sum tonight. Ya see, I switched over to Segrams VO for awhile cuz dat GD is expensive. And I tail de people at de likker store that it spose to bese free cuz mese a lounette nagdamnit! so mese paid and got de gentleman jack. cuz mese only live once, hail yeah~! CheerS! and beers for Cyn.

    Beckers, wuz dat you who say dat UTI cause aggitation? I hope dat is wise mese Mom was so off disnight.

    NM, 19 days til Spring in Maine, wooop! Did I tail you before that I was in ME in de summertime, we was on our way to Nova Scotia I tink. well it was punny to mese dat it was summer and we wakes up and de windows of de car had frost ebery morning den it got warm and den de frost agen de next day. On anudder trip, we waiting in a long long line, like for two days to get into Arcadia National Park. dat place wuz bootiful.

    Kat, hope you is enjoying de grandkids. Do you yet know when you gibs dem back to dere parents? I glad dat you and Beck have a place to put de kids whilst yese partay! wooptie dooooo!

    Cam, where you ye? Don't be portending to pass out here. Or maybe so, de tenders will gib you mouf ta mouf, oh dat a good idea for ya. Do ye has a faborite tender yet?

    Hi Lara, Julie, Lori and Suz. ANd hailooooh to all mese bwesties, luv ye goils! I tank ye again for listening.

    ps, Lara, glad ye adjusting to back to work. I know it was not easy (((Lara)))

    cheers goils!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Oh yes Dork, if elderly patients are agitated, sudden onset dementia, etc. First thing we check is for a UTI. My Dad had bad one and lost days. No memory and he was acting extreme compared to usual.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Dork thats' good to know what beckers said--I didn't know that.==Dork watch u'r mom about this--Oh I feel so bad for u'r dad too--he really needs to be around u'r mom too. This is so hard for them to see their love being different--I'm so sorry u have to go thru this.

    WTF I'm in dark print I did mean to do that. Geeze---I was busy (a little) with my GF on the phone a couple of times tonite so I really wasn't doing anything else and of course a little bit of Joey.

    Wow I'm ready for bed well sleep anyway --not much of a nap today so I hope I sleep tonite or did I take a nap now I don't memeber at all. hahaha One day goes right into another day. It's cold here today but I'm dressed warmly--and my cat barely left me alone all day too. She's so much fun.

    OK I'm going to go to sleep soon--so I'll say nite but u never know if I wake up again soonly. so maybe I'll be back.

    Lubs u all

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    found your ringtone dorty

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    omggggg so tired from my trip ye all

    loved dallas hated houston

    I tried to get outta of it seeing as monday was my first day back and then poof I was gone my PS said I can fly so there I was on the big plane

    Im laying in bed all day be in boston next week

    scary movies and jams all week

    that ginger bread cookie drink mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    beckers undie is my best friend so have fun

    we r going to vegas once are boobs are in we will see mema crazy mema lol

    cammie sounds like thin gs are good do scary movie with me today

    bernie beligiums bikers that would b interesting

    Nm yes that is a crazy story about the radon (sigh)

    wahine u travel all over

    illl be in argentina this summer my sister is working aboard for a year

    pop in later gotta get my drink on

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    funny pictures

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    I changed my avatar I dont even remember putting a pic there

    hiiii goldie juliet dorkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Julie---I love waking up to u--it puts a smile on mese face.

    Boy I really slept good las nite with no meds---I was so tired but I usually don't sleep thru the night.Now it's coffee time and it's glumpy out today again, but it's fine with me.

    U know I was thinking--On TV in our hunk pictures there are so many good lookin guys (to Me) When I worked (now remember I saw people from all over, constantly) there were 2 men that where hunkworthy--they came in everyJune (renew trucks in June) and they both had a small truck company and we all thought oh are they georgeous--so in a sense 98% of men were no big deal and 2% were georgeous--Is it just Illinois.? See what I think about--Nothing

    OK my coffee, my pain meds (took all the other ones first) and scary movie day. Sue they're going to run out of scary movies soon. LOL

    It' sa-turd-day--so I hope everyone has a good day.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    hot women photo: hot hot.jpg

    didnt forget u cyn
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    OMG Orange another beauty--Never will I put mine up.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Sue, don’t fret over your pbwain. If it totally goes out, I’ll try and help wif what’s lef o mine. The Bailey’s and Crown is the Duck Fart. Neither of which I keep at home. Only drink them in Laughlin. But I do have some Tekillya Rose for us, k?

    LOL Beckers, “does Tamoxifin make anyone else feel ditzy”………have you forgotten where you are??? Have you met us??? When I come to our thread, it opens up where I left off. Also, some of us reply in something else, like WORD, so we can change pages. Then when we are done, just copy/paste it in the reply box. Girl, you are catching on fast, got the daze of the weekz, the lingo, etc. High Five and Fist Bumps!

    Well Cam, at least you didn’t miss the appointment, you just don’t have the brightest bulb in the box to remind you! OOOOOOOO MY GOSH!!!! Your story of the casket, what a terrible thing to happen and to be the one that caused it………….but SOOOO funny! Oh my mom gets her nights and days messed up all the time, she has no schedule and mostly sleeps. But she has called me, say at 7 at night thinking it’s 7 in the morning.

    Lara, pretty new avatar girl. I assume that is you? How was the trip on you, physically? Hope you can get rested up this week. When is your next fill?

    Dorky, relish in those good days with mom, love to see she can still have a sense of humor. Sorry about UTI, and how is her bottom doing? Glad your family was able to come together and you got yer dernself some Gentlemen!!!

    Cyn/Kathy, on Idol. I’m a few shows behind, so no fav here yet either. I just get a kick out of watching Nicki and Mariah with their hair, esp. Nicki. And OMG, last night the one I watched, she (Nicki) was about to fall out of her shirt, and kept holding her hand over her boob, crossing her arms, looking down at her chest, etc. etc. etc.

    Dort, my mom is diabetic too, and eats EVERYTHING she SHOULDN’T. Says her sugar is fine. I say yeah, cuz of the insulin!

    Thanks for all of the funnies girls.

    DOTD, Closed Casket (foy Cami)

    1 oz. Herbal Liqueur (chartreuse, strega, izarra)

    1 oz. High Proof Rum

    ¼ oz. Cinnamon Schnapps

    ¼ oz. Peppermint Liqueur

    Pour 151 last and light. Serve in shot glass


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited March 2013

    Yell Cami, you are just as beautiful as any one of just STOP THAT!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    (I know stop cammie

    ummm oh yes I am exhausted and sore so be all day and tomm

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    I'm sorry or/ so sore--wow u another one that's been thru so much.

    Just letting u know the vacuum was in here cleaning the vents. And now the carpet oh my.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013
    funny pictures
  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning and happy sat TURD day to eberyone,

    Haaa...Beckers...thanks for the idea of using Tammy as an excuse for being ditzy.
    not so sure that people will believe that excuse. I loved that book "Are You My
    Mudder".  When my kids were little I had signed up for a Dr. Seuss book club so
    we had all of the books at one favorite was "Wocket in my Pocket"
    or "Dog Party" and of course "Green Eggs and Ham". have me cracking me right up with that funeral story and Dorty
    says only you...only you...hahaha..that cracks me up too because you know its
    absolutly something she would do or would happen to her..who's she fooling? Its
    glumpy here too today..this is the day they said that there could be some wet
    snowflakes.  No worries...there are a lot of scary movies out there to keep you

    Glad you made it back from TX ok Lara..I love your new avatar btw..purdy. Thanks
    for the biker much more attractive than those hair smelly guys.  Wahines
    travel hasnt begun yet..well,...I guess its ongoing with her but she doesnt start
    her new travel until later this month I think.  How long will you be in Argentina? A lot
    of my travelers go to Buenos Aires ..but they go a lot of everywhere.  Sounds like
    a great way to spend your summer. I hear they have a hella soccar team.

    I love the laughing moments with your mom Dorty...those are special..I know there
    are a lot of times that its hard for you and your family thats why these moments that
    you laugh and joke are so precious.  I want many days of laughter for you Dorty cause
    I just lubs you so much!

    Kathy...hope you are having tons of fun with your grands....I wish mine was closer both
    geographically and relationship wise.  Sir Poopsalot AKA Sir Chewsalot is living up to
    all of his names he is lucky he is so damn cute.  He is getting bigger and bigger I
    think the person I got him from may not have been all that clear on his breed .

    Mema..hope you had a blast at the par tay lady!! 

    Time for me to get back to the chain gang folks....will poop in later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Those are so cute Cyn--hahaha

    Oh I have to tell u about these crazy people I live with--OK first that ffin vacuum, forever it seemed like--then I smell something but I'm not sure what it is so I open my door and they are painting the hallway (AGAIN) ugh I did not bring up my dgtr this way -I always told my kids just keep the house straigtened up but that's it--If u ever have a bad cold or stuck in bed for any reason it will never bother u to see a messy house and I have always lived by that rule and this one is like a terminator with dust and walls and all these things. Thank God I may be able to save Joey cuz he's like that alittle but then he sticks around me and he learns what important -Him and Me everything else is just there. My mom would be rolling her eyes right now, cuz she was a neta freak, but my dad and I knew what made us happy likker--I was right with him then. hahaha

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

    thanks cynnnnnnnnnnnn

    Hi  cammie where is everyone today that is a good rule to live by

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2013
    photo DSC06664_zpsba745f3a.jpg



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  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Ello! Happy turd day! (reread this and realized i forgot "sat" ha)

    Thanks Cyn for the Dr. Suess book leads. We've read Da Mudder book a bazillion times. But so cute when she reads it.

    Dork, hope your Mom is showing improvement. It must be so hard. My Mom was hallucinating and hospitalized last month (internal bleeding after angiogram) and it was hard. I feel for you. Keep likkered up girl!!

    Cami, made me clean my house in case I catch a cold! I wish you'd put up pic in avatar, (We are our own worst critic.) you sleepin? Glad you have Joey. He sounds like good sidekick!

    Orange, how was it going back to work? You travel? What do you do? I go back Tuesday. Undies is your best friend? How nice! Hope this week I can meet up with her. I was wondering about karaoke but I'm working both days this week and just not sure how I'm going to feel. Don't have my energy and I don't know why for sure.

    All for now. BBL.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Orange, you said you are going to Vegas when "your boobs are in." what surgery were you recovering from? Did you have BMX??

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2013

    joey , well done on the advanced reading group, cammi-i laughed so hard i had tears running down my leg!    lara-love your photo,hope your pain has eased up now,  becks-want a come and clean my apt? because i have no will to do it! could be good practise for work.     dorty,hope your mum is better today, make sure she's drinking enough , as the infection could make her dehydrated and more confused  than usual. cyn we will have to get together so jealous of lori,kathy,bernie and sue getting together. everybody have a good evening as due to lady days i'm having chocolate and ciderLaughing

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Orange I love the nature's lollipops--after 2,000 bottles of likker--it goes together well.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Alright, I need me dwink was one year ago tonight that Pops died. Oh crap ....memories are floodin in and my inner kid wants to start bawling like a baby. Grandma's arent apposed to cry. Wearing my shades tonight. Bartender 911 .... Hurry!!!!!!!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2013

    For you Becks

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited March 2013

    Found your bartender too

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2013

    Sorry beckers----

    Undie u'r giving it a good try. Nice hunk.